about 6 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by phleep

Realllly hoping players stop walking after you kill them, that bug has hung around for a while

We're actively looking into the issue that causes players to continue walking after being eliminated. We'll get a fix out as soon as we're able to.

about 6 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Huntcaller

It’s absolutely infuriating seeing absolutely NOTHING from Epic on this. I’ve been harassing u/FreightTrainUSA since he/she randomly responded to ONE Switch post, but other then “please provide videos”, which they took out of the Switch version, there hasn’t been a word on the problems we repeatedly brought to their attention. Nothing on their Trello, no replies, nothing.

All the feedback and videos are in my report, this has been submitted from the thread you are speaking about. We are having discussions about the Switch and how our Trello board will reflect the Switch. I understand the frustration, but fixes take time.

Thank you for being a passionate player and sending me the feedback that I was able to gather.