9 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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1252s hello everyone and welcome to Lobby
1255s Legends fall Championship I'm Raven and
1257s joining me for this week weekend's
1259s tournament is subtle subtle welcome
1261s how's it going and you ready for some
1262s Battlegrounds it's been a
1272s while yes I will start that all over
1275s again I just been informed I was muted
1277s yeah I am excited so excited that I a
1279s while forgot how to do it B I can't even
1281s get basic technical aspects of
1283s broadcasting right anymore but yes this
1284s is our last Battlegrounds event of the
1287s year so it' be great to really go off
1288s with a bang this time around I think
1289s we've got a fantastic lineup and we have
1293s a ludicrous level of potential chaos
1296s going on with the anomalies that are in
1297s the Battlegrounds Tavern right now which
1299s really do in just introduce that extra
1302s Lil of uh of entropy into proceedings
1304s that should for some very very exciting
1307s games yeah we will no doubt be diving
1309s into the those intricacies shortly but
1311s let's check out the overall format for
1313s Lobby Legends just to see what is going
1315s to be going on over the course of the
1316s weekend we've got 16 players are going
1319s to be juking out in two lobbies made up
1320s of eight players each of course today
1322s they're going to be playing three games
1325s per Lobby uh and those are and then
1327s we're going to get the top four from
1328s each of those to make that day two Lobby
1331s overall and then we're going to be
1333s jumping over to the check format as is
1335s the case in these Lobby Legends
1337s tournaments for the Sunday but we'll get
1338s into more of that on the Sunday so do
1340s you want to take us through to how the
1341s matches today
1342s work yeah so for today it's just a
1345s simple matter of three games per Lobby
1347s so all the players in lobby a will play
1349s three total games uh and then the top
1351s four in that proceeding will go through
1353s to the final Lobby what uh the the dear
1356s departed Derek Brown was referring to as
1358s Mega Lobby on the Sunday with the top
1360s four I don't know I keep talking about
1362s as if he's dead I don't know why that's
1364s amusing me so much the word choice
1366s interesting he's fine he's okay yeah
1368s he's fine don't worry he's okay he got
1370s himself a Normy job somewhere uh but on
1373s that Sunday these players will be
1375s competing for the prize pool that you
1376s see among you as well as the title of
1379s 2023 final Lobby leg Lobby Legends
1383s champion of the year with $10,000 going
1385s to
1387s that yeah it's um it's something that's
1389s really interesting as well because over
1390s the course of like Lobby Legends this
1392s year and previous is like we've really
1394s got a group of players that are just
1396s regulars at this point we see so many
1399s returning faces and I think especially
1401s once we round this weekend out we could
1403s look at the players over the past year
1405s or two and say yes these are the best in
1408s the world World once we have those
1409s results because they've been racking up
1411s you know you know wins over wins or even
1413s just qualifications over qualifications
1416s but so let's go to one of your favorite
1418s parts of Lobby Legends no doubt because
1419s you beat me in the past and that's going
1421s to be the tavern buddy and how that
1423s works break it down for us yeah I think
1426s it's a great addition I think it's
1427s really added something a little that
1428s layer of interactivity uh if you are
1430s watching on Twitch if you're watching on
1432s desktop you will see the little widget
1434s on the side that you can click to bring
1435s up the overlay allow you to compete in a
1437s few of these intera active games so you
1439s can get yourself involved in the
1440s broadcast starting with your fantasy
1442s team which is the simplest one of all if
1445s you've played any sort of fantasy draft
1446s game before very very simple pick three
1448s players from Lobby a three players from
1450s Lobby B put them together whoever does
1453s the best out of those uh out those
1455s choices will have the most points for
1456s their fantasy team yeah puzzle box for
1458s me is the most difficult one because you
1460s have to make some predictions about
1462s what's going to happen and it it's
1464s always difficult because if you play
1466s Battlegrounds as much as I imagine all
1467s of you viers at home do you know all of
1470s these things can happen but you have to
1472s make that call are they going to happen
1474s so it's a really really tricky one so
1476s hopefully we'll have some cool ones to
1477s go over the course of the
1478s weekend yeah and then bandwagon is an
1481s ingame action where uh with every game
1483s that happens you will have up until turn
1485s four to select a player to jump on the
1489s bandwagon of essentially so you're
1490s trying to pick who is going to win the
1492s game within the first four turns you can
1495s change as many times as you want within
1497s those first four turns there's no
1499s penalty for that explicitly however the
1502s earlier you lock in the more points
1505s you'll get so let's say dog wins a Lobby
1508s if I've picked dog on turn one and Raven
1510s has picked dog on turn four I get more
1513s points because I locked in that choice
1515s earlier yeah and then finally we have
1517s bars blaz in another very time sensitive
1519s one where you have to just we get shown
1521s the boards and you have to pick which
1522s one you think is going to win in a
1524s head-to-head matchup and I think with
1527s anomalies and everything that's going on
1528s at the moment subtle this feels like
1530s it's going to be extra difficult this
1531s time cuz I genuinely do feel that sort
1534s of having a stronghold of what's going
1536s to happen on any given game or even any
1538s given fight is very very difficult at
1540s the moment yeah it's really hard not
1542s only because of anomalies but like you
1544s bring in base skills the amount of like
1546s death rattles and Reborns and various
1549s tokens and poisons left right and Center
1551s going around the place boards are hard
1553s to read right now but uh you can see
1555s myself and Raven will be competing
1557s against each other in these uh Tab and
1559s body games starting off with these
1561s puzzle box questions and fairly fairly
1564s similar outcomes on these questions we
1566s only differ on will a player win a game
1568s while reaching Tavern 7 uh which I'm
1571s fairly confident on because players
1573s might play this entire tournament
1574s without ever having the opportunity to
1576s level to tavn 7 first and foremost uh
1579s and then also length of time without an
1580s elimination is somewhere we differ as
1582s well yeah and I think that you can
1584s really just tell how different mean s
1586s are here because so's like I've
1587s calculated the chances of this happening
1589s and I believe it's yes or no where I'm
1591s like but what if it does
1594s and and then that's where I plan to make
1596s up my points we were given these
1598s questions this morning and then uh the
1600s person who's in in charge of handling
1601s all this stuff said oh Raven got his in
1603s straight away sttle I like him way more
1605s than you I'm like yes cuz he didn't
1607s think about it he just clicked some
1609s buttons and pressed say I thought about
1612s thinking about it okay but sometimes you
1614s have to go with your gut Okay and like I
1616s said I i' feel like based on our
1619s previous uh interactions in in early
1621s Lobby Legends this year I lost this um
1625s so I think I have to do something
1626s extreme to try and win so we do have a
1629s new challenge uh for this weekend as
1631s well and it's a little bit of a spicy
1634s one so basically as you can see up on
1636s the screen now the loser must like post
1638s and keep pinned a tweet written by the
1640s winner until the next Master's tour
1643s which is in approximately two weeks I
1645s think yeah about two weeks so yeah got
1647s two weeks worth of having whatever the
1650s winner chooses pinned as their Twitter
1652s and I've had my pin tweet for a very
1654s long time so um so uh this will be a big
1657s big deal if I have to turn that off and
1658s uh apparently there's some clips to
1660s watch from the previous on so let's take
1661s a
1664s look I
1667s think yes he casts like a beast and
1671s plays like a demon his stats are so high
1675s we should call him Freeman he prints
1678s Minions that are gold while educating on
1682s the mic he beat me in the challenge so I
1685s have to acknowledge his might if you
1688s want to get better then make sure it's
1690s him you study because sttle is truly the
1693s best T buddy volatile Venom a real
1696s ritual dagger but n I'm actually joking
1699s now here comes some flatter casting with
1702s you has been a true pleasure you're a
1704s scepter of guidance way beyond measure
1707s we made made friends along the way on
1709s this call and you TJ are a wondrous
1713s wisdom
1716s ball yeah so I just want to put this
1718s throw this out here just for a second
1720s slightly unfair to show those clips back
1721s to back just so you know mine was not
1723s meant to be a song Because siss has
1725s definitely shown me up there like it's
1726s just oh there's what not to do and
1728s here's a good rap so yeah we know none
1731s of that's going to happen this time
1733s comparatively good all comparatively
1735s good I will say though she went in no
1737s one one told her to do like 32 bars she
1740s wrote so much it went on for such a long
1743s time genuinely great effort whereas I
1745s kept my poem short to just make the pain
1747s end as quickly as possible uh so yeah so
1750s it's a slight different one here there
1751s there'll be no performances on the
1753s broadcast but the winner will have to
1755s just deal with whatever the the message
1756s that is written H sorry the loser will
1758s have to deal with whatever message
1760s written by the winner so um that'll be
1762s pretty interesting overall but that's
1763s all about us I want to talk about the
1765s players so let's check out group a and
1767s see who we've got coming up first very
1770s very exciting so as I said there are
1772s returning faces but are there any that
1773s particularly stick out to you to me I
1776s think this event there's kind of the
1778s clearest split between the Wild Card
1780s group and the group of death uh this to
1782s me is more of the Wild Card group there
1784s are some longtime performers in here as
1786s SSA for example uh five Lobby Legends
1789s appearances now and one win under his
1790s belt uh but outside of that like what
1793s you have is great players who haven't
1795s necessarily done it in lobby Legends to
1797s the extent of some of the players we're
1798s going to look at in group b right like
1800s gief literally has a curve named out
1803s after him like more famous curves than
1805s Instagram models but has not
1807s particularly done it in lobby Legends to
1809s this point right
1811s um same kind of thing Legendary player
1813s widely regarded as one of the best
1814s players in the world hasn't necessarily
1816s put in a huge performance in lobby
1818s Legends yet and that's kind of the story
1819s up and down that group uh whereas Lobby
1822s B oh my goodness like this is a stacked
1825s group overall thrown out so it's Absol
1827s absolutely incredible stuff so Lobby a
1830s will be dealing with first I think has
1832s the most Intrigue and is the hardest one
1834s to pick if you are going for fantasy
1836s teams in that situation because it's
1838s really really open and I can see it
1840s going in eight different directions to
1841s be perfectly honest yeah and that's the
1843s difficulty because when you talk about
1845s oh it's the Wild Card group it's by no
1846s means saying they're any worse because
1848s even qualifying especially repeat
1850s qualifying is very difficult for these
1852s Lobby Legends this year especially with
1854s there only being three so these are
1856s there's a lot of repeat qualifiers but
1857s it's performing on the day right as with
1860s any tournament right you get the job
1861s done on that day but before we get into
1863s any of the first games we got check out
1865s the uh fun fact for this tournament
1868s which is the which are those anomalies
1870s as so we can check out some of the
1871s featured ones cuz we have been getting
1873s them every single week but what do you
1875s make of these ones
1877s sutle yeah so first off Reckless
1879s enhancement I still have not played
1882s which is like has become an anomaly in
1884s itself right now because these are the
1886s new boosted anomalies that you should be
1887s playing regularly um overgrown Arena I
1890s think is one of the more vanilla ones
1892s overall um it kind of encourages you to
1895s replace your board a little bit more
1896s often right just to continue upgrading
1898s with minions overall and there's a few
1900s synergies leaning towards things like
1902s coral mgle and just Bas skill in in that
1904s regard as well can always pull big
1905s minions from your hand cuz basically any
1907s minion that you buy is going to be a big
1909s minion tavn special is the one that
1912s sometimes you can get a little bit
1914s creative with right like Linda was
1916s talking to us earlier about how with
1918s brand you basically complete your brand
1919s mini Quest immediately because you just
1921s see seven Minions on Tav one every time
1924s just buy the battlecries get it done
1925s super super quickly uh if you get felbat
1928s in the late game it means it can you can
1930s play double felbat on a board of seven
1932s demons and you'll always be able to eat
1934s maximum value because the bo the shop is
1936s full and refreshes itself um so there's
1939s a few different things that Tav special
1940s can make happen but yeah as I said as
1941s for reckless enhancement don't know cuz
1943s they still haven't rolled it despite
1945s playing the game all week yeah I think
1947s one the biggest things for me is it what
1950s what the anomalies have done has really
1952s mixed up what are the best heroes right
1955s because the heroes feel well certain
1957s Heroes as you mentioned a couple there H
1960s are really powerful in certain anomaly
1963s situations right and then not only that
1965s certain anomalies with then certain
1967s minion types combined so there's
1969s actually so many additional layers I
1971s feel like we I think again I think one
1973s of the puzzle boxes was will it be won
1975s by will each game be won by a different
1976s hero and I feel like it will because so
1978s many of the heroes are pretty like very
1981s like game dependent right now but as we
1983s move on let's check out the fantasy team
1985s picks uh we have one shared player but
1988s only one at that side yeah like I said
1991s this was a tough group for me um I went
1992s for CSA no great surprise he's the
1995s player I I called out um has a Lobby
1998s Legends win under his belt and is a wild
1999s repeat uh performer in this outside of
2001s that I really did feel like it was wild
2003s card so I just went for the Young
2005s Legends right like we all know that G
2007s and beat about it are incredibly good
2009s players uh we know that at different
2011s times they've pushed that rank one MMR
2015s to new heights right theyve they've
2017s raised the number higher than it was uh
2019s reaching in previous seasons and they've
2021s been the person responsible for that um
2023s so I'm just kind of w for that uh that
2025s exhibition of one of these two players
2027s just to show the world how good they are
2029s on this competitive level and just
2030s crossing my fingers for that I do think
2032s you've uh been a bit harsh and not
2034s really showing enough respect to uh deda
2036s because he is has been play I believe
2038s that's like four Lobby Legends before
2040s this one he's already played in and that
2042s is a lot like four is more than most I
2044s think looking at uh I think like
2046s satellite has been in five but generally
2048s speaking four is right up there so I
2051s think again that's why I picked him
2053s because I think he has been just a
2054s staple in lobby Legends since it
2056s happened and has been performing well
2058s but just hasn't had the ability to
2060s really nail down that win but when we're
2062s talking about these fantasy picks where
2064s you're picking three to get to get
2066s through right and I think a player like
2068s him is very very capable of getting
2070s through to Sunday I guess it's just been
2072s that finishing the tournament off has
2074s been the problemm I think when I when I
2076s talk about um kind of Lobby Legends
2078s pedigree there's also a recency bias to
2080s that as well oh my goodness straight
2082s into a
2083s game so that was overgrown I think so t
2087s one plus one plus one every turn uh just
2088s to finish the point before we move on
2090s there's a recency bias towards Lobby b
2092s as well cuz there are five players in
2093s this tournament that have the streak of
2095s being in lobby Legends 10 11 and 12 this
2098s year five of five of them they're all in
2101s lobby B all of them right so like that's
2105s where like this year's actual Killers
2107s all reside but anyway regardless we will
2109s get on with the game in front of us I'm
2111s very very happy to be able to jump into
2113s a game as quickly as we are we got a
2114s lich pick from uh sble not bad at all
2117s yeah lots of big minions in the shop
2119s being able to buy more of those big
2121s minions cheaply with that one Mana hero
2123s power nothing wrong with that yeah also
2125s looks like we have a test locked in as
2126s well so one always you've got to keep an
2128s eye on and I would say it's it's
2130s reasonable to say as you mentioned do
2132s like this anomaly is fairly tame right
2135s like yes minions will be bigger that's
2137s the anomaly right done so there's
2140s nothing too crazy going to come out of
2141s that specifically but as you said there
2143s are certain synergies based on what we
2146s actually have going in the in the in the
2148s game itself in terms of Minion
2150s types yeah and there you see it's just
2152s confirmation that our eyes did not
2154s deceive Us in that little flash through
2156s the Mull through the Mulligan phase
2158s that's at the end of October sole uh
2161s during the hero selection phase hero
2162s Mulligan the hero Mulligan yeah oh if
2165s only you could just like imagine you
2167s could roll one slot only $5 a month roll
2171s one
2173s hero Sal's getting hired any
2178s minute here we go they're going to be a
2180s good uh nice clean start there for say
2182s say say getting a little bit of damage
2184s stacked up but of course with the synr
2185s go are going to start stacking up and
2187s more for that late game
2193s Power are there any particular early
2195s game Minions that will benefit like do
2198s you think like the null for example just
2199s because it's a 36 is going to be a good
2202s shape to sort of defend any early
2204s aggression AA or do you think because
2206s everything has plus one like nothing has
2208s plus one in the early game is that fair
2210s to say right like yeah I think I think
2212s it is still token based a lot of the
2214s time right like there's kind of a
2217s cognitive trap and be like ah cemental
2219s is a little bit underwhelming because it
2221s ends up as just a 2 two on the board
2223s after I sell it to get value right it
2224s doesn't get the buff thing going on but
2226s tokens are still tokens you know like
2229s you still just get to double buy very
2230s efficiently from the Tav 2 shop and the
2232s Tav 2 shop is going to be massive right
2234s so that's that's a really big deal
2239s overall yeah sorry I'm TW if this is uh
2241s is this lagging for you subtle yeah we
2243s do have a bit I thought I thought okay
2246s that's fine I thought it was a me issue
2247s as long as I know it's not a me issue I
2249s can just keep talking I don't have to
2250s fix anything perfect um okay so we are
2253s going to see another Victory against the
2255s synr Goa which is going to be oh it's
2258s zorgun synr Goa okay
2261s yeah now this is one of the situations
2263s where it does get a little bit awkward
2265s because normally when you roll into
2266s Tavern 2 like this and you see patient
2268s Scout you are over the moon right
2270s because it means you get to keep your
2271s initial minion you can just buy sell the
2273s patient Scout byy a second minion
2275s patient Scout also kind of has that
2277s Elemental problem right where you end up
2278s with something very very small on your
2280s board not super relevant in the position
2282s that zorg's in because zor has got the
2284s the ramp with the extra money anyway so
2286s I'm sure it just will be the pair of
2288s buskers but now you have the option of
2290s how greedy you want to be right because
2292s the upside of this patient Scout factor
2294s is because it's kind of big you can just
2297s buy it and leave it on your board but
2298s again as Raven was saying it's still the
2301s same size comparatively to every other
2304s minion that everyone else is playing
2306s right so you can end up getting baited
2308s by that that line of
2316s thinking oh that is a wild economy
2320s start from Seville on the Lich on the
2323s other
2324s side yeah I'm just sorry I'm just doing
2326s my uh my uh guess for the uh for the
2329s winner yeah I was was actually half
2331s forgotten to do it so I was just quietly
2333s like wait who do I think's going to win
2335s to get those in as well going to remind
2339s you it's not only the uh Sportsman as
2342s always yep he though wow se's really
2345s stting to pop off right and this is it's
2348s difficult because this looks like a huge
2350s board and it is but everyone has the hu
2353s yes but like in terms of stats like
2355s obviously amount of minions is different
2356s but everyone has a huge board right so
2359s def strange one but yeah but the actual
2361s value as well from the Pirates as well
2363s is going to really start to kick s into
2365s into gear s Sala Busker on Lich Bazil is
2369s so nice right because if you think about
2371s it you just get to play a normal curve
2373s plus one gold what do you do with that
2375s one gold you buy a whole extra minion
2377s with that one gold so um that extra one
2381s economy whether it comes from a celal or
2384s a south sea Busker or a patient Scout as
2386s I was talking about earlier uh Lich
2387s Bazil can do so much more with that than
2389s most characters
2392s can now say say picking up the TA ready
2396s for the r rolls this is a um a favorite
2399s for people like me who just love
2400s spending whole 10 gold on just rolling
2403s trying to find that one
2406s minion I'm sure say say say will use it
2409s a little bit more efficiently than I
2411s would and Nix here getting to cheat
2414s their way throughing the early game as
2419s always this character really irritates
2423s me as a character or as a hero in
2426s battlegrounds as a hero in Battlegrounds
2428s yeah it
2429s just the the buff to the charact to the
2433s hero meaning that it's gone down by one
2435s and then the welp that spawns counts as
2438s well it just feels like everything that
2440s dies spawns a 3-1 welp over the course
2442s of the fight they just keep coming and
2444s coming and it's so hard to compete with
2447s that in the early game when they're just
2448s you know buying a death rattle or two
2449s and they have so much extra power just
2451s to be able to to push through really
2453s really strong character uh Tempo hero in
2456s the game
2458s actually uh skipping on one of the
2461s Elementals there which is interesting
2463s obviously say doesn't have to just go
2465s all in on this but mhm one was on offer
2468s and it would have just been an extra
2469s body on board that had a that really
2470s high attack which is useful again when
2472s all of these minions are getting at plus
2474s one every turn in the
2480s shot
2482s yo okay absolutely insane roll from G so
2487s gief sold the patient Scout there
2489s looking for a two drop uh just straight
2492s up hit the triple with the pair that he
2493s had locked in shop and then because of
2494s the omu buff was able to level and then
2497s hit that perfect three- go break point
2499s to be able to buy the uh the third and
2501s arubian and uh take the five here finds
2503s a mama bear not super exciting I would
2506s say but I think none of the choices were
2508s were they really like none of them were
2510s really blowing me away so I think the
2512s the bear is the most sort of reliable
2514s Choice longterm I would say
2518s does have the rat as well so yep little
2520s bit of value from the rat it's just a
2522s tiny bit sketch right because normally
2525s with a mama bear if you if you look at
2527s the the makeup of the anomaly in the
2528s lobby you know you're buying two twos
2531s and four fours from the shop and then
2533s when they death rattle you're getting a
2535s buff basically 100% equivalent to the
2537s size of the minion that you and everyone
2539s else is buying whereas in this Lobby
2541s you're buying like 10 10 and 12 12s and
2543s you're the buff that you're getting in
2545s comparison is fairly small
2547s um so I'd be surprised if gief like
2549s stays here for the game I would imagine
2551s kind of just uses this as a bit of tempo
2553s for now looking to transition out into
2555s something a little bit more powerful
2556s potentially yeah like I said none of
2557s them really stuck out to me in terms of
2559s the choices but just get a bear down now
2561s maybe you hit a couple of beats in the
2562s shop play them then you've got a bit
2564s more stats than everyone else right and
2566s then use that to springboard into the
2568s late game because again with omu you
2570s really do just want to be able to press
2572s that tenter up right so anything that
2574s secures you on board for a turn or so uh
2576s would will help a lot Peggy ballad now
2579s is looking kind of exciting you'd
2582s weirdly need a third pirate to go with
2585s that because you don't want to play the
2586s badis until the end of the turn though
2588s but ballad is one of those things right
2589s when you have when everyone has high
2590s attack minions you doubling the health
2593s of one of your high attack minions
2594s essentially right becomes a huge deal
2596s because now now that two for one's going
2599s over the other way which is kind of
2604s nice seville's just kind
2607s massive yeah it's looking good isn't it
2610s um and still has that three gold locked
2612s in right with the uh with the pirate on
2614s board so that's going to be pretty good
2615s as and when needed so give him a little
2617s bit more flexible choices going forward
2619s in the next couple of turns yeah really
2622s useful going to next turn as well cuz
2624s now with uh combinations of like the
2626s managerie mug in hand the three gold and
2628s the hero power may be able to level to
2631s five and get a pirate into hand with the
2634s remaining gold that they could have cuz
2637s um the the pirate that they have will be
2639s proing next turn right to make a pirate
2641s in hand golden that'll be happening on
2642s the next turn not this turn uh so they
2645s might then to be able to play that into
2646s a golden for a six on the turn
2648s afterwards yeah and do apologize for the
2650s like you seen um even though the
2652s acquisition I think has gone through we
2653s are not merging harstone with PowerPoint
2655s quite yet uh but we are doing our best
2658s to get these
2662s figs where's clippy when you need him
2664s that's what I want I see your right
2666s reduce lag would you like some help with
2671s that these fights are getting closed
2673s obviously little bird there as well
2675s sitting on 18 does feel a little bit
2677s dangerous of course The Shield is in
2678s effect so it's not like anyone's in the
2680s real danger zone but you still don't
2682s want to get pushed into it this
2688s early yeah reminder there is a puzzle
2690s box question for uh first elimination as
2692s well whether it will happen whether
2694s we'll have a game without an elimination
2695s before turn 10 we are currently at turn
2697s seven so uh two break points that you
2699s are looking at firstly a player dropping
2701s below 15 so they are able to be
2703s eliminated in one fight and then of
2705s course that happening uh worth noting as
2707s well something that we haven't covered
2708s is that the way the damage cap Works has
2710s changed fairly recently so now uh damage
2713s cap is in effect all the way up until
2714s top four which means you know even in
2717s those massive late game fights like
2719s maybe someone has seven late game
2721s Elementals on their board and are
2723s threatening to hit you for 40 uh until
2725s you get to that top four point you are
2727s protected which in a way makes those
2729s like 16 and 31 Health break points even
2733s more important than they ever were right
2735s you really have to manage your health
2737s totals around those yeah I think we are
2739s a little bit behind on this as well just
2742s maybe the lag's catching up or something
2744s because uh as far as I can see uh if and
2747s when we've got time we can go and check
2749s out uh uh dedo as well because there's a
2752s board that you would quite like here SLE
2754s from from what I could see so we'll uh
2756s we'll get to that when we can
2762s okay know be a babit not really looking
2765s as threatening as some of the other
2766s players obviously sitting on 29 Health
2768s not the end of the world and is a Nick
2770s Seer so has that extra sort of stacking
2772s damage as the the the battles go on but
2774s not looking overly threatening as far as
2777s I can tell yeah it depends also how many
2780s 3 tws are hidden inside that lava lurker
2782s that's always a factor when you have
2783s that combination because the uh they
2785s become Perman each time you use
2787s them H dppo please Lindo if you don't
2790s mind yeah they're just uh working
2792s through some stuff so they just asked
2795s that wasn't a demand they just asked
2796s where you said they wanted to go yeah
2797s I'm not that probably did sound very
2800s demanding to the to the audience right I
2802s mean
2802s justly get there now oh okay we'll wait
2805s till the board's refreshed and then tell
2807s me you enjoy it so I think I saw a RAC
2810s just very briefly before things happen
2812s which may correct give away yeah have
2815s you seen two coins in hands on
2818s uhhuh oh this is
2822s tense I'm waiting for the grand reveal
2824s there you go okay yeah now tell me
2827s that's not a board you like that's
2828s that's a subtle board if I've ever seen
2830s one yeah honestly like the amount of MMR
2833s I flush down the toilet by forcing RAC
2835s every time I was literally about to say
2837s that's a board sort will like even if
2839s it's to his own detriment because it's
2841s just every game we've played it's like
2843s yeah but there's a RAC it's like right
2845s we have no battle
2846s but get the r
2850s like being alerted the G has got double
2852s Peggy so it looks like we didn't quite
2854s see whether or not he committed on that
2856s turn with the uh the Peggy and The
2857s Ballad in the shot but it sounds like he
2861s did O not looking bad there at all yeah
2865s that's a lot of stats kind of leans to
2867s what I was saying right like the mama
2869s bear is kind of there but he hasn't just
2870s started building a mama bear board he
2872s has looked to do something a little bit
2874s more powerful overall which I think
2875s makes
2876s and I do think that is sort of lesson
2880s one of learning Battlegrounds is don't
2883s just take well you take the first good
2885s minion you see and then you don't have
2887s to carry on with that minion right like
2889s being able to flex is the the first sort
2891s of true skill you learn when you become
2893s uh good at the game yeah I think one of
2896s the biggest differences between
2897s Battlegrounds and other Auto Battlers is
2900s the idea of forcing compositions MH is a
2904s genuine thing more so in other games I
2907s don't think forcing X is a thing in
2910s Battlegrounds I think it's not when I do
2913s it I it's it will lose you MMR over the
2916s long run if you just try and tunnel on
2918s doing individual things the way
2919s Battlegrounds Works generally is you
2921s have to understand which minions are
2924s carries and which minions aren't right
2927s and then you don't start forcing
2928s something until you have one of those
2930s carries right like until you hit until
2932s you hit you know double Gusty you're not
2935s Elementals for example right like just
2937s cuz you have a couple of party
2938s Elementals on your board on Tav 3 does
2940s not mean you're Elementals and I would
2942s time yeah you're just having a good time
2944s exactly like just because you're having
2947s a party does not mean that party has to
2949s go on all night you know sometimes you
2951s just need to go home and get into bed
2953s and have a nice cup of hot cocoa you
2954s know that's just it's just better
2957s sometimes I seen a multiple players with
2960s a lot of these Rats on the board now I'm
2962s just looking at all the boards combined
2964s and we are seeing that gief and that
2966s beat out going for you know leaning
2968s towards those beats and those rats as we
2971s can see now for gief just being able to
2972s stack up some more stats on
2977s stats I would imagine uh although this
2980s pause could be for a variety of reasons
2983s both in and out of game uh gief is
2985s genuinely considering five or six here
2987s right because he will have golden Peggy
2990s so not leveling and spending the
2992s remainder of the gold on just buying and
2993s selling things will get him potentially
2995s a decent amount stats on the board he'd
2997s have to buy an additional pirate to go
2998s alongside it uh but there are a couple
3000s of options in the shop amalgam is Chief
3003s among them but six drops could work out
3006s really nicely here especially with this
3007s board you can actually find a way to
3009s maybe pivot back into beasts a little
3011s bit by going back to six drop with
3013s octosari or with Fel stomper both of
3015s those would be pretty nice hits for six
3017s drops and how how do you feel about
3019s having tier six in the game I know it's
3021s difficult with anomalies to discuss it
3023s of course in sort of any sort of real
3024s fashion but in general what would you
3027s say is like the power level of tavener
3028s six CU we've seen it be very strong and
3031s we've seen it be quite weak in certain
3032s metas yeah I think it's really really
3034s strong right now I think both varieties
3037s of boards want to get to Tav six a lot
3041s of the time so if you're a token style
3042s board you kind of want to get to tavn uh
3044s six because your fell stomper will be
3046s there your Eternal Knight will be there
3048s right whatever you're going for there
3049s will be value for you in Tav six um if
3052s you're Elementals you want to go there
3054s because rock rock is there for example
3055s example um if you're a scam board you
3058s want to get there because ghoul is there
3059s which is one of the most broken cards in
3060s the game right so T Tav six I think
3062s really does fulfill its job right now of
3064s offering you really really powerful
3066s things yeah like actual endgame choices
3068s and we are out of game uh on purpose
3070s believe it or not you are seen our faces
3072s I apologize for that for now H we all do
3074s want to watch the game but as you can
3075s tell just having some weird lag issues
3077s that uh you know the production are
3078s working on so we just had to jump out of
3080s it to quickly reset something so we will
3082s be getting back into game as quickly as
3084s possible cuz we want to see how this one
3086s conclude so again apologies about that
3088s we're back in oh now that is some FPS so
3092s ready for
3095s this uh yeah this is looking much better
3098s not only in terms of frame rate but also
3101s in terms of overall
3103s smoothness yeah I really do like the
3105s Shield or you know the the sort of uh uh
3108s change to the the damage cap I do feel
3110s like it gives you a little bit more of a
3113s Dodges some of the truly ridiculous
3115s scenario iOS that have happened at least
3117s to me in the past it's like oh I'm dead
3119s it's like gives you a bit more warning
3121s heads up
3123s so gief now uh does have a glow scaling
3126s shop with the golden Peggy obviously
3128s spellcraft minions are very very nice
3130s because they throw additional Cards into
3132s your hand and also it's just a giant
3134s Peggy right 50 attack minion that you're
3135s able to put a Divine shield on looks
3137s very very nice
3139s indeed second one yeah sure sign me
3144s up oh like be
3148s abound but it looks like dappy has
3152s already started to transition out of the
3156s economy which you know is the thing that
3157s good players do that I don't um which so
3160s I was like but more but more is better
3163s yeah that's why they call it more
3165s because it's
3166s more um but I think noticing so here's a
3169s thing that you generally do as test
3171s right is mouse over the rest of the
3172s lobby and see what people are showing as
3174s and as we've seen jumping around there's
3177s a lot of people probably showing beasts
3179s in this Lobby so uh dappy going for the
3182s the Beast Le thing is is Pretty good
3183s overall and you can see this is the next
3186s matchup which is dappy uh versus little
3189s bird here on the oat and there's two
3191s more banana Slammers sat right there
3193s ready for dappy to grab on the reroll so
3195s this is looking real real good I don't
3197s know how big the summon is for the
3199s ozumat for little bird because obviously
3201s that is getting pumped by those banana
3202s Slammers makes it a very very naturally
3204s powerful thing Synergy to go for when
3206s you are on oat um but dappy is above 22
3210s so cannot possibly die and will be able
3212s to get those bananas
3216s slamming we throwing out as well we have
3219s had a death on turn nine uh so no
3222s immediate fulfillment of the uh 10 turns
3225s without a death we both went the same on
3226s that didn't we but we both said no I
3228s think uh I said yes I believe oh really
3231s oh what do I know I suppose I did yeah
3234s yeah
3237s my reasoning for that was like in my
3238s games it seems like turn nine is about
3240s the average for the first death and in
3241s general what makes top players top
3243s players is they're really really good at
3245s staying alive when they're not rolling
3247s good minions um so I expect things to go
3250s a little bit longer in this than than
3252s usual but we'll
3256s see these WPS just keep on coming they
3260s don't stop coming and they don't stop
3261s coming yeah it's going to be a win there
3267s oh took the damage cap though actually
3269s took the straight
3273s 15 that now on only on seven but does
3277s have options going forward does have
3278s that test hero power I was going to say
3280s as well for the Slammers so there that's
3282s a plenty of options available now to
3284s Gold that if he wants
3294s to
3300s at this now though he's going of course
3302s going to continue building up the board
3304s here we jump and take a look at sliders
3306s who guess what has a very similar
3308s looking board because there's more
3309s banana Slammers on
3310s there take an L there going down to
3313s three Health Oho does get the actual
3314s buff uh due to losing the previous round
3317s look like his coin into snake it's going
3320s to be going on here fight oh no going to
3323s go for bird
3324s okay
3329s I didn't like that one here's a for
3334s the bit here trying to make something
3336s work but again the the Nyx is good to
3340s get the extra little bits of damage but
3341s it is quickly getting to the point where
3342s it's just not going to cut it anymore
3344s and there isn't anything that really
3345s really pops off with those extra little
3350s hits does have the cleave though locked
3352s and loaded as well as some fighting
3354s versus the reborn and the to
3359s yeah you'll see a lot of players leaning
3360s towards this uh Cinder ey straight shot
3362s as a tech card for much the same reason
3365s as to why Tess went beasts right is
3367s because they're seeing lots of people
3369s displaying as beasts so they're
3371s expecting taunts and Reborns that become
3374s uh very obnoxious to deal with overall
3376s so you're trying to see them out
3379s yeah did actually hit the other one so
3382s like that is actually removing the
3383s Divine Shield stopping the second swing
3384s Divine Shield on the cleave as well he
3386s going to look nice even though it
3387s doesn't actually kill anything off still
3389s not
3390s terrible it's just like the in it feels
3393s like it falls off so quickly in this
3395s kind of build right because like oh okay
3397s three three it's like well everything's
3400s got a million
3403s Health as soon as one thing gets to
3405s spawn on dappy's board it's like yep
3408s okay this wins I'm
3414s good
3417s oh no I'm not happy about that s's gone
3419s so uh yep my uh pick is out of there oh
3424s is that my bandwagon pick killing your
3426s bandwagon pick it couldn't be could it
3428s oh I think it is
3430s nah don't know what you're looking at
3432s don't know what you're looking at STS
3435s you mean to go on Raven That's what I
3436s was saying yeah dapp is in my fantasy
3439s team though so oh sure head your bets
3443s yeah
3444s exactly
3447s and know more good offerings here for
3448s gief have a little bit of a few Tech
3451s choices to an extent uh itself in the
3462s hand really tons of options with only
3464s two gold
3472s though it's been a little bit surprising
3474s to see such a banana heavy Lobby um
3478s particularly without murlocs right
3480s because with this anomaly if you have
3483s beast and murlocs right you can actually
3485s buy large beasts from the sharp hold
3487s them in your hand and then summon them
3489s with a base Gill to the board and then
3491s you get massive benefits from you know
3493s doubling and redoubling a 2020 instead
3495s of a a 2 two or whatever right like
3497s that's huge um but in this scenario no
3501s real incredible Synergy between the uh
3504s the anomaly that's being played the
3505s board that everyone is seeing it just
3506s seems lots of people just kind of hit
3509s banana Slammers this game yeah okay I
3512s think that was it I think just there's
3513s just a lot of banana Slammers and then
3515s also there is power being able to pull
3517s them off board anyway right even without
3519s the merlocks so uh I think that's just
3522s it's just a steady one and again with
3524s the way the format is let's remember all
3526s of these players goal is to finish in
3528s total top four right like that's what
3531s they need to do so might just think you
3532s know what beasts are good we have the
3535s ban get with it really really really
3539s clean stuff from both sides here by the
3541s way so you look at that makeup G Leed uh
3544s with the the shrinker on the left and
3547s then the Leroy just having maximum
3549s opportunities to try and connect with
3551s that giant taunt on the right that he
3553s knew was going to be there but uh Lil
3556s bird on osma had played around that by
3558s taunting as many other things as
3560s possible knowing that was what was going
3562s to go down earns himself the draw
3564s because
3565s gets to stay alive and that by Staying
3568s Alive gained himself five placings
3571s Because He Lives while CES on the
3574s curator has died so that little bit of
3577s decision making just to maximize the
3579s amount of taunts that you have on your
3580s board is absolutely prepped little bird
3582s up the rankings just that little B and C
3585s got absolutely deleted then by dappy
3587s that was not even remotely close but
3589s here's the thing right we were talking
3591s oh yeah weird so many people have gone
3593s for beasts with the banana Slammers and
3595s Tess is just sat there rubbing the hands
3597s together like perfect and look at this
3599s yeah double is that double gold and a
3602s non-old I think there uh for for dappy
3605s so yeah plenty of bananas are being
3611s slammed and what is dappy actually
3614s looking for right now like what is the
3616s Improvement to this
3618s board it's a great question I was going
3620s to say taunt or no taunt is the next big
3622s question whether you want to necessarily
3624s Taun the Raptor now just to try and get
3627s that extra position but at the same time
3630s it's hard to know what you're supposed
3632s to Tor in these situations because
3635s especially when you're up against a
3636s Lobby of very good players you're going
3638s to be very confident that they're going
3639s to be stacking cindor straight shots and
3641s Cleaves against you where having a torn
3644s in the wrong place against a synor or a
3646s cleave can spell disaster um so having
3649s the option of additional torts is nice
3651s I'm just not even sure whether dappy
3653s will decide to spend it here could even
3656s be another um uh oh I've just blanked
3660s Divine Shield win Fury we talked about
3662s it before I've just blanked on the name
3664s is it Cinder shot uh cindor straight
3667s shot yeah yeah oh straight shot yeah uh
3669s I just brain just doesn't work maybe
3671s even honestly at this point a second one
3673s of those because the snake's going to go
3674s out once this Reborns hit the other
3675s Slammer and then you could just say well
3678s if I if there are other beasts and
3679s reborn in in the game I just have double
3682s goes at those and being able to peel
3683s them off yeah
3685s and I think it makes sense yeah as you
3686s say there is still one good Target left
3688s on the board for the the Raptor to get
3690s Reb so you can wait that out and now
3692s next turn you have the choice to make
3694s about how you're going to build your
3695s board in terms of Tor makeup and so
3698s on couple of nice 252s or 306 that do
3705s nicely that's not a knife this is a
3711s knife close fight as takes the victory
3715s there and again another play is going to
3717s fall to the power of those banana
3719s Slammers here and that's going to be
3721s gief done and dusted so little bird
3723s second place at worst H and dappy uh
3726s sitting at First at the moment so it's
3728s going to that heads up play and I think
3731s just seeing that little birds on beasts
3733s I cannot believe that dappy is uh not
3737s going to be strong enough to finish this
3739s little bird looks very fortunate that
3741s there were lots of spawns coming out of
3744s this one because with the uh the Double
3745s goul on the other side almost ended up
3748s tying or losing that fight which could
3750s have been an embarrassing way to end the
3751s lobby oh more banana Slammers thank you
3754s oh yeah I'll take an
3757s extra Leroy is on offer even the Divine
3760s Shield is available right there will be
3762s enough gold if he wants to go for the
3764s Naga switch out going to go taunted
3766s Leroy instead it looks like oh okay
3769s which is not bad right that's a good
3771s Tech card hedge against um both Cleaves
3774s and the if the Soro hits the taunted
3776s Leroy first then that's game over it's
3779s not hit any more Reborns from that point
3780s and obviously just with positioning with
3782s a taunted Leroy you can really maximize
3784s your odds that the uh the cleave will be
3786s hitting the
3789s Leroy I think those are the two scariest
3792s things for you right now well three
3793s scary things I would imagine firstly the
3796s uh those well firstly and secondly the
3798s two things I talked about thirdly the
3800s overall size of this azimat summon that
3803s you're going to have to deal with on the
3804s right hand side when Amplified by the
3806s banana Slammers I always think moments
3807s like this are really funny cuz imagine
3809s letting someone play one game of
3811s Battlegrounds the first game ever and
3813s then you say look at this board in this
3815s professional tournament and then they'd
3817s be like why just what what what why do
3820s you sell those minions what's going on
3823s oh no just wait and see my friend yeah I
3826s remember way back uh last year sometime
3829s I think uh when leap Froggers were still
3832s kind of a metac comp and uh I can't
3834s remember who was casting I think it was
3835s TJ casting and I was on uh I was
3837s pressing buttons and I was posting in
3840s the Discord just saying hey keep an eye
3841s out for uh for this player just selling
3843s their entire board and just having one
3845s 200 200 cleave on the board and then it
3848s ended up happening just you know small
3850s boards with u maximum disruption tend to
3852s be the ways to beat these uh big
3854s resummon comps but but when they
3856s reduceed that that summon down to uh
3858s three not quite as scary it just doesn't
3861s quite work like yeah if if that nisal
3863s had been a 200 200 then yeah maybe we
3865s can talk right we still would not have
3867s because that's a 1,000 attack feather M
3869s on the other side but you can at least
3871s have the conversation about it but still
3873s had to try something tried something
3875s didn't work out yeah really really big
3878s victory there for dappy and I think even
3880s though he was down on Seven health H it
3883s got to a point where like realistically
3886s what would have had to happen for him
3888s not to take game number one and it would
3891s have had to been some kind of miracle
3893s from another player so that be taking
3894s the first win and bagging those points
3897s getting off to a fantastic start that
3899s honestly unless everything goes
3901s completely wrong he must be feeling
3904s confident about making it to tomorrow
3905s already yeah it's a short format in
3908s groups with with three games to qualify
3910s out so if you do pick up that win in
3912s your your first game you do feel
3914s relatively secure and likewise if you if
3916s you finish eth you start to think oh
3917s goodness you know uphill climb from here
3919s I've got to absolutely storm my way
3920s through these next two lobbies and you
3922s start uh crossing your fingers and
3924s praying to Bob that you know the
3925s anomalies role that you know how to play
3927s and all that kind of thing coming up for
3928s the next two games because uh two games
3930s now to to really figure out whether
3933s people are going to have a miserable
3934s Sunday or not well we'll find out that
3937s shortly we are going to go to a quick
3938s break while we get the players ready for
3940s game number two so don't go anywhere and
3941s we'll be right back with some more Lobby
3953s Legends
3965s [Music]
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4582s he
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4653s welcome back everyone to the lobby
4655s Legends we're are getting ready for our
4657s next match we do apologize about the lag
4659s we are just uh run through some tech
4661s things to try and get it fixed so yeah
4662s apologies about that we're doing our
4664s best over here but sutle how was that
4666s first game for you our first one with
4667s the anomalies it was a bit of a tame one
4670s but did anything really stand
4671s out it was incredible high in potassium
4674s that's what stood out Raven there there
4676s were bananas everywhere uh that was
4678s really what dominated it right and when
4680s when a Lobby homogenizes towards one
4683s strategy like that Tess is always going
4685s to have a good time and that's kind of
4686s what we watched happening um I pick test
4689s very early for bandwagon and the reason
4692s being it's one of the things that does
4694s interact very well with that particular
4696s anomaly because um the problem with Tess
4699s is that you buy minions from your
4700s opponent but you're always behind where
4702s they were right like they've buffed up
4704s their minions they they put stats on
4706s them or whatever you roll their vanilla
4709s whereas at least this way you can roll
4710s and at least get decent Tempo minions
4712s straight back cuz they're they're still
4713s in the tavern they're still buffed um so
4715s I tend to think Tess does fairly well
4717s with that anomaly but the way it worked
4719s out was just fantastic for me and more
4721s importantly fantastic for dappy who just
4723s witnessed everyone going for banana
4725s Slammers and was just basically rolling
4727s into two or three more bananers every
4730s single turn more importantly fantastic
4733s for me fancy team pick yeah I'm just
4736s going to mirand you H but yeah take a
4738s look at the standings there after one
4740s game of course uh this is kind of
4742s interesting actually because from
4744s Sliders down like that's very close
4747s right that he not really spreading
4748s players out too much uh with those
4751s points uh so we'll see how that impacts
4753s as we move on to game two and three but
4755s so far really looking at those top three
4757s sl4 players already a huge stride ahead
4760s of the rest of the lobby which is going
4762s to be really strong because if the likes
4764s of dappy little bird G say say can H
4767s just put in like one more decent
4770s performance then they'll be able to feel
4773s very confident about you know making
4775s that top four cut today yeah kind of bad
4777s news for zorg as well that the the next
4779s elimination went out as a trio right
4782s because it just means that there was no
4783s one point player that's right next to
4785s him that he can claw down one by one
4786s everyone else got at least a two-point
4788s lead over zorg but you can see uh this
4791s is I believe how the viewers have gone
4793s over overall with their fantasy team
4794s picks and no great surprise like I said
4796s about this group right couple of really
4799s well-known widely regarded ask the
4801s average guy on the street and they'll
4802s say first off what's Battlegrounds but
4804s secondly um if you asking them to name
4807s good players gief and beatab babit would
4808s be pretty high on that list right
4810s they're very well known as extremely
4812s high level consistent players uh so no
4815s great surprise to see those two dominate
4817s proceeding yeah and I I think it's going
4820s to be interesting to see how that looks
4822s when we fast forward you know maybe even
4824s more time because a lot I think a lot of
4826s these names you know not the uh sort of
4828s bigger streamers that we've had on
4830s throughout of course we've got the likes
4831s of dog in uh in group b uh but I think
4834s it's cool or it has been cool at least
4836s for me seeing the players that I didn't
4838s know too well like back when Lobby
4840s Legends started and now they're just
4842s they're just Battlegrounds names right
4844s that you just know because we've seen
4846s them show up time and time again I think
4848s when this system started I think you
4851s were with me on this we're very
4852s interested to see are we going to get 16
4855s not random obviously they've had to
4856s qualify but a different 16 names every
4859s single time or are we going to see the
4861s players constantly hit and we have seen
4863s them constantly hit so it's been really
4865s cool to follow some of these players and
4867s see just how consistent they can be in a
4869s game that I think to a lot of people
4871s does not feel consistent obviously not
4873s at the top level but you know you casat
4874s your players yeah and I think one of the
4876s things I've really enjoyed about
4877s Battlegrounds as well um and we'll speak
4879s to this more when we get to Group B
4881s later in the day is some people who are
4884s big names within their native speaking
4886s communities particularly some of the
4888s Japanese and APAC players have had that
4890s opportunity to break out onto a world
4892s stage and say no we're the nuts like we
4894s absolutely destroy everyone else and
4896s there's so many player you know the
4897s likes of Alex JP for example the likes
4899s of water of satellite these players that
4902s have come along and been very very
4904s consistent even almu right who Rose to
4906s godhood already by doing the same thing
4908s in I'll do it in Battlegrounds oh yeah
4910s I'll just do it in Battlegrounds as well
4911s like yeah absolutely um I think it's
4913s been a real real Boon to the apack
4915s players over yeah looks like we are
4916s getting to game two and it looks like
4919s things are moving which is always a
4920s positive again we are constantly
4922s fighting whatever Tech issue we've got
4923s so we'll do our best look at this we do
4926s have the perfected Alchemy uh anomaly I
4929s believe which is start with a
4935s goldenized one this is basically letting
4938s everyone be Reno as well as their their
4941s their uh their hero
4944s uh little bird just picking up the King
4946s Varian as the tavn S option uh didn't
4950s necessarily catch the other two um think
4953s uh Papa Bear was perhaps one of them but
4955s uh King VAR in a lot of tempo early on
4956s and particularly uh will be looking for
4958s some nice economy I think in this
4960s particular Lobby Little Bird will be
4961s looking to get as quickly as possible
4963s through that gold Spence you can
4965s potentially even use the gold andiz are
4967s on one of those six drops that you get
4969s from selling your king Barry I like it
4971s as well cuz it it sometimes it feels
4973s difficult to make that choice right at
4975s the beginning of the game and that feels
4976s like one of the most flexible choices
4978s right to just say oh well I'll just get
4980s more stuff like whatever stuff I need
4982s I'll get some stuff so it'll be fine so
4984s yeah I like it overall and we are just
4986s going to start off on sevil on nzo and
4989s getting some nice little early Tempo
4991s damage
4995s in now with this setup subtle are there
5001s any like minions you could just
5003s instantly think of and saying oh in a
5005s perfect world I'd use the the golden
5006s iser on that it's you know almost like a
5008s pre-planned minion sort of thing uh I
5011s think with Elementals in you got to be
5012s looking at Gusty right Gusty Trumpeter
5014s if you get golden Gusty early on you're
5016s just well on the way to infinite
5017s Elementals already that's absolutely
5019s massive but I think more so than
5021s individual minions it's Heroes that give
5023s you some way of achieving a high LEL
5026s thing quickly right like gacr for
5028s example you can just get a six drop in
5030s the shop or a five drop in the shop very
5032s very quickly uh you see be a babbit on
5034s udora who can guarantee a triple into a
5037s five or whatever curve you end up
5038s playing and get that done very quickly
5041s um so I think more and more those are
5043s the kind of things you're looking for is
5044s like how do I let me pick a hero that
5046s can either just the hero power gives
5049s them a high value minion early or
5051s something that like guarantees me
5052s triples really really quickly and I
5054s think you can see that like zorg on hook
5056s Tas kind of a triple farming character
5058s um gief on myv kind of a triple farming
5060s character sliders on Patchwork just
5063s press the level button over and over
5064s again with your health total and then
5066s buy something uh from a high tier Tavern
5068s you know people are really leaning into
5070s that that triple power more than uh more
5072s than average and and this is what we
5074s were talking about right at the
5075s beginning of the show saying that well
5078s it like what herit Heroes that their
5080s strengths really go up and down
5081s depending on what anomaly you're playing
5083s right so like these really uh again the
5086s likes of patches and a few others really
5087s do benefit from saying yes let's rush to
5090s a a sort of endgame state to get this
5092s gold are working as quickly as possible
5094s cuz everyone is going fairly slowly
5096s except for I would say like dappy right
5098s now who's actually just building up that
5100s board as
5104s cous slight difference in board presence
5109s here if uh Linder is out there making
5112s making beats I wouldn't mind taking a
5113s look at beer babit just to have some
5115s idea as to what kind of udora curve is
5117s going on here try and see what sort of
5119s triple he is aiming
5121s for oh this is nice there you just saw
5124s quickly there The Gambler as well being
5125s able to cycle that gold which is going
5127s to be really good for uh for little bird
5129s but yeah there's be pit take us away so
5132s Tav three on six gold with double
5134s economy so I'm assuming that was yeah
5136s that would have been level this turn
5137s with the one extra gold uh gone through
5140s for the hero power now has two sellable
5142s minions so it looks like this is going
5144s to be a very very quick five or one turn
5147s delay into a six looking to Golden the
5149s result as well so we'll of course end up
5151s with two golden Minions on the board
5152s most of the time uh the actual golden
5155s minion that you get from the hero power
5156s and then probably going to Golden the
5158s result of it as well yep so uh sneaky
5162s little person forgot to remind me again
5164s that I'm getting so involved with the
5166s game I forgot to make a pick there's no
5168s extra tweet for sportsmanship is there
5171s like just doesn't matter the goal is to
5174s win okay okay just remember just
5178s remember sorry sorry Chris just really
5180s pop yeah I've just read that message
5182s very good yep uh yeah that's fine I'll
5185s remember this you know when it comes to
5186s reminding people don't
5188s worry it's all getting logged away ready
5191s for that message I'll make you
5194s right here though Chief going to get
5197s stomped a not sto probably slight
5200s exaggeration here good trade going on
5202s that side though so not too bad here
5203s going to pound a bit of the pressure
5205s again the curus just getting the job
5206s done but still I'm just waiting to see
5209s these golden isers start to be used cuz
5210s that's when the game is really going to
5212s pop up oh yeah for sure yeah right now
5215s these early turns it's really just
5217s looking at how everyone is preparing for
5219s that golden o right like what's
5221s everyone's
5230s plan yo early golden n rubian on
5233s shadowwalk there is a plan I can tell
5235s you that much oh yeah I didn't even
5238s notice it was gone honestly I'm just
5239s looking at all the boards and I'm like
5240s oh yeah that's a good point it's just
5242s it's just
5243s missing well okay they tripled a arubian
5247s into what I'm like no no no they just
5249s used the goldener on the narubi and now
5252s they're pressing the the shadowalk hero
5253s power on it for the rest of the game not
5255s a bad plan honestly yeah well that's
5257s what I was going to ask you as well
5258s because they there seems to have been at
5260s least so far a bit of a a nod across the
5263s the whole player base in this game of
5266s saying okay we've got goldenes that's
5268s all kind of just level up right and
5269s we'll deal with all the fighting later
5271s on but I was going to say what are the
5273s merits of actually being a little bit
5275s more aggressive with the goldener to try
5277s and say I'll actually get some damage
5278s dealt
5280s now
5281s okay hang on I will answer your question
5284s in a minute but B babbit with the
5287s rapidly ramping UD has found his way
5290s into a golden Nomi on seven gold and is
5294s now just slamming 124s on the board with
5296s Reckless abandon and also just hitting
5299s for 15 yes it was against patches but
5302s still like you know like that's a high
5305s damage output coming out there from be B
5307s this look this is not going to do any
5310s Battleground streamer any favors right
5312s because no me isn't very good I just
5316s want to make that clear to everyone
5317s watching but oh my goodness is it
5319s everyone's favorite card so if you watch
5321s like any high level Battleground
5323s streamer you will see them skip like 15
5325s nomies a game and every single one they
5328s roll past someone and chat be like why
5329s no know me because it's turn 11 like
5332s what are you talking about why no know
5333s me but yeah turns out if you get a
5336s golden one on seven gold it's kind of
5339s disgusting when you know everyone else
5341s is also kind of taking it slow as well
5343s right like you kind of look at the board
5345s say okay well no one's you know really
5347s popping off early on so yeah will be
5350s exciting
5351s indeed my quest begins here I feel like
5354s the stats are getting close to just
5356s already been there for be as well right
5358s it's not like he's done this and he's
5359s falling behind yeah yeah yeah for sure
5366s he's winning fights like he will be
5367s dealing 15 in every fight from now until
5370s the end of the game until someone else
5372s spikes as high as that is spiking right
5374s now yeah I'm take a quick glance at
5376s seval as well who is the nooth at the
5378s moment is starting to really rack up
5380s those uh those pigs so I'll be
5382s interested to see how that's going to
5384s look at least in the near future once
5386s the uh gems have started to go this is
5388s something I have done twice I think I've
5391s played this anomaly a fair few times I
5394s think on two occasions I have ended up
5395s going the Elise route uh just you know
5397s essentially just turns that one option
5400s for a golden minion over into several
5402s golden minions over the course of the
5404s game right because at least triples that
5407s uh can get you six drops and so on from
5408s that point ways to you know triple into
5411s multiple five drops you can then maybe
5413s end up with a golden Gusty by just
5415s hitting hitting gold monkeys over and
5417s over again um you can get a lot of value
5420s out of it especially when you have a
5421s hero with a heal to spare like patk
5428s yeah here though you still got the
5431s goldener for now that's
5434s huge yeah it's getting used this turn
5436s unless there's any Rays on the Primus
5440s which I don't think there will
5442s be we're about to see a golden Primus
5444s hit this
5446s board nowh golden Leeroy no h it's close
5451s I is close he raise a valid
5454s counterargument but I think I'm just
5456s edging towards the thing that will
5458s immediately make this entire board full
5460s of Undead minions massive yeah when
5463s we've got a second as well no rush but
5465s we could go over to sliders I'm already
5466s seeing two golden monkeys on the board
5468s so um so we'll have to see what the
5470s output of that is going to look like in
5472s the near future yeah there's the golden
5474s being used there for
5476s gief now to see if he can catch up cuz
5478s again that it hurts me to say this cuz
5481s sot picked beat a babit in the uh in the
5483s prediction for this game uh but I do
5485s think he is currently looking
5487s fantastic he's currently looking three
5490s times the size of anyone else in the
5492s lobby
5498s yeah oh nomies what is it turn yeah nine
5502s that's that's okay nine gold two nomies
5505s so you're only two turns and one Nomi
5507s behind Bea babbit reasonable reasonable
5511s yeah there's the recycling so that's
5524s something ha now neither of your monkeys
5526s have torn what will you do
5530s now tra's going on there for Z
5534s though a big hit as well okay yes
5538s something I well yeah it wasn't the
5540s monkey right it was the best Target
5542s joint with the uh the upbeat du but even
5545s with that attack ends up being put down
5547s to 15 so yeah zorg is having a bad time
5550s here it looks like is going to need to
5552s go absolutely crazy with these
5554s Elementals this turn oh never mind I
5557s think I was just looking at the look on
5558s zorg's face like zorg kind of looks like
5560s he's given up on this game already look
5562s at who the matchup is I think he might
5565s know yeah a little bit unfortunate uh
5568s maybe he can survive if only's on 16
5571s health and not exact L 15 which is
5573s probably the uh the true problem in this
5575s scenario
5580s right was ridiculous the the problem is
5583s now like there needs to be taunt going
5585s on or something because these are too
5587s big to die so they're not going to it's
5589s just relying on Purely n me which is
5591s absolutely fine don't get me wrong but
5593s it's just funny to see the death rattle
5594s there and it's like they're not really
5596s going to die though so they're just big
5597s minions come on beta get rid of them
5599s yeah yeah there you go I can feel like
5602s that's the devil on the shoulder that
5603s good players are able to resist that I'm
5605s not right where I still have those two
5607s 15 15s going but there's still 15 15s
5610s and they generate me two more Elementals
5612s every turn surely I can keep them nah
5615s just just kill people it's fine don't
5618s worry about it there's Gusty as well to
5619s finish it
5622s off yeah I don't think the Gusty will
5624s necessarily hang around for too long
5626s just because it is it's a boulderfist
5628s ogre which you know as we know are good
5629s stats for the cost but not in this
5631s situation
5632s yeah maybe sck for one turn or so but it
5635s all depends on what beat is offered
5636s right so yeah you can keep it there for
5638s one turn and just buy sell around it
5640s right and then end up with two more
5641s Minions on your board from the shot yeah
5643s cuz they'll still be bigger than what
5644s you sold that wasn't the trumpet
5647s right of them deleted
5650s there is this 15 that's the question
5654s it's not bad yes it's the answer that's
5656s a good attack though but that's 48 12
5658s yeah it's 50 yeah it is oh oh that's not
5661s doing any good for my fantasy team
5667s unfortunately what was that turn 10
5671s exactly it's turn eight 10 gold turn
5673s eight oh sorry I'm looking at the Gold
5679s yeah too many times like oh yeah on
5681s eight gold on 10 gold as opposed to on
5684s turn whatever
5687s yeah the undead ramping working out
5690s pretty well for SSA right now yeah not
5692s pushing too much damage which must be a
5694s little bit dicey because say say is on
5696s eight so pretty much a sneeze is going
5697s to take him out of the
5701s game more golden monkeys
5710s anyone more Golden
5712s Monkey have you ever um what's it sea
5716s witch you know the seven drop Naga that
5717s just lets you steal things from the the
5719s shop have you ever done that with a
5721s lease with gold monkeys it's so it is
5727s absurd you triple into one sea witch and
5730s then you grab a golden monkey and then
5731s that Golden Monkey gets you like Captain
5733s Sanders right and then you make your sea
5735s witch golden which then gives you a new
5737s spell your hand becomes gold and then
5739s you get more Golden Monkey oh it's it's
5741s so broken that's the one thing that's
5743s difficult like if you're not playing 12
5745s hours a day it's really difficult to you
5748s know like grasp all the potential that
5751s anomalies can offer you because not only
5753s is it the anomaly to practice it's with
5755s the certain minion types that you get
5757s given than with the hero you offered or
5759s hero you're often should I say so it's
5761s really difficult to say like oh yeah I
5763s practice this one specific thing a lot
5765s because you just it's just difficult to
5767s make it happen yeah and I think that is
5769s this meta at a high level it's it's
5771s solving the issue right if you're
5773s presented with a set of variables at the
5775s start of the game this anomaly with
5777s these minion types here are the four
5779s Heroes you can choose from do you know
5781s what the best to try and do is um and
5785s for the most part the answer to that is
5787s yes for the majority of these players so
5789s then it becomes a matter of are you
5791s going to try and force it too hard and
5793s die can you navigate your way to that
5794s point skillfully enough do you
5796s understand whether when to bail out and
5798s just play scam for example like all of
5800s these kind of questions that then get
5802s layered in on top of yeah and this
5804s Undead push here is looking quite good
5808s isn't it in terms of just getting damage
5810s done here um obviously is on going to be
5812s on the patchwork from Sliders so there's
5814s Health to go around but it's still a
5816s significant hit and those are ones you
5818s really want to
5824s dodge was over for several the pigs are
5826s just getting it done for now or at least
5827s the gems are getting it done should I
5829s say and CSA is going to bite the
5832s dust 14 damage to the eight health what
5835s is going on sh's board here let's hang
5836s around full hand of blood gems and at
5839s least a 7070 hanging around on board
5841s okay so did end up using the
5846s goldenized cut away to something else uh
5849s he did not do it early in the game he
5851s kind of waited until he had the
5852s opportunity to do so but you can now
5854s kind of see how that can pay off right
5856s he has the blood gem Buffs and the blood
5860s gem Generations each going twice into
5863s the fish because of the the goldener
5866s which are now allowing him to make these
5867s giant minions so pretty good stuff you
5869s know cuz I'm a great friend in coastera
5872s I'm willing for the enjoyment of your
5875s your enjoyment and the audience I'm
5877s willing to inform you that my whole
5879s fantasy team the three that are dead
5881s right now so uh not really the best game
5884s for me personally uh but hey if you want
5887s to know what my fantasy team is it's
5889s pretty easy it's the three players that
5890s are in Gray at the
5893s bottom oh no that is a disaster R and
5898s for the second game in a row it looks
5899s like my bandwagon pick is the favorite
5901s to win the lobby yeah I I feel like I
5903s need there needs to be some kind of
5904s Investigation into sole's choices here I
5907s don't know you know we'll see my
5909s bandwagon pick is winning the lobby and
5910s your bandwagon pick was balls officially
5913s on the no it was a little bird that's
5916s still in okay there still a little
5918s chance just a normal
5922s bird I think you can win the sliders
5925s potentially getting the uh the round off
5927s so to speak going into the
5929s ghost it's not a bad ghost though it's
5932s not bad it's also 158 Health on that
5934s minion so I would be willing to say it's
5937s enough to not die or at least not lose
5941s it might be a little bit closer than you
5943s think it
5945s is but I think you are right
5948s yeah I did just eyeball it but it's out
5951s still over 120 right
5960s now
5963s he going to reborn
5965s again def wasn't it wasn't nothing but
5968s yeah it did depend on the rebor right
5971s like the the teus already swung right
5973s and killed one of those things already
5974s when it didn't happen right that that
5976s could have happened I I will say and I
5979s don't know if this is just a me thing or
5981s an everyone or or more people thing but
5984s I do feel like those Undead boards can
5986s be really tricky to judge how strong
5989s they actually are because things can
5990s really get wild with those mhm
5995s absolutely wild though it's going to be
5996s a
5997s turn ooh I'll forb
6005s oo AR off's
6007s blessing this is a tricky one and again
6010s no wonder I lose I was about to type my
6013s choice and the turn's not even remotely
6015s close to being
6017s done yeah I am fairly confident on this
6020s one though
6025s I'm not okay interesting so who you
6028s confident on so well wouldn't that be a
6031s wonderful thing to
6035s know oh Eternal Knight came along in the
6038s end though which is a big old
6041s deal one taunt I will say is worth
6044s noting that is a key factor on sliders
6046s board right now that you should pay
6048s attention to there is only one taunt I
6050s will not go as far as to tell you why
6052s that's very relevant just that it
6057s is committed Raven and myself are now in
6061s cased in a game of chicken where neither
6062s of us is going it's fine I've done it
6064s I'm not I'm not scared I'm not I'm not
6065s using a you know dodgy tactics like you
6068s do Saul of not telling me or reminding
6069s me to do a guess I'm I'm an I'm an
6072s honorable player okay as our good friend
6074s pav would
6079s say is this because do we not now need
6082s to watch the fight that we just gambled
6084s on or what what's happening this doesn't
6086s look like what I voted on it's null and
6088s void it doesn't count cuz I was probably
6090s wrong it's fine rigged can we get a
6094s rigged in the chat please yeah wait no
6097s I'm not doing that I'm innocent I'm
6100s innocent oh here we go oh wait no wait
6105s was was this yeah this was the fight
6107s right this is the right fight
6109s yeah uh-oh
6116s looks like Raven's got
6121s me I'm so confused were the wrong names
6124s on oh yeah that was that was G yeah cuz
6128s we both typed the wrong names I'm so
6130s confused okay I don't even know whatever
6132s I just changed mine to the person I
6134s think I picked but I don't remember
6136s anymore wait no I did pick I picked wait
6139s I picked gief right I picked the gief
6141s ball you picked the equivalent of the
6143s person that won and I picked the
6144s equivalent of the person that lost I am
6146s happy to consider that point however it
6149s was also very confusing yes I have no
6151s clue what was going on I just know that
6153s I won and that's all that really matters
6155s in the end isn't
6158s it yeah I I just I don't know what
6160s happened there but I believe I won so
6164s that's
6165s fine you face me you the
6170s SE exactly what you were looking
6174s for as we're furiously trying to get
6177s these scores
6179s updated here I'm contesting like you you
6182s you were right and I was wrong it's just
6184s yeah the names are very confusing yeah
6186s be babbit here with uh reasonably sized
6189s Elementals I would say yeah not looking
6192s too bad still on what 39 Health be B it
6196s do you think he's even lost a fight for
6198s like uh at least from when we've seen
6200s him he's not right no absolutely not and
6202s I would imagine he's 15 everyone since
6205s that point as well which I pointed out
6206s at the time like yeah cuz I I think at
6209s Golden Nomi the tney golden Nomi he did
6211s 15 that turn right as well so it was
6213s crazy
6219s yeah yeah so back on uh seville's board
6222s who sevil lost to gief in our kind of
6224s confusing barrels blessing that we just
6226s had I thought sble uh would have been
6228s winning that fight because of the
6229s combination of the cinder straight shot
6231s which only had one taunt to hit into
6233s which is the thing I was talking about
6234s so it then has a free shot at anything
6237s on the second attack which could have
6238s been the Eternal Knight could have been
6239s anything of high value and then this uh
6242s Wildfire just being able to wreak havoc
6244s with no taunt in its way after that I
6246s thought would be enough to clear things
6248s up but apparently only I was wrong oh
6250s only eight only eight there several
6252s lives yeah several got the the kills on
6253s the key targets there and just ended up
6255s with a couple of smaller minions up it's
6257s a big deal oh that is more than uh than
6259s eight that is a smooth
6261s 27 from SL kicking out gets the ghost
6266s now so oh so beta got the ghost okay
6269s that's huge slider's doing great though
6271s this is actually competitive with uh
6273s with what be is doing right which you
6275s can kind of see what I was talking about
6277s before with Nomi right like the Nomi
6279s scaling even though it was the absolute
6280s dream case scenario has kind of capped
6283s out now it's gaining you somewhere in
6286s the region of of between 10 10 and 2020
6289s per turn and you have have to constantly
6291s be spending gold on things to replace
6293s the Minions that you have in play uh
6295s whereas sliders he gets to keep the
6298s minions he has and just consistently
6300s make them bigger and actually play with
6302s economy cards as well like bran like the
6305s teis to be able just finish on a just
6308s finish on a tech card exactly that so
6310s this is where the scaling from Nomi can
6312s start to get overtaken in the late game
6314s but we'll see uh it's going to be a
6316s pretty close one and two I think between
6317s these two players yeah and I think the
6319s strength of this where you know we talk
6321s about oh well Nomi kind of you Peters
6323s out towards the end let's say but you
6325s made it to the end and in this format
6328s it's three total games of Battlegrounds
6330s top four go through so for Bea babbit
6333s even just saying yes this is very likely
6335s to get me first or second that's a lot
6338s of points and that's what the players
6339s need so great choices there from be
6342s babbit whether he finishes in that first
6344s or second place doesn't look like
6346s slider's really found an ending youit oh
6349s no it'll be it'll be straight shot to
6350s end yeah yeah stot there fair
6353s enough e and even if it's there and
6356s you're not against reborn which he is I
6358s think but even if it was just such oh
6360s this will just stop a taunt like fine
6362s you know it's just it's an okay card to
6364s end on there taunt andry Bor double
6367s whammy
6371s here I love when you're doing like hyper
6373s economy comps like super APM comps the
6376s fight which to a lot of people is the
6378s exciting part where lots of things
6380s happen is the time where you actually
6382s get to have a breather and do nothing
6383s yeah be like put put your hand in a bowl
6386s of ice that's on your desk just to like
6389s right okay he need to
6391s chill yeah but we will be down to the
6394s top two that's expected and it is going
6395s to be a top two with two players
6398s incredibly healthy I think it's 39
6401s effective Health plays 28 uh yeah
6404s assuming be babit does not lead lose to
6406s the ghost which does not appear to have
6407s happened unsurprisingly so uh could
6409s still be a couple of fights in in this
6412s one yeah it's wild here like it's
6415s probably a stupid question here but
6417s which player needs to react here if
6420s reacting is even possible uh does beta
6423s have to do the sort of find a tech way
6425s to get out of this or are both players
6428s supposed to just go Max stats and then
6430s we sort of just headbutt each other
6431s until it's done so it's kind of close
6433s right um Pirates obviously have natural
6437s uh availability for the cleave which is
6439s huge you can see that there far left uh
6441s but Elementals have uh access to the
6443s brambles right so they can turn these
6445s massive minions into 33s and value trade
6447s and keep going so the amount of
6449s naturally available Tech is fairly even
6451s you just saw Elemental of surprise come
6453s up in the shop as well which can be a
6455s huge deal if you can get a nice triple
6456s with uh with that as the elemental board
6459s so in terms of natural Tech it's quite
6461s even and I think it's also difficult to
6463s know because I'm not sure these players
6465s have seen each other recently so they're
6468s kind of guessing as to what the numbers
6470s are they don't know who's bigger just
6473s yet so they might be using this first
6475s fight just to go raw stats right both of
6478s them just go as higher numbers as they
6479s can possibly get and then the next fight
6482s is when they'll react the person who's
6483s smaller will then have to react to the
6485s situation and does this brand get cut or
6489s when does this brand get cut is probably
6491s a more relevant question does it get cut
6492s for this first fight or does slider say
6494s nah I can take it at 28 I think I'd be
6496s happy to keep it this turn I'm too
6498s greedy it's my biggest floor as a player
6500s I'm aware of that but I think I would be
6502s willing to keep it here and be right to
6504s do so let's put it that way um I think
6506s that's a a fine choice in this
6509s spot okay the brand gets melted away
6511s which is to be expected anyway does look
6514s like slides is going to slip away though
6515s here right yep yep so the problem
6518s sliders has here right is that he
6519s doesn't have his biggest minions taunted
6521s which is very common because of a LeRoy
6525s uh be brambles right things that you
6527s don't necessarily want attacking into
6528s your biggest minions uh venomous and
6530s poisonous minions as well but what's
6534s getting him into trouble with that is
6536s that there is the the the cleave
6538s Elemental up top for betab babit as well
6540s right so that is getting to attack into
6542s a smaller minion and then effectively
6545s cleave into bigger minions because he
6547s has his smaller minions taunted which is
6548s becoming a slight issue for sliders yes
6551s I feel like this brand is it can't go on
6553s the stay on the board at the end of this
6555s turn as well because it's so small it's
6557s insignificant it's just one less board
6559s space right like especially as you
6561s mentioned with the CLE with the Taun
6563s it's just too much there's some Divine
6565s Shield ability though which I wouldn't
6567s hate seeing yeah looks like he's going
6568s to shoot for an Ender of cutting the
6571s bran and then going with Manor Roth and
6573s hopefully a golden selfless to round it
6575s all out as well oh with the manaro got
6577s sold I would imagine was a
6579s misclick yeah I was wondering if it was
6581s also that there's a worst case scenario
6584s maybe of going one Taun and then the
6586s Divide Shields either side right so when
6589s it when and if the cleave happens they
6591s both go out anyway but now the golden is
6593s found so slid is sort of getting back
6595s into the spot he wants to be in I
6597s imagine so I think this is now bran out
6599s taunted Leroy with the one remaining
6601s slimy Shield that's in hand is that what
6603s we're going to see here no keeping the I
6607s feel like this is over right he could
6609s just
6610s die I don't think 13's like yeah the
6613s stats are Clos as we said the Divine
6615s Shield's good but it's a bit riskier
6617s than I would play put it that way
6622s we hit the biggest one as well does he
6624s want like it to bait does he want the
6626s taunt brand to like bait the thing but a
6628s LeRoy could do that though you're right
6630s the Divine Shield did really well though
6632s cuz the Divine Shield denied the the CLE
6634s from the Wildfire Elemental which was
6636s massive actually got zero damage done
6639s but you see beer has actually gone a
6641s little bit into Tech card himself going
6643s with the mechanical Pony and the ghoul
6645s to get these uh these double venomous
6646s out and that is going to be that and
6649s babbit is going to take it down Bea
6652s beber bi to back of pickled beers this
6654s game and just since that know me super
6657s early heavy ramp start with the udora
6660s goldenized the Nomi and just did not
6663s look back for the entire game but shout
6665s out to that final board though there
6666s real nice stuff with the mechanical Pony
6668s and the gou just to be able to have that
6669s little additional layer of security uh
6672s on top of that as well a neotron on the
6675s right with the most insignificant minion
6677s next to it as well right it wasn't it it
6680s was a 100 but that was Beer's most
6683s insant because he didn't he didn't want
6685s to put the mechanical Pony there right
6686s because then the mechanical Pony doesn't
6688s get to trade in all the Death rattles
6690s before the goal and then give the goal
6691s reborn so he couldn't put that there so
6693s his next smallest minion to get cleaved
6696s uh was the refreshing Elemental I think
6698s in the end um so anron is a small torn
6700s just to get in the way as well lots of
6702s really nice Tech card decisions at the
6703s end of the game and I think that's one
6705s of the benefits of the comp he ended up
6707s with right because yes Elementals do a
6710s lot lot but not to the same level of
6712s full pirate popping off comp so you've
6714s got that little bit more brain space to
6717s think okay what's the perfect
6718s positioning what's you know what's going
6720s to happen what can I pick up to drop
6722s this in so that definitely must have
6723s helped just having a little bit of an
6725s easy go of it comp wise but they really
6727s really crazy game and again you see the
6729s impact in how the anomalies really shape
6732s what the players are going to really go
6733s for On Any Given game we're going to go
6735s to a quick break while we set up the
6736s final game of this group so don't go
6738s anywhere we'll be right back
6784s [Applause]
6785s [Music]
6792s [Music]
6838s [Music]
6850s [Music]
6865s [Music]
6876s [Music]
6894s [Music]
6902s [Music]
6910s [Music]
6933s [Music]
6973s [Music]
6996s [Music]
7014s [Music]
7038s go
7055s [Music]
7068s 3
7070s [Music]
7076s welcome back everyone we are getting
7077s ready to jump into game number three of
7079s group a the last game to decide who is
7082s going to make it to tomorrow so that was
7085s a bit of a crazy one we beat b it just
7086s taking control of that game quite easily
7090s but we've got plenty more anomalies we
7091s could see who have you got your eye on
7093s as we go into game three and take a look
7094s at these standings well seven different
7097s players really is the the question cuz I
7100s think you zorg had another rough game so
7101s I think zorg is now counted out of
7103s making it through to Mega Lobby on the
7105s Sunday but outside of that you can see
7107s how tightly contested it is three points
7109s between seventh and first uh with be
7112s babit little bird and gief all tied at
7115s the top for with nine so even those
7118s three players right it's kind of strange
7120s that the two players who have won a
7122s Lobby in this short format uh group
7124s stage aren't really feeling particularly
7127s secure about their chances to go through
7129s to to uh to Sunday just yet they really
7131s do still have to scrap it out for
7133s another game yeah real Rarity cuz like
7135s dappy after win the first one then got
7137s .5 in in the lobby to as you can see and
7140s then obviously be babbit having a
7141s similar uh issue H from first to second
7144s so yeah really really interesting really
7146s close and again it must be tense because
7148s these players no doubt have anomalies
7152s they like and anomalies they don't like
7154s to play as much right so they must be
7156s yeah you know and and that's the nature
7157s of the anomalies as well so you sit down
7160s you think there's one more game pretty
7162s much up for grabs it the it's close
7164s enough that you could almost say the
7166s placement of this next game will get
7168s close to the placement of the final sort
7170s of numbers and to just be like right it
7173s just lands on what anomaly do I have
7174s what Heroes am I offered go I'm calling
7177s it now okay no too late oh I was I was
7179s going to say for all the marbles delete
7181s your board triple gold that's the one we
7183s want to play for all the marbles
7185s right no no it's not that's my least
7189s favorite one no absolutely not so so as
7192s we get into this game we can see some of
7193s these hero
7201s offerings well I spy my little pet blue
7205s garbage boy over on the left so I
7206s struggle to pick anything else at this
7213s point okay going with the omu seeing a
7217s galacon get chosen as well well looks
7220s locked in already a merlock Holmes
7221s locked in gief on an AFK
7231s okay Kar end your turn set your left
7235s right most minions attacked the higher
7237s of the two so bit of a strange anomaly
7240s bit of a strange bit of overall think
7243s about little bit obvious synergies that
7246s really uh this one uh so so the most
7250s obvious one game wide is Naga because by
7253s using spellcraft um you not only get to
7256s like you put one minion on the left you
7258s give it a spellcraft to buff its attack
7260s that then copies to the minion on the
7261s right right that's obvious what isn't
7264s immediately obvious is you also set the
7266s minion that you applied it to to that
7269s total as well so it gets it permanently
7270s because it set the left and right minion
7273s to the greater of the two right so if
7275s you get it to a spellcraft buff then it
7277s gets permanent as well so you get to
7278s scale really really quickly like that
7280s with spellcraft in the lobby but um
7282s outside of that I think it's a one of
7284s the more vanilla anomalies overall which
7287s you might argue is kind of a nice way to
7290s play such a crucial game in the
7292s tournament as this one is with uh
7294s players just kind of having to play a
7296s fairly normal game of Battlegrounds with
7297s a few extra stats being thrown around
7299s here and
7300s there to see what to kind of pick up on
7303s here as we see uh p babit with the quest
7305s uh what was that b n minions I did not
7307s see the uh the other side
7323s the players so far just taking that easy
7325s goinging Tavern level up of course be
7326s babit zor I think for now and and uh
7329s nappy and of course gief on AFK going to
7332s choose to take it a little bit slower in
7334s terms of s level sorry Naga are in okay
7337s I completely misread what the minion
7339s types were which you can see immediately
7340s oh Z's got Naga yeah yeah the fact that
7343s galacon has picked up a two drop from
7345s the shop that shows you how important
7347s that Naga scaling really really is and
7350s he is going to get cooking with that
7351s immediately I am
7355s sure very mediocre choices I would say
7359s here for gief on the
7368s AFK
7372s h zorg on the gacr okay just making sure
7375s getting my bandwagon
7378s in but Z feeling it all after knowing
7382s you won't be able to qualify you got
7384s that's a good yeah it's a not
7386s insignificant I just messing with your
7388s head and choice on purpose well I could
7390s change again as a reminder you are
7391s allowed to change you can change as as
7393s many times as you want up until turn
7395s four and there's no additional penalty
7397s that goes along with that the only thing
7398s you're penalized for is the later you
7400s actually pick the uh the less points you
7402s get
7406s yeah I didn't really think about this uh
7408s sort of interaction with illen as
7411s well it's kind of funny yeah just
7414s naturally the two Minions that you have
7415s that are going to be the biggest are the
7416s ones that charge in at the start of the
7418s fight yeah yeah yeah something I didn't
7420s really think about again like I said I
7422s think the difficulty for me is the um
7424s the volume of Heroes and anomaly
7426s combinations make it very difficult to
7428s practice everything you would want to
7431s okay zorg has only just gone to two if
7433s you wouldn't mind Linder I'd like to
7434s take a look at zorg because yeah there
7436s we
7439s go no oh you can imagine everything that
7443s is going through zorgo's head right now
7444s he's like well was this for the last two
7447s games come on bit of a heartbreaker
7450s isn't it because if zorg just had a few
7454s points there's there's more in it right
7457s you know there's more to like say okay
7459s hey this is my game this is the recovery
7463s mhm ooh okay triping the shot for C
7467s which I imagine will be
7469s held uh if CES is not going to take this
7472s this T we go back to zorg just so people
7474s can see the interaction with the
7475s spellcraft at the end of the turn and
7477s how the stats kind of duplicate uh
7479s you'll see here there's an 86 on the
7480s Left Right which is uh four four of that
7482s is temporary stats right now but because
7484s of the way this anomaly Works those will
7486s become permanent not only on the right
7488s minion but also on the the left minion
7490s as well at least the attack will which
7491s ends up being copied you'll see when
7493s this comes back at the end of turn uh
7495s the minion on the left will still have
7496s eight
7500s attack going take a bit of a
7502s beating the
7505s though irrelevant little hit early on
7508s PING most of the armor away from zor's
7512s galron there it is keeps the attack
7514s because it gets set by the anomaly and
7515s now you just get to buff it all over
7516s again so it's a nice way of making
7518s spellcraft per on two different
7520s minions
7523s o i mean Hello really really really
7529s really with the golden cemental with the
7531s golden
7533s celal you know what's worse
7536s so I picked CA I mean my
7540s bandwagon I'm not discounting csa's
7543s ability as a player and that this may
7544s well may very well be right but to me as
7547s a person that really really loves
7549s playing infinite
7551s Elementals I honestly me and C just
7553s can't be friends anymore that's what
7555s ever on omu as well so it gets you you
7557s know it gets you where you need to go a
7558s lot of the time with omu too I guess one
7561s of the questions and something we've not
7562s touched on and you know it's something
7563s that kind of I like to talk about a
7564s little bit is game plans change if you
7568s think oh I only need a top four to
7570s finish top four so then maybe it's just
7573s just don't get stomped right and and you
7576s know you've qualified through to
7577s tomorrow and that is a big deal
7579s but CSA is the lowest ranked player
7582s still in contention CSA is seventh he
7584s has six points which is apart from zorg
7586s who's not in contention anymore that is
7588s just the outright lowest amount of
7590s points so he's the one that feels like
7592s should be pushing maybe but I think the
7594s idea is if you're top four then four
7597s well three other people are below you
7599s right that are going to get less points
7600s and maybe that's enough I've not sat and
7602s done the maths on it to be honest but
7604s but yeah just it's just an interesting
7605s possibility of a mindset for these
7607s players when it's this close
7610s that is it again look at that 13 damage
7612s from be bab on that daus not only
7615s pushing some aggression but also getting
7617s hold of uh those nagas getting work done
7619s as you mentioned look at that 12 uh 12
7621s attack
7622s now so the question now is does c say
7625s use that extra gold uh from the pirate
7628s to push to five quickly is that the plan
7630s no just buying minions hanging around on
7632s four
7635s [Music]
7638s okay
7648s [Music]
7650s yikes yeah nothing to write home about
7652s so far is
7657s there yeah I think hungering makes the
7659s most sense
7664s though you want it on the board which
7666s then sets one gold on fire cuz you have
7668s to sell something so I was wondering if
7670s because you have to set that one gold on
7671s fire whether you then traded two coins
7674s for a cemental but I don't think that
7675s really makes sense
7677s either um because you're you're still
7679s just trading two gold for two gold at
7680s that point so yeah just have to eat that
7682s last roll which always feels bad right
7684s it always feels like you've planned your
7686s turn wrong when you end up pressing roll
7689s on your last gold because that yeah is
7692s wasted gold in every single scenario you
7694s have set that gold on fire it does
7695s absolutely nothing and I definitely like
7697s keeping the coins especially based on it
7699s it opens up more opportunities to level
7701s and do stuff next turn right so I think
7703s that's why the coin hold is way way
7705s better than like you could spend two Co
7707s two coins for a elementum which is also
7710s two coins right it's the same thing it
7711s just ends up just like board space it
7713s ends up achieving nothing is the point
7716s there's no real no real reason to do it
7717s and and coins are a little bit more
7719s flexible especially with naret in
7721s because casting spells can do things
7724s potentially that uh playing Elementals
7725s can't and also it's just not a board
7727s space right you have to think about it
7729s it's a small thing but it's just you
7730s just don't have to consider boes and
7733s things which is
7735s important another beat babbit is just
7737s should beating people up babbit at this
7740s point because he's just punching people
7742s also zorg is uh kind of
7745s dying good I say this is on my fantasy
7748s team but
7751s still oh no I'm two for two wait why am
7754s why is my fantasy team bottom three
7755s again
7756s all what is going on
7759s that is the most rigged thing we've ever
7761s seen can we uh can we have a drop in
7763s with zorg actually just to see where
7765s he's progressed because he needs to find
7766s something to start dumping these spell
7768s crafts on right like something actually
7769s relevant buff the attack of I've also
7772s noticed okay sure uh talking about say
7776s say say's Choice earlier uh the majority
7779s of the lobby are trying to go for the
7781s Eternal Knights which again you know
7782s does make sense with the way the um the
7786s uh anomaly Works to an extent but yeah
7789s there's like 1 2 3 four five of the
7793s players currently have at least one
7794s Eternal Knight on the board right now so
7797s yeah maybe that was say say say really
7799s just wanted to go for it with that
7800s earlier homo pick you didn't make the
7807s cut oh this is going to be nice with the
7809s cleave from dappy
7811s here yeah the cleave is I'm sure what
7814s zorg is desperately searching for on
7816s Tavern four right now is that he really
7818s needs some way to cash out those immense
7820s attack Buffs that he is getting from
7822s having the uh the golden reefer but not
7824s really finding anything massive to pay
7826s it off with right now does have the
7827s Carbonic copy which is nice but uh not
7830s really a super premium option the cleave
7833s could be huge for dappy there CU I've
7834s just been saying that be babbit sort of
7836s punching everyone to deal you know tons
7838s of damage whereas that cleave might
7839s actually make dappy sort of survive that
7841s fight as opposed to taking a million
7843s damage again speaking of cleave look at
7845s the cleave positioning as well from zor
7847s like even the bottom player in this
7849s tournament is taking care of the little
7851s things very nicely right it was one torn
7853s in the middle of the board with a 3
7855s three and a four4 either the side of it
7856s right like just really good stuff
7858s overall zor praying to go left of course
7861s it doesn't of course it doesn't go left
7863s why would it go
7866s left gakon and Zog on 11 health and the
7871s dream looking very very dangerous under
7873s that damage threshold so all up in the
7875s air now for Zog several though see we
7878s can he can do with a bit of a a mish
7880s mash on the board
7888s there little bird here just uh again
7891s just trying to piece things together I
7893s feels like a very Scrappy game this
7896s one it is yeah it is Scrappy is I think
7899s the right word for it no one really
7902s popping off to the extent that we've
7903s seen in a couple of the previous games
7905s at least not the players that we're
7906s looking at there's a couple players with
7909s an engine um like we saw a little bird
7911s there I think with uh reroll Elemental
7913s and Elise which certainly capable of
7915s getting something going but it's still
7918s the uh the build uh the build around
7920s phase as opposed to the finished phase
7922s and uh say say say still like yeah
7924s decent amount of gold good economy
7926s options to make things happen uh but
7928s nothing really massive happening at the
7929s moment I would imagine a couple of
7931s opportunities looking for a teis there
7934s um because the the Pirates about to
7935s activate make a golden pirate on the
7937s following turn can do that on the py but
7939s I think would would vastly prefer to be
7941s doing it on a te going to buff up the
7943s health as well on that cleave again
7944s important to remember the uh the anomaly
7946s is attack only so as you can see very
7949s lopsided minions across the board here
7952s uh in terms of this attack so it is
7954s important that yes attack is strong but
7956s you still want these minions to get you
7957s know start two for one in three for one
7959s in or whatever if possible especially on
7960s a cleave card so looking good for say
7963s say say so far you are not out of this
7967s yet just get get that golden Peggy in
7969s hand for next
7971s time and also he cannot die this turn he
7974s could get close but actually cannot die
7977s yeah can and looks like will get close
7979s especially when the cleave gets cleaved
7985s yeah but this was the turn right uh
7989s Peggy's gold now so this is the turn it
7991s was like fine I literally cannot die
7994s next turn time to
7997s go
8001s are we good is everyone out of the fight
8003s looks like everyone's out of the fight
8004s Sound the Alarm everyone zorg won a
8006s fight we did it we did it everyone or
8009s didn't lose didn't lose prob more
8011s accurate cuz you can
8013s draw level to five as well on 11 Health
8017s okay hey sometimes you need to make
8019s something big happen right like that's
8021s the problem is is maybe just going for a
8024s big roll going for a big six or
8025s something it is going to be key for Zog
8027s to try and get back in the game but the
8029s the real disaster is just it's less than
8031s 15 health because you just know if you
8034s hit the wrong player you're in big big
8037s trouble absolutely
8040s yeah o oh the top two players going to
8044s uh smack into each other this one as B
8046s babbit is going to face off against
8047s little bird this round I did not realize
8050s we had a zesty kuna situation going on
8052s here with a golden zesty as well that is
8055s huge okay only at 77 so far doesn't have
8057s the golden
8058s deep blue which is the next big St to
8063s making this exponentially
8065s bigger and you can see as well the
8067s players leaning towards these Minions
8070s that don't care as much about health
8072s total right you look at the Divine
8074s Shields we can see look at a lot of the
8077s uh Undead Minions that have reborn
8079s anyway uh so yeah cuz these are the
8081s things you have to go for it's all good
8083s and well having hard hitters but if they
8084s just die to a sneeze you're in trouble
8087s uh there two one need to go left right
8089s yeah okay
8090s good maximizing stats across the board
8093s yeah and even the Cleaves as well right
8095s like yes you'd love your cleave to also
8097s have 200 health so it can just keep
8098s attacking for the entire game but if you
8100s get a cleave and it attacks once that's
8102s generally good enough right like it's
8104s done the job right Cleaves are fantastic
8106s in general they they get their effect
8108s done by attacking first most of the
8111s time cheeky taunt in the way as well
8113s doing a fantastic job of soaking those
8115s Divine
8116s Shields yeah once again I've not really
8119s seen anyone with as complete a package
8121s as beta babbit this game like this
8123s certainly seems like the most powerful C
8126s that I've seen so far overall and zoro's
8129s dead there you
8133s go gief on AFK getting the job done
8136s dappy now as we take a look these stats
8139s still keep on
8141s stacking yeah I I feel like beaters felt
8144s or looked should I say comfortable today
8147s uh just like just get getting the job
8149s knows what to do as we talked about
8150s earlier knows the the the assignment and
8153s and gets it done and you can see that
8155s over the last few games looking very
8156s very comfortable uh in the health lead
8158s by a pretty reasonable margin when you
8160s look at the rest of the lobby yep and of
8163s course that means zor is now completely
8165s out of contention he was already out of
8167s contention going into this one I don't
8168s think it was possible to for the lobby
8170s to break down in a way that he got
8172s enough points and no one else did uh so
8174s pretty miserable day for zorgo overall
8176s but you know we've had a bit of fun at
8178s the expense of him just you know
8179s crashing out over and over again but
8182s that's not a reflection on him as a
8183s player you know I picked him as my my uh
8185s my bandwagon this game right like I had
8187s Faith he was going to turn it around in
8188s this last one but we've all had those
8190s days right where we we we open up
8193s Battlegrounds we queue our first three
8194s games and we lose like 200 MMR in our
8196s first three games at least it has
8198s happened to all yeah yeah yeah yeah
8200s might as on me my first 8 to 10 games
8202s but yes uh you know being generous for
8207s sure
8209s say say
8210s say pretty much joining the group of
8212s players I think it gets unlikely that
8215s sliders several or say say say can
8217s survive a hit right possible but
8219s unlikely I would say at this point so
8221s all three of them are in the uh the
8223s danger zone right now yeah and a turn
8226s further down the line so it's hard to
8227s compare directly uh but it looks like
8230s this board would beat Bea's board from
8232s last turn right like so C is definitely
8235s in the conversation in terms of who's
8237s actually the in this Lobby right now as
8240s a good ide of ticking a lot of boxes
8243s right reborn to get some value or and to
8245s survive cleav to an extent got the
8247s Divine Shield opener with the big cleave
8249s himself so looking too bad so far double
8252s Divine shield on the right is a
8254s little yeah that was a
8260s hit not sure it's going to be enough
8263s still depending on the size of the
8264s Eternal Knights yeah 11 attack is
8266s probably enough still to get the job
8267s done there's still the rebor on the
8269s right yeah exactly yeah there's plenty
8271s at least to win obviously damage numbers
8273s we can always discuss but to win there's
8275s another nine and that's going to push
8277s little bird uh into wait a minute did we
8281s I was looking at the wrong player then
8282s for a second oh yeah it's going to go
8284s down to two
8290s there starting see a bit of a big leap
8293s between Health totals right we've got 2
8295s 2 7 8 10 and then 21 and 32 so like the
8300s the adapia beta at the top looking
8302s pretty comfortable to at least get a top
8304s four unless something goes disastrously
8306s wrong my begins here go ahead and of
8317s recruit say so say uh is Right specific
8321s he's trying to convert into now for the
8323s sort of if you envision that he has a
8326s fair few more turns left in this game
8328s not really like I think from this point
8331s so he has a couple of stats sticks right
8333s he has a big cleave he has um the the
8337s big record pirate as well those are both
8339s getting stats from the golden Peggy
8341s right so those are big Minions that he
8342s can keep around for the rest of the game
8344s The Eternal Summoner is probably enough
8346s total stats to keep around till the end
8348s of the game as well I think from here
8350s it's just about slowly replacing those
8352s other minions with scam minions right
8355s just looking for additional manoro and
8357s leroys and things that you can just fill
8358s out your end game board
8361s with the choice the
8370s choice wait is this the second one we've
8372s done it is right
8381s yes wow P babbit's Board improved a
8385s lot oh it did it did as I looked away I
8388s think I might be in trouble here I I'd
8390s already pressed enter as I was in
8392s sending my uh my choice oh we both Pi
8395s the same we both Pi say say say but I as
8397s I pressed enter I looked at the board
8399s again and was like hm maybe I messed up
8402s that board went from not looking great
8405s to oh that's a lot of divine
8408s Shields but where is this is this C oh
8412s wait a minute wait a
8416s minute oh oh
8419s huge still loses though still loses it's
8422s too big yeah it dies
8424s oh inside okay well say say is not only
8427s going to be the loser of the barrels
8429s pressing there but also just going to be
8430s out along with sliders by the looks of
8432s things
8437s mhm little bird here trying to hang on
8440s again with one of those sort of Scrappy
8441s style boards a lot of players have been
8444s focusing on this cleave opening and then
8445s with just some kind of sustain in the
8447s middle there does have the Leroy place
8450s to block the cleave as well and
8451s hilariously enough a 51 attack
8457s Barrow hang on so what you've done there
8460s is instead of calling it Baron which is
8462s Baron yeah which is also incorrect
8465s you've bar it is Baron yeah to be fair
8467s if anyone tells you come on come on
8470s their their opinion is invalid exct is
8472s Baron correct one of the nice things
8474s about this anomaly though is you can
8476s pick up additional Cleaves like this
8478s late in the game right like these count
8479s as late that you can just throw in
8482s because you can just toss that one over
8483s on the left and then Bobs your uncle
8490s mhm hey though the uh the the taunt
8494s spells are actually really impactful as
8496s well when are you constantly playing
8498s around these Cleaves right so you can
8499s actually just apply that taunt wherever
8500s you desire um which means it's going to
8503s really throw things up in the air to try
8504s and Dodge around these cleave
8506s options
8508s as of right now this Baron isn't really
8510s doing a great deal there is the selfless
8512s in hand which uh is nice of course we
8517s have seen a lot of very fragile boards
8518s right very glass Cannon boards overall
8521s of just Massive Attack very low health
8523s so uh we've seen a ton of glow scale to
8525s support that as well I think glow scale
8526s has been a very very popular minion yeah
8529s and weirdly enough the the thing Barro's
8532s doing is being gave 51 attack Min I keep
8535s saying barov now that I've done it is
8537s that
8538s you I've locked that in now just you got
8539s have to deal with it viewers I apologize
8541s H but is a 51 attack minion I guess
8544s right which is
8546s something yeah with the selfless hitting
8548s the board that's fine because he gets a
8549s CLE okay he would have got the CLE on
8551s the the two minions but sorry the Divine
8553s shield on the cleave and the baron but
8555s the baron goes down now actually misses
8557s the Divine shield on the cleave which is
8559s not great news but still looks like he
8561s is going to be fine yep no problem at
8563s all oh yeah even got the
8565s victory the cleave could have made that
8567s draw there but little bird's going to be
8569s able to exactly push out Seville they
8572s remove him from the game and that's
8573s going to push s into at least fifth I
8576s think everyone else just take seven from
8578s The Ghost and then the ghost explodes
8580s like that's how you assert
8583s dominance now we see our top four gief
8585s in on three Health in fourth right now
8587s little bird after that win on Seventh
8589s but then dappy and be babbit still just
8591s just kind of chilling even though the
8593s damage Shield is now gone still that's a
8595s that's a lot of Health mhm
8603s actually shout out to gief to getting
8605s this far because AFK kind of whiffed on
8608s the the actual entire point of AFK just
8612s did not really get to this
8618s point what happened I don't I don't know
8621s G's doing this with with the mind I
8624s think stood up in the back of the room
8626s like you know what I'll finish this game
8627s with the powers of my Superior intellect
8630s and
8634s telekinesis wait what hang
8637s on that was so far apart I was willing
8640s to believe a bit of desync up into a
8643s point what's going on is is this
8646s actually previous footage of gief
8648s drawing the break or
8650s something gief Pikachu on head or
8653s pre-recorded okay thank you or just
8656s Pikachu face I just
8659s done here though we are going to see how
8662s this one plays out going up against
8670s dappy Tense one again a lot of reborn a
8673s lot of death rattles going on here for
8675s gief maybe he can't even watch right
8680s now I mean I'm just going to add up
8682s stats all one looks bigger than the
8685s other one does look quite a lot bigger
8687s than the
8688s other the fact that there's a
8691s significant amount of Health on this
8692s cleave as well is a big deal right cuz
8694s it gets to gets the swing twice yeah it
8697s can still survive another attack from
8699s something attacking into it even once
8701s this taor is out of the way and then
8702s we'll potentially get to go again so uh
8705s the cleave will probably solo even if
8706s everything else goes down and it looks
8708s like everything else is more than
8709s capable of clearing up this board yeah
8712s way too many stats that looks like it's
8714s going to be dappy pushing gief out of
8717s this game but Chief finishing with a
8719s fourth place I did say as we got into
8721s this uh this game the third and final
8723s game of group a is that if you could top
8726s four this based on the points going into
8729s it you are I would say quite likely to
8731s top four the whole
8734s day yeah gief started this game in third
8738s place officially but tied for first for
8740s points so I would supect a fourth place
8742s finish ends up being good enough to uh
8745s drag him through Bea babbit who is also
8747s one of those players tied is hanging
8749s around uh got the ghost as well oh
8752s actually because little bird and beater
8754s babbit are the two players on who are
8757s tied with gief who will now definitely
8759s finish above gief because they're still
8760s alive uh
8763s Andy is still alive but even if dappy
8766s overtook gief gief would still be fourth
8768s right so I think very rough napkin math
8771s that je oh cuz sliders was either
8773s seventh or joint no yeah sliders was
8775s seventh I think uh
8778s uh just checking everyone else quickly
8780s yes I think I agree with you but as
8783s always we do not decide we will wait
8785s until the standings are confirmed to
8787s have any final say on anything but yeah
8789s I think I'm with you on that yeah this
8791s is the point where Observer SLE in the
8794s uh in the talent chat in Discord tells
8796s the casters to not do exactly what we're
8798s doing right now and just wait for the
8800s the standings to come up but castera
8802s cares not for what Observer Soul thinks
8805s that's right
8806s no
8807s Casto is a colossal hypocrite I just
8810s want
8816s everyone yeah so uh pet pabit getting
8819s the the turn off did take some damage
8821s though did lose the previous fight going
8823s down to
8824s 17 I'm guess BL okay all right we're
8829s trying something so he literally started
8834s blasting I mean it's popping these these
8837s death rattles of rebs right like it's
8840s definitely an attempt it's not quite
8842s going to be good enough but it was a
8843s good try I like the idea look I'm an
8846s ideas person and I appreciate ideas
8848s whether they work or not the thinking
8851s was there it was the perfect
8852s Battlegrounds representation of the
8854s Indiana Jones meme lots of explosions
8856s lots of things happened and then he just
8858s shot him once with a cleave and died
8860s yeah that was it be babbit obviously
8862s taking down the ghost no problem and we
8864s are going to get a head-to-head with
8866s dappy and beer babbit here both players
8869s um entered looking pretty good nine
8872s points for beer babbit and seven and a
8873s half points for dappy here I think I
8876s think dappy beat beater babbit in the
8879s previous fight not the one that just
8881s happened I think the one before yeah
8883s beta's scaling now that he's found
8885s golden deep blue as well as the golden
8887s zesty though is just so powerful right
8891s like particularly when those stats do
8892s just become permanent essentially you
8895s get to put something else on your board
8897s that isn't a lava lurker cuz normally
8899s this comp needs lava lurkers so your
8900s stats become permanent when you put them
8902s on you don't have that problem in this
8904s anomaly because you can just get the
8905s attack buffed anyway so as long as you
8907s pick up Divine Shield minions and
8908s Cleaves and that kind of thing you have
8910s so much natural scaling I will say
8912s though dappy does have double
8915s cleave okay available and there are a
8918s lot of low Health Minions on beat babbit
8921s side Lot High attack but low Health
8925s okay I hear what you're
8927s saying I've listen blessing fight
8931s me I hear what you're saying I don't
8934s care but I hear it
8938s yeah you know like there's degrees of
8941s wrong that people can be right you know
8942s when someone like gives you an opinion
8944s and you're like I don't agree with you
8945s but like I respect where you've gone to
8948s reach that conclusion right like that
8950s that's fine follow me down that path
8952s yeah then sometimes people say things
8954s and you're just like I just I just don't
8955s respect that opinion at all they just in
8957s the bin you know it's not one of those I
8959s understand what you're say first time
8961s for everything I'll take it mhm let's
8964s see how this one goes a potential the
8966s last fight depending on how one-sided it
8967s may be cleave number one is going to go
8969s up and the first cleave killed like an
8971s 89 so good effort good
8975s effort not looking great oh good cleave
8979s though for
8981s dappy it's about as good as it was going
8983s to get right it wasn't going to get any
8986s better
8988s oh don't ever question me ever again so
8992s I'm sick of it my opinions are right and
8994s yours are simply wrong W yeah double
8997s cleave who knew absolutely no one in the
9001s world saw that
9003s outcome yeah though what are the
9005s adjustments be babit needs to make if
9008s possible obviously there'll be more
9009s stats getting stacked on with these Naga
9011s but did did anything go wrong in
9016s preparation or did hits just not happen
9018s which is the nature of the game no I
9020s think the hits that fight looked fairly
9023s favorable to to Bea side overall I think
9026s it is just that problem that he just
9028s doesn't really have enough Health on his
9029s minions um he's now now I think he might
9033s actually be in trouble cuz he's also
9034s revealed he has quite a significant
9036s vulnerability to blaster on the other
9038s side right like Blaster would remove
9040s three Divine Shields and kill one of his
9042s Cleaves if he doesn't put a Divine
9044s shield on it like that
9045s 352 just dies and also kind of kill the
9049s wind Fury first right four Health like
9051s suddenly if the Blaster goes off uh
9054s first um and then you know that's a oh
9056s never mind that's 70 yep that's a bit of
9059s a problem but yeah makes sense yeah drop
9061s the deep blue there make sure that those
9063s stay out of range definitely the way to
9065s go good game sense honestly I expect
9067s nothing less I wi
9070s theend and now he's taking the
9075s blast is the Blaster getting on the
9078s board this
9080s turn it is oh dappy has double Leroy on
9084s board now a Divine shielded cleave as
9087s well as the other cleave so definitely
9089s going full Tech setup for this uh with a
9092s you reasonable knowledge what it looks
9094s like here okay I'm into
9097s it where's the Blaster going to go first
9100s off it attacks first which is a huge
9102s deal cuz that it kills two leroys
9104s instead of one that's massive that was a
9106s good clean
9109s oh doesn't hit the rebor that's I guess
9111s something really overly big deal but o
9114s yeah the Blaster was huge the Blaster
9118s was huge yeah not something I would have
9120s been looking at personally great
9121s recognition from beer like a board with
9124s three Divine shields on of his own and
9126s that uh that Blaster just absolutely
9128s soloed the fight for him yeah kills
9130s double Leroy which as I was you know
9132s leading into that fight saying that's
9134s what dappy went for right the double
9135s Leroy go kind of
9137s scario now the funny thing is though and
9140s now what's the response because now
9142s you've seen it right you saw the Blaster
9144s so now what happens so here's the extra
9146s level does beat babit remove the
9150s Blaster does thaty like Divine Shield
9153s the Leroy oh really he had the the plus
9157s two plus two buff right because he's
9158s lost he could have just taken the plus
9159s two plus two buff and got Leroy out of
9164s range yeah CH to go past it though oh he
9166s has one in hand no he has one in hand he
9167s has one in hand yeah yeah yeah okay fine
9169s fine I was just going to say he's just
9170s got to sell something and get out right
9172s so he's looking more so for an actual
9174s ending minion to replace that glow scale
9176s with which I imagine I imagine the glow
9178s scale is the minion that's getting sold
9179s here and now both players are just all
9180s In For the Kill on this turn and funny
9184s enough pet babit did get rid of the
9190s Blaster this is great to see because
9192s this is just it's such mental gymnastics
9196s and high level play that definitely for
9198s me I do not see in my MMR so I'll tell
9200s you that for free my MMR is just like
9202s big stat go you know yeah like which
9206s isn't necessarily wrong generally I'm at
9208s the rank where like I am in these
9210s players lobbies right cuz MMR ranges for
9212s lobbies go a long way but that's the
9215s thing like I'm one of the players in the
9216s lobby that's close enough to get match
9218s with them but also not on their level
9221s enough that I'm the free fight that lets
9223s them go a little bit greedier than they
9225s can in tournament right like lobbies
9227s that you play even at 15K MMR on ladder
9231s don't just have seven other 15K MMR
9233s players in them because right there
9235s aren't that many playing at any
9236s individual time of day so you might end
9238s up with 10K 11k players in your lobby
9240s with you sometimes it can go as low down
9242s as seven or eight I believe in some
9244s situations so I'm I'm used to seeing
9246s these late game battles pan out but
9248s generally if I get into one of these
9250s late game battles against one of these
9251s players they outplay me that's what I'm
9253s used to seeing when it comes down to
9256s looks like that should be enough and I
9259s think P babit yeah there you go nine is
9261s going to end it and he going to be your
9263s Victor for game number three as well as
9267s game number two so one thing I will
9269s commit to is that he's qualified to
9271s tomorrow sole that's something I can say
9272s without even thinking about adding
9273s numbers together that sounds fairly safe
9276s yeah as far as as far as predictions go
9278s but yeah what a
9279s performance I uh I really shouted him
9281s out early on in the day uh in the intro
9284s just saying like uh beat b and G they
9287s were two players that we all really know
9289s are fantastic players like they are
9292s they're innovators in the western scene
9293s in the North American scene they're
9295s players that other players look up to
9296s they're players that other very good
9299s players on stream will do co-ops with in
9301s order to learn from them and improve
9303s their game right like they really are
9304s held in that high regard with everyone
9306s else but they haven't necessarily put in
9308s the performance yet to uh really make a
9311s shine a shine a bright light on Lobby
9313s Legends and there you see both gief and
9316s Bea fabit making it through in top four
9318s out of group a yeah along with little
9320s bird and dappy and I think what's kind
9322s of cool here is that yes little bird got
9324s a a second place or in game one but
9327s little bird definitely has felt like the
9330s consistent one here along with gief
9332s right obviously Peter babbit
9333s consistently getting first place and two
9335s out of the three is great but you see
9337s like the ups and downs of dappy like
9340s first place kind of joint last sort of
9343s and then um uh and then second place is
9346s very spiky right and obviously that's
9348s been more than enough to get through but
9350s um but but yeah I uh I think that's
9353s bod's well for tomorrow is because
9355s spiking tomorrow is actually more
9358s impactful right A lot of the time
9360s because of the way the uh final day
9362s format works yeah yeah I think that's
9364s fair but um overall some very very good
9366s performances little bir put it in there
9368s as well who has been a pretty consistent
9369s Lobby legends perform I don't think
9371s we've mentioned this but formerly known
9373s as W in in Yonce sorry in lobby Legends
9376s tournament I don't think we've made that
9377s correlation yet so it might be a name
9379s that you remember seeing around they
9380s have put in some pretty strong
9382s performances overall but we do now have
9384s our top four out of group a but we still
9386s have a lot of Battlegrounds left to go R
9389s yeah we've got Group B coming up we are
9390s just going to go to a just a little bit
9392s of a break here to set them up and get
9394s them all ready to go but we've got three
9395s more games to go all over again to see
9398s who out of group b is going to join them
9400s for tomorrow's final of Lobby Legends
9402s don't go anywhere and we'll be right
9405s back
9462s [Music]
9468s [Music]
9473s [Music]
9484s [Music]
9495s sh
9542s [Music]
9555s sh
9572s [Music]
9585s I
9588s [Music]
9613s [Music]
9615s come
9622s [Music]
9645s come
9646s [Music]
9654s [Applause]
9655s [Music]
9674s he
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9944s he
9957s [Music]
9980s [Music]
10008s [Music]
10043s welcome back everyone to the lobby
10045s Legends we are getting ready to go into
10047s Group B matchups but first we're going
10049s to take a look at the group A standings
10051s just once again to remind you of how
10053s it's going to look going into tomorrow
10055s as we do take the top four performers
10057s from each group and then make a new
10058s group of those eight
10060s tomorrow yeah as much as that final game
10063s in group a uh made things look a little
10066s bit more straightforward it was very
10067s very dramatic right up until the last
10069s with uh seven players I believe uh
10072s spread by only three points going into
10074s that last game but then it just so
10076s happened I believe three of the top four
10077s at that point uh just made top four
10079s again and it kind of made things look a
10080s little bit more straightforward than it
10082s could have been but it was a very very
10084s very tight group overall and it kind of
10086s goes to speak to what I was talking
10088s about at the start that it did really
10089s feel wide open it felt like there was an
10091s opportunity for some players to really
10093s leave a stamp on it yeah 100 % I think
10096s um I think there there's a lot of
10098s interesting things not only the
10099s anomalies add to it but also the minion
10102s types as well and those combinations
10104s like we said but we do have something
10106s interesting coming up for Group B as we
10108s take a uh well we'll take a look in a
10109s minute at some of the players but we
10111s have uh some names that have actually
10112s you know of repeatedly won Lobby Legends
10116s here so again a lot of names you may
10118s recognize Alex JP satellite Alo timu
10122s tomb spinning of course just a small
10125s content creator streamer called dog you
10127s know you may have heard of that player
10128s once or
10129s twice not you might know him as David ah
10132s yeah yeah yeah if you're watching Haru
10133s stream of course you'd know him as David
10135s um but yeah I I alluded to this stat
10137s earlier I think there are five players
10139s in this tournament that have been in
10140s each of the lobby Legends this year so
10142s that's Lobby Legends 10 11 and 12 and
10144s they're all in this group almu Alex JP
10147s satellite tomb and waterl so those five
10150s players have been arguably the top
10152s performers in in lobby Legends this year
10154s and I haven't mentioned dog yet right
10156s like that's how stacked that group is I
10159s believe in that group uh Sato is a first
10162s time entrance as far as my records show
10165s um I don't remember seeing him and I
10167s certainly don't have any reference of
10168s him competing in a Lobby Legends before
10170s but he's just another representative it
10172s seems showing up from Japan and I think
10174s that is the other story in this group
10176s the makeup of this group four Japanese
10178s players two players from North America
10181s one from the US one from Canada and then
10182s two European players as well so uh Japan
10185s in general not only um proving the the
10188s dominant country in constructed over the
10191s last 2 or 3 years but now really
10192s starting to dominate in Battlegrounds as
10194s well 100% let's take a look at what the
10196s fantasy picks are going to look like for
10198s this group uh mine did not go so well in
10201s the group a but I'm hoping Group B can
10203s do me some favors but when you look at
10205s the ones I picked sole I know you picked
10207s it slightly differently but it's hard to
10209s argue right yeah I mean how how do you
10212s argue with this right like satellite
10215s five time competitor in lobby Legends in
10219s 10 and 11 now in 12 as well Alex JP
10222s winner of 10 was in 11 and is now in 12
10225s as well and then I've just thrown dog in
10227s there as well because uh dog said on
10229s stream a little while ago that I know
10230s everything so you know how can I not
10232s have him in my fantasy team at that
10234s point yeah and just a little bit of a
10236s reminder of the puzzle box questions as
10238s well and our answers for them or I guess
10241s predictions for them um I'm not sure
10243s where we're up to with these if if
10245s there's anything that has actually been
10246s ticked off obviously the ones like will
10248s each game have a unique winner well
10249s there's more games to go and things like
10251s that but um I don't know if we've
10253s actually like definitively crossed any
10255s off yet yeah I'm not sure either I don't
10257s know if Chris can update us on that the
10258s one I haven't necessarily had my eye on
10260s is win a game with less than three
10262s health I haven't been internally
10263s tracking that but in terms of uh
10265s eliminations before going 10 turns
10267s without elimination um and a game longer
10270s than 18 turns I don't think we've had
10272s that go up
10273s yet yeah don't think so but we'll keep
10276s it ey yeah yeah pointed out no no unique
10279s winner for each game because be babbit
10280s has won two already so we have both
10282s crashed out on un winners already good
10285s point yeah that's yeah I didn't even
10286s think about that one even though we were
10288s literally just talking about be pabit
10291s doing well so far but yeah honestly for
10293s me I'm really excited I hope we get to
10295s see uh or continue to see different
10297s anomalies as well I think there's still
10300s a lot to go you know some crowd
10301s favorites might turn up I definitely
10303s want to see the uh t to seven anomaly
10306s because that would mean I've got a
10307s chance of actually well I'm likely to
10309s actually win that one over you in the
10311s puzzle box so fingers cross even if like
10314s even if you get one I'm not necessarily
10316s sure you're still favored to win one cuz
10318s leveling to seven is kind of rare even
10320s when you get that Lobby right like
10321s normally people are just tripling into
10323s sevens and getting their sevens that way
10325s it's kind of rare unless you're like a g
10327s Wix and you're starting your turn with
10329s like 35 gold and you think well might as
10330s well go to seven um it's it's it's a
10332s little bit rare I think to actually
10334s level that high so we will wait and see
10336s but yeah tons of anomalies still left to
10338s see especially like I don't think we've
10340s seen necessarily some of the most
10343s disruptive anomalies that are available
10345s we haven't had an oops all we haven't
10347s had like an every hero is Den arrius we
10350s haven't had delete your B gold yeah
10353s exactly like any of the the really
10354s threatening die super quickly anomalies
10356s as well which there's a couple of so
10358s there's definitely some opportunity for
10360s for uh Lobby B to be a little bit more
10362s fireworks intensive than Lobby a was
10365s yeah and I think that's something that
10366s anomalies have done well obviously as I
10368s mentioned earlier people have their
10369s favorites people have ones they would
10371s rather not run into but I think the
10373s mixture of game types you get is really
10376s up in the air you can have like oh yeah
10378s these this has tavent tier 7 you gain
10380s more armor that's generally going to be
10382s a longer game more players getting into
10385s that late game scenario whereas then you
10387s get everything's on fire where it's
10389s suddenly like oh everything is on fire
10391s do anything possible to not die because
10394s you've got so little Health at the start
10396s so I do really like the how varied games
10399s feel when you do run into those good
10401s mixtures of the anomalies you know if
10403s you ladder in or you in a tournament for
10405s example yeah and I like anomalies that
10407s uh can disrupt standard curves as well
10410s um things like uh the carrying over your
10413s gold to the following turn for example
10415s you know that is kind of a staple thing
10417s that's it's a core mechanic of some
10418s other AO Battlers for example not
10420s necessarily a thing that is in
10422s Battlegrounds but just having that
10423s available it means the standard thing of
10425s buy a minion on one level on two which
10428s something like 80% of players are
10429s probably going to do in most games in
10431s high level Battlegrounds that gets
10432s disrupted so heavily by completely
10434s changing the economy system of the game
10436s which I think is really interesting and
10438s then we haven't really seen any of the
10439s anomalies that just make games
10441s completely degenerate like um either of
10444s the copy ones right like grapnel or uh
10446s double header like when you buy a the
10448s first minion is free or when you buy a
10450s minion you get a copy of it right like
10451s those tend to lead to incredibly
10454s degenerate games because you just get to
10456s do so many disgusting things so quickly
10458s in a lot of those oh oh no oh no oh no
10462s disaster oh it's a gwick as well no be
10465s gone be gone be gone now look sidro look
10469s we've been friends a long time I may be
10471s lying in this sentence but bear with me
10473s just pick gwick go to seven and get the
10476s job done see the players filtering in
10479s there with these pcks oh I'm excited so
10481s we've also got Beast demons me quill
10483s born Undead
10485s and I know you mentioned you know you
10487s don't often go to seven but in terms of
10490s these seven drops what are there any
10493s like truly outstanding ones for you like
10495s ones I know that a lot of them are very
10497s very powerful but are there any ones
10498s where you think oh if you get that you
10500s probably going to win uh so Undead gives
10503s you the opportunity for the the infinite
10505s seven drop right the respawning seven
10507s drop which can be a problem I think is a
10508s little bit overrated overall kind of at
10511s lower ranks but can do an incredible
10513s amount of damage very quickly if you
10515s spike to it early uh having quill BS in
10518s means that you are able to ramp your
10520s blood gems to enormous sizes if possible
10523s especially um as they are alongside
10526s beasts so you can get say a Moira that
10529s doubles battlecries and death rattles
10531s put the tier 7 quill bore next to a RAC
10534s and then every time that solitary UNG
10537s golden unre RAC goes off your blood gems
10540s are just getting so much bigger
10542s immediately and then you can obviously
10544s scale that exponentially with golden
10545s rack reborn Etc and look at this like
10548s the the character's choices or hero
10550s choices should I say as we talked about
10552s earlier we have a Toki um we have the
10555s galacon choice right because you can go
10558s to seven or get minions from tavent tier
10561s 7 again these anomalies really impacting
10564s the player decisions here and this is
10566s what I mean right like Toki pick gacon
10568s pick yeah nice neither of those heroes
10570s are intending to go to Tav 7 anytime
10573s soon right like they're just other
10575s methods to get those cards um and then
10577s you're looking at dog on scabs just
10579s steal the seven drops from everyone else
10582s Alex JP on cap just steal the seven
10584s drops from everyone else you know like
10586s everyone's just looking for ways to get
10588s seven drops that don't necessarily
10589s involve going straight to seven which is
10591s incredibly difficult to even may have
10593s right on water right you just want to
10595s it's easy to Triple so you just go for
10597s that way yeah um definitely interesting
10598s to see how this one pans out just to
10600s finish the thought on the minion types
10602s as well I do think overall this is is
10604s one of the least explosive Tav s lobbies
10607s you can have because there's no Naga and
10610s there's no Pirates so that means that
10612s cwitch isn't available which is one of
10614s the most degenerate cards in the game
10615s you can do utterly disgusting things and
10617s then uh Captain Sanders as well means
10620s that you know no ability to just get one
10622s seven drop and then immediately golden
10624s that seven drop by finding a captain
10625s Sanders as well so a little bit more
10628s timid overall I'd say as some of the
10629s things that could be possible yeah but
10632s still explosive in terms of timing of
10634s seven drops it in the game with all
10635s these hero choices and we can see um you
10638s know pretty quick tavent tiering up
10640s again just a reminder it's not only that
10643s there's tier seven tavn in the game all
10645s the players have 10 more armor as well
10648s so you know it gives you the chance to
10650s get to T tier 7 whether you decide to or
10652s not is a different question but the
10654s opportunity is there as we take a look
10655s at watero on the may have already
10658s starting to think about whether to hero
10660s power this anron or
10663s not there's a lot of planning involved
10665s isn't there in may have they're like oh
10668s okay um just to be able to say okay well
10670s if I hit this this turn it's going to
10671s unlock that turn like when do I want to
10673s hit my triple I have to line that up
10674s with tavan up as well to really maximize
10677s that
10680s potential yeah really awkward setup for
10683s uh bandwagon as well right cuz it's a
10685s game it's a Lobby that's so heavily
10687s defined by the late game that you're
10690s trying to decide who wins in these early
10691s turns like before you get to see what
10693s galron is taking from their hero power
10695s as it happens in this instance that
10697s they've uh they've taken a t and four
10698s Minion from it anyway but it's going to
10701s be so heavily defined by who gets to
10703s like six stably and start you know can
10705s Toki get to six with lots of health and
10707s start pressing hero power into T seven
10709s minions lots of information we don't
10711s know yet for making those bandwagon
10715s picks I've gone adventurous with
10719s myel going for the old uh kitty cat all
10723s right
10726s also because of who's piloting it as
10728s well you know Alex JP a bit decent
10730s player Battlegrounds I'd say
10732s decent so this is Cyro was the person
10736s offered the gwick right and went with uh
10739s mler instead yeah very interesting to
10742s gets yeah would you have just gone would
10744s you have like almost snaap gwick if you
10746s were in this in this position especially
10747s you know game one of of three would you
10749s just say this Lobby kind of sucks for
10753s gwick right there's no Elementals
10755s there's no Pirates oh to really cash in
10758s on the extra cash yeah there's no Naga
10761s either Naga aren't quite as good for
10763s economy as the other two but you know
10765s they are still a bell minion like the
10767s the number of bell minions in the tavern
10768s are very limited it's kind of just
10771s patient Scout no murlocs even right so
10773s Tad is the either so actually breaking
10776s it down this is about the worst possible
10778s gwick Lobby that you can get um there is
10782s still an argument to say yeah but alwick
10784s with 20 armor is still broken just like
10787s don't even think about it as in like you
10789s just play the game kind of normally and
10790s it's still helping you right yeah you
10792s play the game normally you don't really
10794s have a hero power for a while you lose
10796s some health but then you get to tavn
10797s five and tavn six and you're still at 30
10799s odd health or something you're in a
10801s great spot at that point to just be able
10803s to to cycle through at that point but I
10806s I think it's a reasonable proposition
10808s with how bad this Lobby is for those
10810s Styles um to go with something more
10812s Tempo based dog locking in that hero
10816s power I believe just to be able to pick
10817s up an
10818s [Music]
10819s option and that's going to help in
10822s itself not only are you generating cards
10825s that your opponents have had to dig for
10827s find Tav tier 7 whatever but also it's
10830s just cheaper right which means you could
10832s spend more money on Tav teering up if
10834s you want to or or just be more
10835s aggressive on board in general
10838s yep mistakenly called handless forsaken
10841s a Tav four minion earlier I believe with
10843s it on GX cron spard um still not used to
10845s it being a t three
10849s minut but this is a very doesn't seem
10852s crazy here honestly it it was a very
10855s easily crystallized Tempo versus value
10857s decision right for dog like do I want to
10859s just take a good minion that's a lot of
10861s stats uh with the Forsaken or with all
10863s of the a couple of death rattles and
10865s Reborns on my board do I want to go for
10866s value with the corpse refiner and in the
10868s end looks like dog's chosen to go for a
10870s bit of tempo
10872s instead don't tell me looking pretty
10875s solid in terms of stats overall he's
10877s going to be fighting uh Alo teim
10880s actually oh and alimu showing us the
10883s other side of this coin with the uh
10886s double value plan here with the galron
10888s m yeah a little unfortunate there for
10891s dog I think the one minion that wasn't
10893s seen it may not have even been on the
10895s board at the time I know it must have
10896s been if it was that big is the the giant
10899s annoyatron so because dog didn't see the
10901s annoyatron in the scabs preview he just
10903s didn't play around Divine shield and
10905s crash two giant Eternal Knights into it
10908s does still end up winning the fight
10909s quite comfortably in the end oh and you
10911s talked about pigs a little bit earlier
10913s but Tom here does have options of
10914s starting to get these
10926s ramping yeah not a bad Qubo opening at
10930s [Music]
10933s all taking a creation on Tavern four for
10936s satellite as well not really being given
10938s fantastic looking options
10941s either no actual Tav four options among
10945s these yeah is like candle taker just for
10949s Reborn I don't know what the first was
10951s necessar okay it was just an amalon yeah
10955s fine yeah just for some kind of tempo
10957s right yeah did have the board space so
10959s could have taken the the battlecry
10960s summon two skeletons just to be able to
10963s then sell those skeletons
10971s but it seems
10979s fine Alex JP here also going with the
10982s pig starting to ramp up on those
10987s gems a lot of people leaning into quill
10989s BS just a little
10992s bit I do think it's the best outright
10994s Wing condition available if you are
10996s going to get to uh discover some T
10999s sevens it's a long way away I don't
11001s think you can necessarily plan around
11003s that from the offset it's kind of that
11004s trap that we were talking about in in
11006s game one or two earlier right of um
11009s starting the game by working out where
11011s you want to end it that's just not
11012s really how battle works you have to how
11015s you lose that that is how you lose
11017s exactly you have to play the cards in
11018s front of you for quite a long time in
11020s the game of Battlegrounds and then
11022s figure things out in the late game when
11023s you get there so JP just take a pretty
11026s big hit honestly at 14 going to go down
11028s to only having five armor satto as well
11031s is's going to drop all the armor 28 on
11033s that Toki uh but both players are
11036s generally ahead of the curve in terms of
11038s tavent but it's also kind of interesting
11040s to see the tavent tearing up from uh
11042s Alex JP on the
11046s cat you can see um if we wouldn't mind
11049s after we've seen this option which looks
11051s like another uh discover another
11053s creation from
11054s we go back to ALU cuz he's playing gacr
11056s in a kind of interesting way that I
11058s wouldn't mind talking about is he
11060s playing
11061s Tempo yeah pretty much right because
11064s what his goal is is he's he's leveling
11065s basically on curve as galron he's on
11067s Pace with the levels with basically
11068s everyone else in the lobby and he's just
11070s picking up Tempo minions along the way
11072s playing death rattles and tank because
11074s his goal is not just hero power
11077s something six times and then take that
11079s one seven drop because yeah great okay
11082s you have a seven drop obnoxiously early
11084s but it might not immediately win you the
11085s game and you might lose every fight in
11087s the meantime going into that and then
11089s you end up losing 30 health or so what
11091s he's trying to do is be strong and level
11095s to six so he can discover a seven drop
11097s every single turn as long as he sees a
11099s six drop in his shop at some point yeah
11102s effectively just saying I'll pay four
11103s gold for a seven for the rest of the
11105s game right
11108s exactly oh dog does have a triple on
11112s offer that is going to be frozen there
11113s with the
11115s Eternal but the interesting question
11117s here is it's I think I know the answer
11119s to this all but is it too early still to
11122s consider like stalling with that
11125s triple uh no I I don't think so 47
11128s Health on scabs I mean I think dog will
11132s probably be thinking a lot of it depends
11133s on this fight right now like if he
11134s fought this fight and took 15 then he
11137s might start we can talk thinking dirty
11139s thoughts about having to Triple into a
11141s five or a six but right now he can get
11144s damage capped three times and still be
11146s alive this game right and and also he
11149s has this odd benefit right of the shop
11151s isn't as important because he is scabs
11154s so he can like freeze press the button
11156s pick a card level maybe and then keep it
11159s frozen and be like yeah if the shop
11160s sucks just press the
11162s button yeah the slightly bad news though
11165s is it looks like he's kind of getting 15
11168s right now okay that's a good attack
11170s damage of the had a couple of and he can
11172s still kill this GGO right with these
11176s hands good enough I would say from dog's
11179s position right
11181s now that 11
11184s yeah yeah if he hadn't have swung left
11187s on any of those opportunities he would
11189s have been taking 14 instead of 11 which
11191s is a big deal still still has two more
11193s damage cap fights in
11197s him can still a power cell level yeah I
11200s was just going to say that looks good to
11202s me even if he then has to bail and go
11204s for a six it's still good right it's
11207s still a solid game
11211s [Music]
11213s plan does do agree with the cell though
11221s surely hold on what got sold did you
11223s catch what the far right minion was
11224s before he got sold
11228s uh no cuz I was looking at the other
11230s boards while while dog was making
11232s decision my bad that's
11235s fine what did he have I'm sure he had
11237s something that was
11240s reborn yeah I don't know I'm
11243s sorry it's just interesting holding on
11245s to the the Rattler for an turn and
11248s really like there was a reason why when
11251s sorry go on was going to say dog talks
11253s about this a lot um his way of playing
11256s Battlegrounds or the way he explains it
11257s is he tries to leave himself open to as
11259s many things as possible right so um he
11263s wants to give give himself out so by
11264s having reborn Ratt on the board suddenly
11267s he any Beast any High Lev Beast he
11269s discovers then becomes exponentially
11271s more powerful because he's held on to a
11272s reborn wrestler he really really wants
11274s to uh uh keep those options available
11277s for himself long term yeah and that
11279s that's what's interesting cuz it's
11280s definitely not what my train of thought
11282s was and it's the reason why when you
11283s said sell them and level I didn't even
11285s ask what minion to sell because I was so
11288s intent on yeah it's the Rattler
11290s obviously but clearly not obviously if
11292s your dog this is a a lot of stats here
11295s for uh for
11298s waterl it is but water's tank is not
11302s really popping like that is not a good
11303s tank board dog was much smaller but he
11306s has an elite tank board which means his
11308s tank is just doing so much more work
11310s here and he has safely gotten away with
11313s that climb to five now and has in fact
11315s dealt a significant amount of damage to
11317s his opponent instead yeah honestly at a
11318s quick glance I did not feel like it was
11320s going to go dog's way but you really you
11322s know the the second you disrespect these
11325s reborn Undead you're like oh okay that
11327s is a lot and if the tank never gets
11329s sniped then yeah true disaster yeah and
11331s tank as well like in particular you just
11333s cannot disrespect a tank it is so much
11336s power at this point in the game do you
11338s think he takes a second one cuz he's
11339s actually currently being offered a
11341s triple right with anas yeah I'm a little
11345s surprised that the hero power came out
11347s at all honestly oh you think was level
11350s again yeah like I I guess because the
11353s fight was against galacon he just he
11355s suspected galacon might have sevens
11357s already and that made it worth doing but
11359s alu's been playing this very Tempo heavy
11361s Focus style and here we go has made it
11363s to six 23 health absolutely survives and
11365s there are I would say the two best
11367s options in this Lobby sang champion and
11369s Moira bronze beard I think those are the
11370s two you're going to want to be shooting
11372s for most of the
11375s time and it's there with the roac as
11378s well let's
11380s go sat is very happy
11385s going fellow
11388s te come on sell two of these cards for a
11392s RAC you
11395s coward thank
11397s you I I am apologize to all the fans
11401s all's called alimo a coward altim is a
11404s beloved Hearthstone player standard
11407s someone who knows how to play
11408s Battlegrounds jeez the others no no no
11411s if they really knew how to play
11412s battlegrounds be T tier 7 right now and
11415s going to win
11417s fair I'm actually a little bit surprised
11420s that we even got this anomaly like I
11421s feel like I've even H rolled that Hest
11424s yeah yeah
11427s yeah okay we need enough things to stay
11429s above five Health okay this is becoming
11431s a problem because the uh the sanguine
11433s Champion can just get shot now and will
11436s oh no the RAC will get
11438s shot okay but it dies at the same time
11440s cuz there's two of them no
11444s oh it's always the way what the comeback
11447s though uh not the best but good enough
11451s yeah I think winning the fight more
11452s important than Minor Details of the sang
11455s Champion not going off cuz uh it just
11458s means he gets to live to fight another
11459s day or another two days with the damage
11460s cap very well and truly in place yeah a
11463s little bit worried about Alex JP's
11465s Health on 33 sorry should I say now as
11468s the the cat not the best for I
11471s should resist every everyone's
11476s tanking that is twice in a row that dog
11479s has been offered the
11486s triple uh what what do you I was going
11489s to say I think it's recurring nightmare
11492s take a second to look's going to
11494s immediately do the best yeah true he has
11496s a golden tank right it's so many
11497s respawns doesn't have the baron for the
11499s the infinite duplication just yet um but
11502s has a really good Undead Undead setup
11504s has a golden tank going to want to roll
11506s on this
11507s Dawn mm and speaking of that's not
11511s it speaking of players that may like to
11514s acquire tanks there's a couple here so
11517s okay we're going to look at Satellite
11518s now if we can go to uh tomb and then
11522s citro that would be very very
11524s interesting at your desire
11526s lenda because there's some boards going
11529s on so that's all I'm going to say yeah
11531s worth noting satellite is on seven by
11533s the way so if he does end up winning
11535s this Lobby that'll be a big big victory
11537s for for Raven speaking of big big things
11540s that's a big big minion and look at this
11543s board as well this is what I was was
11544s talking about to maybe maybe wanting a a
11548s tank and not having it so sticking with
11549s Dinosaurs instead he's such a Tempo King
11552s I swear like I I was telling you
11554s remember last time we were casting to
11556s him last time no I know but like I
11558s literally told myself going into this
11559s one okay like something that casters do
11562s that is sometimes like a little bit
11563s unnecessary is like you characterize
11565s players of small sample sizes right so
11567s like I've watched Tom play a couple of
11569s tournaments and he tends to be like a
11571s Tav and four Tempo gamer a lot of the
11573s time and I'm like okay just don't make
11575s that your one and only talking point
11577s this tournament and then you cut to tomb
11579s and he's just Tempo kinging again like
11581s what am I supposed to talk about look
11583s he's got some cool dinosaurs that sounds
11585s like a great plan to me so there's no no
11587s blame game going on over here in the
11589s meantime though satellite is definitely
11591s doing stuff in terms of not only
11593s fighting for this board but also just
11594s card generation in general look at his
11600s hand and that's 13 damage going through
11604s and Alex JP oh classic cat dies first a
11608s tail as old as time and that means right
11611s on the line all Alex JP had to do was
11613s survive that turn and we got uh 10 turns
11616s without an elimination which is one of
11617s our puzzle box questions and honestly
11620s this lobby with the extra armor was one
11622s of the the best chances we were ever
11624s going to get to make that happen which
11625s is making me a little bit sad in terms
11627s of the way these puzzle box questions
11629s are working out for me right now well
11631s don't we cheer you up Saul Alex was my
11633s bandwagon ah much better now I'm feeling
11636s good again thank you we do have
11638s satellite on tavent tier
11641s 7 y yeah we sure do it's happening and
11644s just tonking people with full
11647s health getting
11649s them oh got alimu against the ghost
11652s which will uh probably be a bit of a
11655s sigh of relief after seeing that
11656s opponent because 8 Health galron like
11659s alimu is doing good stuff well he
11662s definitely needs to survive at least a
11663s turn or two maybe see another couple of
11665s players drop beneath him dog also in the
11667s danger zone here on 8 Health as well
11670s danger
11671s zone
11673s exactly the option to uh tripel still no
11677s Baron though still no Moira either can
11679s look for the Triple into the Moira now
11682s the buff is probably active cuz I think
11684s dog well I imagine dog lost his last
11686s fight right so he does have a buff if he
11688s wants it but probably not as important
11690s as getting hold of that triple it's a
11692s like it's important at some point it's
11694s one of the things that um kind of
11696s average players will underestimate that
11698s top players will always look for is you
11700s want to get some health on your death
11701s rattle minions so they don't just get
11703s blasted out of existence right like um
11706s in the late game kind of tech C battles
11708s so that is a factor at some point uh but
11711s right now it doesn't actively add enough
11714s to your board yeah in terms of just
11715s straight up survival right now REO
11718s nightmares kicking it out as
11721s [Music]
11726s well this is bringing me back sa I think
11729s it might have been the first Lobby
11731s Legends I ever cast was just everyone
11734s tanking do you remember that one where
11736s it was just full Agro tanks all of the
11738s time no that was you're thinking of the
11740s uh the China
11741s invitation oh I am yeah that wasn't oh
11746s yeah yeah that wasn't Lobby Legends was
11747s it I forgot and it was just everyone was
11750s playing tags like literally everyone
11752s everyone thought going in that it was
11753s going to be full milk meta like everyone
11755s was going to get like T four revenge
11757s minions and just milk value out and
11760s everyone went NOP Soul juggler tank you
11763s die
11764s like oh good times good
11767s times okay good kill on the cleave there
11771s I think that's the first time that t
11773s experience has ever been described as
11774s good
11777s times look when you did as much as I did
11780s s I'm allowed to be Delirious about what
11783s it was like yeah yeah I mean if anyone
11785s gets to make that judgment it's
11786s absolutely
11788s you I got to Sky off and get a mole
11792s removed yep the usual day off here
11795s though dog is just battling and battling
11797s these endless rebor
11800s minions oh
11803s the one final recurring nightmare oh
11806s what a
11808s disaster oh there I mean where do we
11812s even begin yeah it's a great question
11815s I'm very pleased we have like 70 seconds
11817s to stare at this cuz this is not easy
11820s and it's not over yet both players have
11822s significant amount of gold oh it's the
11824s Moira but there's only eight health yeah
11826s I think this is the right
11828s choice with only eight health to play
11831s with uh
11835s [Music]
11843s uh I'm wait till the last second so sot
11845s doesn't copy and
11853s cheat okay second mgle is potentially
11857s huge those flat Tusk though yeah you
11861s can't pick the pigs and not go for the
11862s uh the the gems yeah I mean like if it
11865s was a charer or something then sure we
11867s can talk but that seemed a little
11879s ambitious yeah I'm with you we've both
11881s gone citro I think I think ALU is making
11883s strides this turn but I'm just not quite
11885s sure it's there I'm just looking at the
11887s numbers plus the reborn plus the tank
11890s it's just like it's a lot isn't it from
11893s cro yeah I like it's it's definitely an
11897s odds fight like we don't get to see the
11898s odds but there will definitely be odds
11900s there because oh yeah all it takes all
11903s it takes is that g connecting with the
11905s bragon and then suddenly alu's in
11908s business
11910s right oh good H little ping there with
11913s that that was not the attack yeah in no
11916s Universe was that the
11920s attack yeah citro looking huge face
11922s faite from here now as long as his uh
11925s minions don't start parading into that
11927s Merle and then giving it reborn again
11928s over and over yeah that needs to be a
11931s swift double kill doesn't
11934s it
11936s oh right it needs to die now if they
11940s okay still fine yeah that's good enough
11942s I think from Cyro here as he takes out
11944s the two little
11946s plants and that is going to be I believe
11949s Alo timu out so so far Alo timu do and
11953s Alex
11954s JP their first little set of victims
11957s from this game yeah I think it was
11959s important to uh to wait out the turn on
11961s that prediction right like if alu's got
11964s discover was like a charer instead of a
11966s flat yeah things change right for sure
11968s suddenly that immediate output of stats
11970s with the five or six Buffs he already
11972s had uh from the sanguin champion might
11974s have been able to make a difference he
11976s also didn't find any magnetics which I
11977s think he was looking for as well right
11979s he had the uh the sargeras buffing the
11981s shop massive and he had that faux Reaper
11984s potentially looking for magnetics to go
11986s on that could have found polarizing beat
11988s boxer so those magnetics were doubling
11990s up like lots and lots of possibilities
11992s but they uh they just didn't appear in
11993s the end and satellite gets to put his
11995s feet up for a turn and also just look at
11997s the quality of the hand right now double
12000s charga there as well these blood gems
12004s really ex starting to
12008s stack while doing what sole loves most
12013s which
12014s is what the uh the gem generation right
12018s batt yeah sure sure sure sure I was
12020s going to say this could end up being a a
12022s huge game for Raven in terms of the
12023s point standings because we now see what
12027s three no two remaining players actually
12029s on Tavern s already uh yes your
12032s bandwagon pick has gone but so has mine
12034s aluu was my bandwagon pick in this game
12037s uh and we missed out on the uh surviving
12040s 10 turns without an elimination which I
12042s have said said yes on and you have said
12043s no on I believe so that would have been
12044s a win for me that was denied as well so
12047s this is looking like a very Pro Raven
12049s game right now yeah and the thing is in
12051s terms of the fantasy picks as well the
12053s only difference between our teams is uh
12055s I have water and you have doc right so y
12058s looking too bad at all at least for now
12062s here we see
12064s watero kick off the fight not the
12066s strongest board at a glance but again
12069s all of these death RS can be a little
12070s bit deceptive the cleave causing a
12072s little bit of Havoc though yeah there is
12075s a a reborn recurring nightmare with a
12078s baron though so uh yeah the attack Buffs
12081s from your uh from your dinosaur are not
12084s quite going to get the job done here the
12087s only thing okay I was going to say okay
12089s I was going to say the
12090s only never mind all right let me attempt
12093s to finish that sentence the only way you
12096s can get out of this is a similar effect
12098s to what used to happen with leapers you
12099s need all the Buffs to go all the way
12101s down the line so they they don't
12102s actually have time to spawn that
12104s happened twice and then water's idiot
12108s minions just smashed straight into the
12110s right hand side and just started the
12111s chain all over
12116s again and remember each one of these
12118s tokens that appears the recurring
12120s nightmare tokens is a seven drop in its
12123s own right so if this damage cap was not
12125s in place uh this could end up being a
12128s catastrophic amount of damage but as it
12130s stands only 15 is the the water can take
12134s you know you're in a rough spot when
12135s only 15 is a good thing here as 8
12138s million damage is represented in general
12141s but as you said only 15 going down to 12
12143s waterl in a bit of trouble so so
12147s satellite actually on exactly 15 so I
12149s think that was like 43 or 44 damage that
12152s would have been without the damage cap
12153s in place so you can see what kind of
12156s level you would be at if that damage cap
12158s change to damage cap into top four did
12160s not uh come into play recently got news
12163s now we're in top four sorry but now you
12165s will start to see like Cyro from 25
12167s could just die in one fight for very
12169s very EAS and we got word that tomb died
12172s to a single seven drop just dealing the
12175s damage so yeah that's the kind of levels
12177s you're talking about right that's
12179s available to these players yeah for
12182s sure I'm so conflicted like this is MOA
12186s sanguin Champion golden RAC just
12188s absolutely farming and doing all of the
12191s things I love in the world
12192s but it's a player who's on Tavern s
12195s that's doing it and that's very very
12198s bad I think it's fine how big are they
12201s oh my God so big they're so
12205s big and there's another cha in hand as
12208s well remember they're like
12214s 4040s there's another necrite in the
12217s hand as well that's just plus
12221s 8080 I didn't like that one either oh
12224s Divine shield and oh it's over ra it's
12226s over it's over this board wins like this
12230s is this is close to watch The Glory here
12237s win all right what you got what you got
12239s yeah you're going to need a lot of
12241s recurring nightmares to get through all
12242s this my friend I think they need
12243s recurring leroys at this
12247s point and they are all hooking right
12249s again which is bad news for the
12251s duplication
12253s yeah matchups like this and cops like
12255s this make me really think it needs like
12257s some kind of uh double speed mode right
12260s for
12261s Battlegrounds uhoh okay bad attacks
12264s though that is a oh wait they're all
12266s still got okay that was okay big deal
12267s hits the Divine Shield one that is the
12269s the best Target for
12271s sure that is going to fill up some board
12273s space though with nonrecurring nightmare
12275s minions and now the baron has gone down
12278s so I think there is enough still
12281s remaining from satellite like just
12282s eyeballing it to be able to plow through
12285s all of this yeah I think so cuz the
12287s attack is there right there's 130 Health
12289s oh oh stop immediately hitting the
12292s recurring nightmare every time
12295s though no I mean wait do keep doing that
12298s do exactly that lots of
12303s times oh really uh the ropes here about
12306s what he wants to happen and who he wants
12308s to do well left left uh how many we got
12312s oh oh it's enough 8 million 8 million
12315s that's how many 56 it's a time
12321s okay oh watero dropped out fourth place
12326s okay this is also one of my favorite
12328s things in the
12330s world what dropping out that's a bit
12333s harsh so no RAC AR brager this is so
12336s Argent bra brager reads copy the largest
12338s stats on the battlefield once you're in
12341s a fight the battlefield also includes
12343s your opponent's minions so even if your
12346s opponent has like a 10,000 10,000 you
12349s have a golden Argent bragger it will
12351s take those stats and then double them
12355s seems reasonable to me see you just win
12358s uh of course the factor of you know
12359s Cleaves and venomous and things like
12361s that will have something to say but in
12362s terms of raw stats you just kind of
12364s can't really be beaten with this up so
12367s now check's notes uh Sato can you please
12370s just go to Taven
12372s seven no please don't you're toy you
12376s don't need to stay where you are what if
12379s you what if you want more sevens please
12382s have some Humanity I'd love it if I
12385s think it would be very accurate if this
12389s is the one thing I won at was the
12391s completely RNG like do we even get the
12393s anomaly and then does the person win
12396s with the seven because for all intents
12398s and purposes I made the right choice no
12402s no the right choice is the is the
12403s winning Choice sot yeah yeah yeah
12408s yeah see what so the biggest thing over
12410s there is like a 300 3 right so now this
12413s dies and then
12414s [Laughter]
12418s boom Oh the unforunately there's a bunch
12420s of poisonous dongs over the other side
12422s that be able to deal with Vine Shield
12424s though that help Vine Shield very
12426s nice oh still Divine shield on the uh
12430s the manoro as well that's very very very
12432s nice not going to be enough though just
12435s too much poison I think this Now crashes
12437s 50/50 into the poisonous minion yeah
12439s there it goes yeah and there's still
12441s plenty of stats there as a 400 and
12444s something or other yep it's a cool
12447s interaction though isn't it oh yeah yeah
12450s yeah plenty of damage coming out though
12452s and that should be more than enough yeah
12453s there you go 27 Cyro is going to be down
12458s and yeah I'm I'm assuming uh sato's
12461s going to win this fight it looks like
12462s it's fine I'm not sure how
12464s many how many death rattles are in this
12467s last minion who knows all of them I
12469s guess yeah it's it's plenty enough yet
12471s so yeah we're going to have heads up now
12472s and um stles tavent tier six dreams are
12475s on the line One V
12478s one how I mean the aura buff on the
12481s undead is just nowhere near big enough
12483s right like yeah 30 attack on these
12485s minions it's just like your opponent has
12489s 400 health things these big enough look
12493s say let's be real it's only three gold
12495s to upgrade it's pretty cheap for a tier
12498s seven no
12500s stay I don't know what I'm rooting for
12502s cuz I don't think he can win
12505s anyway I just want the 100% I want to
12507s win this one that's all I want cuz it
12510s was the most
12514s unlikely honestly if satellite wins this
12516s game which it seems very very very very
12518s likely he will this is a huge game for
12521s you like he put you back in the running
12523s level of good game for you I
12527s think also as well sat like early on
12530s with you know creating the uh uh like
12533s the minions did not look like he was
12537s overly stealing the game right I think
12539s this has been just a slow buildup from
12542s him yeah basically like I think the the
12545s Moira sanguine RAC thing is the
12547s strongest thing you can do in this Lobby
12549s and you saw both um alot gacon and
12552s satellite on uh Patchwork trying not
12555s patchwor on future side trying to do it
12557s it just ended up that satellite was much
12560s stronger and you saw satellite taking
12562s Tempo Creations right like early
12564s Creations on Tav four to be able to
12566s secure that to then just level to seven
12568s so that he could do the broken thing as
12570s best as he possibly
12573s could yeah I
12575s mean we all like rooting for the
12577s underdog I know but you know sometimes
12580s you just got to be a little bit
12580s realistic
12582s yeah he's already
12587s seventh look at the stats coming out
12590s here though
12593s absurd it's not only stats it's the fact
12596s that it's like oh yeah loads of starts
12597s with Divine shield and and poison like
12599s yeah it's fine it you need about 12
12602s nightmares to kill the charga you need
12605s about uh what's that another eight to
12608s kill that another eight to kill that so
12610s about 40 recurring nightmares have to
12613s attack into these minions to get this
12615s done so all I'm hearing here is doable
12617s yeah
12624s doable okay the probably the most drawn
12628s out potential ending to a Battlegrounds
12630s game you've ever seen I'll be honest I
12632s have not got a lot of experience closing
12634s out a game as a commentator when it's
12636s just a slow monotonous droning march to
12640s Victory have you ever seen that Meme
12642s it's just like an Xbox Live message of
12644s like someone who's playing FIFA and he's
12646s like oh just just kick it round at the
12647s back in the second half you're clearly
12649s the better player I'm just going to eat
12650s some toast like that's basically what
12652s we're watching right now just just just
12655s get on with it I know the game is over
12657s it's
12659s fine The Baron's still alive it is going
12663s I mean what number what was the magic
12665s number what did we get to
12667s 150 yeah yeah yeah it was like 40 plus
12670s of these minions near to
12672s ATT satellites
12674s like oh we need to bring back site Chain
12678s Gang This is actually like a perfect
12680s fight we're actually seeing the nuts out
12684s it's okay
12687s okay actually that didn't matter at that
12689s point because there's only one thing
12691s that these recurring nightmares can land
12692s on and it's going to respawn seven now
12695s anyway so that Baron attack was actually
12697s irrelevant the fact that it the board
12699s cleared before this Eternal Night pox
12701s means like I think this fight was
12702s literally
12705s perfect and it's still not going to be
12707s good any it's not
12709s close still let me just check oh
12712s 463 Health on that pig 50 Health on
12715s another 100 on one of the uh the
12717s amalgams and adding up swiftly uh all
12720s those stars look like they add up to
12722s more than 19 GG satellite takes the
12725s victory in game one of Group B and salul
12729s what a way to do it one of the more I
12733s would say wild anomalies we've seen or
12736s if not the wildest anomaly we've seen
12738s today which opens up that door to tavent
12740s tier 7 and satellite takes the victory
12742s out what a game there and and what just
12745s a onesided win for
12747s satellite yeah absolutely and that like
12750s I said that wasn't it was a Tav s lobby
12752s but in terms of the really really
12754s powerful Tav s minions in my opinion
12757s there were fairly few of them actually
12759s in because of the minion types that were
12761s in involved right so getting that RAC
12764s sanguin Champion combination which was
12766s kind of the most powerful thing it
12767s looked like that you could do one player
12770s was probably always going to hit that
12771s and run away with it two players ended
12773s up hitting it fairly quickly but aluu
12775s just bled out too much health and aluu
12777s did his best to try and mitigate that
12779s right like we talked about the tempo
12782s Creations uh from the Putra side but
12784s aluu was also playing extreme Tempo
12787s galron with a bunch of meano Tanks it's
12789s just everyone else was tanking better
12791s than he was like everyone everyone else
12793s had like double tank full rebor board
12794s and he was just getting absolutely Tempo
12796s out of proceeding so yeah probably the
12798s craziest game that we've seen so far
12800s today y really explosive way to start
12802s off Group B we've got two more games for
12804s this group coming right up and then we
12806s decide our work out should I say who's
12808s going to make it through to tomorrow
12809s we're going to go to a quick break while
12811s we set up game number two and don't go
12812s anywhere we'll be right back with some
12814s more Lobby
12820s Legends
12850s to
12851s [Music]
12880s go
12885s [Music]
12903s [Music]
12910s fre
12913s [Music]
12924s [Music]
13028s [Music]
13059s he
13061s [Music]
13089s he
13093s [Music]
13119s he
13121s [Music]
13136s [Music]
13142s [Music]
13149s he we are back with more Lobby Legends
13153s as we get ready for game two from Group
13155s B let's check out the standings as well
13157s to see where they are and see where the
13159s players landed again if you're just
13160s joining us just a reminder we have three
13163s games for each group we've already done
13164s group a and we've got two more games
13167s left of group b top four after three
13170s games total we go through to tomorrow
13172s who have we got
13173s s yeah just a great performance I think
13176s overall from satellite in that one
13178s really taking things home but of course
13179s shout outs to the the first time
13181s performer in lobby Legends as well Sato
13183s who did very very well with the uh
13186s recurring nightmares the more death
13187s rattle Focus board going up against the
13189s raw stats and malod on board the
13191s satellite had on the other side but uh
13194s what we do see which I think is worth
13195s pointing out is the entirely clean split
13198s players dying one at a time right which
13200s I think will tend to lead towards this
13203s being more of a stretched out Lobby than
13205s we saw from Lobby a uh where everyone
13208s kind of clustered together because in
13209s most of the games or in the majority of
13211s the games players were dying in
13212s multiples there were there were several
13214s players tying in each game and that left
13215s us in a position where I think first and
13217s seventh were split by only three points
13219s going into the final game I think we
13221s might see a little bit of a bigger gap
13223s opening up in this one unless uh the
13226s likes of dog can put in a bigger
13227s performance which I'm sure he has a
13229s large number of people rooting for him
13231s to do just that right now yeah I mean we
13233s can check out the uh the viewer voting
13235s to see where they've gone for their
13237s favorite players in the fantasy team in
13239s just a second uh as we take a look and
13241s oh I'm
13242s shocked dog 82% of of our viewers chose
13246s him and not a surprised a true fan
13249s favorite in Hearthstone overall for many
13252s many many years now so not too much of a
13254s surprise but a ton of respect given to
13257s waterl Alo U as well again two big
13260s favorites I'm actually a little bit
13261s surprised that Alex JP is not hiring
13264s this I was about to say that same thing
13266s if I was to pull out one surprise yeah
13268s Alex JP uh I think won a lot of Hearts a
13271s couple of a couple of tournaments ago
13273s where um he he won the tournament he
13276s gave a very endearing interview he has
13277s this habit of uh changing his prefix
13280s essentially to be more appropriate to
13282s his current Vibe so you know we've seen
13284s Mecca Alex JP for example when all the
13287s mechs were around all that kind of thing
13289s so I was expecting a little bit more
13291s support for Alex as well but after dog
13294s no surpris to see watero and aluu as
13296s well following that up because I think
13298s honestly um one of of the biggest
13301s success stories of grand Masters as a
13303s competitive um constructed format was
13306s the likes of Gabby BL aluu actually
13310s being able to gain a following and then
13312s turn that into a streaming career which
13314s you know Gabby at Le at least Gabby and
13316s aluu are still doing to this day like
13318s aluu is a very big content creator in
13320s his own right right now so no surprise
13322s to be seeing a lot of support for him as
13324s well yeah I thought Gabby turned into a
13326s bodybuilding career though so I think
13328s that's something else to talk about
13330s another time H but yeah so that is going
13332s to be the stats and a bit of an update
13334s for game number one we've got two more
13336s games to go and again as we continue I
13338s just hope we see more and more anomalies
13341s there's only one I want to dodge SLE so
13344s that's the scary one for me the whole
13345s new board every round uh is not my
13348s personal favorite because I'm bad at it
13350s though it's not because it's necessarily
13351s a bad anomaly H but I'm just not good at
13354s it so we'll have to see if that uh that
13356s goes or not so H we are going to check
13358s out the puzzle box updates as well well
13360s and see where that's going to go before
13362s we get into game number
13365s two there I
13367s believe I'm doing all right here I think
13370s you are yeah we differ on two uh one of
13374s which Raven has already won because a
13375s player did win a game while reaching Tav
13377s seven that one is already confirmed we
13378s just saw that in the last game and then
13380s the only other place we differ is will a
13383s game go at least 10 turns without an
13384s elimination which we were very uh very
13387s narrowly denied in the previous game and
13389s it has not happened yet so now Raven's
13392s probably statistically favored in that
13394s situation as well because I only have
13396s two games left to be able to snatch
13398s Victory from that one so it's looking
13399s very likely that Raven is going to win
13401s on the puzzle box questions yeah and I
13403s just want to mention as well just in
13404s case people don't know we submit our
13407s answers to these completely separately
13409s there's no like we don't discuss it or
13411s anything beforehand so the fact we're
13413s only different on two surprises me but
13415s maybe at least one of the ones we're
13417s different on which is the first one
13418s doesn't surprise me at all as we were
13420s discussing the break I was just like
13422s right got to do something special to
13423s beat Sal here so I'm going to go with
13425s the most unlikely choice because if it
13428s works it's going to work and guess what
13431s it did so I said this to Raven in the
13433s break basically what Raven has done here
13435s is walked into a casino seen a roulette
13437s wheel where there's a green space there
13438s is one red space and then every other
13441s space is black and he's gone all in on
13443s red and then ended up winning and is now
13445s talking about how much of a genius he is
13447s like that was not the right pick and I'm
13449s so annoyed about it
13450s it was though because I won so anyway
13453s let's let's get in at the oh oh that was
13456s the yog right yog wheel yep yeah o well
13459s you wanted some craziness and we've got
13461s it let's get into game number two uh
13464s take us through this so we have the yog
13466s wheel and we have Beasts dragons murlocs
13468s Naga and Undead um is there any specific
13472s hero that benefits from this or is it
13474s just pure chaos
13477s it's very very very chaotic yeah yeah I
13480s think the one thing you have to look out
13483s for is Heroes that tend towards um
13487s things like scaling Cleaves and divine
13489s Shields and kind of things like that uh
13493s tend to be weaker because of the stat
13496s Shuffle from yog right like that can
13498s just mess up your entire game plan if
13501s you've uh thrown it thrown a bunch of
13502s stats onto a cleave or you're playing
13504s like mechs with two deflecto and then
13506s suddenly your deflecto becomes a two two
13509s and suddenly you have like mug on your
13510s board that's a a 9090 or whatever that
13513s can be a big problem but uh otherwise
13516s just things are pretty chaotic overall I
13518s would
13519s say random minion golden so I imagine a
13523s lot of players don't have much choice in
13524s what to buy unless they want to freeze
13526s or something yeah I mean there's not
13528s even an argument to take the economy
13530s unit right because the
13532s extra off the triple is plus one gold
13535s anyway oh there we go it looks like uh
13538s yeah Alex JP is in I was a bit worried
13540s where the overlay did not update that
13541s normally news the player didn't connect
13543s but he's in now and all good to go so
13545s that makes me very I was a little
13546s concerned yeah I was very I was like do
13548s we have to remake but we Alex not Alex
13550s not making it and then I was potentially
13552s I think mainly chat being deprived of
13554s seeing a wheel spin every turn which
13556s let's be honest is what you're all here
13558s for I'm
13559s sure new format for next year sorted
13563s it's just someone spinning a
13565s wheel yeah sounds good you know the the
13569s office episode where Pam's like trying
13571s to do chores and puts them all on a
13572s wheel and then just like eventually
13575s they're just spinning a wheel and not
13577s doing chores anymore and then there's a
13578s tiny wheel and the tiny wheel has chores
13580s on it again like yeah that is actually
13582s what people want oh again hting with the
13588s gold yeah in case you haven't played
13590s this before in case you didn't read the
13591s card in detail when it's been shown on
13593s the screen the result of the spin is the
13595s same for each player each turn um Beyond
13599s like first Factor the same right so if
13602s if one person rolls golden minion uh
13604s then everyone rolls golden minion that
13605s doesn't mean that the same outcome is
13607s going to happen of any random effect
13609s that comes after that but just the
13610s outcome of the wheel itself is always
13612s the same yeah it's because it's like the
13614s players still have different shops right
13616s so it hits a random golden Minion from
13619s that shop or whatever so yeah it's not
13621s yeah yeah so uh O Okay dog getting a
13626s very early solid Choice board here and
13629s also it's test so can cherry pick
13631s anything he wants going forward as well
13633s not looking too shabby at all oh you can
13636s oh he's I can take the fish fish yeah oh
13642s fish where I didn't think I would hear
13645s today dog loves doing this as well by
13647s the way uh noof merlocks absolutely
13649s loves doing it so I would be stunned if
13652s this does not happen well let's see what
13654s the wheel does first all the wheel
13657s decides Chompy Chomp okay and goodbye
13659s gold
13663s but hello
13666s fish this going to be a buy sell on the
13669s left into oh the patient Scout roll
13673s though man it's such a good with a
13676s patient oh it's a fish though in
13682s it if it was a place then we'd talk
13688s yeah
13690s [Music]
13692s double cell if it doesn't hit yeah sure
13694s this makes
13695s sense PR takes the surf and surf for the
13699s [Music]
13701s spell yeah Surf and surf because instead
13703s you're eating for dinner fish and more
13706s fish therefore it's it's Surf and surf
13708s yeah it makes perfect
13715s sense keep up the momentum friend so F
13719s just glancing across the these are some
13720s of the weirdest boards I've seen this
13722s early in the game just cuz it's gone
13723s like gold gold right like it's really
13725s opened up some of the uh the options and
13727s board size
13737s questions I am just realizing I've put
13739s my bandwagon in already and there is a g
13741s Wix in this Lobby and I haven't picked
13742s the G Wix I'm starting to re-evaluate my
13746s life the gallix is bleeding early though
13756s H I've just become the other side of the
13758s coin so of the choice so
13762s yeah okay the wheel has been spun this
13765s is I remember I think the first time I
13767s played this anomaly it was the plus
13769s three plus three and then Shuffle like
13773s almost every single turn and it was a
13775s really weird game cuz you didn't want
13776s you stop stopped wanting to sell things
13780s yeah it can be very frustrating right
13781s like it's hard to plan a board when your
13785s biggest minion suddenly becomes your
13786s smallest minion all right like it's very
13788s hard to know what you're supposed to be
13789s doing see sat is going full value
13794s actually just trying to get the most out
13795s of these rebs
13797s Z it's good to get some minions in
13807s play turn four now last chance to get
13810s your bandwagon picks in or to change
13812s those bandwagon picks if you so choose
13816s talking about the lack of penalty for
13818s changing for the the last few games but
13820s uh if you're not so somewhat preoccupied
13822s by you know having to commentate over a
13824s Hearthstone tournament uh it is there's
13826s no downside to just always locking in a
13829s bandwagon on turn one because you can
13831s always change it there's no penalty for
13832s changing and if you choose to stick with
13834s your turn one choice by turn four you've
13836s maximized your points by uh by picking
13838s them on turn one
13842s that's just Game Theory that's just a
13845s lot of
13846s effort I just pick one and say you know
13848s what I picked it so it's picked done
13851s just like it was the correct to pick the
13853s uh tavener 7 it's correct to just pick
13855s one pick the Raven
13860s Way yeah the waterl is looking quite
13863s good being able to just generate more
13864s and more um of whatever minion type see
13867s it's happening it is happening honestly
13870s this is my experience with this anomaly
13873s pretty much every time it's just this
13874s over and over and over
13878s again that's a big
13883s slim this is what I mean like you your
13885s biggest minion is now just this utterly
13888s useless like minion typeless
13892s minion such a weird thing to roll all
13895s the time it's like level up by the two
13898s three and then
13901s I guess it depends how hard waterl wants
13902s to go in but I'd actually sit and think
13904s about just freezing like level by the
13906s two3 and then freeze for the Tad seems
13909s probably a bit silly but I think with
13911s the two spells being able to generate
13912s more and more murlocs just more murlocs
13914s equals more merlocks
13917s right wait you want to buy rockpool
13919s Hunter here what's a rockpool hunter
13923s doing well it busts the 5 S it does yeah
13927s I think it's just level tab right I
13929s think you can also get I think like
13930s level pair is um viable on most
13934s characters but it is literally illegal
13937s not to buy a tad when you're you're
13939s playing G wigs right that's why I was on
13940s about freeze for the Tad that's why I
13942s about
13943s freeze but yeah it's it's not worth the
13945s difference right if you think of it as
13947s like you're leveling to three this turn
13948s right so you're on tavn three and you're
13950s buying a one drop like that just doesn't
13952s really seem like a thing that you should
13954s be occupying your go with I think just
13955s buying loses this fight by one or two
13958s stats so you know who I'm going to start
13959s talking to okay I mean that's
13977s fair see now just
13980s think there was a rock pool
13986s there and those two rats would have been
13990s host
13991s exactly we all know one murloc beats two
13994s rats every day of the week look again
13996s I've cursed it yeah you actually have
13999s this is literally my experience yeah
14002s okay the Slime got smaller though that's
14003s good news yeah that's a sell it quick
14006s actually the Tad remained the smallest
14008s thing on the board which is insanely
14013s lucky more oh more tads W who whoa wo oh
14018s no wo w w w w w wo wo o nice
14027s okay I kind of enjoy the way I can just
14030s say wo whoa whoo like Linda's a horse
14034s and it
14035s works that's the
14040s command just just soothingly stroking
14043s the back of his neck and feeding him a
14044s carrot yeah I've got one of those face
14048s pouches with some apples
14050s could just ni while he's pressing
14052s buttons they in did eat an apple once
14055s yeah only the want to
14061s yep again I'm right there with you it's
14064s so difficult to plan CU it's like oh
14066s look at tomb's B oh what's the plan who
14068s knows because of the yog
14070s wheel you have to build a plan every
14072s single turn of the
14074s game that dog is bleeding
14077s though I don't like the way this is
14081s going my pick has one more Health than
14083s the uh the low so it's okay looking
14094s good yeah fish from nooth not really
14098s living up to its potential in this comp
14100s so far no it is already pretty powerful
14103s just with uh the one reborn though right
14105s CU it gets both of the death rattles off
14107s the reborn and then you can see there's
14109s a couple of undeads um posted further
14111s down the line uh to be able to receive
14114s that but still small loss in the
14116s end and T not doing too bad on cindra
14119s goer actually still got that 14 armor
14122s feel like it gives him a lot of leeway
14124s good at this oh waterl in cap range you
14127s love to see it wa for it Chomp Chompy
14134s Chompy dog has the taunt on the scalin
14137s that's very very nice for him oh and a
14140s nice Merlo board on the other side as
14142s well yeah the fish as well it's going to
14144s be really nice like look at those death
14146s rattles
14151s already currently doesn't have a beast
14153s to summon the feather man though right
14155s unless I'm very blind can just buy like
14158s maybe the amalg goodon from the board or
14159s the amalgam to to have yeah yeah that's
14161s that's normally the one you go for if
14163s you're not actually beasts right you
14165s just say well yeah this is the most
14166s universally good thing so I'm going to
14168s lock that one
14176s well that's a very pessimistic freeze I
14178s was s thinking that I was like that's a
14179s bit Grim isn't it the one that I'm
14182s expecting to L that's like something I
14183s would do oh there's base skill though
14186s that'll do the job and this like dog is
14189s just in his comfort zone right now he's
14191s got a scalin he's got a base skill he's
14193s got a fish don't look at the fact he's
14195s test this is a very normal nuz off game
14197s for
14198s dog
14201s you can actually Multi Fish this game as
14203s well right so it's better technically
14205s better than a nooth game Jew wield fish
14210s yeah the double placeholder
14214s oh in an expansion that all that's not
14217s ready for
14219s now not sure what uh what looters has
14222s got going on behind this B I can tell
14224s discover it's a rat a big rat a snake
14228s and a panther walked in to a
14236s bar I like where you're going with
14240s [Music]
14243s this up the moment so I think it was
14247s waterl has the fight against uh
14250s pessimistic Tempo King tomb on the other
14252s side right who
14255s uh fighting for his life mhm
14260s tra's going in there with the imun of
14262s course immediately teamu gets to respond
14265s and kill
14266s one wait cyro's on five the only golden
14271s I could see on that board was the one
14272s that presumably he's had since turn one
14275s when the the shot rolled golden minion
14278s and he has double warp wi did he just
14281s double discover warp Wing off the Alex
14283s straza discovers I guess so yeah cuz he
14285s has the golden null and that's it yeah
14288s and that's just from that's got to be
14290s from yeah yeah I'm almost certain that
14292s what I saw
14293s in I also really want to know how much
14296s this Pirates worth for aluu because I
14299s swear he's had that for a long time
14301s water got Tempo Kong out of existence oh
14304s no I Tom you fool why did you freeze the
14308s minion you are always going to win
14310s you're an absolute Tempo King I'm just
14313s trying to work out if every single
14316s player I've picked in bandwagon has come
14319s eighth no cuz mine did once oh was mine
14324s seventh maybe I feel like they've been
14326s very low but anyway no I think yours was
14329s sixth in the one where mine was eight oh
14331s okay so not not too bad not top four but
14333s not too bad I guess
14335s [Music]
14336s yeah oh not the best picks at least in
14339s the position that sat's at right
14342s now I do see a RAC though so oh yeah you
14345s know gold look where do you think all
14347s those coins are coming from oh
14351s 155 that's a permanent minion no no no I
14353s mean okay fine Baron is also a friend
14357s that is acceptable for justice the bank
14359s of RAC right now getting the work
14363s done is this actually just a I feel is
14366s this just a Tavern
14370s level this that's enough yeah I'm I'm
14373s kind of I'm kind of with you I think you
14375s buy as well right yeah yeah that's what
14377s I mean you just do it all right just
14378s lock it in why not I think the only
14380s thing holding you back from that maybe
14381s is that the glow scale is really nice
14383s here cuz glow scale you'd get to put a
14385s Divine shield on a 3637 which is great
14388s and then it also protects the 3637 from
14392s um potential disruptive cleave effects
14394s although in this Lobby I'm not sure
14396s those exist so yeah maybe that's not
14398s even worth worrying
14407s about
14409s wait why is the yeah I'm sat who whoa
14412s whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah I've just gone
14416s quiet cuz I'm like does that just not
14418s work no it works it
14422s happened it hit the opponent's
14424s board oh I didn't even think about that
14427s I've literally believe it or not never
14429s ried anua that's why I was like wait
14431s what it's any yeah cuz like normally you
14434s use like very often you use an Uther and
14436s point it into the shop right it's the
14438s same thing like you
14439s I just didn't think yeah yeah your
14440s opponent's board and the shop are
14442s mechanically the same except where
14444s exceptions are written like they've
14445s written exceptions so you can't eat your
14447s opponent's board with the demons with a
14450s that kind of thing but aside from that
14451s it's the same yeah that's that's crazy
14454s that Uther should not have been there
14455s cuz that could have gone very wrong yeah
14458s I mean I think looking at his board
14460s there wasn't a disaster to hit on his
14462s side and like
14464s Naga yeah half the stats like that's a
14468s big I think I think for one of leaving
14471s it there it wasn't going to I don't
14473s think it was going to win him games as
14474s often it was going to throw or rounds
14476s yeah I think that's
14478s fair alexo doing a little bit better
14481s than the previous game still more than
14483s in
14484s this those are the literal three best
14487s six drops to go with your brand so uh
14489s take your
14491s pick going go for
14495s Kos I don't know where to look now so
14497s because we just saw the Lo is even more
14499s there but did go for calagos but there's
14501s still plenty of dragons as well what's
14503s this a turn n calagos pivot yeah sure I
14506s mean your board's already big right it's
14508s not like you're starting from scratch
14509s with the calos PIV pivot more RI oh no
14512s he skipped the RAC never
14515s mind at all the
14518s money this is like soult's dream
14522s plan oh
14524s yeah oh oh he's so good at not getting
14528s baited by all this excellent stuff that
14530s I definitely would have got baited by I
14533s would have ran out of gold a long time
14535s ago yeah right now I would have sold the
14538s entire Undead package and my board would
14540s be two racs two morons the golden shell
14543s collector and then some other random
14546s minion and then I would take 15 twice
14548s and
14549s die and you'd smile while you were doing
14551s it I sure
14555s would it's basically my experience like
14558s I the reason I climb is that I do very
14560s well in every Lobby beasts aren't in and
14562s then I just throw all that MMR away
14564s trying to do R
14568s things bringing in the cash once
14572s again sat does have to convert though
14575s right cuz although the board I wouldn't
14576s say his board is weak it doesn't feel
14578s strong either I think his board's
14581s actually very very strong right now just
14582s oh really yeah yeah yeah like having
14585s 14040 and then he has Baron like he just
14587s has this right Baron
14589s stomper sure I guess I'm thinking how
14591s weak it is in the world where the baron
14593s just dies earlier right and it's like
14596s it's easily disrupted but he has a nice
14598s line of tauns start combat anyway right
14601s to to stop that from happening a lot of
14603s the time so this is fairly consistent
14605s what he has set up yeah
14607s that's look at all the look at the value
14610s in that
14611s hand I must want him to get rid of the
14613s murlock mer to make it yeah I think that
14616s might be the one thing he has got baited
14618s by this game iy like hey yeah I don't
14622s think that's going to have a real impact
14623s on the game
14624s golden for
14628s satellite and
14632s okay oh bran was there again we were
14635s told by Linda that uh we just saw uh who
14637s was the player with the with the golden
14639s jug and the brand uh just going back to
14642s it Alex JP yeah Alex JP so before we cut
14645s to it that bran and The Jug were both in
14647s the shop and it was minion and it rolled
14649s onto The Jug instead of the bran which
14651s is still a lot of stats immediately and
14653s a great outcome but oh my goodness you
14655s would have much rather had the bran the
14656s other way
14663s around never good when you playing that
14665s and then just rolling it away anyway but
14668s it is what it is here for satellite are
14671s we just going brown murky M I think we
14673s are right that's so many stats yeah I
14676s mean sight needs to survive seven heal
14678s he literally just cannot really lose
14681s this is against Ghost of course so as
14683s good as it's going to get for this turn
14684s but Sati in general needs to just at
14687s this point I imagine I've not been in
14689s this position cuz I'm not good enough in
14690s Battlegrounds to qualify but you sat
14692s there thinking let me just get another
14695s place higher one more place higher you
14697s know maybe maybe just scoop top four at
14699s a bare minimum uh just to secure some
14701s points in game two and set yourself up
14703s as well as possibly can for game three
14706s and I think it's the ghost fight that
14708s actually made that viable right because
14710s I think by doing that this turn he's
14712s actually a little bit weaker than he
14713s could have been immediately um but over
14716s the course of the next turn or two with
14717s the end of turn going off with the
14719s golden murky like he will pile an
14721s enormous amount of stats onto that board
14723s very quickly he just needs that one free
14724s fight and he knows it's a free fight cuz
14727s watero died so long ago right there is
14730s no threat that water's boarded anything
14735s competitive here though tomb on the
14737s other side of this board going up
14738s against Alex
14740s JP uh again we're about to find out how
14742s big that minion is from tomb not big
14745s enough need some
14747s lerer need some
14750s leroys wait a minute there's a second
14752s card there is a second
14754s card oh there's a
14758s LeRoy more horses lindo's all over the
14761s showy oh
14765s huge we even going to find out
14769s nope what a scam that is
14774s outrage if there's ever a time it's then
14777s 10 damage for that gas Cola the
14780s everpresent can we can we have a can we
14783s have a dog check please
14787s Cody
14789s than so get to see what the wheel is of
14791s course and look L and
14793s behold Shuffle
14795s shuffle
14797s oh
14799s oh it's
14802s funny dog do be
14805s scamming there's a bream on his board
14807s that's a little
14808s weird I would imagine on the turn he
14811s fell below damage cap he just felt like
14812s he needed that extra you know 2012-ish
14814s minion in play and it's not like the
14817s stats go nowhere right because he's got
14820s the stuff in hand anyway to be able to
14821s summon with the gas coiler all the the
14824s fish so yeah I think stats on Leroy is a
14827s slightly underrated thing like if you're
14830s Leroy value trades that's still a value
14833s trade that's still a real thing that
14834s happened you
14836s [Music]
14841s know oh T popping off for the with
14844s these wait tomb's doing an end game
14848s thing I've never seen this before in my
14850s life what the I don't even know what
14853s just happened why was there discover 18
14855s merlocks going on brand brand golden oh
14858s the golden that was what I was missing
14860s yeah I was like what the hell just
14862s happened oh my T does not look happy
14865s having to do APM things does he why
14868s can't I just put a tank on the board
14869s that shoots
14872s stuff okay I mean the the right choices
14875s are being made though as far as it's
14876s turn 11 why am I still in this
14879s game wait saying that what turn did
14881s waterl die like seven or something
14884s ridiculous
14886s yeah damn waterl been dead quite some
14890s time yeah was it one turn ago
14896s no yeah you just freeze the Mone good
14898s recognition at the end can uh yeah
14901s confirmed my guess was accurate it turn
14907s up that's some stats oh insta
14913s fish it's like satellite might not be uh
14916s hanging around for too long
14923s yeah get
14925s that don't know what the second minion
14927s in hand is but that's been denied right
14929s there could be a whole second venomous
14931s poisonous whatever minion in hand that
14932s didn't come out from the fish because it
14934s got one in seven sniped or one in 14
14936s sniped before the base skill because uh
14938s two actually had to go first as
14941s well oh and apparently dog took out Cyro
14944s as well that's why we see Cyro currently
14946s dead on the overlay on the left there a
14948s dog doing work
14951s spoilers
14955s sorry the spoiler was on the overlay C
14958s was Zero it's literally on the screen
14962s yeah Tom has to just go again no rest
14964s for the wicked spin that wheel
14967s CH where the wheel starts to get very
14969s annoying yeah this will I think this
14971s started at 99 seconds his first action
14974s gets to occur at 87 that's 12 seconds of
14977s your a PM turn oh God that shop had a
14979s second brand of MZ on and a primal fin
14982s in it like you need all 99 of these
14985s seconds to do things and you just don't
14987s get them CU York has to do stuff instead
14989s oh
14991s my is there is zero% Chance Tom isn't
14995s dizzy right
15004s now escape the okay maybe he's a lot
15008s more chill about it than I'm imagining
15010s well he's using a mouse right I don't
15012s unless he has two mice plugged in he
15014s only needs one hand hey look if you can
15016s dual wield fish you can dual wield
15024s mice I don't actually know what the uh
15026s the native server is for this event
15028s either which will uh certainly impact
15029s some players abilities to be able to do
15031s the super APM
15035s turns particularly if you start to
15037s encounter any uh any minion dancing or
15039s such like when you're in a tournament
15041s scenario you're certainly going to
15042s choose go slowly over accidentally sell
15045s your biggest minion right so yeah yeah
15047s yeah
15050s sure I just feel like this is infinite
15053s stats and I again I think you correct me
15055s if I'm wrong but with comps or turns
15058s like this where you really just
15059s endlessly go in it's more about how you
15063s finish your turn than how you played
15065s your turn if that actually makes sense
15068s understand what I mean right yeah yeah
15069s like players will definitely have like
15071s different top speeds but I think the
15073s most important skill to develop is like
15076s recognizing how many seconds you need to
15079s complete the end of your turn right and
15081s then you just do stuff up until that
15083s point and then in your last like 8
15085s seconds or whatever you're like okay
15087s cool get rid of that get rid of that
15088s there's my manner Roth there's my Leroy
15090s there's the end of my turn right like as
15091s long as you leave yourself enough time
15092s to do that would probably be okay okay
15095s Blaster went off and killed the gas
15096s coiler for free there there RAC checks
15099s for battle
15101s cries just has a little feeli to the
15103s left of right anything there oh oh got
15108s away with a oh no it soaked on the first
15110s hit oh yep okay plenty of damage kicking
15113s out I thought then for just a second
15116s that alimu just got away with cutting
15118s down that damage by a significant margin
15120s but of course the Defenders
15123s go we spin again munchy Munchy you know
15128s what I'd love if sir spinley was on the
15130s wheel spinning round as well nice that'
15133s be a great little
15136s extra oh here we go alimu versus
15141s dog and this is really tricky because
15145s both players have base
15147s skills so we haven't had many merlock
15150s games right like we haven't had Bas
15152s skill meta for most of this tournament
15154s because murlock have been out but like
15156s this is a murlock in game Bas skill is
15158s just the best card in the game really
15160s like it's it's not really much of a
15162s debate as far as I see it is it the
15165s fifth blessing right we're on game five
15168s yes let's keep it
15173s Rollings not
15175s food oh this is really
15179s tricky there's two fish and then tons of
15183s murlocs oh he's Multi Fish Draven yeah
15187s have you con considered the Multi Fish
15191s angle there's so many cards in hand for
15194s dog that if all of these go off with
15197s with base I'm just like I don't even
15199s know what's going to hit the board um
15202s this is tricky I'm genuinely I've not
15204s even typed a name
15206s out interesting also there's one there's
15209s one spot for alimu on board that he
15211s needs to fill yeah there is that again
15214s that could
15216s ooh is that oh no didn't want to go for
15218s the uh taunt
15222s silence low
15226s scale yeah has time to cycle through all
15229s of
15230s this is glow scale the final Minion or
15233s is I guess you can then sell the glow
15234s scale and put the M or the gas coiler in
15237s play yeah makes
15240s sense oh it's a 0 seconds you've not
15243s typed s so I guess I win automatically
15245s oh no I put it in the wrong thing I put
15247s in the WR no no he's out he's out Raven
15250s wins automatically it's in it's in FFA
15253s you can check the time code it's there
15255s that's not way you're supposed to put it
15256s is it rules the
15261s rules right i' I've gone for big stats
15264s equals good so I was gone for dog stats
15266s equals good yeah I was very no I've been
15269s wrong a lot with be with Barrel's
15270s blessings today but I was very
15271s interested that you were struggling with
15273s this cuz I thought this was the freest
15274s Choice we've seen all day by a large
15277s distance
15278s well my problem was I had no is so
15280s one-sided I had no recognition what so I
15284s I hope after saying that somehow alimu
15287s wins um but like there was like no
15290s knowledge on my end of actually how big
15292s any of these minions were I know
15293s obviously there's leroys and stuff but I
15296s I thought that they could maybe get away
15297s with the odd good attack maybe kill out
15299s a fish early but no not going to be good
15301s enough dog takes a not only winning the
15304s the fight but actually knocking gimu out
15306s and now we've got tomb versus dog to
15310s finish out this game so just like okay
15312s we'll wait we'll wait for the uh the
15313s wheel to get out the way hopefully
15315s nothing horrible happens to dog oh Bas
15317s Gill got eaten that's a bit annoying I'm
15319s not sure you'd even want golden Bas Gill
15321s in this situation anyway right but this
15322s board so first the the the venomous on
15326s the left goes off right that's one
15327s poison and then two of the murlocs
15329s existing on the board then get
15330s immediately rep poisoned after that so
15332s that's three poisons already now in hand
15336s there is a two two Leroy that's five
15338s poisoned a manoro that's six poisoned
15340s another operatic Bela so if that's gets
15342s summoned that's seven and possibly eight
15344s if that can then land on the other one
15346s and then there's still the the remaining
15348s stuff to be summoned from the fish as
15349s well and like the no one else has that
15353s level of Rec recursion on their board
15354s right so dog just keeps one for oneing
15357s people until they run out of minions and
15359s he does not run out of minions cuz he
15360s just has minions forever it's just what
15363s you're saying is just broken opponents
15366s need a big
15369s zap uh yes it would help or like five
15375s golden Barons and a tunnel blast no that
15378s doesn't work either 10 golden Barons and
15382s eight tunnel busts go six base skills
15387s yeah with 10 tunnel Busters
15391s the so we Circle back to Bas skill is
15394s strong after this yes exactly I was
15397s talking talking about this with you
15398s yesterday I think like Bas skill is the
15400s Edwin van CLE like the constructed Edwin
15402s van CLE of Battlegrounds it just it just
15405s Dodges Nerfs left right and center it's
15407s just out here living but it makes sense
15411s would you Nerf that frog playing that
15414s instrument absolutely not exactly makes
15417s it makes sense doesn't it look at him
15419s you're never going to Nerf that
15423s card it'll be like a He he'll be there
15426s similar Ty Ty tanic in some kind of
15428s future if Battlegrounds ever ends he'll
15431s be the one that plays us
15432s out sure that's
15435s fair oh the to the Leroy has taor as
15438s well that's so actually insane actually
15441s given a Leroy taor and some disgusting
15444s okay Baron goes down but there's only
15446s three things left to summon and I
15448s believe they've gone into the fish at
15450s this point
15453s anyway yep so he's still going to get
15455s full value from his hand cuz there's
15456s still one base skill
15460s remaining okay okay that's a lot okay
15466s okay I mean there's a reason Tom's still
15467s on 44 Health right like he's been doing
15471s something right is this oh he's got one
15474s left yeah yeah there one left yeah I was
15476s just looking at the chains dog getting
15478s some damage in still has to keep doing
15480s this cuz that's the big factor here that
15483s was not a one-sided fight by the end it
15485s was a one minion difference fight and
15487s tomb has 33 Health still and dog has 13
15493s yeah the issue is though uh dog is Tess
15496s and tomb is not Tess and that means that
15500s dog can just keep adding base skills
15503s every single turn to his board until the
15506s end of the game just more and more and
15509s more base
15513s skills oh if dog wins we have a puzzle
15516s box Sal sorted because Tess won game one
15520s yes I think we'd both be wrong right
15522s we'd both fall over on that one uh think
15525s that's right yeah what did I choose cuz
15528s there was only two we were different on
15529s and those have already happened the turn
15530s yeah I said yes all six winners will use
15532s a different hero yeah and you
15536s agreed I think this shows uh CU we
15539s talked about for for the majority of the
15541s day actually that there's so many
15543s different styles and just things and
15546s situations and scenarios that can happen
15548s in Battlegrounds in this current meta I
15550s think this shows the power of playing
15553s one you like as you mentioned right at
15555s the start dog got to do the thing he
15558s likes to do and he's experienced doing
15560s and I think that must help so much in
15562s this kind of situation because it's a
15564s high press situation you play in a
15566s tournament yes dog is experienced in
15568s playing in tournaments but still and I
15569s think being able to play something you
15571s comfortable on is very very
15573s powerful so the choke point here is that
15576s dog did not have enough spare gold to
15578s put 10 minions in his hand because he
15580s can now summon 10 minions from hand
15582s quite comfortably with the cell that
15583s he's
15588s got
15590s it's oh just just just watch lovely
15594s audience there's only three left now at
15597s this point though this reborn gas coiler
15599s can actually end up doing a lot of work
15601s the team on the other side yeah
15603s especially if the uh the ghoul starts to
15605s dodge attacks right it's another gas
15610s coiler so there's one venomous gone
15612s right like just gets cooked by the gas
15614s coiler there's another Venom is gone
15616s just gets cooked by the minion that came
15618s out of the gas
15619s coiler and so
15623s on I'm trying to insert some drama is it
15625s working one venomous gun is anyone going
15628s with me on this or
15630s uh I'm just kind of watching I think
15633s this is something to be experienced
15635s rather than talked about
15637s okay all right bad news a LeRoy has gone
15639s in that fish already so that's not what
15641s you want to be attacking with your
15642s biggest
15645s minion still
15647s stuff uh not quite enough stuff though
15651s right that was a five AA attacks so
15653s these will have five attack as well
15654s which means by one
15656s HP this fight oh my and that's the thing
15659s but that's what I'm saying he like it's
15661s not one-sided considering everything dog
15664s is doing Tom is doing well rinder is
15667s currently mocking me in chat for trying
15669s to insert drama into that fight that was
15671s actually close getting the
15675s bin to finally jumping up to tavent tier
15677s six again a reminder as well we're this
15679s late in but it's tavent tier 5 for dog
15681s and tomb up until this exact turn yeah I
15685s did wonder um dog rolled his uh tavener
15689s prize uh into the it was a make a minion
15692s in the Tav golden so he rolled to tomb's
15694s board and then ripped it right like most
15696s likely trying to hit a base Gill or a
15698s beler ended up hitting the snake I was
15702s kind of wondering whether he would just
15703s take the snake and put the snake on
15704s board say go a really really good minion
15707s in this kind of battle where literally
15709s everything has venomous all of the time
15711s and also just with double fish right
15714s it's just more and more and more stuff
15716s so so I think that's that's the reason
15718s why he didn't fills the board the gas
15721s coiler then fills the board so he if a
15723s fish dies he might then end up with
15725s minions in his hand and then lose value
15727s from his fish dying and just die with
15729s three poisonous minions still ending up
15731s in his hand so it is a little bit
15732s awkward admitted wonder what happened
15734s there tomb sold and rolled and then
15737s reacted to I'm guessing not hitting a
15740s certain minion but I just wonder what he
15744s was you know specifically looking
15752s for oh we're going to try and soak some
15754s of the uh thingy attacks and just not
15757s let things die right with this taunt
15760s yeah yeah choke up some board space to
15762s reduce some of the summons from dog on
15764s the other not a bad attempt with with
15766s the options that are available for him
15767s to be honest yeah uh puts the Divine
15770s shield on the venomous as well which you
15772s know doesn't interact as well as Divine
15774s Shield poison used to do but it does
15776s protect the m to the fact that it can
15778s live long enough to actually get that
15779s avenge cooking okay an early fish
15784s kill okay early Baron kill early second
15788s fish kill yeah so you see the effects of
15790s the small taunt right delaying those
15792s attacks to be able to go through and
15794s that looks like it's good enough yeah
15795s really really nicely
15799s done another very similar tactic to what
15801s you see against big banana Slammer
15804s boards right small PS so that their
15806s their giant Beast that they're attacking
15808s with at the start don't die uh and then
15812s gets to the point where their their mama
15814s bears and banana Slammers actually start
15815s attacking before anything that gets
15817s proed that very very similar to what you
15819s put in there so really really nicely
15822s done from tomb like I've definitely had
15824s my fun with this guy that he seems to be
15826s a Tav and four Tempo Warrior from
15828s everything that I've seen but that was a
15831s super a a very high APM comp that he was
15833s in for most of the game and then had to
15835s Pivot to a super complex 1 V one heads
15838s up stretched out battle towards the end
15841s of the game and then navigated that
15843s super well so Tom really starting to
15845s prove that he's kind of the complete
15847s package as it comes to a Battlegrounds
15849s player and I think as well the one thing
15851s that I think really went in his favor
15852s and it you know it was something he
15853s earned was because he' put himself or
15856s got himself to late game in such a
15858s strong position he could take a few
15861s turns to like right what's dog's comp
15863s okay I just lost okay what's his comp
15865s changing to now okay I just lost okay
15867s and you know the more turns you've got
15869s to react the better whereas dog had to
15871s play as if every turn was his last and
15874s that is a huge huge Advantage so yeah
15876s I'm with with you great job for Tomb dog
15878s of course banking a lot of points with
15879s that second place so very very exciting
15882s as we move on to the last game of not
15884s only this group up of this day as well
15886s so once this next game is over we will
15888s know who's going to be going through to
15890s tomorrow we're going to go to a quick
15891s break while we get the players ready to
15892s go we'll be right back with some more
15894s Lobby
15905s Legends
15918s [Music]
15928s [Music]
15935s d
15939s [Music]
15955s [Music]
15965s he
15987s [Music]
15995s t
16003s [Music]
16014s [Music]
16025s d
16034s [Music]
16041s [Music]
16055s no
16062s [Music]
16081s [Music]
16104s [Music]
16132s [Music]
16170s [Music]
16176s [Music]
16197s [Music]
16205s w
16208s [Music]
16214s [Music]
16221s welcome back everyone we are getting
16223s ready to ready there we go I don't strip
16225s over my own words we are getting ready
16226s to go into game number three the final
16229s game of Group B but let's take a look at
16231s the standin because this is the last
16233s chance for these players to make it to
16235s tomorrow and also to make it through and
16237s stay in the final Lobby Legends of this
16239s year uh take us through the standing
16241s subtle who's looking
16243s good oh I mean that is another tight one
16246s it is a little bit more stretched out
16248s than what we saw in uh in lobby a uh 5.5
16251s points uh splitting first to seventh
16255s which was only three points in lobby a
16257s but still uh pretty much everyone's
16259s still in contention just in terms of an
16261s eye test and you see like even someone
16263s like dog finished second in that
16265s previous Lobby and it's still just right
16267s on the bubble in terms of qualification
16269s because of the the first the poor game
16271s that he had in the opening game of the
16273s lobby so still absolutely everything to
16275s play for this is really just copy paste
16278s the lead into that final game from Lobby
16280s a where it really comes down to eight
16282s nervous people start staring at sat
16285s staring at a screen thinking please
16288s don't roll you know insert whichever
16290s anomaly it is that they don't want to
16291s see like they will absolutely be
16294s crossing their fingers give me give me
16296s the minion types I like give me the
16297s heroes I like and those there's a few
16299s anomalies just just just keep them away
16302s from me I'm just I'm not interested in
16303s any of that yeah and I think as well uh
16306s slightly upsetting two of my uh players
16309s are the bottom two players so they'll
16311s need something big to go with waterl and
16314s Turnal Alex JP on four and 4.5 points H
16317s which means they would need
16319s to I'm going to be broad here but pretty
16322s much win and have things you know help
16325s out right have certain things to go well
16327s or if they go any anywhere below first
16329s place so big asks coming out for those
16331s two players but after that everyone
16333s above them from 6.5 points to 10 those
16336s are not big numbers to catch up on right
16338s so a lot of it will just depend on this
16340s final performance so very excited to get
16342s in and hopefully we see a new anomaly uh
16345s yeah we did actually I can't remember
16347s what that one's called because I didn't
16348s look at it and I I'm not good with
16351s anomaly names I just remember what they
16353s do yes uh a very snowb anomaly uh if you
16358s win you get to discover a a triple
16360s reward essentially a minion of a higher
16362s tier if you lose you just get a random
16363s one from your current so uh really
16366s rewards the players who are fighting
16368s hard so uh this could be a very two
16371s anomaly as far as I can see it like he
16373s is very good at playing for Tempo and
16374s winning fights early on and he's going
16376s to get very heavily rewarded if he's
16377s able to do that yeah also we've got
16379s beasts dragons Elementals quillo and
16382s Undead so I would say notably no merlock
16386s that's one thing to really keep an eye
16387s on in terms of these crazy late game
16389s scenarios uh but still we'll have to see
16391s how things go as the players lock in
16392s their Heroes and again just reminder
16394s this is the last game of not only today
16397s but of this
16403s group take a look at Gladiator spoils
16406s there just to give you a bit of a
16407s description as to what your players are
16409s going to be playing out here so pretty
16411s much weirdly enough Tempo kind of ramps
16413s you as well right in in an odd way yeah
16417s exactly that yeah you see the type of
16418s Heroes being a very different spread
16422s from what we saw previously it's uh very
16425s Tempo focused right like citro on the
16428s illin super Tempo heavy hero you free
16431s attack and initiative in every fight ALU
16433s on the ozat just gets a free minion
16435s every fight in the early game like
16437s everyone's super focused on winning
16439s early fights yeah like bran tavish even
16442s Lich right like even arguably like Lich
16444s and omu to then be able to buy better
16447s minions to win fights with so yeah
16450s pretty interesting overall we have to
16451s see how this pays off as we check in
16453s with dog on at
16460s least not really overly threatening
16463s minions there for
16464s dog water going for a uh early
16474s tenter
16486s [Music]
16487s it's a lot of speaking of tempo sat
16490s there not only on tavish but also just
16491s the two four ones is going to get some
16493s job done if you can get a bird on the go
16495s then those taunts are going to look very
16496s dangerous indeed oh
16504s yes
16506s see one of the little unique twists omu
16508s can put together here with that extra
16510s one gold that you get um you can just do
16513s some pretty interesting things in terms
16514s of leveling to uh to two and finding
16516s minions immediately uh on those of
16519s course Tab and one fights win or lose
16521s doesn't matter as much immediately right
16523s because it's either discover a one drop
16525s or get a one drop not a huge difference
16527s between those two things but it does
16529s start to become more and more relevant
16531s as you get into these mid game fights
16532s now to uh to be a bully just to start
16535s winning fights get stronger rewards
16537s because you're winning fights and then
16539s win more
16540s fights yeah winning it's good sure
16547s is Sentry not too bad maybe not for this
16550s second in time for satellite but uh
16553s definitely a card that can bust out some
16554s wins going to go for bronze Warden
16556s instead a little bit more immediately
16558s better especially with the
16563s fly satellite with a a golden Drake
16567s popping this turn as well for two
16569s additional
16570s dragons looking like a pretty solid
16573s board state to be honest if he can find
16576s a another low flyer to go along with
16578s this I think he could be looking pretty
16583s strong that's that's actually the best
16586s possible outcome stats outside of triple
16589s low flyer a second low flyer and then
16591s just an ability to buff the first low
16593s flyer so you can continue to get more
16594s Buffs from it that is a incredibly
16597s strong
16598s outcome and funny enough at least for
16600s this moment in time this is our two
16602s bandwagons uh fighting each other as I
16605s picked sat this this moment I just think
16608s it h he's clearly playing aggro and I
16610s like it
16614s yeah more low flyers on the screen here
16617s but it's time for Eternal
16618s Alex I did think about picking Alex
16621s honestly just because I think the bran
16622s is very very powerful again in this
16624s style of
16626s anomaly yeah buan is such an outrageous
16629s amount of tempo I ended up sticking to
16632s my hunter Roots Gish ah yeah fair
16641s enough again it's another situation
16643s isn't it we just saw it from uh from uh
16647s SAT but those two Elementals for Eternal
16649s Alex JP looked pretty good as just bulky
16653s cards to win fights with right uh
16656s the way you analyze cards in this
16657s anomaly is so different it does warp
16660s yeah it's like these these early stat
16663s sticks just become so much more valuable
16665s because normally there's a tension right
16669s between buying minions with huge stats
16671s early and then wanting to use economy to
16675s get powerful discovers quickly now
16679s that's the same thing you can get
16682s powerful discovers quickly by having
16684s massive stat sticks on board so suddenly
16687s um yeah like just early Elementals just
16689s dropping down as a 66 early in the game
16691s or whatever just suddenly become a lot
16693s more attractive low flyer becomes one of
16695s the best cards in the game even though
16696s it arguably already is one of the most
16698s attractive early cards in the game and
16700s look at that from bran the lightning
16702s there taking away the Divine Shields may
16704s not be enough in this specific fight but
16707s a very powerful tool to have we've seen
16709s all day well it was enough in this fight
16711s actually but we've seen all day the
16713s power of divine Shields right I mean
16716s we've seen all Battlegrounds of History
16718s the power of divine Shield so being able
16720s to Ping those away before the fight even
16722s starts is something that is extremely
16723s powerful if you can hit it with that
16727s bran this is waterl in the danger zone
16730s kind of again or at least getting there
16731s on this omu going for gigar ramp and at
16734s the moment it's not like he's been
16736s winning too many fights no a really
16739s rough fight for dog to lose as well
16740s because dog actually stayed low there
16743s and still lost the fight you see
16744s everyone else now climbing to to Tavern
16747s four and dog still down on two currently
16749s uh not really getting anything to happen
16751s so losing that fight and actually being
16753s one of the the lower Health players in
16754s the lobby has got to be a big detriment
16756s to him and I think you see there is the
16759s difference in hero choice right would
16761s you've lost the fight against not bran
16763s like maybe not cuz it was pretty close
16765s and dog has Elise which is not one of
16768s the More aggro Heroes right it's more of
16770s sort of a value hero overall so you see
16773s that may be having a higher impact than
16774s you would imagine because of this
16778s anomaly early brand kicking out for w so
16781s W's still kind of playing like a value
16783s game which is fine if you don't die yeah
16787s still at
16789s 22 and still taking greedy choices with
16792s the
16792s brand now has to Triple cell out
16795s synthesizer yeah fair enough yeah it's
16798s one of those plays that's fine but you
16800s don't feel overly happy about it cuz
16801s that felt like a little bit of
16802s overselling going on there mhm
16807s look at these Elementals they're so good
16809s at just chunking down the big
16817s minions nice gets full value though out
16819s of the uh the undead Buffs which puts
16821s him in in really good shape for this
16822s fight now y we'll pick up a small win
16825s very very nice uh Linda just pointing
16828s out by the way waterl kind of is
16830s motivated to make greedy plays because
16832s he's sat in last in the standings
16834s currently so he really does need to push
16836s for a big seven pointer this game which
16838s does appear to be what he is doing yeah
16840s the idea being right like yeah takes
16842s damage now but if he ramps and then
16845s starts winning fights he'll win more
16846s fights because he's unlocking like
16848s tenter six minions all game instead of
16851s you know the lower ones so I definitely
16853s see it and watero I think if he falls
16855s anywhere lower than fourth it's just not
16857s going to happen for him today he won't
16859s make it to tomorrow no
16864s absolutely
16866s these are not the choices there's a
16867s fairy tale in the shop as well which I
16869s think I think waterl would have
16871s preferred a uh a loss for six or less in
16874s that position like I think he'd rather
16876s be at 16 Health with an with an active
16878s fairy tale in his hand rather than the
16880s position he's in right now did get off
16882s of the triple there to pick up so we
16883s have to see how that goes later
16888s on satellite uh my bandwagon pick for
16891s this game and these things are I think
16893s going to be still pretty crucial because
16895s I think just eyeballing things we are
16898s within touching distance of each other
16900s in this which uh slightly embarrassing
16902s if you're
16904s me and uh highlight of your week if you
16907s me
16910s yep we'll be outside in the street
16913s jumping up and down clicking his heels
16920s mhm just looking at dog's board like
16923s just nothing's really happened for dog
16925s this game
16927s no but I do feel like just looking at
16930s the heroes he's the odd one out right
16934s yeah cuz at least with waterl again we
16936s sort of discussed the plan and thoughts
16938s behind it but dogs just not not really
16941s getting in the thick of it like the
16942s other hero choices are for the rest of
16944s this this
16946s game kind of a bad outcome there on the
16948s Divine Shield roll as well cuz if the
16950s Divine Shield had gone on to the dragon
16952s far left he would have just straight up
16954s cleaned tra Tred through the
16957s taunt two for one himself and yeah that
16959s is big
16960s damage underneath the shield 11 not only
16965s under 15 but just very killable in
16967s general waterl is on that 15 as well so
16970s two players currently able to uh to die
16974s basically okay does find a fairy tale
16977s from the Elise hero power which is a
16980s very significant boost Slammer and some
16982s stuff now so that's again something
16986s Slammer double feather man yeah I mean
16988s it's it's a better plan than he had last
16991s turn let's be
16993s honest yes it's a really all wait okay
16998s he sold the Beast so he now doesn't have
17001s a beast apart from the Slammers and the
17003s feather Ms to pull the feather Ms onto
17006s the board right which you'll roll one
17009s but he only has like three gold left
17011s right I'll I'll keep an eye on it and
17012s see what
17013s happens
17016s oh no we we can keep it on oh
17019s okay one two does
17022s he he needs the amalon now he needs to
17026s sell one of these existing Minions on
17028s board and replace it with the
17033s Amala Dum is there a beast on this board
17035s that I'm just not thinking of no right
17038s no cuz it's merlock Dragon isn't it
17041s yeah I mean maybe he's just saying I'll
17043s just take a turn off
17047s the problem is he's against oym yeah
17049s yeah like what does does he play a
17051s slabber and just play one of the feather
17053s Ms is that even better no probably
17056s not I feel like something went wrong
17059s somewhere here but maybe you know I am
17060s not anywhere near as good a player's dog
17062s so maybe he sees something I don't but
17064s this might just also just saying I need
17066s to risk not dying
17072s here maybe like this osma actually full
17075s board as well not really interacted with
17077s the hero power at all maybe the idea was
17080s this board as a board is actually
17082s stronger than doing Weir feather M
17088s stuff yeah I mean I can't really dispute
17091s that it kind of is yeah and then it's
17094s like next turn you know he'll start to
17096s transition a bit more yeah that's fair
17099s cuz the feather M as you saw there The
17100s Slammer summons a feather man the
17101s feather M summons a feather M yep he's
17104s just trying to play base skills let's be
17106s honest yeah so it like this Maps it out
17109s in order to turn those two 55s into 101
17113s in the best world right like not even
17115s guaranteed that that happens he has to
17117s remove a 1010 size is thing from his
17120s board and replace it with an amalgam
17122s which was a 34 so it's very much of a
17126s muchness right in terms of what the
17128s total stats would end up being and you
17129s can still low Roll by having the banana
17131s Slammer get get uh sniped at the start
17134s and not be quite as efficient with gold
17136s as well right I think yes so that's an
17138s extra little layer to sprinkle on top
17143s sure does still have an affordable uh
17145s button press with a lease as
17148s well if he wants to try and hit another
17151s Slammer or
17153s something okay Manor off manner off can
17156s scam got the dino as
17163s well I was looking at
17166s it isn't actually I mean yeah you have
17169s the sly Raptor I guess it's just I don't
17171s think you have the taunts to support it
17173s is the thing like normally with that
17174s setup you need some other things taunted
17176s so that they clear out first and then
17178s your parrot attacks after your Taun has
17180s been
17181s ATT really
17186s tricky again even this is the problem
17189s deciding what minions to keep and sell
17192s right like I think that's really tricky
17193s cuz this like monoth is is still here in
17195s hand
17197s um looks like that's where it's going to
17199s stay for now yep don't the others I
17202s think that's the difficulty we've seen
17203s over the last two turns with dog right
17205s is like what to keep what to go when
17207s where how
17210s why will get to go first oh okay good
17215s good hit does get to peel this uh reborn
17217s as well which is
17219s nice clean attacks Yeah Yeah Yeah clean
17223s attacks Two Feather M's been on board
17225s now going to start
17229s growing it looks like he's stabilizing
17231s Slowly by surely he's
17235s stabilizing significant damage as
17238s well yep damage cap it looks
17245s like why you hate to see that if you're
17247s a raven
17252s fan so so now on six citro on five dog
17256s on eight Alex JP on 10 waterl on 15
17260s there's only three players that are
17261s feeling any remote kind of safety right
17263s now at least in terms of
17266s health I was about to say I didn't feel
17269s like tomb got a very good role off the
17271s uh off the murloc um to you know the
17274s kind of Heroes that other people are
17275s playing right the oats the the tavish
17278s the IL kind of thing he's still just got
17281s 30 like he's still just got 30 Health
17283s just still chilling absolutely chilling
17286s double lero and full reborn board like
17290s okay I got options in tech for days at
17293s this
17295s point oh my mist is it in okay in is
17298s actually a pretty good pick in this
17299s situation I thought for a sec I just saw
17301s like the zero Mana pointed hero power
17303s and thought it was hook Tusk oh right
17306s okay sure in makes a lot more
17310s sense as well as sounding like a twitch
17313s mhm
17320s hey waterl been building up the board
17321s and trying to secure himself even on
17323s that 15
17325s Health looks like the early ramp has
17327s been paying off cuz the stats are
17339s significant I think you can win this
17343s thing
17345s so it goes going up against
17347s dog neither player can really afford to
17349s lose this but dog's board is pretty
17352s decent with those Reborns as well so
17354s it's just stats versus um bananas I
17357s guess yeah Nob board space being cleared
17359s out for the Reborns just yet which is an
17362s issue but uh No Bananas being hit in the
17364s opening few attacks is a big big deal
17366s and now taunts coming out to play is
17368s very very nice as it means more and more
17372s powerful summons coming out from dog
17376s I just don't think looking at what he
17378s has left it's not looking like he's
17380s going to get there no not with the
17382s immune attacks and like I said just
17383s these raw numbers this is nothing overly
17386s Fancy from waterl they're just big
17388s numbers and big numbers have been enough
17390s it looks like not only dog but sat has
17392s gone out as well so yeah there's another
17395s one of my picks gone down to the
17398s bottom and citro as well has eaten it
17401s it's oh it's going to be a triple
17404s elimination yeah there's the
17406s confirmation we could just see it on the
17407s actual ingame sidebar so all of a sudden
17411s eight players go down to top five and
17413s that is our final game of the day with
17415s those eliminations happening on turn 10
17417s as well which means we're going to have
17419s a no for the uh 10 turns without a
17421s player elimination on the puzzle
17431s box oh here we go tomb versus War
17440s waterl this is tricky these are the hard
17442s ones right stats versus reborn there is
17446s two leroys available for
17458s Tomb I don't think at this point waterl
17461s is going to be able to overly like say
17464s okay my opponent's Undead I'm going to
17466s build for that right I feel like there's
17468s not enough leeway here he's just going
17469s to pop off with as many stats as
17471s possible yeah but does have popping off
17474s with as many stats as possible is a lot
17476s of stats right now
17479s true a lot ofad seen the stats have you
17482s seen two leroys and a gas seen two
17485s leroys
17490s yeah oh chose to go with the final FAL
17495s instead of tunnel
17497s Blaster which makes things pretty
17500s close uh you know what we have great
17503s Synergy that we pick the other like
17505s opposite players so
17507s often yeah so there was no way of
17509s knowing this this isn't a criticism this
17510s isn't a misplay but waterl would have
17512s been incredibly well served by a TA
17515s there at the end just because of the
17517s attacking leroys at the start the
17519s attacking lero ended up doing absolutely
17522s nothing though they hit a Leroy and a
17523s value but that does mean the Leroy gets
17525s to hang around we talked about this
17527s earlier co
17529s go not the best it's not looking good
17531s for Raven fans is it it never is so I'll
17534s be honest that's kind of our motto it's
17537s not looking it's a bleak decade honestly
17540s it's been a bleak 34
17543s years but you know it is what it
17546s is you know I remain positive things
17549s will turn around
17551s eventually or they won't it's going to
17554s be 15 damage going to uh going over
17557s Tom's Way still though again with the
17559s damage Shield up four players Alex JP is
17561s going to be knocked out so that means we
17563s have our top four for this game at least
17565s but again I'm very interested s of the
17568s impact of the bottom three players going
17571s out together pushes everything just that
17573s little bit closer as
17575s well oh there's another calos gameer
17578s over here there's a bran in hand is
17579s there a bran on board is this like a
17581s golden brand greed thing going on or is
17583s there
17585s uh no there is not a brand on board okay
17588s there's some big dragons and a
17592s monkey oh they're pretty big okay they
17594s are pretty big that's said
17596s big you can see by the way uh perfect
17599s timing to come over here satellite has
17601s been at 16 I've been keeping an eye on
17603s this for at least three turns I think
17606s which means satellite has not used his
17608s hero power for the last three turns
17610s because he the most important thing he
17612s felt was preserving 16 health because at
17615s that point that meant he could lose a
17617s fight and still survive now now we're in
17619s top four now damage cap doesn't exist so
17621s now he starts ripping the hero power
17623s again and also ripping the
17626s stats this
17629s escalated oh
17630s [Music]
17632s man I you want that Mond and you want to
17635s hold it because you know you're fighting
17637s against dragons on the other side but at
17639s the same time the fact you know you're
17641s fighting against dragons who just 15 one
17644s on the previous turn you have to play it
17646s and go for Max stats here
17648s right yeah I was trying to work out
17651s whether the the um Bramble would be
17654s enough there's no way I think this is
17657s still going to be significantly too
17659s small in comparison to double calagos
17662s warp wing on the other side yeah look at
17664s it STS are
17666s insane is this obviously this just hit a
17668s taunt which is fine H you know good for
17671s satellite but it's just the potential of
17673s free trades with with that immune is so
17675s crazy yeah oh wow
17679s deleted the ghoul merlock just chilling
17682s saying wasn't even needed this time as
17684s waterl actually pushes satellite out of
17687s the game fourth place for
17702s satellite our team would' been doing
17705s really well as well because his hero
17706s kind of does nothing at this point right
17708s because I think he's still filling the
17710s board as far as I saw yeah dead Synergy
17714s yeah take 19 this time though as tomb
17717s fights back taking the loss on the
17720s previous game manages to get a victory
17722s and
17723s now every player is praying for the
17726s ghost yeah whoever gets the ghost here
17728s is in business and it's Tom that ends up
17731s getting the ghost huge which is f
17734s fantastic news cuz I'm pretty sure
17736s waterl was going to smack whoever he
17738s fought against this turn yeah double
17740s calagos bran and also existing massive
17744s minions we've not talked about it for a
17746s little bit at least but water was one of
17748s the players that needed a big win to
17750s have any chance of making it and here he
17753s is love it to see we talked about it
17755s early right like watero is not playing
17757s Tempo King this game waterl is playing
17759s greedy he's trying to Triple into sixes
17761s he's trying to do degenerate things that
17763s win the lobby because he understands the
17764s assignment he knows that's what he needs
17766s to
17770s do yeah really good recognition of where
17772s you are in the tournament it's something
17774s i' I think I talk about every single
17775s time I've ever a castle Lobby Legends is
17777s I feel like the format like just changes
17781s every single game right the styles of
17783s Play Alter as you play the tournament
17785s and I think that's really really cool to
17787s see from players as good as these cuz
17788s they have the ability to change up style
17791s whereas you know it lower down the ladet
17793s say you'd probably get players just
17795s playing the same every single
17797s game question here I think is ending
17800s unit and it looks like waterl is going
17803s to go with the gas coiler there was an
17804s option to just take the fael Drake there
17807s and then roll a fresh shop and just play
17809s the Fel Drake as your last minion cuz it
17810s would eat six from the shop and just be
17812s massive in its own right not as big as
17815s the rest of the dragons that you have
17816s but you a viable option but water just
17818s going with a bit of utility with the gas
17820s sper at the end yeah I wonder if there
17822s was everyone option as well because he
17823s had the uh the rebor taunt as well on
17826s the shot just as something to think
17827s about at least but probably not going to
17829s do as much of work against this
17832s [Applause]
17834s comp reborn
17836s Manor can at least chip away a couple of
17839s minions but the rest of the team just
17841s aren't contributing are they yeah even
17843s the Brand's getting working and that's
17844s when you know you're in trouble when
17846s brand starts killing minions off really
17848s good trade into that as well in
17852s mano
17854s that looks like it's going to be done
17856s for uh for
17859s alimu wait a minute yeah this is what I
17862s mean right like who fought the ghost
17865s this turn was so massive because there
17867s was the dragon players and then everyone
17869s else kind of sucked you know no one else
17871s was really in the
17873s proceedings okay tomb lost the fight
17876s stayed alive but the big deal is he knew
17879s all he had to do was out he didn't have
17881s to uh outrun the bear he just had had to
17884s outrun the guy next to him right and
17886s that's what he ended up doing yeah and
17888s also bear in mind just a reminder for
17889s those of you who don't remember where
17890s the standings were going into this game
17893s Tom was in first place before this game
17895s started with 10 points I think it's safe
17898s to say he's going to make it out through
17899s to tomorrow how does he do
17903s this look at this board how is this
17905s board
17907s second go home I always just
17911s believe it's all you need to do just
17913s believe
17921s ah the weird thing is as well is how
17924s does this really like get improved like
17926s is this just to just saying I'll give it
17928s a try cuz I feel like if you're in this
17930s position in this T where tomb now knows
17932s he's through right and he cannot not get
17935s through now he's just thinking ah I'll
17937s just give it a try to try and meme
17938s something out here because he can't be
17940s feeling confident right exactly if he
17943s just keep on rolling you might find that
17945s one magical minion that will help defeat
17947s this full Board of 200 200s that your
17950s opponent is going to have next turn yeah
17952s that'll do it 18 attack warp Wing
17954s that'll get there I'll never see this
17956s coming for justice sunzu would be
17962s proud I think if he'd have found uh
17965s reborn maybe for the golden gas coiler
17968s then he would have a small fraction of
17970s odds of Gas Co would exist right rolling
17974s yeah like two leroys and then the reborn
17976s gas coiler rolling two more lero that
17978s kind of
17980s thingo
17982s though incredibly impressive gained four
17985s points in game one zero points in game
17989s two and has held the composure got the
17993s job done and looks like he's going to
17995s finish first place in this one don't
17996s want to talk call it too soon but those
17998s numbers are
18002s large
18008s okay
18010s Leroy attacks and survives okay full
18013s board from the gas spiler six
18016s leroys one Leroy okay can the Leroy
18020s spawn more leroys or is that against the
18023s rules uh I believe that there would be
18026s an admin check into che check man's PC
18029s at that point
18032s yeah it looks like without further Ado
18036s wal is going to be the victor of game
18039s number three and you know what whether
18041s Walo makes it or not we will wait to see
18043s the standings to confirm but whether he
18045s makes it or not fantastic game three
18047s performance and the if you're going to
18049s have a rough two games you want to end
18051s it on a good one and waterl has done
18053s just that really well played really good
18055s recognition of what was required from
18058s him going into game three in that
18060s position on four total points so really
18063s well played for what yeah yeah really
18066s really really clean game a lot of other
18068s people were scrambling around for Tempo
18071s and you know shooting tabish and bran at
18073s each other and just scrapping for those
18075s early minions those Tempo boards and low
18076s flyers and all that kind of stuff and
18079s waterl just went nah omu ramp get
18082s dragons play Brand do good stuff yeah I
18085s mean it's it's sometimes that's just
18087s what you got to do right and I think
18089s overall like that that is a very Tempo
18091s heavy Lobby it's always going to be and
18092s I think that's kind kind of the correct
18093s strategy to go for a lot of the time but
18096s that was metagaming in the true sense of
18098s the word from waterl he understood that
18101s you know just getting caught in the pack
18102s and Tempo with everyone else and getting
18104s fourth was probably not going to do a
18105s job for him he had to go for the
18107s highroll and he might have had a 10%
18110s chance of hitting it but it was the only
18112s 10% chance that existed so he absolutely
18114s had to go for it yeah I think it was a
18117s well worth it here as we take a look at
18119s all of the replays from the whole day
18121s we've had a a different nor every single
18124s game and a lot of uh interesting
18126s outcomes a lot of different game plans
18129s which I think really does just highlight
18131s what the meta and what Battleground is
18133s about right now which is Havoc but also
18136s just variety at the
18138s moment yeah for sure um certainly I
18141s think I think we got zero repeated
18144s anomalies in six games right which is
18146s not necessarily a given with the way
18147s that some of them are boosted and some
18149s of them are very very rare but that's
18150s very nice to see cuz it means we got a
18152s nice variety of games overall I think we
18154s saw a wide variety of winning boards
18157s whether it was extreme recursion from
18160s undeads and death rattles where whether
18163s it was multi-layered murloc scam boards
18166s with uh dog's not nof Fish game um we've
18170s just seen raw stats being too much to to
18173s cope yeah tanks as well and I think
18175s that's probably the best Testament for
18177s Battlegrounds right now is I think at
18179s this moment the balance between
18182s recursion poison and stats is the best
18185s it's ever been like those three things
18188s can all compete with the others based on
18190s you know different minion type makeups
18192s and different anomalies and so on I
18193s think if that Trifecta balance is in
18195s place the game is going to be pretty
18197s good he got in water what a champ what a
18201s champ if he came second we'd have to go
18203s to tie breaks really incredible forat
18206s for waterl got Tomb at the top who again
18209s you know we're talking a lot about
18209s waterl because of the last game but tomb
18211s was not messing around satellite alut
18214s tumu and waterl for that top four so
18218s those four players are going to make it
18219s through to tomorrow uh really really
18222s impressive and like I said different
18225s play Styles overall from these players
18227s the regulars from the likes of satellite
18229s Alo teu names we know uh across the
18232s board and they a really really good top
18235s eight as far as I'm concerned sole I'm
18237s excited for this
18238s one
18240s great longstanding members of the
18243s grounds community of streamers as well
18245s got
18246s Al was talking about
18249s ear the lobby Legends Grinders thrown in
18251s there as well right the people that we
18253s they're used to seeing satellite uh
18255s waterl dappy and then Yonce who is now
18258s little bird thrown in there as well like
18260s all major repeat performers in lobby
18261s Legends who have been consistently
18264s putting up numbers in these
18265s tournaments yeah really really cool
18267s overall tomorrow of course we do have
18269s that top eight and we are going to play
18271s uh the Czech format which we'll dive
18273s into but for now let's take a look at
18275s the puzzle box uh let me just have a
18277s quick look here sot there's a lot of
18280s green on my side of the board my friend
18282s there is there is yeah two questions
18284s actually picked up over me which is a
18286s big difference big difference good good
18288s chunk of uh points for these puzzle box
18290s questions so that is a pretty
18291s significant victory for Raven
18293s overall yeah and I think it's uh
18295s important as well just because uh you
18297s know the sort of big brain tavener 7 you
18300s know the intellectuals choice coming up
18303s on my end statistically correct choice I
18306s think from me uh really really paying
18308s off there so uh I beat you in this this
18310s is not really the whole story of course
18312s but I beat you in something which is a
18314s huge victory for me as a person so it's
18317s been a it's been a good day overall yeah
18319s and that that Tav s Lobby in particular
18322s was huge for you because the fact it
18324s existed gave you a chance of getting
18326s that question right of course but then
18329s there was a 50/50 there was a trade-off
18330s there right because everyone had 10
18332s extra armor it was also then pretty
18333s likely that we were going to get to turn
18335s 10 that game without an elimination but
18338s that that that didn't happen I I lost on
18340s both accounts at the T seven Lobby
18341s appearing so that ended up being a huge
18344s Lobby for Raven overall so genuinely
18346s this feels fairly close in my head so I
18349s it feels closer than last time that's
18351s all I'll say yeah I will fin scores yeah
18354s I think we do have the uh the results so
18356s we can take a look so uh let's take a
18358s look and reveal the winner I like it
18360s when sa's winsing oh not that close oh
18365s oh okay W the bandwagon thew you got
18370s destroyed okay fair enough okay fair
18373s look look bars blessing not bad fantasy
18375s T what oh okay well you beat me in in
18378s group a I beat you in group b right
18380s fancy team wise I think yeah cuz two of
18382s my players made it to tomorrow in group
18384s b but mine was a wider margin in group a
18386s yeah yeah I think so yeah I so I am want
18390s to defend myself I think I did okay I
18392s don't think I was ever going in
18393s expecting to beat you cuz you are just
18395s better than me at Battleground so your
18397s knowledge helps a lot in these instances
18400s but I think I I was respectable I not
18403s great but respectable I'll take it yeah
18406s it was enough enough to make me sweat
18408s and uh yeah we haven't really brought it
18409s up again since the intro but we we did
18411s have a little wager on this one which
18413s now means uh I get to write a tweet and
18416s deliver it to Raven and Raven must keep
18418s that tweet pinned on his account until
18420s the Masters Tour which is two weeks from
18422s now at the end of October
18423s and this will be slightly emotional for
18425s me losing this actually because my pin
18426s tweet has been pinned since July
18429s 2016 so that has been pinned there for a
18433s very very long time it's relevant to
18435s this job I'm doing right now but yes
18437s all's going to write something and I
18438s have to have it tweeted and pinned so uh
18441s all I can say is make sure to tune in
18444s tomorrow to find out because uh that'll
18446s be pretty interesting one way or the
18447s other hopefully it's not too bad yeah
18450s genuinely I'm not I'm not just saying
18452s this I haven't decided what it is yet
18454s I've now got to cook something up I I
18455s probably should have because you know I
18458s probably should have planned to succeed
18459s considering that was pretty likely to be
18461s the outcome by the end of today but uh
18463s I'm sure I'll come up with something
18465s suitably humiliating for Raven to have
18467s pinned on his account for two weeks
18470s luckily enough we've spent the last what
18472s seven 8ish rough years I guess casting
18475s together so I'm pretty used to being
18477s cumulated by you in general so I've had
18479s a lot of practice but we'll find out
18481s what that tweet is going to be tomorrow
18482s but again circling back to Lobby Legends
18485s we have our top eight for tomorrow we're
18487s going to be back same time same place to
18489s find out who's going to be the final
18491s Lobby Legends champion of the year
18493s thanks a lot for watching today we hope
18495s you had a great time and we'll see you
18497s tomorrow have a good
18511s night
18541s going
18546s [Music]
18562s [Music]
18581s [Applause]
18583s [Music]
18601s know
18616s [Music]