Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

08 Feb

After Boba Fett made landfall in Fortnite, two more galactic bounty hunters are following suit. Fennec Shand and Krrsantan are now available in the Fortnite Item Shop, and Boba Fett has even made a return! Also, fill out your Book of Boba Fett Set collection with new and returning accessories.

Turning the Page: Fennec Shand, Krrsantan, and More New Items

Fennec Shand: They say if you go after her, you won't make it past sunrise. Equip this Outfit with the Mythosaur Signet Back Bling (included with the Outfit), a symb...

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Hey u/deegan0890 and thread. I am going to reach out to a few of you to grab some more information. Thanks!


Hi u/LenoxTheBlob! I'm going to reach out to you to grab some more information. Thanks!

The v19.20 Feb 8 hotfix brings an addition to the loot pool. Say hello to the Machine Pistol! Seriously this time.

Go Close Proximity with the Machine Pistol

Fortnite Machine Pistol

Like to fight your battles up close and personal? The Machine Pistol deals intense damage when your opponent’s near at hand. It’s effective at longer ranges too, as long as you’re firing at shorter bursts to maintain accuracy. This Pistol has an extended magazine size for slightly more sustained fire.

Find Machine Pistols on the ground, in normal Chests, Rare Chests, and Supply Drops, and from fishing and sharks. 🦈

Competitive Notes

  • The Machine Pistol is not included in competitive playlis...
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07 Feb

06 Feb

05 Feb

04 Feb


Originally posted by RyyFNM

If you have your shoot/build button on the left side of the screen the finger you’re using for it will also move the joystick if you move it without actually releasing it even if you have ‘click through’ off in the HUD layout tool, it never did this before chapter 3.

Thanks! I passed these all on to the team and they're investigating


This was intentional. From our announce blog, "This tournament will take the place of the normally-scheduled Open Duos Hype Cup."

03 Feb


Originally posted by Worldly_Pop_4070

Man,I'm glad someone noticed.

Yeah...I'll mention you the problem.

Explanation: This bug happened after the update. Before the update,I could double tap on the icon of the build on screen and it would build. It also used to show that on builder controls help. However,after the update,this isn't working anymore. I can't build when I double tap on the icon on screen. I checked the controls help and it doesn't show the double tap to build line anymore. So did it happen unintentionally or is it an intended fix after the update? I checked the fortnite mobile sub reddit and a lot of other people have this issue too. This makes building 5 times slower and impossible to build battle and survive. So it needs immediate fixing.

Evidence: Picture

If replicable,how: It isn't a replicable bug or glitch.

Platform: Mobile

I send it in discord. And a lot of people have this problem. I got some info and contacted support. All sources say they're wo...

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I have it up on Trello for tracking: It'll be fixed soon!


Hey u/RyyFNM and everyone! This should have been fixed in Tuesday's update. Can you please confirm it's all good now for me?