Explain to me like im 5. I've played SWT for hours and I have no idea what is going on
External link →Explain to me like im 5. I've played SWT for hours and I have no idea what is going on
External link →First: progress the main story questline until you complete the 3rd outpost defense in Stonewood. This will unlock access to additional quests including daily quests and the quest from the StW starter pack.
Second: keep doing the daily quests. These 1000 Vbucks will be given out in parts as you reach a milestone of completed daily quests.
You get one daily quest a day upon logging into StW. You must load specifically into StW to get it. You won't get two if you miss a day. If you don't like the quest you've recievd, you can re-roll one daily quest per day. A "day" here is the period between BR store resets.