Fortnite: Creative

Fortnite: Creative Dev Tracker

05 Apr

04 Apr

03 Apr


Originally posted by Efelo75

Ok I get it now. I started working on this map in december I think and have been updating it regularly. I remember there was this time when it went from 40-50K to 99999 all of a sudden, months ago, and it was quickly fixed. Then yeah a few weeks ago it was around 76K and that's when it jumped back to 100K. I figured this time was the same bug and would be fixed the same way, I didn't think the real memory would be even this high I thought the bug was actually displaying the wrong budget not the map being over budget. At first I was just deleting stuff to make room and replacing it with new additions. At one point I discovered this bug : And started using this method to be able to keep working thinking I was still in the limit because the TRUE memory would ...

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Yeah we found a few bugs in working on your map that will be fixed in 8.30. Super helpful thank you! Hopefully these bug fixes will fix the memory situation.


Originally posted by Naevo

Yes. I think drops should be off by default.

We're planning to remember your Phone preferences between sessions, so after you turn it off it will actually stay that way unless you turn it back on. There are other improvements to these "toggles" that we're talking about as well.


Originally posted by NUGGet3562

And you wish you could change the key bind for delete but you can't.

Agreed! Rebindable controller and mobile buttons for Creative are planned, but we haven't started work on that feature yet.


Sounds like undo would fix most of these issues and ability to rebind controls the rest?


Originally posted by AweDamn

I have time before first spawn set to 5 minutes but the items are spawning instantly. Thank you so much for replying!

Ahh, that is indeed a bug getting it entered now.


Originally posted by lanesane

Hey Zak!

Quick question, mainly because I’m unsure if your team is aware of these. Do you guys have anything in the works for the following bugs?

  • Start Inventory Not Loading to Random Players in Creative Games
  • Can’t Aim Down the Sight Unless You Swap Teams Between Each Game Iteration
  • Blue/Red Lights from Phone Screen Gets Larger and Larger Until it Obstructs Entire View
  • Unable to Jump or Receive Loadout from Starting Inventory if You Join a Game in Progress
  • Weapons From Chests Equipping with 0 ammo (nothing in chamber, either)

These are just the ones that I’m experiencing daily in all of my maps. I’ve also seen people mention the treasure chest bug where it creates a “bubble” that swallows your island, forcing you to reset it.

I’ll update this comment if I think of anything more (:

Thanks man! Good work as always!

Thanks, will take a look into them. Assuming we can reproduce them we'll get these all fixed over the next few releases.