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So in breakpoint the game runs smooth without any issues but when i alt tab and back in i suddenly lose 20-40 FPS and only way to fix it is to restart the game. Anyone knows a fix for this

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Ubi_Hayve - Direct link

Hi there, are you experiencing this on Vulkan, DirectX or both? Because the team is investigating a performance issue that might be related to this, so any additional info is highly appreciated.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Ubi_Hayve - Direct link

Originally posted by Zirofal

I only have direct installed.

I also run the game in borderless and I have yet to try and just change to fullscreen and back and see if that fixes it.

Thank you for the response, sounds like a plan. I'll mention the issue in the original thread to the team and let us know please if anything changes with the borderless / fullscreen switch.