over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Hi Everyone!

We know that there are a lot of talented creators out there making awesome content, but are having trouble getting it surfaced.

If you do not have publishing rights and/or have less than 1000 followers, we want you to be able to get your work out there so players around the world can enjoy it. We have created a Creative Publishing Application so you can get started and begin to grow your audience.

Before applying, you will need to sign up for the Support-A-Creator program. You may get auto-rejected for not enough subscribers/followers, but don’t worry. We’ll manually check your account after we get your information and approve your application, as long as the content is your original work.

More details for signing up for Support-A-Creator and applying for publishing rights are available here.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Taycamgame

"Please provide a video"

I'm a switch player so I can't do this without using a phone (and the footage from that will be low quality). Is this acceptable?

It sure is :) You can keep the video as unlisted.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Taycamgame

Oh I'm an idiot and I think I just realised why. You're supposed to email them with a link to your social medias to prove its you.

I sent an email to [email protected].

The correct email is [email protected].

  • don't forget hyphens.

I just emailed the correct email so hopefully there isn't some system timeout they use and will actually check my application

It shouldn't take too long, but the weekend will cause some delays.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by TNE_Altitude

Wait, so I can publish with my 600 followers?!?!!?

You definitely can!

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


You'll need a code, but you don't have to use it. Applicants between age 14–17 must apply with the Under 18 Application.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Jeff03blue_Instinct

What if you have a SAC code, but you don’t really publish to many maps for creative?

Can I still apply?

This is only for folks who don't have an SAC code.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by SlappyHei

I’m so confused now haha. Am I supposed to get a sac code while being UNDER 1000 followers?

Because that’s what happened and I’m just kinda confused at the moment

Yes, we will push your application through as long as you follow the instructions and the content is yours.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Taycamgame

Is there a guarantee to get approved this way? I've already received the automatic rejection over not having 1000 followers so idk if I'm still eligible through this method

As long as you follow the instructions we'll push it through. We had quite a few people who either didn't sign up for SAC or submitted a video WITHOUT them holding the phone tool.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by williambash

Will I be emailed if I get accepted/rejected?

If so, how long might it take? I think I submitted my form at 20:00 yesterday.

Everyone that has applied as of Monday at 9:00 AM EST has been either approved or denied. We had some who either didn't sign up for SAC or submitted a video WITHOUT them holding the phone tool.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by TNE_Altitude

I have some questions. If you apply, do you have to wait till you get denied? And when I want to publish a map, do I have to fill out the form for every map, or can I fill out once and publish as many times as I want? Thank you!

  1. Most times. I've caught a few before they were rejected but usually the rejection comes before the acceptance.
  2. Just once! Then you'll be able to publish.
over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Itz__Slayer

So what happens when i get rejected? How will you find out if im really eligible?

We're actually discussing that. We were going to message on Discord but there were some we couldn't find. Everyone this morning was approved/denied, so you should check, if you applied.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by iFlak

We're actually discussing that. We were going to message on Discord but there were some we couldn't find. Everyone this morning was approved/denied, so you should check, if you applied.

I'll be emailing people who did not get approved, today.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Taycamgame

I still haven't received a follow up email regarding getting approved for SAC to do this

Did you fill out the application after applying to SAC? https://forms.gle/7rFc3eFTQD2CAv8f8 If so, DM me your email address and I'll check. They were all caught up as of yesterday at noon and I emailed everyone who didn't qualify for various reasons.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by williambash

I just got my code.



over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Itz__Slayer

i didnt get approved but i didnt get emailed

You were just emailed.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Taycamgame

Wait... you don't actually need to get approved for SAC? I thought you had to before you could send the creative application.

Also, is the creative application on an individual basis? As in, do you have to send in a new application every time you want to upload a new / updated map? Or does getting approved once give access to upload any map at any time?

You need to apply for SAC then apply for publishing rights. You only need to do it once, then you will have publishing rights.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Cypnos_

So we apply for SAC, then immediately fill out the form, or do we wait to get denied by SAC then fill out the form?

And I take it once both are done you'll see the match and go from there?


You can fill out the form immediately after applying for SAC.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by AwesomeCat2971

Submitted it, both SAC and the Creative Publishing, I'm so scared!

Good luck! I'll email you if something is missing.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Fernantoes

Will we ever be able to just publish islands without all this hard work, like people that have support a creator will have a 8 digit island code and people without will have a 12 digit island code

That's the plan, right now though, this is the only way.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by somerandomprson

I submitted my SAC application and got rejected, is it wrong that I also applied for the creative publishing?

Nope, you need to apply to both. :)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by LUCASDENNER

is your epic games name your display name or the og account name. plus i play on ps so what should i put when i sign up. og name BTW is LUCASDENNER display name is YOUTUBE LUCASDEN

which one plz help

OG account name, but we'll be able to figure it out with the other info and the video.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Taycamgame

Was my creative application received? I sent it on Wednesday but haven't heard anything yet - I'm wondering if it was actually sent to you guys?

All of the applications have been processed. I sent an email to the address you supplied on the application. Your name was not visible in the video and we're waiting for you to resubmit.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Itz__Slayer



over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Cypnos_

Just got accepted, I can't thank you enough for this u/iFlak (apologies for the tag), I have maps I've wanted to publish since Jan 2019 but haven't been able to till now, thank you so much

Thank YOU! I'm so happy we can do this.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsAid3n

This is great news, I’ve always started to build maps but never really had any motivation to finish them as I knew they wouldn’t go to use. If I was to make a submission now with my current maps that I spent a bit of time on, but not a crazy amount of time, and have it denied, would I still be able to submit another request later with new maps that I create? It would obviously be nice to get publishing rights ASAP but I can’t quite tell if my maps are ‘unique’ enough or not. Thanks in advance

We should have the application open for a while. There is no harm though in applying now with what you have. You'll still submit your content here after you're accepted.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Itsdatonedood

I got accepted! Thank you


over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by danieldanink

One question about this, does that means you get a SAC code along with the published map or just the map?

Also, this is great, I wanted to make a map but knowing that it would never be published unmotivated me.

When you get accepted to Support-a-creator you can publish any of your maps and get an island code.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Fiecher

I finally get code, I don't have words. BIG thanks to u/iflak and other epic employes, Fortnite is wonderful game. The community and developers are EPIC. Thanks!

Thank YOU! So glad you were able to get a code :)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by SawyerIsYes

Of I have 250 followers, am I able to get a publishing permissions?

Sure can!

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by MattDraws

Could people with unverified emails still do this?

Email has to be verified to enter the Support-A-Creator program.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Earnirplaygames

And I was getting my hopes up but NOPE same old same old

Meaning I’ll never get a SAC sigh

u/Earnirplaygames - Sure you will! We're bypassing the follower restriction. You'll get denied at first, but we'll push it through as long as all of the other qualifications are met.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Taycamgame

Just resubmitted. Hopefully my username is visible enough (my phone's camera isn't great) I have no idea why I didn't receive the aforementioned email before, maybe I made a typo in the email? But all the info on there should be correct this time

I'm pretty sure I approved you.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by danieldanink

I know about that, but what I didn't understand fully is that doing this while having less than those 1000 followers if you also get a Support-a-creator too.

As mentioned in the post, we'll push it through as long as all of the other requirements are met.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Antonil_Officiel

I already applied for SAC 1 year ago but got rejected. Should I apply again ?


over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by SD_Mysterious

I recently just applied for SAC and got auto rejected :)! First step complete! Now how long does it generally take to manually check the account? Thanks!

Before applying, you will need to sign up for the Support-A-Creator program. You may get auto-rejected for not enough subscribers/followers, but don’t worry. We’ll manually check your account after we get your information and approve your application, as long as the content is your original work.

Just a few days.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by kao345

Hello, sorry if I’m late to be asking questions but how will I know if I was accepted or denied a creator code, and what type of proof is required to authorize the account you’re trying to prove that you own?

It's all listed in the form. We will verify that it is your own work. (That's the purpose of the form)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Jxtrf

Does this make the featured island submission on google docs irrelevant now? Because I sent a submission a few days ago and haven't heard anything back.

No, this is for people who have not met the follower requirement so they can publish maps.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by The-DoctorQ

Alright, my SAC got rejected so I think that's a good sign?

Yes, that's the first step. You should either have been emailed or accepted by now.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by ludowlad1

i wanted to change my support a creator code name to a different one and it got disabled.

You'll need to reapply.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Fernantoes

I ment 8 to be 12 digit and 12 to be 16 digit

You can reapply.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by spikeyscout

Hey; how long on average will it take for my form to be reviewed?

Thanks in advance!

Just a few days, a week at most.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by HeyHP

i applyed yesterday, now its just to wait and hope for the best👌 its really cool you guys are doing this! im just affraid i did it wrong tho...

We'll contact you if you did!

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by jadakiss1231

i think you are very polite and I will like to do thiss

Thank you! That is very nice of you.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by triumphbeat

Hey flak Ive been working on my own battle royale in creative and I want your gell to get it published and can I get a code

Just go to the application and apply ;)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by SAMGD_YT

how long did it take cause its been 2 days for me .

If you haven't been accepted yet, it should be later today. I'll be going through them.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by TeamGGs

I just applied u/iflak wish me luck!

You got this!

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Earnirplaygames

Soooo? If I have a good map, and everything else......It doesn’t matter how many subs/followers/whatever I have?

That is correct!

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by zordjackson2

Did you also get rejected at first? And do you have to fill out the form every time you want to publish a map?

No, you still submit maps the same way after you get accepted. See the first post for more information.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by SAMGD_YT

hey thanks for making this i have got only 250 followers i have 1st applied for supporter code and t then went on you one of creative publishing applictaion and filled it 2 times just to make sure it has been 2 days i dont know when will i get the publish acces i have put a video link please rply if i get the publish acces do i get a creator code ?

thanks for reading i hope you have a wonderful day Flak.

from samgd500, epic user name .discord: SAM#0080

It will take a few days. Amount of followers doesn't matter :) The most of time it should take is a week.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by samgd500

Oh thank you by the way why do you need discord ??

We ask people to come to our channel in case we need to talk to them about their maps. It's also a great source of helpful info.


over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by zordjackson2

Thanks for the response, do you usually message people on Reddit or discord when they get accepted?

You'll get an email from the system.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by samgd500

Do you get to choose what code u want

Yes, as long as it isn't taken.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by BmoreM4r10

Are we going to get a SAC or we just get publish rights? Also will I get accepted if I have 251 followers on Instagram?

Both and yes, as long as all of the other requirements are met.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by SAMGD_YT

both cool right. thank you iflak

: )

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by BmoreM4r10

Do I have to re apply? I just got denied

No, you'll get approved as long as all of the other requirements are met.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by BmoreM4r10

I just got my code 🤩😱


over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by zordjackson2

u/iflak how long does it usually take to get accepted? It’s been about a week for me, not in a hurry or anything just wondering

I'm going through them today and tomorrow. I got a bit behind because of a new process.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by DJGnomeFN

My Epic Games account name is DJGnomeFN while my Xbox Display name is Creeper3725 so it shows Creeper3725 as my name . What name should I answer in the form?

Epic Games. I double check other platforms if they don't match what's in the video.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by DJGnomeFN

Will I get selected if I made a awesome Box Fight map with many mechanics?

This has nothing to do with the map you make, just if you qualify to submit them.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by DJGnomeFN

Its been 3 and a half days since I submitted the form. Not in a hurry but how much time will it take?

I'm going through them today and tomorrow. I got a bit behind because of a new process. It can take up to 10 days because of a new process.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by The-DoctorQ

I've been accepted. Thank you!


over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by DJGnomeFN

same with me

Sorry I missed this. That's not a problem at all, I check all platforms.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by somerandomprson

I just got accepted! Thank you flak!!

Thank YOU! :)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Adzy24

Hi, I have just applied for a Support a Creator code and I got rejected due to not having 1000 followers. Could anyone help process my application?

You should have gotten pushed through, as long as you met all of the other requirements.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by SAMGD_YT

um i have applied 2 times the first time i applied i think i put a video which was my live stream the 2nd time i applied i made a vedio just for it heres a link just the clearify https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXRsPz9_o2k


and my discord it SAM#0080 i was talking to u erliar thank you : D

All good now?

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by DJGnomeFN

OMG 😱. I got a creator code. Thank u Soo much

YAY! :)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by DJGnomeFN

I got a code Thank you soooo much

Thank YOU! Looking forward to seeing everyone's work.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by VortexHero

Hey, u/iFlak!

I got a creator code through this application (thanks!), but I wanted to change the name of my tag, so I contacted support. The support agent told I violated SAC Code of Conduct by not meeting the followers requirement and disabled my tag.

Could you help?

Yes, unfortunately you will need to reapply. :( Sorry about that!

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Commander1117

I just applied last night, how long will it be before I get a response?

It could take up to a week.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


No that is not the same thing. :) The only thing is it will be a week until you get either accepted or an email explaining why you were rejected for publishing rights.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by TheStarOfSpeed

Hey I am just wondering how long it would take to accept after my SAC was denied. I just emailed and submitted the application this afternoon.

It will be a week until you get either accepted or an email explaining why you were rejected for publishing rights. Good luck!

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Adzy24

Nope, unfortunately I got rejected as soon as they knew I didn't have over 1000 followers.

Could you read the instructions again in the original post? You apply for SAC. Then you apply for publishing rights. You'll get rejected from SAC, but when I get your application for publishing rights, I'll push you through.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by iFlak

Could you read the instructions again in the original post? You apply for SAC. Then you apply for publishing rights. You'll get rejected from SAC, but when I get your application for publishing rights, I'll push you through.

Please note that the second step will take some time.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by zordjackson2

u/iflak how long does it usually take to get accepted? It’s been about a week for me, not in a hurry or anything just wondering

You should have gotten a response by now

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Commander1117

I just applied last night, how long will it be before I get a response?

You should have had a response by now. I have gone through all of the submissions that were entered before 3/23. If you did not get a code, or an email explaining why you didn't get a code, you should reapply. There were a few people who put their email addresses in wrong and they bounced.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by TheStarOfSpeed

Hey I am just wondering how long it would take to accept after my SAC was denied. I just emailed and submitted the application this afternoon.

You should have had a response by now. I have gone through all of the submissions that were entered before 3/23. If you did not get a code, or an email explaining why you didn't get a code, you should reapply. There were a few people who put their email addresses in wrong and they bounced. (Sorry for the copy paste!)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by TwoStepinSteve

Can I film a vid on my phone?

Absolutely! Just be sure I can see your name in the video and see you working in creative mode on your submission.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by PICKL3NICKK

I sent out my application last Monday. Now it’s Sunday, will I get a confirmation or denial in the near future? No rush, I’m just curious!

You should have had a response by now. I have gone through all of the submissions that were entered before 3/23. If you did not get a code, or an email explaining why you didn't get a code, you should reapply. There were a few people who put their email addresses in wrong and they bounced. (Sorry for copy paste!)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Goldyisus63

I also applied monday and still no response for me. :(

You might be waiting until next week, I just finished all of the ones that came in before 3/23.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Sonic2kj

Ok so what if and this is just hypothetical you have no way to get Money via sac but still want that sweet sweet yellow publish button

Completely hypothetical 100% not in that situation at all

I THINK (pretty sure) you can put in a paypal account.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsAid3n

Is the application still open? I was about to submit but didn’t know if it’s worth it.

Sure is! Get to it! Applications put in before Monday will be done next week.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Goldyisus63

I was wondering if I applied twice will that have any effects???

Other than to annoy me, no. (Just kidding there! it doesn't affect your chances of approval, I'll just mark it as duplicate)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by Goldyisus63

u/iFlak I applied last monday, and I still get no response, is that normal? (Not in arush, just curious)

You should have had a response by now. I have gone through all of the submissions that were entered before 3/23. If you did not get a code, or an email explaining why you didn't get a code, you should reapply. There were a few people who put their email addresses in wrong and they bounced. (Sorry, copy and paste!)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Nope, you just have to do it once and you’ll either get approved/rejected. The map you submit will automatically be given a code and you can publish the rest of the maps manually later.

Thank you <3

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by zordjackson2

For some reason nothing is showing up in my mail box or discord messages, should I try resubmitting my island?

Could you DM me your Epic name?

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by zordjackson2


I don't seem to have gotten it.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by zordjackson2

My epic name is dr.nubo

You filled this form out? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBRNaYaHH19W8c_fkCied-ZrWn9AAIvZ00964dGeBHGz9O0Q/viewform I don't see your name in the database.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by zordjackson2

Do I need to apply to SAC before filling out my submission form? Because it requires my YouTube channel to have at least 1000 subscribers which I don’t have

Yes, you need to apply for SAC. You will be rejected, but we will bypass that requirement when you apply for publishing rights.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Update 3/30/2020 - Please be sure your Affiliate Name matches your Epic display name exactly, or as close as possible. Changing the name after you've applied will cause you to lose your publishing rights and you will need to reapply.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by notcv

The form just shows a white screen for me ;-;

Could you try a different browser? First I've heard that from anyone.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by zordjackson2

Okay so I applied for SAC from the link you provided and I just received an email saying that I got rejected, am I good now to submit my map again?

You have to wait until you get the email saying you were accepted. That could take up to a week or so.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by notcv

I'm on mobile but I'll try to go on the reddit site

Let me know how it goes.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by kwassenius

Does the Affiliate Name mean that my Instagram username must be the same as my Epic username?

No, we would just like for you to have it as close to your Epic username as possible. We're aware that it is not always possible to get the exact name.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by L3ST3RMZRGS

Hello Flak. I applied two weeks ago and have not been approved :/ please assist.

I worked completely through the list on Monday, (April 6) did you get an email?

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

I applied a week ago and have not had any response. Not in a hurry, just wondering if this is normal or not.

I worked completely through the list on Monday, (April 6) did you get an email?

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by notcv

I went on the reddit website and I was able to fill out the form

Awesome, thank you for letting me know.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by IOPAGhoulTrooper

Same person here, I got a code! Thank you iFlak

YAY! Congrats <3

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by razeruk

My SaC profile was disabled because I didn't meet the social media requirements. I mentioned to player support, that I was in the SaC program because I create Creative maps. They said there were no exceptions to the rules.

That is correct, that's why you need to apply for Publishing rights AFTER you apply for SAC. Developer Relations will bypass the restrictions. (Check the first post again)

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

UPDATE: We are currently updating our Support-A-Creator online application process. Until that system is complete, new applications for publishing rights will be on pause. Please refer to the official Fortnite Status and/or Epic Games social channels for the latest status of Support-A-Creator applications. We apologize for the delay in the application process.

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by notcv

I wasn't able to find this and I got busy as soon as I found this post but thank you so much for accepting me 😊 that day was the best day of my life.

Awesome! :D

over 4 years ago - /u/iFlak - Direct link

Originally posted by pinksplutterweasel

Hi there,

I have applied for SAC (advised currently not taking any new entries) and have completed the application for Publishing Rights. Getting some good feedback from friends saving should get stuff published - so hoping this will be pushed through soon.

Cheers. Haydn

We hope to have it back up and running soon!