
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

14 Nov


The Gurubashi Arena is already electrified with anticipation for Rastakhan’s Rumble, and rowdy spectators continue to pile into the stands! Everyone’s excited to see the Rumblers in action, but before they take the field, you can get an early look at the Champions and their Loas, Spirits, and teammates that will clash on the arena sands!

Official Card Reveal Livestreams

Join Senior Hearthstone Designer Peter Whalen and his guest Regiskillbin for our first card reveal livestream on the ...

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Looking for a change of pace on the ladder? Maybe you’ve been wanting to try something new, but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you want to play a class you haven’t really tried out before. If you’ve been looking for something different, take a look at our Off-Meta Report and really shake things up with these decks, all of which have been making waves in the rank of Legend!

To find these decks, we looked for players that have been doing well, and picked out some builds from amongst the top performers. We only selected decks that were played in 50 or more games at Legend level.

Odd Hunter

This straightforward Odd Hunter deck focuses on all-out aggression. It uses tons of cheap minions and damage spells alongside an upgraded Hero Power to end the game fast. When in doubt, go face! 小本 from the Asia server went face with th...

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13 Nov

Hearthstone’s heroes are in the crowd of enthusiastic fans converging on the renowned Gurubashi Arena to attend that knock-down, drag-out, no-holds-barred, rough-and-tumble, beautifically brutal gladiatorial celebration of all things troll: Rastakhaaaaaan’s Ruuuuuumble!

The best thing about the Rumble? Other Rumble fans! The worst thing about the Rumble? Other Rumble fans!

Find out what happens when Rexxar gets wrecked in Wronchi Animation’s Ticket to Greatness - Part 2!

Pre-purchase Rastakhan’s Rumble

Don’t miss YOUR ticket to Rastakhan’s Rumble! Pre-purchase one...

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12 Nov

The final results for Hearthstone Ranked Standard, Wild, and Arena play in October 2018 are in!

The players featured below have employed top notch deck building skills, in-the-moment decision making, and unyielding dedication to achieve a most noteworthy feat!

As previously mentioned, monthly Arena rankings now take players’ best 30 consecutive Arena runs regardless of game events or format changes.

Pour a toast, pull up a chair, and join us in recognizing Hearthstone’s top Ranked Standard*, Wild, and Arena players in the Americas region!

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08 Nov

Open your packs early and revel in some Fireside fun prior to the official launch of Rastakhan’s Rumble on December 4 by hosting your very own Pre-Release party!

King Rastakhan has decreed that Pre-Release Parties will not be limited events. Whether you’re an established innkeeper or you simply enjoy the company of your community, step up to the plate and host a public Pre-Release party. If you prefer the comforts of home, you can also enjoy the festivities by creating an unlisted event!

You can start planning your Pre-Release party now. Rastakhan's Rumble Pre-Release will run from 10AM PST on November 30 2018 to 10AM PST on December 3 2018.

Rastakhan’s Rumble Pre-Release

In addition to digging into your packs early, you’ll also be able to participate in special Fireside Brawls that let you play with your shin...

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07 Nov

Aggressive, or “aggro”, decks are the easiest to play in Hearthstone, right? Not necessarily. While the general plan of an aggro deck is clear—get your opponent dead as quickly as possible—in execution it is more complex... especially when you are facing off against another aggro deck. Watch the first video in our three-part Well Played: Aggro Mirror series to learn how to navigate this tricky situation.

That’s it for this week! Tune in next Wednesday (and the next!) for the second and third parts of our Aggro Mirror deep-dive.

06 Nov


Hearthstone’s heroes have joined the crowd of enthusiastic fans converging on the renowned Gurubashi Arena to attend that knock-down, drag-out, no-holds-barred, rough-and-tumble, beautifically brutal gladiatorial celebration of all things troll: Rastakhaaaaaan’s Ruuuuuumble!

They’ve got pennants. They’ve got sunscreen. The one thing they’re missing? Tickets!

Find out what happens when Uther “gets it” in Wronchi Animation’s Ticket to Greatness - Part 1!

Pre-purchase Rastakhan’s Rumble

Don’t miss YOUR ticket to Rastakhan’s Rumble! Pre-purchase one or both bundles and make sure your team is ready to throw down when Rastakhan’s Rumble releases starting December 4!

Rastakhan’s Rumble!

King Rastakhan won’t just be hosting the Rumble, he’ll be brawling with the best of them! When you pre-purchase this bundle, you’ll get 50 Ras...

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05 Nov


Originally posted by Sonserf369


  • Starting November 7 2018 at 10:00 am PDT through November 11 2018, everyone who logs in will receive six free Boomsday Project card packs.

  • Then hang out and play with friends to earn up to 500 gold! Everyone will receive the Celebrate the Players quest which rewards 100 gold when you play a friendly challenge. This celebratory quest is repeatable up to five times—you can even do them all in the same day!—for a total of 500 gold!

  • You’ll need to complete the introductory quests “First Blood” and “The Duelist” to unlock daily quests, (or “Ready for Action” if you’re a returning player). Be sure to make room in your quest log before November 7 so you don’t lose a quest you intended to complete. Just like Play a Friend!, don’t concede too early, or you may not receive credit for completing the quest. Unlike Play a Friend!, Celebrate the Players only provides rewards to players who have this quest in their own quest l...

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Just a quick update regarding the end date of the Celebrate the Players event: players will have through November 11 to log in and receive your packs. (You didn't make a mistake, and we've already corrected the official blogs to reflect this updated time frame.)

In this update we’re preparing the Tavern for the arrival of that monarch of the melee, King Rastakhan, and his riotous rabble of rowdy retainers in Rastakhan’s Rumble! We’ve also got gifts for our friends, new Classic cards, download improvements, bug fixes, and more!

Read on for details!


Pre-Purchase Rastakhan’s Rumble!

Pre-purchase one or both bundles and make sure your team is ready to throw down when Rastakhan’s Rumble releases starting December 4!

... Read more

There really is always room for another: the Hearthstone Tavern has now welcomed over 100 Million players to date!

Let’s Celebrate Together!

We’re humbled and grateful that so many players have chosen to join us in the Hearthstone Tavern! As our way of saying thank you, we’re throwing a party! 

Starting November 7 at 10:00 am PST through November 11, everyone who logs in will receive six free The Boomsday Project card packs. Then hang out and play with friends to earn up to 500 gold! Everyone* will receive the Celebrate the Players quest which rewards 100 gold when you play a friendly challenge. This celebratory quest is repeatable up to five times—you can even do them all in the same day!—for a total of 500 gold!

Thanks for joining us, and we look forward to sharing many more years of Hearthstone fun with you. See ...

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03 Nov

Team China are your 2018 Hearthstone Global Games (HGG) victors! Comprised of anchor Gao “Leaoh” Yang, Zheng “OmegaZero” Lin, Zhang “YouLove” Lichen, and He “Trunks” Huan, the team completed their HGG journey with a clean 3-0 win over a surging Brazil in the Grand Finals.

“I am super pumped now,” said Trunks. “This is my first trophy at a global tournament ever, and this also proves how good Chinese Hearthstone is! So, I'm truly happy.”


China took a different approach to the tournament than many other teams, assigning each player a couple of different classes in which to specialize. “Everyone was assigned and had their classes that they excel at,” Trunks said. “The one advantage that we have compared to other teams I think is that we did a better job on picks, bans, and the class player order.”

YoggSaron_enUS_HS_CARD_EK_350x432.gif... Read more

There is a single team that stands out among the competition remaining in contention for the Hearthstone Global Games (HGG) crown, and that is the last remaining representative from the Americas region: Brazil.

There’s something unique about this team, and it’s not (just) that they were the only team to go undefeated in the Swiss rounds. It’s the fact that the four teammates, Lucas "LucasCrt" Claudio, Lucas "Neves" Figueredo, Rodrigo "Perna" Castro, and Lucas "Rase" Guerra are longtime friends who forged a common bond long before HGG began.


For Team Brazil, the motivation for winning extends beyond prize money or fame. It’s about national pride and breaking down barriers for esports in Latin America. “Brazil has a lot of passion for gaming,” said Rase. “Not just Hearthstone but every game. The problem is our structure for esports is not as good as s...

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02 Nov


You hear that? The sound of the drums? The restless roar of a thousand, thousand voices thrilling with anticipation? It’s comin’.

And you’re invited!

Rastakhan’s Rumble is Hearthstone’s newest expansion, featuring 135 all-new cards, coming December 4!

King Rastakhan, the all-powerful god-king of the Zandalari trolls, presides over the once-a-generation event held in his name. Rumble fans are converging from all corners of Azeroth on the renowned Gurubashi Arena to attend a knock-down, drag-out, no-holds-barred, rough-and-tumble, beautifically brutal gladiatorial celebration of all things troll: Rastakhan’s Rumble!

It’s an event like none other! You’ll THRILL to the roar of the crowd and the incredible crash of thudding ...

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