Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

29 Jun


Due to issues, we've disabled Arsenal and Team Rumble: Lava LTMs and replaced them with Wick's Bounty Duos and Team Rumble Siphon.

External link →

Due to issues, we've disabled Arsenal and Team Rumble: Lava LTMs and replaced them with Wick's Bounty Duos and Team Rumble Siphon.

External link →

26 Jun


Due to an issue allowing players to use pistols in the Tag LTM, we have disabled it and replaced it with Team Rumble.

External link →

Due to an issue allowing players to use pistols in the Tag LTM, we have disabled it and replaced it with Team Rumble.

External link →

Originally posted by Highwar_Knight

Xbox one.

Thank you for the information.

This seems to be an issue involving players using Pistols from Reboot Vans.

We're aware of this issue, and we are investigating it.

25 Jun

24 Jun


Originally posted by IOnlyPlayAsInferno



This has been an issue for weeks now, people literally aren't getting what they paid for.


We're aware of the issue, and you can follow its status on our Trello page.

23 Jun


Originally posted by gnome-cop

Thanks but aren’t you guys on vacation?

We still have a small amount of people working to take in reports like these. We want to make sure we have them tracked so we can resolve them in future releases.


Any other details you can provide such platform, game mode, and anything else you think could be useful for us when looking into this.


Thanks for the report, I will send this over to the team.


Originally posted by CommonTwist

Can we get these ltm's more often than once in 6 months? I mean Team Rumble is literally a permanent mode... but Wicks Bounty and Ground Game are also such great modes. A bit more variation would be cool



Originally posted by braiiiiiiins

Thanks for putting GG back into rotation, last night was a lot of fun :)

Yeah I had a blast playing it too. Hoping to be able to rotate it in more frequently, it did pretty well!


Originally posted by arrrrjt

So, how did it do? Our group was obsessed.

Pretty well actually, I think we can start rotating it in.

Did everyone like it as Duos? The thought process was we wanted to enable some social play but also that four players would be able to destroy builds super fast, so we thought we’d try Duos this time.

22 Jun


Originally posted by Eton77

Why not just stagger the breaks? Say 1/3 of the staff doesn’t work for the next two weeks, then switch for the next two

The benefit of an approach like “entire company is shut down” is that (almost) nobody is working and sending email so people can really disengage.

We usually send a “do not send email” email right before the break.

We have some community and operations people on call / rotation and use different mechanisms to do right by them.


Thanks for the report, I will let the team know.