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The ability is in a pretty good state now. Although, there's a few things that could make it better:

Unspent duration should be refunded to the active cooldown when ability is cancelled early

  • Pulling out your hammer to kill a couple enemies and having to wait a full 55+ seconds for it to finish cooling down is annoying. Having the spare 10+ seconds taken off your cooldown would make the whole experience a lot more enjoyable and fluent.

Taunt effect should inherit DECOY's ability to cause enemies to only use melee attacks

  • Ever seen a Pitcher throw its bones at a DECOY? They don't, that's because enemies are set to only melee it. Lobbers and Zappers are arguably your toughest enemy (especially Water Zappers, oh my god) when using Goin Constructor because they like to keep their distance. Forcing them to come closer would make dealing with them less of a chore.

Taunt effect should display a shield icon above the player's head (or maybe give the player some sort of shield around them) while it's active, and play the DECOY whistle sound effect when the Taunt begins

  • Mostly just to display what the ability does to newer players, or players who have never used the ability before. The shield indicates that the player takes far less damage while Taunting, and the whistle sound effect would indicate that it allows the player to function as a DECOY while the Taunt is active.

Kinetic Overload should reduce Goin Constructor active cooldown by 1-2 second(s) when it triggers

  • When Goin Constructor runs out, I often find myself retreating to the backlines until it refreshes. Adding this function would encourage players to stay in the fight, and also adds a way for players to directly fight against its long cooldown. Also adds some interesting synergy with the Kinetic Overdrive team perk and Black Knight Garridan.

Black Knight Garridan's "Goin Constructor can trigger Kinetic Overload" should apply to the ability's inherent pushback function when you hit enemies

  • He isn't worth using as a Commander considering Kinetic Overload only triggers when an enemy plays their "I'm being knocked back" animation, and not when Goin Constructor pushes enemies around. Given how much damage the ability does (and how comparatively little its Impact values are), only high-HP Mist Monsters actually get hit by the Overload - an extra 25 base damage doesn't help take them down considering GC deals 300+ damage per swing.


Additional QoL features not specific to Goin Constructor but would also help the ability out:

Beehive Husks' bee trails should dissipate faster when they are killed or when the beehive is shot off their head

  • Adds some strategy to taking them out, other than waiting the full 15-20 seconds for the trails to disappear. Considering they can cover the battlefield incredibly easy and the bees do weirdly high amounts of damage sometimes, this would be a very nice QoL. Beehive Lobbers, however annoying they may be, can at least be countered - Bee Husks cannot.

Knockback effects should not cause the player to be completely helpless

  • I've been juggled between two Riot Huskys more times than I'd like to admit. Thing is, while being knocked around you can't move, fire your weapons or even turn your camera. This is incredibly frustrating, especially when you're caught between a chain of knockbacks.
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over 3 years ago - /u/Magyst - Direct link

Originally posted by XylicSTW



Some things to consider

For sure, just finished reading. Thanks for taking the time to put together detailed and constructive feedback on the recent changes. We'll forward this over to the design team to take a look at.

As always, we can't promise if any feedback will get implemented but we'll make sure it's seen.

over 3 years ago - /u/Chryztos - Direct link

Hey /u/XylicSTW thanks for the feedback!

Brought up this thread with the Dev team, and they have responded very positively to a lot of your ideas.

As Magyst said before, we cannot guarantee any of these changes will be implemented into the game but will definitely be having further conversations about them.

Thanks again, always love getting this productive feedback!

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