about 5 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by EatMyJam04

Dear Epic, you keep adding hero’s to the store that you say will be changed. Assuming these will leave when the season ends, and we also have no idea how they will be reworked, I don’t know what to use my gold on. I feel like I need to get everything, but there’s not enough opportunities for gold. I know you can grind gold, but a lot of more casual players have things to do, and don’t have time to do endless encampment missions. I would have rather had Zenith be the weekly reward, but no, it’s just some weapons we can get easily from the new Lunar Llamas. So in conclusion, I have no gold, I (and many others) have no time to get gold, and we don’t know how to spend it once we get it because of the little hero rework info.

Edit: A lot of players are calling me lazy and saying I shouldn’t have asked for more content. Just to clarify, I’m not complaining about them adding heros! I’m not trying to be lazy! NEW CONTENT IS GOOD!!!!! I’m complaining about how some/most players can’t get these hero’s without spending hours grinding the same missions over and over. Also, once we get the gold, we have no idea how the hero will be after the rework! Imagine spending hours grinding for Lynx, only for her to be a really crappy ninja with weak abilities, meanwhile, they couldn’t get Zenith and he’s reworked into the most OP outlander ever. It just sucks grinding blindly for hero’s that may not even be good. If they gave some sort of info on what the hero would be like after the rework, we could spend our gold better, and make decisions based on that. How hard would it be to add a note in the patchnotes that said “Zenith will be reworked into an ability based outlander that focuses on shock tower.”

EDIT 2: Thanks for the Silver and the support against the people who are hating on the post. I’m not saying “give me all the heros” I’m saying, “I want an idea of what these heros will be like after the change so I can spend my gold and time wisely.”

EDIT 3: There are at least 7 gold economy related posts that are “hot” right now. Let’s keep it up so epic can hear our cries! This is hurting their game! Lower players or players with only around an hour of play a day are losing motivation to play! Once again, thanks for the support everyone! Let’s hope we can make a change!

EDIT 4: Aaaand it got a gold award. Wow. I didn’t expect this to blow up as much as it did. I can’t express how glad I am it did. The wording of the original post was a little aggressive, but I’m not angry, just a little bit frustrated with the overwhelming amount of work I’m going to have to do to get what may be a mediocre hero. Thanks again, -EatMyJam04

Thank you, u/EatMyJam04. This feedback is definitely very valuable as the current version is very constructive. We definitely agree with you! Please take a look at our recent roadmap post.

We'll be making further improvements to this system :)