Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

22 Mar


Originally posted by LingLings

I don’t think it was 175 last season because super styles started at 170.

If I’m not mistaken it’s 151.

A friend of mine got yesterday, was ~160


Run a memory test, e.g. memtest86. Even a new module can be faulty and it will cause all manners of crashes in resource-intensive apps/games

11 Mar


Originally posted by OkamiRoxas

Its not that deep

Well, it's not about it being deep. It's about the breadth of all the cultural references we're exposed to.


Originally posted by OkamiRoxas

Weird flex but ok?

Nah, just pointing out that not knowing this stuff these days has nothing to do with age. Too much stuff to know, especially for the now global audience that has quite different cultural backgrounds.


Originally posted by OkamiRoxas this is all we will be seeing today. Players not knowing a Mortal Kombat reference.

I'm probably as old as you yet you probably don't know half the references I know. Not everyone played the same games or to the same degree. I didn't play MK a lot so had no idea about that one.

08 Mar


Originally posted by rubydrawsstuff

i have no clue how they messed that up

Simple, it's bootleg. Another clear indication is that official name for it wasn't "Season 10", but "Season X"


Draw distance has always been the case, IIRC it's ~250-300m or so.


The fact that you backed out in time on your screen doesn't mean you also did on the server. Also, by the time you see the bullet, it already flew by you or hit you on the server.

05 Mar


How exactly does it crash? This may be an indication of what is happening.


Originally posted by SomewhereGullible525

Hmm interesting have you tried it before and if you have did you get the skin you had once on the other account? Sorry I just to make sure I won’t lose my skins once I link my old account since I read that some lose data or the skins idk if they meant as the account they had link before unlinking it?

I didn't do this personally, but I know rather well how account system works. What you're pretty much doing is removing an auth method from the new account and adding to old.

old account A + Apple ID
new account B + PSN ID

old account A + Apple ID + PSN ID
new account B

After this any progress and items you had on this account B will not be accessible on PlayStation, but Playstation will use progress and items on account A

To do this you first need to login on Epic website into the new account B using PSN. At this point you may be asked to add email, name and password for this account. Then you'll need to remove PSN connection to this account.

Then you need to login into your old account A on the website using Apple ID and add PSN connection. After that your Playstation will use old account.

If you'll be asked to provide an email for the old account, at least for gmail y...

Read more

Originally posted by SomewhereGullible525

When you say “new account” you mean my console account once I unlink my account (idc since I don’t have any skins) or my old mobile account?

Console account


It should be possible, however keep in mind that in that case you will lose access to the stuff that's on your new account.

01 Mar


- What is the card that you have?
- Do you have the latest drivers installed?
- If you have both integrated and discrete GPU on your PC, is the game set to use the correct one?

12 Feb


Originally posted by RemembrancerFI

Thanks. I thought that it could be something like that, but wasn't sure because my own PSN name has been different than my Epic account name from the beginning.

Do you have any idea, why my kid's Fortnite account on PS4 hooked up on his PSN name, but gave him different name in the Fortnite app?

This means at some point you or your kid have set up Epic name. On any console the preference is always given to the name the player has on that specific platform. However on PC and mobile, if an account has an Epic name, that Epic name will be shown.


You are looking at the same account, just that on Playstation the game will show the associated PSN name for the account instead of the actual Epic account name - the one you see on mobile. So to change the name on Playatstion, you need to change the name of the associated PSN account, not Epic. This is how to do it:

P.S. Keep in mind, Sony asks a fee to change PSN name

12 Jan


Hey /u/aarace thanks for your post! We've been looking into this and it appears that you ran into a rare bug where your opponent wasn't showing up where they actually were. It wasn't caused by a cheater from our investigation.

We're working to resolve this, and may follow up with you in DMs if we need any more info to help come to a fix.

10 Jan


Thanks for the post, we'll look into why this is happening and fix it.

20 Dec


Originally posted by Klutzy_Belt_2296

What if some random that you fill queue into a lobby with in a team match is cheating? Or what if someone on your ballistics team is cheating? Do they penalize you for situations like this too?

Note the word "repeatedly"

19 Dec


Originally posted by Xenc

u/EpicDustyDevo Thanks for the memories 🫡

Good times, good times.

These days I have been promoted to being in charge of gnomes vs bears in Reload.

14 Dec


Hey thread - Thanks for lighting the fuse with us, Fortnite Ballistic is just getting started!

Log in anytime now til December 25 and you’ll be granted the Infinity Swirl Wrap to trick out your loadout 🌀