

01 Oct


Originally posted by MikotoAri

If your the mod that keeps banning people on this sub reddit you deserve it

I can say with 100% that i have never banned anyone in this subreddit. This subreddit is run by individuals that are not affiliated with Epic Games. When i worked at Epic, we would meet with them and they would help us identify key post and such. But any bans were and are handled by them and no one at Epic.

29 Sep


Originally posted by Joloxsa_Xenax

Love you man, and everything you've done for us here. Thank you, certainly unforgettable


Appreciate the support man!

28 Sep


Originally posted by PlanBJ

I’m new to the game, only started in April. But, I’ve been playing games for 15 years. I went through the recent awful Overwatch crumble, and I coped my way through halo infinite for 18 months.

Man, you are a great community manager. I see you in Beast’s twitch chat addressing peoples concerns. You’re here on Reddit calming the waters. It shocked me to see the players talking with you so casually and tagging you with bugs.

None of these other community managers are like that. It’s all corpo speak and deflection of peoples concerns.

Honestly this makes me really sad. I love STW. Wish I would have started playing it sooner. Thanks for everything you’ve done, all the hard work you put it. Best of luck in the future. I hope you are able to find the next great game that’s being developed, and give it the same help and passion you brought to STW.

Exactly what you said in regard to having that casual conversation was always my goal. Im a gamer first and formost and was an Epic employee second.

I knew from my time being in communites how i wanted CMs to interact and i was able to claim that stake. I appreciate the words as i did the best i could within the limits that were placed on my by Epic.


Originally posted by timjoestan

It has been an honor, sir.



Originally posted by JDBCool

Who's left in Save the World 😣

Couldn't tell you, i had my system access removed when the news came. Im only finding out who is affected via social media myself.


Originally posted by Leo9991

Freighttrain, who was one of the few Epic employees active here, confirmed on Twitter that he has been layed off.

Cant keep me down forever! Ill find something new soon. Make sure u keep tagging the employees and keep on providing feedback to them. There really are folks who want to make the game great!


Its been a pleasure everyone! Thanks for the support! And yes to cofirm, i was part of the layoffs.


Been a pleasure folks!

27 Sep


Originally posted by Shot_Entrepreneur_92

I have a government twitter/x acct ans then my own personal Twitter acct, on my personal I don't have to identify as government employee. I find it hard epic games requires or forces you to do that on a personal page. As it might be and I'm not here to argue, but a response simply saying if you'd like to chat with me about said issues I can be reached here vs just ignoring me. By the way I'm @BlueDotUSMC on X yeah I was that guy. FYI. Have a good day sir.

This is just a situation where we need to put each other in the other's shoes. I understand your frustration in not getting a, hey chat here reply, but I hope you can see my POV. If i replied to every @ or DM I got on twitter to say that, I might as well just be using my Twitter for work then personal.

This really turns out to be a no win situation in a lot of cases as you can see, if i ignore I'm a bad person but if i reply then I'm just setting the expectation that its normal and what i want. Hence the choice to just not react on social.

Just to clarify as well, this doesnt mean I'm not seeing what you posted, if it s a bug or something major, i typically go through my normal reporting channels like i would any issues, i just don't ignore what I've seen and pretend it doesnt exist just because it came from twitter. I just don't actively reply.


Originally posted by Shot_Entrepreneur_92

Wow, so you answer people here on reddit but I reached out to you on twitter several times over the course of two weeks and never heard back from you.... Take the community manager part off your twitter profile yo. Nothing community about it. Since you can't even talk with the community on issues with the game.

I used to have a pinned post explaining that my Twitter/X is personal and not Fortnite or Epic games related. I know plenty of other CMs from other games use their Twitter/X as a form of communication with players but I decided a few years ago that I wouldn't go that route. This was done for a variety of reasons that I wont get specific on, but your question on why I don't use Twitter/X is valid since its "normal" behavior and deserves a response.

In regards to my title being in my bio, I need to identify myself as an Epic employee, so you'll see something similar on most of my social channels regardless of them being used for personal reasons vs business.

26 Sep


Originally posted by blenderwolf

I hope someone got fired for that blunder

Nope, still around :)


Originally posted by pox1016

This reminds me of your "About me" on Discord that says: "Fortnite Community Manger"

Yes, Manger.

Spelling is overrated IMO


who put that there?

20 Sep


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

It happens 100% of the time by just aiming your crosshair at them, even aiming at them with your harvesting tool can make it happen. This affects all husks and wildlife as well.

No matter what database i am playing at, this issue happens.

Gotcha, so like i mentioned to the other player it will be best if i share this along with logs from the PC to help the devs and others along to find the root cause.

You can find how to get logs here:

Then send the logs over an email to: [email protected] like this

Subject: STW Husks Jittery logs

To: ...

Read more

How often does this happen for you? When this happens again could you grab you PC game logs and send them over too me? For game logs, they capture an entire play session, so if you're playing for a couple of hours and iit happened in the middle of the playing, a time estimate is helpful when the team looks at the logs to see if anything shows up.

14 Sep


Originally posted by ElectriCole

Would be nice if u/freighttrainusa could acknowledge this one as I’ve seen it posted multiple times this week

i've brought this up but i can say, this isnt an easy fix. hopefully we can get this adjusted before the end of venture season.

12 Sep


Is this as of this morning's patch or yesterday before? Is it still like this now?

06 Sep


Sorry for any confusion i might have caused! The new venture season starts during our normal reset of 8pm ET. Just getting the notes out ahead of time!

The Hexsylvania Venture Season has returned in the Save the World v26.00 hotfix. This Venture Season sees the return of Dungeons, the Clip’s Nightmare and Wolfy Business questlines, and more!

Read more here: v26.00 Hotfix Update

As a general note, these patch notes cover content that will be available in the game during the v26.10 update and v26.10 HF update. This means we'll be posting bug fixes and other notes here on Reddit and not creating a new blog for the v26.10 update that would normally be done.

External link →

30 Aug


Originally posted by FIX-THE-FPS-FREEZES

Why not just add every BR weapon we don't have in STW currently? u/FreightTrainUSA can you maybe bring this up with the dev team?

I just want to be honest with you here, this is unlikely to happen. There are certain weapons, heroes, and other items that are in consideration to be released but all take time. This isn't as simple as copy/pasting an entire item from BR into STW.