Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

19 May


This was just absurd. Can you share some of your skills with me, please?


I think I just found my new desktop background. Great work, u/gameshed. Thanks for sharing with us!


Originally posted by wolfiester

Awesome, thank you so much. I've forwarded this to our QA team so they can investigate!

18 May


Originally posted by GMatrixGames

Contact epic support, because once you unlink the PSN account, you won't be able to link it to a new epic account. But support can fix that. Let them know the situation and they'll be able to help

They should be able to help. You can head here


Originally posted by ShookPA

OP didn't even make these, just reposted

Looks like @Yoshidahiko got a new twitter follower, thanks for the clarification :D


These are always so great, love the style!


Hello! This challenge should be fixed in the next update! Please let me know if you're still encountering this issue after the update releases.


Thanks for pointing this out, u/wolfiester! Do you think you would be able to get me screenshots of this?


Originally posted by The_D-Roc

Any update on this issue? It seems like it still isn't fixed.

Visit Grumpy Greens, Mowdown and Risky Reels

It should be fixed in the next update. Please let me know if you still have issues once the update releases!


Originally posted by Strict-Coyote


LOL. Looked away after the elim and would have missed the end if I hadn't read your comment.

17 May