@jiaxizhao1002 Are you still seeing this? It could be an issue of data being out of date. If so, we recommend reinstalling the game and it should fix this issue.
@DanStransky @Mike_at_Arms Honestly it aint easy. There's no clear pathway for it and it's often considered a senior role. You can't easily get an entry level role at this time. (Our writer moved across from communications, and now does both.)
@jonno102 Hello Johnny, if you think you have lost resources please contact our support here: https://gemsofwar.zendesk.com/hc/en-us so we can help you further. Our support agents can look into your resources and see if anything is missing.
There's nothing like eating WE MEAN RESCUING a mushroom for a little introspection. Make sure to rescue a Minishroom of your very own over the next 24 hours on Nintendo Switch. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EeE1noQWAAIB0Jt.png