
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

05 Sep

Twitch Drops will be returning for the remainder of Grandmasters Season 2! Running on the Twitch.tv/PlayHearthstone channel exclusively during the designated time frames, we’ll make it rain Saviors of Uldum card packs--at random, once an hour, we’ll drop 1,500 packs to viewers who have linked their Twitch and Battle.net accounts.

Season 2 Twitch Drop Dates and Times (Twitch.tv/PlayHearthstone only):

  • September 6, 2 a.m. – 4...
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03 Sep

Gather your torches and party up with friends as you delve into the Tombs of Terror at a Fireside Gathering. With a variety of modes and special gameplay rules available, no two trips into the Tombs will be the same!


Tombs of Terror Fireside Gatherings

Tombs of Terror Fireside Gatherings happening between September 17 – October 6 will eligible to receive support kits containing awesome physical Hearthstone loot. Keep an eye out for fireside gatherings happening near you by using the “Find a Gathering” tool at ...

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02 Sep

The final results for the July Hearthstone Ranked Standard in July and the Arena Leaderboard for July 4 - August 5 are in!

The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat!

Dynamic ladder rankings are now also available for the Standard and Wild ladders.

Pull up a chair and join us as we toast to the month’s best players!


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28 Aug

Arch-Villain Rafaam’s plan is coming together and the deserts of Uldum are rife with malodorous miscreants, vicious villains, and powerful plague lords set on raining devastation upon the world. Now, it’s up to you to assist Elise in gathering the other members of the League of Explorers to join the battle for the fate of Azeroth!

Read on for details about the Onwards to Uldum event and prepare to delve into the Tombs of Terror when it launches on September 17!

Join the Search

The Onward to Uldum in-game event will last a total of two weeks and will feature two brand-new Tavern Brawls and some awesome rewards!


New Tavern Brawls


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26 Aug

Now that Saviors of Uldum is live and new cards have been introduced, a few decks have surfaced which we feel need to be addressed in order to make for a better ladder experience for Hearthstone players. Read on for more details on today’s balance adjustments:

Card Changes



[[Conjurer’s Calling]] – Mana cost increased from 3 to 4

cardchanges_arrow.png... Read more

22 Aug

Over the course of the first season of Grandmasters, Team Genji is putting the rest of the competitive scene on notice. Fielding more Grandmasters than any other team, they have emerged as one of the strongest teams in competitive Hearthstone today.

So, what’s the story behind the organization? We sat down with Genji’s’s North American Champion Francisco "PNC" Leimontas, the team’s European runner-up Linh "Seiko" Nguyen, and Genji’s co-founder Faraz Barmpar to discuss the team’s recent victories and some simple tips aspiring Hearthstone pros can use to level up their game.

PNC's Big Win

When PNC won the North American Playoffs, he became the first Latin-American player to qualify for the Global Finals at BlizzCon. “It meant so much to me,” explained PNC, “to have my devotion to Hearthstone rewarded.”

“I really turned my performance in Grandmasters around,” said PNC. “I started the season really poorly. But some smart deck choices ...

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Now that Saviors of Uldum is live, new cards have been introduced and powerful decks have started to surface. To make for a better ladder experience for Hearthstone players in this new expansion, we’ve decided to make the following card adjustments in an update next week:

Card Changes



While [[Conjurer’s Calling]] is a powerful tool that’s found in a number of Mage decks, when used in decks focused around cards like [[Mountain Giant]] and [[Sea Giant]], it was creating extremely powerful board states at a point in the game where opponents didn’t have effective answers.

Increasing the mana cost of this card will make using both c...

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18 Aug

An all French finals punctuated the last day of Masters Tour Seoul, with Théo “Felkeine“ Dumont squaring off against Martin “Zhym” Prêté in an identical Highlander Mage mirror match for the history books.


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17 Aug

We have our Top 8 here at Masters Tour Seoul! One of the players listed below will take home the trophy, the title, and the lion’s share of the $500,000 prize pool!

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16 Aug

54 countries were represented among 324 players that participated in the opening rounds of Masters Tour Seoul on Friday, with approximately half of the players in attendance returning from Masters Tour Las Vegas. After 7 rounds of Swiss, only 162 players remain in the running for the trophy ahead of Day 2!


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14 Aug

After winning the Grandmasters Season 1 Playoffs in Asia-Pacific and securing his spot at BlizzCon, South Korean Kim "Surrender" Jung-Soo went to work on unraveling the Saviors of Uldum meta. This weekend he’ll put his knowledge to the test on home turf at Masters Tour Seoul, where he’ll compete alongside hundreds of invited players from across the world.

Obviously, Surrender would love nothing more than to claim the trophy himself. “I’ve been playing Hearthstone for at least 8 hours every day since the new expansion came out,” he said. “The players...

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12 Aug

Masters Tour Seoul is almost here. Over 350 players have earned an invite to participate, but the trophy is reserved for the winner! Here you can find everything you need to know about the tournament.

  • Venue:  VRIZ PC Café (Day 1 & 2), OGN Studios (Day 3).
  • Dates: August 16–18
  • Broadcast Start Time: 6 p.m. PT (Day 1 & 2), 7 p.m. PT (Day 3).
  • Casters: ...
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08 Aug

We’re excited to announce that Twitch Drops will return for ...

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07 Aug

23-year-old Xiaomeng “VKLiooon” Li made history last week, becoming the first woman to qualify to the Hearthstone Global Finals with her win at the Gold Open Tianjin Master Group Season 1 Playoffs.

In China, there are four live events in a season, with two major tournaments taking place in each—a ‘Masters Group’ consisting of 64 elite players, and a 1024-person open bracket. VKLiooon placed Top 6 in the Masters Group at three of these events before punching her ticket to BlizzCon at the fourth and final event of the season in Tianjin.

“Being qualified for the Hearthstone Global Finals is by far the highest finish I’ve achieved in my Hearthstone career,” VKLiooon said, “This is my first time to be able to get global attent...

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02 Aug

    Nebu on News - Thread - Direct
The Blizzard Museum is located in the heart of our Irvine campus Since we moved to this campus in 2007, the museum has been a great place to show the history of our games to visitors, friends, and family.

For details on the latest exhibit, we spoke again to Dana Bishop, the museum curator:

Our newest [museum] exhibit celebrates Hearthstone’s 5th anniversary. Since the game’s initial launch in 2014, the team has released fifteen expansions and Adventures. Through this exhibit, we’re taking a journey back in time to explore how each release made its mark.

Art is always at the center of Hearthst...
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01 Aug

Arch-Villain Rafaam and his band of misguided miscreants have navigated the capital city of Dalaran across the world and have arrived in the land of magical mummies, treacherous tombs, and sand-swept horizons – Uldum! While their ultimate goals are still shrouded in mystery, their disastrous doings in the dunes have unleashed devastating plagues on the land. Now it’s up to the League of Explorers (and you!) to stop the League of E.V.I.L. from reaching their nefarious goals.

Read on for details on everything that’s new in the tavern, and what’s included in the Saviors of Uldum expansion!

Saviors of Uldum – Launching August 6

The League of Explorers Has Arrived


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30 Jul

The inaugural season of Hearthstone Grandmasters ended with a bang as Chris "Fenomeno" Tsakopoulos, Kim "Surrender" Jung-soo, and Francisco "PNC" Leimontas punched their ticket to the Global Finals at BlizzCon. Although it was an exciting season, we have certainly learned some things and will be changing certain aspects of the program moving forward. We continue to listen and gather feedback from players worldwide, and we’re excited to share today some of the changes we’ll be implementing for Season 2.

For starters, we are retiring the Specialist format for Grandmasters Season 2 and will be replacing it with best-of-three Conquest featuring a Shield Phase.

How it Works
  • The two battling players bring four decks, each from a unique class.
  • The match starts with a Shield Phase where both players will choose one of their own decks to “protect” that cannot be banned.
  • Each player will ...
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29 Jul

The sands may be scorching and the tombs dreary, but the taverns of Uldum have never been more lively. Read on for details on some exciting livestream events we’re hosting to wrap up Saviors of Uldum’s card reveal season with a bang!



Card Reveal Livestream

Join Brian Kibler, Community Manager Chris Sierra, and Lead Game Designer Peter Whalen as they unveil and discuss the final batch of cards coming in Hearthstone's new expansion, Saviors of Uldum!

  • When: July 31st @ 10am PT
  • Where: ...
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26 Jul

We’ve scoured the sun-scorched deserts of Uldum and dug up a fresh new round of card reveals!

To give you an idea of what’s coming with Saviors of Uldum on August 6, videographers, news sites, sand sculptors, and streamers have revealed some of the awesome new cards in this expansion. Now, we’ve compiled an exciting selection of our recent card reveals here for you to explore:


Embark on Another Exciting Quest:

Raise ferocious creatures from the ruins and crypts of Uldum with these new Warrior and Paladin quest rewards. Blastmaster Boom has hacked the system and taken control of Anraphet’s Core in order to summon 4/3 golems at an incredibly discounted mana cost. Keep up the pressure and gain control of the board by swinging swords and creating powerful Stone Golems.

Sir Finley of the Sands is put...

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22 Jul

The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard in June 2019 are in!

The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat!

Dynamic ladder rankings are now also available for the Standard and Wild ladders.

Pull up a chair and join us as we toast to the month’s best players!


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