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The title says it all. Instead of having pre-terrain islands in creative hub slots. Why not have each slot island customizable?

Example, when the player goes to an island for the first time. The game will prompt what terrain they want to use: block, black glass, snow, beach, etc.

Terrain can only be choose at island start and changed right after island reset.

To avoid issues with already built player islands. New accounts are able to choose their terrain, while those before this was implemented all have their terrains already set as current.

Im suggesting this since I prefer building on the block since I usually end up building a sky base, held up by pillars, with the actual map on top. And there's only 2 flat blocks.

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over 5 years ago - /u/darkveil - Direct link

We've been working on this feature for an upcoming patch! No ETA yet, but it's coming.

over 5 years ago - /u/darkveil - Direct link

Originally posted by SecretAtLarge

You seem to respond often. Is a capturable flag even on the board of ideas to implement? I find it hard to believe that someone at Epic thought of a capture point, but not a capturable unique item (espcially since heist exists). I dont see it on the trello, and thats worrisome..

Full traditional CTF mechanics are planned, yep.