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I want to start off by saying that I have never once been interested in the story behind something in this game. Not ONCE have I finished something and said to myself "I really loved that story." I was also extremely upset to hear that they were only releasing 1 of the new legendary weapons, and then suspending them indefinitely. It really struck a nerve with me, but I figured I would make the new shortbow and then spend the next few months grinding out Nevermore, Astralaria, or the materials for a future weapon.

This new shortbow changed my opinion about the stories ANet can tell within legendaries forever. I absolutely LOVED the entire story. If every HOT legendary in the future has a story this great, I would be thrilled to wait 6 months, and make each one of the HOT Legendaries just to experience the story behind the content. It was the most enjoyable 2 days I have spent experiencing a story collection. It was really stellar, and I really appreciate ANet's dedication to telling a good story with it.

I hope more people get to experience the story behind this legendary and get to appreciate it too.

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about 8 years ago - /u/ANET_Blonk - Direct link

Many thanks! This was a big project for our team, we all put a lot of hard work into it. :)

about 8 years ago - /u/ANET_Blonk - Direct link

Originally posted by Jaffar-Deathangel

You're very welcome! I really do hope that the Legendary team doesn't take all of these rude comments and take them to heart. Some people can't appreciate what they are given, just because it's not perfectly within their taste.

This shortbow is my absolute favorite legendary; not because of the bow itself, or even because of the animations. This is the first time I actually felt like I went on a quest for a legendary, and felt like I legitimately earned it. The collection quest was perfect, and I sincerely hope that y'all continue with the future legendaries (whenever they decided to continue with them) in a similar style. There is so much you can do with these stories, and this has been the best 3000+ gold I've spent in a long time.

In all seriousness, this is the type of content I want. Great, fun stories that feel unique and interactive. Having done all the story modes, I felt more attached to this shortbow than I do any of the characters in the LS1/2 or main Tyria story. That's how wonderful the story was.

Thanks again :)

We appreciate the kind words. :3 They're always welcome. The designer who was in charge of this one put a lot of heart into the journey and it shows. :)

about 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Alina - Direct link

Thank you. I am so glad you enjoyed it!

about 8 years ago - /u/ANET_Blonk - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


We're working hard to get this issue fixed, rest assured. :)

about 8 years ago - /u/ANET_Blonk - Direct link

Originally posted by xerokitsune

I'll be honest, I have no real interest in the legendary. That being said, I love this story!

I wish I could finish it. A few bugs have me hung up.

We're working hard to get any issues with this journey solved. Sorry for the trouble!

about 8 years ago - /u/ANET_Blonk - Direct link

Originally posted by Charrikayu

Is the Superior Skelk Liver on the radar? I sent in a support ticket hoping they could help me out (they often send replacement items) but no response yet, want to make sure the team is aware. Under some circumstances the Champion Skelk drops the first superior liver but no more (though oddly enough sometimes drops normal livers). I've been stuck here since last night, made the infused tiger milk but can't get the second liver for infused tiger food. I'm definitely not the only one who's only gotten one.