That's the real problem with Epic Games they have a severe lack of communication.
We have no idea what there longterm plans are other than giving us a short term seasonal map with new heroes and weapons faster than the required Re-Perk, Perk-Up, and Evolution materials to upgrade them all.
We all want to see things like the Hero Re-work comming and what happens to our current abilities.
We lost several abilities and our heroes now have less than before when it was a bundle but it's a custom loadout to some extent.
How does Epic plan on letting us know teammates squads and gadgets once skins arrive, will everyone else be a Jess in disguise?
We have no idea if u/Magyst or u/Davethebuck even read posts like these and if they relayed the information to the Development team or not.
Both Dave and Mygast don't average very many posts a day and they don't have anything showing where any ideas go. The Trello board is just for bugs and not all of those are ever added and updated.
As far as we know they get posted and have a shelf life of a few minutes to a few hours until they are buried by other posts to the next page. We don't know how deep of a dive Dave and Mygast read in Reddit each day. They may just look at the hot posts and ones with the most upvotes from the community?
They may be hoping since streamers interact with their community that they have a better understanding of what's happening and can gleam useful information faster from them.