

18 Aug


Originally posted by XylicSTW



Some things to consider

For sure, just finished reading. Thanks for taking the time to put together detailed and constructive feedback on the recent changes. We'll forward this over to the design team to take a look at.

As always, we can't promise if any feedback will get implemented but we'll make sure it's seen.

13 Aug


Originally posted by T_manYT

The dreaded "I don't have a set date for you yet on the changes" line

Unfortunately, that's the best answer I can give right now. Adjustments take time, testing, and iteration. Then the cycle repeats. We've publicly committed to a time frame in the past and were unable to meet that commitment due to unforeseen circumstances. We don't feel good about that when it happens.


Originally posted by ZakBagansThrowaway

u/magyst u/chryztos any chance the devs are finally gonna do something about AFK builds (you know, that actually works as intended unlike the trap cc nerf)

The team is taking another look at the AFK style of gameplay. We just did a playtest on an early iteration of changes we want to make. We found some bugs and things we want to address before pushing it live.

We inadvertently made it easier for this type of behavior to take place and definitely apologize for that as it wasn't the intended outcome. I don't have set date for you yet on the changes. But yes, we want to address this for sure.

30 Jul


Originally posted by Displaything55

Will the wing have a orginal award? Such as a new hero or weapon

Possibly ;)

29 Jul


We haven't forgotten and it's definitely still something the team still wants to do! (I recently brought this up in a meeting to confirm). Right now, we're focused on getting the next dungeon wing ready.

21 Jul


Originally posted by Saianna

Considering playerbase unhappiness with BD llamas, is there any way you guys would change quest to be repeatable, OR add more BD llamas to the shop, OR add challenges for BD llamas?

Nothing that I can promise but I'll raise it with the team.


Originally posted by Mylo375

lmaooooooooooo "future" = 54 weeks, 365 days, 12 months or a year. the world can collide by then. what a joke of a company

Not quite that long. Roughly a couple of months.


Originally posted by MrTROLLOLOLOLOL

I don't believe Magyst has control of what happens. He just reports our feedback to the Devs, If they don't do anything it's not in his control (also I don't think Epic funds STW enough to have enough devs to do things quickly)

I don't believe Magyst has control of what happens.

This is true. I report feedback, give suggestions, and work with the team on certain things. But, ultimately, I don't have full control / final say on some of these changes.


Originally posted by EeveeGavin

Did the team even think this through? 3 llamas... 3 it’s the birthday of the game, not thanksgiving, or some other random day you had out a free llama. The birthday event is supposed to be important.

This was something I raised before the Llamas were released, especially considering how the Llamas were released in the past. Unfortunately, I can't control the number of Llamas that were released.

There were definitely concerns raised about the previous iterations of the Llamas. Especially around the speed that players could max out their collections by just grinding this 1 specific Llama, which was not the intention.


Originally posted by xXRaPinKiLL3RsXx

bruh should of made it more clear in the status report now people are gonna be extra frustrated because everyone assumed that the quest would be repeatable but now hearing that will break their hearts

If the quest was repeatable, it would have been noted in the report. Definitely an important factor to call out! That is something I'll bring up with the team.


Hey Archer, As mentioned in the Homebase Status Report:

Complete the short “Sploding Husks” quest to earn a Birthday Llama and be sure to grab the two free Birthday Llamas from the store! These will be available from July 21-July 27 at 8PM ET.

This is 3 Free Birthday Llamas. There's a chance we'll re-feature a couple of these in the future. Trust me, I understand the frustration and the team is aware of the feedback that's been given around the number of Llamas available.

20 Jul


Originally posted by XylicSTW

I'll just do that here:


Thanks for the tag. I'm getting eyes on all the stuff you've mentioned. Some of this is known and we'll log the ones that aren't.

Thanks u/XylicSTW


Hey, sorry for the confusion here.

The Llamas are available from the 21-27th while the questline will be available starting the 24th

14 Jul


Originally posted by Antonil_Officiel

u/magyst people pay more than 100€ for exclusive heroes that can be retired by mistake and will never get given back.


Thank you for the tag, we're taking a look into this. In the mean time.. please be careful when recycling heroes!

24 Jun


Originally posted by XylicSTW

Seems like a strange way to go about it, but I'm eager to see how this turns out.

Unrelated question, is the first batch of Hero Perk changes still on track to be released this season? Can we get any sort of hint to the extent that these changes will affect gameplay? Like, is it just increasing/decreasing numbers or will there be any Perks that are totally changed?

Right now we're hoping for a bit of both for this first batch. It will definitely be something that comes out in waves and not in the masses. We've got a lot of awesome ideas but it will take some time to implement them which is why we're breaking it up.

We've been looking a lot of data, especially for perks that are picked the least overall. This also applies to class ability balance and not just perks.


Originally posted by T_manYT

So I'm guessing we'll be completing quests or something for them if not using tickets? This sounds complicated...

Will be straight forward, right now we're thinking a quest and Llama store. But we'll be sure to let you know in the next status report.


As mentioned in last year's Status Report, Birthday Llamas will return this year. They will not cost V-Bucks or Tickets (so feel free to spend them now!). Birthday Llamas will contain all previous event items but will be available in limited amounts. We'll provide more information on them as we get closer to their release.

22 Jun


Originally posted by mangsty

Can you confirm once and for all if Adrenaline Rush is supposed to revive downed defenders or not? It used to but stopped worked months ago. It's been reported numerous times with no response.

Yep, we're aware. This one is being tracked.


No, not the appliances!

Thanks for the tag on this.

21 Jun