2 months ago - - Direct link
I love this thread, thanks to those of you who have contributed so far. There's a lot of my favorite kind of feedback in here: Not just what you find frustrating or difficult to engage with, but also what you enjoyed playing/doing, what you felt was done well, and you want more of, along with a bit of insight into why you feel that way. What's fun/interesting/enjoyable is incredibly subjective and everyone feels differently about it, so this sort of constructive insight is great for helping me find out more about how you all interpret those things! Thanks @VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. for your input and thanks to all of you who contributed so far!
2 months ago - - Direct link
I do want to drop a quick note for you all that I am making sure that the studio is aware of the feedback on the tooltip issue! (Please keep the feedback on everything coming, but I saw that mentioned in here so I wanted to let you know)
about 2 months ago - - Direct link
Not at all! I really appreciate the time you (and a LOT of people contributing feedback!) took to share your thoughts. This is really helpful.