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Community Update

Survivor, you’ve been waiting and we’re ready to deliver. We’ve got an exciting week ahead of us, and the month is only ripening when it comes to what awaits us. We’re very excited to share what’s coming with you… a big event coated in gold and victory!

Also, in case you missed it, we held a Community Tournament last Friday. We’d like to thank each and every person that showed up and participated! Prizes have been sent to the winners already so check your in-game mail. Oh, and keep an eye out for more Tournaments coming your way soon.

Alright, let’s get to it.


  • 10/16 - 10/25 Booyah Day!
    • Booyah Game Modes - Bingo, Chess
    • Global Booyah Milestones
    • Booyah Leaderboard
    • Exchange Store
  • 10/16 - 10/18 Rampage Mode Open
  • 10/16 - 10/20 Character Royale: K
  • 10/19 - 10/31 Booyah Day Shani's Garage
  • 10/?? - 10/?? Reddit Halloween Competition

Booyah Day!

Survivors, what’s better than winning? To celebrate all the victories, whether big or small, we decided to throw this event. Welcome to Booyah Day! What exactly is Booyah Day, you ask? Well it’s a lot of things. As per usual, this event will come with new bundles, weapon skins and fun activities for you to complete. But this time around, it’s so much more than that. In fact, it’s that much more that we’re going to have to break this down into sections!


Special Booyah Minigames

Once the Booyah Day festivities commence, you might find some very curious statues lying around the battlefield. You could just leave them lying around in their glorious state, but of course you could always shoot them, too! In fact, if you do, you’ll notice that they’ll drop special tokens. Use these tokens to enter two exclusive Booyah Day minigames: Bingo and Go! We won’t spoil the fun, but why not join the fun?

Booyah Leaderboard

Survivor, we all know you’re pretty good at what you do, but are you the best? If that’s the case then why not prove it? During Booyah Day, you might notice a glittering new leaderboard. That’s right, for the duration of this event we will be tracking the number of Booyahs across the server, and those who place in the Top 100 will earn a very special reward. How special, you ask? Well let’s just say that there’s a very special AUG you can check out at the Spawn Island right about now…

Is your aim not as sharp as you’d like it to be? Well you know what they say: brains over brawn. That’s right, Booyah Go will also have one of these leaderboards so you’ll have double the shots at this dazzling weapon!

Exchange Store

A special event calls for a special store. Acquire special Crown Tokens by completing in-game activities such as, you guessed it, getting Booyahs to earn these tokens! Then, you can turn them in at this exchange store for special rewards! It’s a win-win-win!

Global Booyah Milestones

Survivors, can you all come together for the sake of Booyah? Can you put your differences aside and - well, maybe not that. After all to get Booyahs you might need to compete with your fellow survivors.

In any case, Survivors keep an eye out for the Global Booyah Milestones! These will be a series of challenges that have to be met server-wide. If you reach these global milestones, new levels of the Exchange Store will open and be available to all! Every win counts!

Character Royale: K

We all need someone to lead us to victory every now and then. In fact, we present to you… Captain Booyah a.k.a. K! This very special collaboration will be joining Free Fire soon and you’ll be able to earn your chance at him through Character Royale. What more can we say?

So what do you say Survivor, are you ready for one more round?


Booyah Day Shani's Garage

Rev it up a little and earn your Booyahs in style! Return to Shani’s Garage, where you can buy three items all discounted! Select an item in each row and then check out the discounts you earn! Don’t forget to earn your Booyah Day special skin, it might come in handy to get those wins!


Reddit Halloween Competition

Oh, mortals. Ever so naïve. You thought that because all was glittery and shiny, you were safe? October is the month where the veil between life and death is at its thinnest. And who knows what might come out from the other side…

Stay on your toes. Signed,


Anyone else feel a chill in the air? Survivors, something dark is coming. You best be ready...


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