
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

25 Jan

Jia “Jia” Dee’s hands were shaking as she sat onstage at the World Showdown of Esports (WSOE), an all-woman Hearthstone tournament that took place last month in Manhattan Beach, California. A tremor or two is common for competitors in the spotlight, but a little out-of-character for a Hearthstone caster like Jia, who possesses a natural talent for performing in front of crowds.

“As I won more, I started to fo...

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24 Jan


We’ve heard a lot of feedback about the long climb in Ranked play, so starting with the February Ranked Play season, we’re introducing a quality of life change by reducing the number of Stars required to advance in many of the Ranks!

Currently, every Rank has five Stars. When the February Ranked Play Season starts, each Rank will have the following number of Stars instead:

Rank Stars
Rank 50 to Rank 16 3 Stars per Rank
Rank 15 to Rank 11 4 Stars per Rank
Rank 10 to Rank 1 5 Stars per Rank

This will make your Ranked Play climb faster in the lower ranks, while preserving the more competitive Star values for the higher Ranks.


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23 Jan

Torben "Viper" Wahl was one of just four players who did not bring a Hunter or Paladin deck to the HCT Winter Playoffs–Europe. As it happens, he also was one of just four players who qualified for the HCT Winter Championship by the end of the tournament. 

This was thanks in part to a homebrew Shaman deck he cooked up with Felix "kolmari" Baum. “It's essentially control Shaman,” Viper said. “I think you can compare it the most to Odd Warrior. Odd Warrior doesn't die and just removes everything the other guy plays and at some point the Odd Warrior has cards and the other guy doesn't have cards anymore. This Shaman kind of comes down to the same thing.”

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22 Jan

21 Jan

A lot of magic, machinations, and memeing go on behind closed doors at the Hearthstone development team. An assistant (or several) is often required. So without further ado, meet the good boys and girls of the Hearthstone development team!



Kippen is Organized since he is on the Administrative team! If you need proof of that, just look at how neatly he keeps his tail tucked in when he’s lying down.



Toby helps wrangle the team up and keep them in line so production moves like clockwork. He’s also really good at math.



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20 Jan

19 Jan