over 3 years ago - Saltypatra - Direct link

Thank you so much for the video @beeflog ! And thank you @Snooj fir the gif!

I’ve been talking to the team about this, and have some information for you.

Our code base uses a drag tolerance, and once the drag has past the tolerance distance then it checks whether the x or y is larger and attempts the gem switch in that direction. There is no “flick prediction”, it’s the predominant direction of the swipe. It’s hard to tell in the video when the mouse button was released, however, there clearly is a slight up then diagonal movement of the mouse, so it appears when the tolerance has been passed, the Y must have been greater (and it only has to be a fraction) than the X.

This isn’t technically a bug, but in the future our team will have a further look into this and see if it can be improved. However, since this would be a change that involves gem matching and is a fundamental part of the game, we have to be very careful and it will take some time.