12 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
14s hello I'm sargeras and welcome to
18s canvassing the cosmos you may remember
20s me as the Titan who founded the burning
23s Legion
24s yeah that was me
27s if you recall my mission was to destroy
29s the universe and every living being
31s inside it
35s if this is your first time with us I'd
37s like to invite you to grab your paints
39s and your brushes and paint along with me
41s and if you're watching from a world I've
43s conquered previously well you're welcome
48s remember a dead world is a safe world
53s now some people tend toward Mage magenta
56s or Paladin gold but I've always been
58s much more drawn to options like Fel
60s flame green smoldering ashes orange and
63s utter despair of a broken hero black
65s bear periwinkle's nice too I used to
68s know a pit Lord who was periwinkle
70s huh
12 months ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
1s [Music]
11s [Applause]
14s hello I'm sargeras and welcome to
18s canvassing the cosmos you may remember
20s me as the Titan who founded the burning
23s Legion
24s yeah that was me
27s if you recall my mission was to destroy
29s the universe and every living being
31s inside it
35s if this is your first time with us I'd
37s like to invite you to grab your paints
39s and your brushes and paint along with me
41s and if you're watching from a world I've
43s conquered previously well you're welcome
48s remember a dead world is a safe world
52s [Music]
53s now some people tend toward Mage magenta
56s or Paladin gold but I've always been
58s much more drawn to options like Fel
60s flame green smoldering ashes orange and
63s utter despair of a broken hero black
65s there periwinkle's nice too I used to
68s know a pit Lord who was periwinkle
70s [Music]
73s there he is
75s just keep it nice and easy deliberate
78s yet light and carefree like the burning
81s of civilizations
83s you know
84s I used to think all of creation was one
87s big art project in every world my Legion
89s destroyed
90s was a vibrant new color to add to my
92s masterpiece but these days I've been
95s advised to keep my impulses on the
97s canvas
98s explore a little personal growth with
99s some art therapy
101s Within These borders we can create
103s infinite possibilities we can create
105s True Perfection worthy of uh well
110s me
111s oh come on
117s Archer is therapeutic huh
119s [Laughter]
121s foreign
123s [Music]