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almost 3 years ago - /u/Chryztos - Direct link

Originally posted by ScytherTheSkyMantis

Yep. I keep complaining about it and I refuse to stop. Epic can keep ignoring our complaints, but I refuse to let this go.

Was trying to build a radar tower for a daily earlier. Got attacked by a wolf on the way to it, another wolf at it, two raptors mid-build, and yet another wolf after finishing it. That was in the span of like two minutes.

Other two towers I did in that mission were about the same. Then there were the raptors that kept showing up while I was trying to upgrade the area around the van and put a couple of basic trap tunnels up.

I'm sick of it. I don't care how people try to justify it, the animals pretty much only exist to serve as an almost non-stop nuisance and that's just bad/lazy game design. Like I said in another thread a week or two ago, they're the equivalent of some kid intentionally tripping you and laughing because they thought it was funny. Only, you know, in this case it happens several times in a ten to twenty minute span. It's f**king obnoxious and I want the wildlife gone.

You guys are not being ignored. Your complaints are being heard, and I look forward to chatting with the team tomorrow about what tuning we can do with wildlife.