over 2 years ago - Leones - Direct link
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below.
Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know here.  
over 2 years ago - Leones - Direct link
  • The great building blueprint tab now supports the display of up to 9999 blueprints.
  • The expansion tab of the build menu was not always visible
  • No player related changes
over 2 years ago - Leones - Direct link
  • The tooltip for Forge Plus was only shown on one line, it now takes up multiple lines so it's easier to read.
  • No player related changes
over 2 years ago - Leones - Direct link
  • Some tooltips in building upgrade windows were misaligned
  • Unconnected building icons remained visible in the reconstruction mode after using the strip all function
  • The title of one of the soccer event tooltips was longer than the title bar
over 2 years ago - Leones - Direct link
  • It was not possible to switch daily specials in the Soccer Event
  • The opponents in the soccer event were sometimes show in an incorrect order
  • The game would crash when clicking on the Majestic Stag in the boost overview in the town hall
  • Scrolling in the daily challenge window sometimes resulted in it scrolling back up automatically
over 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
  • The first quest in the Soccer Event had the wrong resource. This has now been adjusted and the icon matches the needed resource.
  • We made an important change earlier this week already. We have now removed the happiness modifier for battles and replaced it with a 1.2 modifier. This change was done because of various reasons. Firstly, it led to many additional requests, which in result led to a significant server load, especially shortly after a new battleground started. Secondly, this modifier had a significant influence when it was introduced. Over the years the game changed and many players have an enthusiastic population and if they don't have it, they don't care about the points. Because of these facts it was decided to go this way. For most players, it will not make any difference at all, for some it will lead to slightly more ranking points from battles (if their population was not enthusiastic).
    We will later also adjust the screen in the battle result window (as it still shows a happiness icon).
    As a result of this change, the server performance should be way better now, when many players do battles at the same time.
  • Also we activated a shader for the SAJM colony yesterday. It will distort your screen a bit when you visit the Space Age Jupiter Moon colony. You can also deactivate this shader in your settings.

  • We have made some smaller adjustments to the Draw display in the Event. This change will later be added to the browser version. It should now be more clear, that you only receive half the points, when you have a draw.
  • The popover from the Exhibition Bubble could make the app unresponsive in the reconstruction mode.
  • Scouting a specific province in the Postmodern Era could lead to a crash of the app. This will no longer happen.