Hello all,
We wanted to let you know about some known issues we are tracking with patch 21.4. We will continue to update this post as we get more information.
We’re aware of a visual bug where Rewards Track progress is not being shown. The XP is still being earned and tracked, but we are working on fixing the visuals to match.
(Resolved 10/13): Some players had their Battlegrounds rating reset after downloading the patch. We have addressed the problem causing this issue, and are continuing to investigate next steps for those impacted. Update: We have now restored Battlegrounds ratings for players who had their ratings reset after the 21.4 patch went live yesterday. The ratings were reset to what they were at 9:59 a.m., Pacific (immediately before the patch went live).
(Updated 10/14): We’re tracking and investigating miscellaneous connectivity, server, and performance issues. Update: This was further addressed in today’s patch and will be something that we continue to address whenever we can.
We’re aware that players are unable to purchase multiple Mercenaries packs at once with Gold. This issue will be fixed in an upcoming patch.
(Resolved 10/14): We are investigating an issue with players getting stuck in the Mercenaries tutorial. Update: These issues have now been resolved.
(Resolved 10/14): We are also investigating issues with leaderboards not updating properly. Update: We have resolved the issue as to all game mode Leaderboards.
(Resolved 10/14): We’re aware that the 21.4 update is not showing for some Google Play users. For those users, we have a suggested workaround: go to Google Play → open your profile icon in top right → open “Manage apps & device” → select “Updates available” → select “Update All.” We believe that should cause the update to appear on your devices. Update: The 21.4 update should now show for all Google Play users.
(Resolved 10/13): We’re aware of and working on a fix for an issue where task #5 for Mercenaries at level 30 (complete a bounty while at level 30) is not completable. Update: Today’s hotfix resolves this issue.
(Resolved 10/14): We’re aware of and working on a fix for a bug causing the game to lock whenever a player clicks on their Mercenaries PVP rewards. Update: This issue is should now be resolved for all players.
(Resolved 10/19): We’re aware that Jaina’s Ice Block Talisman Equipment is not working as intended. The fix for this Equipment is in an upcoming patch, expected within the next week. Update: This issue was resolved in patch 21.4.3.
(Updated 10/19): We are investigating reports that ratings are not being calculated properly in Ranked Legend and Battlegrounds. Update: This issue was resolved as to the Ranked ladder in patch 21.4.3. We have a plan in place to fix the issues with the Battlegrounds ladder, scheduled to go live tomorrow. Battlegrounds Ratings Correction Tomorrow
(Resolved 10/19): We are investigating reports that players on certain devices are not able to access any new mode (such as Mercenaries) that would require the player to go through a tutorial. Our initial investigation has found a workaround that appears to work for those affected by this issue: enter the mode on another device and complete the tutorial; after doing that, you should be able to enter and play the mode on your original device. Update: This issue was resolved in patch 21.4.3
(Updated 10/19): We are aware and working on a fix for the fact that certain Mercenary tasks either can’t be completed, or aren’t completed as written (because the task text does not match the in-game text). Update: Specified fixes were made in 21.4.3. Some remaining tasks will be addressed in a future update.
(Resolved 10/19): We are aware that Quests cannot be completed in Casual mode at this time and are investigating the issue. Update: This issue was resolved in Patch 21.4.3
See here for previously documented known issues with the 21.4 patch: 21.4 Launch Day Known Issues
10/13 Update: We are currently in the process of deploying a server-side hotfix to all regions that will address the following issues:
- Resolves an issue where the Task 5 of each Mercenary couldn’t be completed.
- Resolves an issue where players were getting blocked in the tutorial, at the portion where they are taught how to upgrade Abilities (we are still working on the problem with the Merchant Cart blocking tutorial progress).
- Resolves the issue of accounts freezing up when clicking on the PVP reward for players who have played Mercenaries. Players who play the Mercenaries mode for the first time after the hotfix will still face the problem. A wider, permanent solution for all players and new accounts is being added to a client patch expected to go out within the next week.
- Addresses some Mercenaries performance issues.
10/14 Update: We are currently in the process of deploying a patch to all regions that includes the following fixes and updates:
- Fixes a bug that blocked players from building a Merchant Cart and completing the tutorial.
- Corrects the following Equipment’s effects to match their text: The Lich King’s Helm of Domination, Tyrande’s Band of the Wild, and Malfurion’s Liferoot Staff.
- Fixes Gul’dan’s Staff of Chaos so that it no longer improperly triggers while Gul’dan is on the Bench.
- Fixes a bug that impacted Leaderboards for all modes.
- Reduces the frequency of Diamond card emotes.
- Finishes resolution of bug causing crashes when players click to see Fighting Pit rewards.
- Improves overall system efficiency and reduces crashes.
- Changes it so that your Task Board now fully refills all empty standard slots each day (2-4, depending on if you have upgraded your Campfire), instead of refilling 2 each day.
10/19 Update: We are in the process of deploying a hotfix patch (patch 21.4.3) that includes the following updates:
• Fixed a bug affecting Ranked Legend external ratings (internal ratings were not affected by the bug).
• Fixed a bug causing Daily and Weekly Quests to be unable to be completed in Casual mode.
• Fixed a bug preventing the Bloodsail Deckhand discount from carrying over after a Celestial Alignment was played. Now, if you play Bloodsail Deckhand and then either player plays Celestial Alignment, the first weapon you play will cost 0.
• Fixed a bug where Southsea Scoundrel sometimes did not count as a Battlecry effect.
• Fixed a bug that blocked a small number of players from entering the Mercenaries mode using specific devices.
• Fixed certain Mercenaries Tasks that could not be completed as written: King Mukla’s Task 9; Cairne Bloodhoof’s Task 2; Antonidas’s Task 3; and Baron Geddon’s Task 10.
• Fixed a bug where dealing Critical Damage to Jaina prevented her Ice Block Talisman from triggering.
• Increased the spawn rate of furbolgs in the Winterspring area.
10/19 Update 2: correction to the bug fix regarding Southsea Scoundrel.
10/19 Update 3: correction to spelling of “furbolgs”; removed language from last week referring to a patch “next week.”
We will continue to monitor, investigate, and heal-up the remaining issues. We will continue to share updates in this post.