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Hello, so a few years ago I bought this game and I was having a blast, but I stopped playing around half a year ago. Now I decided to return to this game (as a friend of mine had been urging me to do so), but I could not log in. So I requested a password change using the email I am 100% sure I used, but I got a "We were unable to reset your password using the information provided" error.

At this point I have decided to contact a customer support and included the game code and my display name. To my surprise, I got a quick answer. Unfortunately it was just a message that they cant help me. I have tried further communicating with the GM, but found that impossible, as the unhelpful GM just kept repeating himself.

I dont know where else should I ask so I came here. Is there anyone (besides Zippy the robot) who can help me?

Thanks in advance.

Here is the conversation. http://i.imgur.com/ZsWP15o.jpg

EDIT: The problem has been solved! Another GM named Roku-Ren responded and sent me an email to renew the access to my account. It looks like someone got into my account somehow, as I now have 2 new characters that I do not recognize.

I will add the phone app verification to try and prevent this in the future.

Thanks to anyone who tried to help.

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over 8 years ago - /u/GM_Awesomeness - Direct link

Originally posted by complex_reduction

I had my account hacked once. Going through the "official" channels I was denied twice, the hacker installed an authenticator on the account which apparently supersedes all the proof of ownership I had. This went for weeks before I was 'officially' denied the second time. Oh and they complained about me opening multiple tickets for one issue after I was denied the first time (you know, the minor issue of trying to get my f**king account I spent 2 years playing back).

Apparently when you play from Australia for 2 years then suddenly you start logging in from Korea, install a (previously unused) authenticator, move your character to a major city, sell literally everything possible to sell on the trading post, then mail the gold to somebody else, that's not at all suspicious behaviour worth investigating.

It wasn't until I directly e-mailed the support e-mail (NOT going through the official "help me" account page) literally begging them for help that I got a response giving me access to my account back. I sent them screenshots I took in-game of me playing PVP, screenshots of my e-mail with proof of purchase, apparently this must have convinced somebody and it worked.

I logged in and was practically naked in front of a trading post NPC in Divinity's Reach, all my equipment and gold was gone. Thankfully they restored my account to a time before the hack (this took another X amount of time) but I was still flogged with "This is the one and only time we will restore the account!" as if I'm the asshole for being hacked.

TL;DR f**k the "official" channels, e-mail support directly with screenshots etc, basically everything you can because they really hate helping you

I'm sorry your first two experiences were so terrible. Were they somewhat recent? If so please PM me with the ticket numbers and I'll make sure we investigate what went wrong. Edit: just noticed you said in another comment this was a year or more ago.

For what it's worth, there's no difference between emailing Support directly and submitting via the website. You end up talking to the exact same people. Submitting through the website is actually better, because then we can get accurate data from you filling out the web form rather than having to reply back and forth asking you questions.

over 8 years ago - /u/GM_Awesomeness - Direct link

Glad this got resolved, and good call on adding authentication!

over 8 years ago - /u/GM_Awesomeness - Direct link

Originally posted by smitske

But it seems once again that sending it like that ends up in someone at Anet not taking things seriously, I mean it has to be clear there is a serious issue if the official way of support is actually the worst possible one to use if you want to get things resolved and instead you need to use Reddit or other means such as a direct email to actually get someone who does take the effort to look into things.

It's definitely a problem that Reddit seems to work better in some cases. But as far as using the web form vs emailing, there is literally no difference in who works the ticket. They both go into the same queue and are worked by the same agents. Any difference in outcome is purely coincidental.