over 3 years ago - /u/FreeFire_Official - Direct link

Congratulations to /u/Nm_KingScorpion for winning the Creepypasta Competition! We'll be in touch with your rewards soon!

To everyone else, it was a valiant effort! We loved reading through the Free Fire creepypastas during the spooky season! Remember, only 364 days until Halloween!


You can read the full creepypasta here:

Andrew, making a return to his home after he finished his working hours as a police officer, he decided to go to the mini mart to buy a loaf of bread, he parked his van at the mini mart parking lot and proceeded to go buy his whole wheat bread. After buying his bread he returned to his vehicle, Andrew was shocked, his face was as pale as a dendrobium orchid flower, he slowly walked around his blue van only too realize that someone or something has punctured all four of his tires, he had no choice but too leave his vehicle there so he grabbed all the important stuff and put them into his level 3 bag, locked the doors and started walking home, which was a 8 minute walk from the mini mart.

While he was on his way a poster on a light pole caught his attention, as he approached closer to the poster, Andrew heard a soft creepy laughter, "Maybe my minds playing tricks on me." He said nervously, he read the poster which says a young couple named "Kelly" & "Maxim" went missing six days ago. Andrew questioned himself "How could I have not known this and I'm a police officer!?" He continued to walk to his home with a confused reaction. Again, something caught Andrew's eyes, but this time, it was a bloody woman in a small dark alley, he slowly tried to approach the woman telling her he's an police officer, the woman immediately ran off and made a right turn, "FREEZE!!" said Andrew, he pulled out his glock 19 ready to fire at anytime, as the adrenaline pumps throughout his body, he slowly approaches the right turn, this time he heard more than one creepy laughters, "DROP ALL YOUR WEAPONS AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!!!" Andrew screamed. Suddenly someone or something put Andrew into a chokehold from behind making him collapse to the floor and pass out

Approximately half an hour after Andrew started to regain consciousness, the last thing he remember seeing was a red arm around his neck, he looked around his surrounding area and realize he was tied on to a crucifix, he looked ahead of him as his eyes started to adjust to the darkness and saw 5 masked criminals with flaming torches, dressed in red, blue, green, yellow & purple doing a weird ritual over a woman who has been crucified, Andrew was petrified, trembling in fear as he came to the realization that the woman he was looking at was Kelly from the poster, the 5 masked men were reciting a monologue in a different language. Then the last thing Andrew wanted to happen happened, the masked guy in red realized he was conscious and started too approach him, "HELP MEE CALL THE COPS AHHHHH I DON'T WANT TO DIE PLEASE I HAVE A WIFE AND FOUR KIDS I WOULD DO ANYTHING!!!" Andrew pleaded, the last thing he would of ever heard in english was "We are the top criminals." Days, weeks and even months gone by and people kept disappearing in bimasakti strip, no trace of the missing people, not even a piece of their accessories, people started making rumors and till this day, its the most feared place in Bermuda. Anyone who tries to investigate or visits has a 99% chance of not returning home, it will always remain a mystery in this accursed world.

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