Hey, u/Ubi_Hayve, is this the "big news" for Ghost Recon? If so, I very strongly suggest that the team go back to the drawing board. I can only speak for myself, but I am sick and tired of the Team's fixation on Crossovers, so many community members have asked for a stronger focus on the Ghost Recon world and Unit, but instead we're given yet another nonsensical crossover. If you didn't know anything about this, then I apologize for tagging you, but you must understand that this kind of content is frustrating to see. It's a brazen display of neglect and disregard for what many core audience members have been asking for, and after three weeks of radio silence on the Team's end it feels like we're going down the same road as last year: The Devs being painfully out of touch with the community. Look, I mean no disrespect to you or your fellow CMs, you guys are alright to me, but it constantly feels like our voices are heard, but not listened to. I want to be wrong on this, I do, but the fact remains that practically nobody asked for this, so what's the point of trying to communicate if we seemingly won't be heard out? Maybe there are more things going on in the background, but that is not something I can readily see on the outside looking in. I'm speaking on what I see and know, and what I'm seeing is not good news.