10 days ago - - Direct link
Hey everyone, I want to let you know that several of us have been following and discussing this thread for the past week. The team is reviewing the full conversation as well as some smaller, more specific details, so they'll probably be hopping into this thread to ask for clarification from some of you on various details.
5 days ago - - Direct link
Hey all! I'd like to make sure I understand and hear more about some of the feedback, so I've quoted a few posts below and asked the authors to expand on their thoughts. Since the changes to Siege Dampener and Siege Disruptor were in separate updates than the wall/gate repair change, are those changes you think should be reverted in general, or do you feel they're no longer valid changes alongside the other changes made in the last patch? For the lowered stats on the Keep Aura, you mentioned that you feel it was overkill, but didn't say that's one of the changes that should be reverted. Do you feel it should be, or do you think it should be left alone? Can you elaborate on your thoughts a bit? I'm interested in what specific changes you're thinking of and why they aren't working for you. Since catapults have always been usable on inner and outer walls, are you feeling that the recent changes caused that to become an issue or do you feel that it's a long-running problem aside from more recent updates? Can you talk more about how it feels like a problem? For defensive siege not feeling relevant, do you feel that this is fully related to the most recent update? As far as the suggestion of making some types of siege easier to destroy - namely catapults and flame rams - do you feel that the changes to siege disruptors aid this in any way? Is the increased damage to siege from disruptors making a difference in your eyes? Are the changes to the keep lords just not very impactful, or do you feel as though they've actually worsened them in any way? Have you experienced groups trying to play around the new mechanics at all, or you just haven't seen it make an impact in fights where players aren't particularly paying attention to it? Do you feel as though double team attacks have gotten worse since the recent update, or is it an ongoing issue you're calling out?