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The Fortnite Team
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Hey Commanders,
Homebase is back to share what’s coming this week (and next) to Fortnite Save the World.
“Earlier today there was a.. well let's just call it a "disturbance". For a brief moment we lost power to the grid.. I’m talking about the ENTIRE Homebase grid.. We feared the worst with all the clanging, banging, flying flanges and furious paper shredding. Things are back to normal now, but right before we went down we heard some chaos in Clip’s workshop. We were able to grab a recording.. Take a listen, Commander.”
- Concerned Homebase Survivor
New Mini-Questline!
Beginning April 16 at 8 PM ET follow Homebase’s newest Hero in their mission to join the fight against the Husky forces of evil in this new mini-questline! Complete this Questline to earn Legendary Flux, XP, and Evolution Materials.
From the Major’s Desk
“Recruits, I am.. once again here to update you on where we stand with our crowd controllin’ effects.Friendly reminder that Hero abilities and Weapons do not add the Crowd Control counter mentioned in the previous report. The only thing that adds to the counter is trap control effects. Now here’s where the new changes come in, recruits. Five Trap control effects can still make the Husks immune.. But if they’re not hit by a controllin’ effect for at least 30 seconds then that counter will reset back to 0. This is the perfect time to send em’ back through your tunnels! However, If this immunity is reached.. it will now only last for 2 minutes rather than forever.
I’ll keep an eye out for how Commanders fare in the field after these changes.”
-Major Oswald
Back to your regularly scheduled Homebase Status Report… Initiate!
Coming April 17 at 8PM ET - Grab Dashing Hare Ken and the Easter Egg Launcher from the Event Store!
Dashing Hare Ken, ready to Eggs-terminate!
“It’s time for these husks to meet the Eggs-terminator” - Ken- Standard Perk: Eggs-termination
- Kunai Storm throws 3 egg bombs, which each deal 37 base damage to nearby enemies.
- Commander Perk: Eggs-termination+
- Kunai Storm throws 3 egg bombs, which each deal 111 base damage to nearby enemies.
Easter Egg Launcher, brings eggs-citing power
Launcher that lobs eggs at the Husks that explode on contact! Strategically place the eggs to create festive landmines! A maximum of six eggs can be active at a time.Coming April 24 at 8PM ET - Bunny Brawler Luna hops into the Event Store
Bunny Brawler Luna, Hops into battle!
“Be sure to hop into the action” - Luna- Standard Perk: Eggs-plosive Entrance
- Shockwave drops three egg bombs, which each deal 54 base damage to nearby enemies.
- Commander Perk: Eggs-plosive Entrance+
- Shockwave drops three egg bombs, which each deal 162 base damage to nearby enemies.
Final Call! Machinist Mina Leaving Soon
“If I can't build it.. then it can't be built” - MinaDon’t forget to grab your Machinist Mina Pack! The Machinist Mina pack rotates out on April 16, 2021!
The Machinist Mina Pack introduces a new Hero and Outfit, the Zap-O-Max Trap schematic (Wall Dynamo variant), Tankbuilt Loader Back Bling, the Machinist Mina Challenges, and entry to Save the World. These exclusive Save the World challenges will earn you 1,000 V-Bucks and 1000 X-Ray Tickets.
Note: The Cosmetic items of this Pack will be shared through Battle Royale, Save the World and Creative game modes. This new Pack series will have no impact on existing Founder daily login rewards or their V-Bucks earned, which is exclusive to early access Founders. These outfits may appear in the item shop in the future.
See you in the field, Commanders!