about 6 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Huntcaller

I've been watching their Trello, they actually have a Switch section on there right now, with two (!!!) issues, them being the Ramirez issue "Players load in lobby as the same cosmetic" which is only part of the issue. The bigger issue is they also load in as the same cosmetic in game. I also swear to god skins are changing sometimes, like I'm fighting a Lynx and all of a sudden it's a Summit Striker or something.

The other Switch top issue seems to be related to the voice chat, which, while inconvenient I'm sure, is the least of my worries.

The bigger issues, in my honest opinion:

  • Environment textures load in at the last minute when landing again, this was definitely fixed at some point, but it's back, and it makes it hard to choose a landing spot, because you can't see if loot is on the ground until you basically touch the ground. Both docked (worse) and undocked.

  • Massive, massive frame drops when jumping early and in a crowded spot. I noticed it mainly in Tilted, Polar Peak and Paradise Palms. This should be TOP priority, before anything else.

  • Directional sound/volume. I hear people gliding like they're on top of me, only to look around and see someone far in the distance. Footsteps are useless as well, as it's anyone's guess where they're actually coming from. Left, right, above, below, they do sound somewhat different, but sometimes I'm completely surprised by people coming from unexpected directions.

  • Draw distance is shaky, I see blurry buildings through my scope, players appear and disappear in the distance, even planes pop in and out of existence.

u/DustyDevo u/MrPopoTFS u/FreightTrainUSA

EDIT: I also believe aim assist needs work, like it's snapping onto people in the lobby and actually following them when ADS, but in game it's very unreliable, especially when using SMGs up close, and AR's over distance.

Just to clarify that the Trello board is not a list of every issue seen or reported.

about 6 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by ezidro3

How are we supposed to know what's been worked on then? We're being left in the dust. Yesterday Creative was stuck infinitely loading, and I got stuck in the snow at Polar Peak.

It's infuriating.

This comes from the Trello board "What to expect card"

The purpose of this board is to provide awareness of top community issues and their status.

Listed on this board will be our highest priority issues that we are working to resolve in the next couple of releases.

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