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Patch 1.13.6 has now been released. Some things you can expect to see are quality of life changes, some tweaks to the MIO's, balance changes as well as many many bugfixes for multiple nations including Iceland, Norway and more!
You can read the patch notes below;
# Balance
- reduced airframe weight curve for small airframes, with a higher effect at higher tiers
- increased air attack of lmg and hmg plane modules
- Finland: Tweaked AI weights for the Finnish decisions to surrender to Soviets or switch sides in the Continuation War so that Finland actually puts up a fight.
- Fixed several issues with the Karelian Uprising triggered by Finland during the Soviet Civil War, the non-Stalinist side of the civil war receiving both the Karelian Uprising and National Uprising events about Karelia, Finland not always properly joining the war against the Soviet tags, and the non-Stalinist side of the Soviet civil war not being able to decide whether to declare war on Karelia (and Finland when appropriate) or be friendly to them.
# Gameplay
- Germany: Removed starting import trade from Sweden
- Can now press enter to accept a resource trade
# Stability & Performance
- Fixed potential CTD encountered when removing all production lines
# UI
- Fixed visual bug when selecting ship refit production lines
- Added description to supply tooltip that increasing the infrastructure level increases base supply
- Replacing or upgrading MIO in Equipment Designer now updates the variant name
- From now in international market the equipment cost will be rounded to 2 decimals .
- Stats in Equipment Designer will now update when unlocking new MIO traits depending on whether the Upgrade MIO button was pressed
- MIO effect preview now works in legacy (non-modular) equipment designer
- Legacy equipment designer will generate a new name for equipment if MIO upgrade is possible
# Modding
- Add better debug info about AI research (in imgui ai_strategy window)
# Bugfix
- Log error and prevent CTD when trying to display 3D model of a non-existent entity in the division designer view
- Fix of bug where sometimes wrong 3d models of divisions were shown on map.
- The decisions to form a Nordic Formable Nation are now mutually exclusive with each other
- Fixed errors in MIOs and production lines in the Japanese and Soviet OOBs when No Step Back dlc is not active.
- Implemented missing tank generic tank icons for Germany, Soviet Union and Italy in the tank designer.
- Norway: Implemented Norwegian-themed custom counters.
- Fixed issue with the naming of the achievement icon No One Crosses the Finnish Line.
- Sweden: Fixed a faulty trigger for Hungershield not canceling correctly unless you removed your construction queue. Now needs to build > 14 civs from game start
- Norway: Vidkun Quisling is no longer available as advisor without Arms Against Tyranny.
- The controller of Greenland now also gets the last remaining, inaccessible province of that state
- Denmark will not have a Balance of Power during a Civil War
- USA will no longer hand over Greenland as soon as Denmark becomes free, but rather when they have no more wars
- Denmark gets lowered fascism/communism support when completing "Expand the Resistance" if the Overlord id fascist/communist
- Tweaking Danish ai weights for Occupation BoP Decisions
- Fixed AI having access to BoP decisions without having the BoP active
- Norway: Fixed Army Chiefs withincorrect Political Power costs
- Fix bug where annexing country, did not removed expeditionary forces provided by it.
- Fix bug where leaving faction removed all expeditionary forces even those from puppets.
- Fix of bug where freeing puppet did not give back the expeditionary forces automatically.
- Fixed the position of Porajärvi VP on the map. Fixed ships advancing deep into the Icelandic mountains when going into Reykjavik's port.
- Finland: Focus Seek German Protection now requires Germany to be either Fascist or Non-Aligned.
- Finland: Aksel Airo will no longer run and hide during the Fascist Civil War. if the decision Secure the Militayr is taken, he will be available to Fascist Finland both as general and as advsior. If the decision is not taken, he will be moved to the other side of the Civil War.
- Fix of bug where sometimes on start of war enemy divisions which had military access were not teleported out from country.
- MIO: Fixed British dominions sometimes lacking or having extra MIOs of certain categories.
- Iceland: Fixed bypass trigger for focus Reclaiming the Empire, which could make it impossible to either complete or bypass the focus in certain conditions.
- Iceland: Fixed wrong tooltip indentation in focus Keflavik Airbase.
- Sweden: The king can no longer conscript most of the population of the earth
- Iceland: Fixed political advisor Ólafur Thors having no trait icon on his sheet.
- Iceland: focus Keflavik Airbase now requires the first Anti-Air technology.
- Iceland: Improved tooltip in focus Break with the Crown focus to properly communicate potential effects coming from other focuses, as well as the removal of the National Spirit Christian X (in any of its versions).
- Iceland: The focus effects of Rally the Workers of Reykjavik and Prepare for the Revolution will now be properly applied even if they are completed after the focus Break with the Crown.
- Norway: Fixed issue where country name, color and flag wouldn't change for the Alternative Democratic path
- Norway: When changing ideologies after content-scripted instances, the name, color and flag of the coutnry will change accordingly.
- Norway: Trotsky now has the correct General portrait.
- Norway: Focuses 'Secure Swedish Ore' and 'Secure Denmark' now have the correct bypasses.
- Norway: Decision 'Modernize Armed Forces' now unlocks with 'Reform the Army' as intended.
- Nordic Shared Tree: Fixed missing Filter Tag for focus 'Nordic Development Fund'
- Norway: Focuses 'Ask for Foreign Support' and 'The Secret Army' will no longer be available if fascist.
- Norway: Focuses 'Ask for Foreign Support' and Nasjonal Samling' will now show the correct target if Germany is at Civil War or doesn't exist.
- Tweaked the probability of Danish overlord accepting Denmark's declaration of independence
- Removed the Danish overlord plenipotentiary if Denmark declares independence and the overlord accepts
- Achievement Two Arms Against Tyranny now actually requires Finland to be in faction with only one Nordic country when capitulating the Soviets
- Norway: Use XU now gives a National Spirit if you don't have La Resistance.
- Norway: Decisions 'Foment Resistance in Norway' and 'Support Rebellion in Norway' now unlock through focuses 'Use XU' and 'Preparing a Return to Norway' repectively.
- Norway: Peder Anker Wedel-Jarlsberg now has a more appropriate Generic Portrait when AAT is not active.
- Fix of bug where strategic redeploment by player sometimes could cause out of sync in multiplayer.
- Switzerland: Fixed issue where 1939 start wouldn't have Marcel Pilet-Golaz as councillor.
- Fixed the decisions to form the HRE and the European Union, the French focus Disunite Germany and the achievement It has my name on it to properly include the new state of Schleswig.
- Achievements:Fixed Brexit achievement tooltip missing "Northern Ireland" as a required target in which to start an uprising in order to get the achievement.
- Mexico: Fixed issue with focus One World Government being available when Soviet Union was led by Stalin.
- MIO: Fixed typo in trait name Low Drag Wings
- Can't create designed equipment variants with negative stats.
- Fixed a divide by zero in AI market equipment evaluation
- Fixed scrollbar for navy loss view
- Medium bomb bay now gives bonus to naval attack, rather than ground attack
- Soviet Union: Fix conscription bonus for The People's Revolution idea
- Fixed give and add state control where declining would re-apply the request
- Fixed pathing for exfiltration of marine commandos
- Fixed issue where air wings were assigned incorrect regions due to them being banana shaped (the regions, not the air wings)
- Finland: If Finland is a puppet, the decision to Demand Peace to the Soviet Union will now also make the Finnish overlord to sign peace with the Soviets, as well as any overlord's allies or subjects.
- Tank Designer: Medium and heavy turrets can now be converted into fixed superstructures.
- Finland: Fixed requirements of the focus Soviet Threat targeting the UK instead of the USSR.
- Fixed potential issues with achievement Not Much Fun in Stalingrad.
- Finland: Focus Preserve Sápmi now requires at least one Sami core to not be cored by Finland and to not be controlled by a Finnish enemy. This should fix instances in which completing the focus grants no reward.
- Soviet Union: Soviets will no longer send an ultimatum to Finland demanding Karjala if they are already at war with them. The focus will only provide a Soviet claim in the state in that case.
- Norway: Quisling's Regime path will only require not being in a civil war if there aren't any other Norways around.
- Norway: Fixed small typo in focus Lurk in the Shadows.
- Norway: Fixed missing admiral portraits.
- Norway: Initial production now has MIOs assigned.
- Norway: Fixed General Trotsky's portrait.
- Norway: Fixed missing icon for trait in the Akers MIO.
- Norway: Focus 'Ask for Foreign Support' can now lower the Political Power cost on top of the time reduction.
- Switzerland: Fixed issue where completing 'The Alpine Protectorate' wouldn't disable the Absolute Neutrality System.
- Switzerland: Adjusted some National Spirits' Consumer Goods modifiers so they conform to the new scale of value for it.
- Switzerland: Focus 'The Alpine Protectorate' now cancels if it's not valid.
- Switzerland: Event 'David Frankfurter's Trial' now applies the correct Opinion Modifiers
- Denmark: Fixed the issue of broken text in the Occupation Branch if Denmark becomes a puppet of Sweden through the Swedish focus "Danish Alignment"
- Germany: Focuses that give air technologies now give bonuses to the correct category when By Blood Alone is active.
- Fixed bug where sometimes Bulgaria could declare war even if it was puppet of other country.
- Updated the Consumer Goods bonus from Italian National Spirits International Day and Peace Keepers of Europe to be in line with the latest Consumer Goods changes.
- Fixed a broken tooltip for Screen Efficiency in the Danish focus "Baltic Sea Domination"
- Norway: Rikstanken now appears in the right Tech when No Step Back is disabled.
- Fixed Greater Denmark flags not showing up.
- Fixed an issue with a number of flags from formable nations and cosmetic tags that were not showing up in Linux.
- Norway: Elias Corneliussen and Henry Diesen now have their correct portraits.
- Switzerland: Added missing tooltip for focus 'Switzerland on the Offense'
- Switzerland: Achievement 'You Shall Not Pass' will no longer be obtained with a non-defensive war.
- Fixed MIO effect preview in Equipment Designer causing the current MIO bonus to upgrade
- Switzerland: Adjusted the Air Volunteer Cap value for the National Spirit 'Volunteer Forces'.
- Soviet Union: Fixed issue preventing the Left Opposition to get some of the weapons that provided by countries via the focus Funds for the Cause.
- Soviet Union: Fixed an issue where the national spirit Anti-Soviet Military Thinking Banned would persists after a peaceful right opposition coup. Now it can be removed with the decision while Beriya is in charge, and will be removed automatically upon completion of the focus Coup d'Etat which establishes a Right Opposition government.
- Division designer can now be moved in front of equipment designers.
- Fixed one issue with overhaul mods crashing
- Republican Spain: Enrique Líster will now properly receive the trait Stalinist, preventing him to join the Anarchist side in the Civil War.
- Special Forces: Fixed unintuitive tooltip in Special Forces doctrine bonuses in Finland, Denmark and Sweden so that they use a more intuitive category that specifies "Doctrine" instead of "Tech".
- Finland: Finnish focus Marine Jaeger Divisions has been fixed so that the SF doctrine bonus only shows up if AAT is enabled. A tech bonus for marine and transport tech has been added regardless of DLC.
- Italy: The focuses Cruiser Submarines and Midget Submarines now have a different small bonus each to the Regia Marina national spirit when Man the Guns is not active.
- MIO: Fixed an issue preventing Italian Ship MIO CRDA to be assigned properly to the starting production lines of Caio Duilio battleships when Man the Guns was not active.
- Soviet Union: Mine Warfare focus now grant mines-related content only when MtG is active. Without MtG, the focus provides a Research bonus and a Doctrine Cost Reduction.
- Denmark can no longer get the achievement "Everything is Awesome" if they get puppeted by Sweden through the focus "Danish Alignment"
- Italy: Focus Intensify Torpedo Manufacturing will grant Research Speed for Torpedoes only when the DLC Man the Guns is active. When it is not active, the focus will grant a doctrine cost reduction bonus instead.
- Changed num_of_factories trigger to not include factories gained from trade or lend-lease.
- Re-open division and equipment design view on peace conference ended
- Ethiopia: Fixed multiple issues with Ethiopian character portraits, which in turn fixes previous issues with missing portraits for promoted generals with BBA, and missing portraits for generated generic characters and alt-hist country leaders without BBA.
- Italia: The description of the focus Moschettieri del Duce will now change based on the government, just like the focus name does.
- Finland: The text of the event "The White Death Embraces Us!" will now talk about "weeks" of combat instead of "months", since it is unlikely that the event will trigger more than a month after the previous event in the chain.
- Latvia: Focus Expand the Women's Aizsargi will no longer attempt to activate the decision Women in the Workforce since most of the time the decision will not be available or even visible, causing errors and resulting in the effect being invalid.
- The Swedish AI on historical mode should no longer guarantee other nations, and be less likely to join other nations
- Prince Frederik will now be called Frederik IX if he becomes king
- Influencing other countries as Denmark is now repeatable
- Tweaked ai weights for certain decisions
- Tweaked ai weights making countries more likely to accept Danish Influence actions
- Certain Focuses won't automatically cancel if you lose a puppet or World Tensions dips below a certain limit
- Remove country flag to make "Sway the Public" decision repeatable
- Fixed a number of scripted ship variants that were invalid or triggered errors: Italian DD Alessandro Poerio Class. Italian Coastal Defense Ship Eritrea Class.
- Fixed scripted Italian Super Heavy Tank variant The Hand of God that became invalid.
- Diplomatic actions: Fixed typo causing missing loc in a diplomatic game rule.
- Fixed typo in the Italian spelling of Repubblica Sociale Italiana.
- If co-op is disabled, random country will not select a country already selected by another player
- Fixed issue with adding more convoys to a sell contract
- Removed negative stat as a positive from design check

Patch 1.13.6 has now been released. Some things you can expect to see are quality of life changes, some tweaks to the MIO's, balance changes as well as many many bugfixes for multiple nations including Iceland, Norway and more!
You can read the patch notes below;
# Balance
- reduced airframe weight curve for small airframes, with a higher effect at higher tiers
- increased air attack of lmg and hmg plane modules
- Finland: Tweaked AI weights for the Finnish decisions to surrender to Soviets or switch sides in the Continuation War so that Finland actually puts up a fight.
- Fixed several issues with the Karelian Uprising triggered by Finland during the Soviet Civil War, the non-Stalinist side of the civil war receiving both the Karelian Uprising and National Uprising events about Karelia, Finland not always properly joining the war against the Soviet tags, and the non-Stalinist side of the Soviet civil war not being able to decide whether to declare war on Karelia (and Finland when appropriate) or be friendly to them.
# Gameplay
- Germany: Removed starting import trade from Sweden
- Can now press enter to accept a resource trade
# Stability & Performance
- Fixed potential CTD encountered when removing all production lines
# UI
- Fixed visual bug when selecting ship refit production lines
- Added description to supply tooltip that increasing the infrastructure level increases base supply
- Replacing or upgrading MIO in Equipment Designer now updates the variant name
- From now in international market the equipment cost will be rounded to 2 decimals .
- Stats in Equipment Designer will now update when unlocking new MIO traits depending on whether the Upgrade MIO button was pressed
- MIO effect preview now works in legacy (non-modular) equipment designer
- Legacy equipment designer will generate a new name for equipment if MIO upgrade is possible
# Modding
- Add better debug info about AI research (in imgui ai_strategy window)
# Bugfix
- Log error and prevent CTD when trying to display 3D model of a non-existent entity in the division designer view
- Fix of bug where sometimes wrong 3d models of divisions were shown on map.
- The decisions to form a Nordic Formable Nation are now mutually exclusive with each other
- Fixed errors in MIOs and production lines in the Japanese and Soviet OOBs when No Step Back dlc is not active.
- Implemented missing tank generic tank icons for Germany, Soviet Union and Italy in the tank designer.
- Norway: Implemented Norwegian-themed custom counters.
- Fixed issue with the naming of the achievement icon No One Crosses the Finnish Line.
- Sweden: Fixed a faulty trigger for Hungershield not canceling correctly unless you removed your construction queue. Now needs to build > 14 civs from game start
- Norway: Vidkun Quisling is no longer available as advisor without Arms Against Tyranny.
- The controller of Greenland now also gets the last remaining, inaccessible province of that state
- Denmark will not have a Balance of Power during a Civil War
- USA will no longer hand over Greenland as soon as Denmark becomes free, but rather when they have no more wars
- Denmark gets lowered fascism/communism support when completing "Expand the Resistance" if the Overlord id fascist/communist
- Tweaking Danish ai weights for Occupation BoP Decisions
- Fixed AI having access to BoP decisions without having the BoP active
- Norway: Fixed Army Chiefs withincorrect Political Power costs
- Fix bug where annexing country, did not removed expeditionary forces provided by it.
- Fix bug where leaving faction removed all expeditionary forces even those from puppets.
- Fix of bug where freeing puppet did not give back the expeditionary forces automatically.
- Fixed the position of Porajärvi VP on the map. Fixed ships advancing deep into the Icelandic mountains when going into Reykjavik's port.
- Finland: Focus Seek German Protection now requires Germany to be either Fascist or Non-Aligned.
- Finland: Aksel Airo will no longer run and hide during the Fascist Civil War. if the decision Secure the Militayr is taken, he will be available to Fascist Finland both as general and as advsior. If the decision is not taken, he will be moved to the other side of the Civil War.
- Fix of bug where sometimes on start of war enemy divisions which had military access were not teleported out from country.
- MIO: Fixed British dominions sometimes lacking or having extra MIOs of certain categories.
- Iceland: Fixed bypass trigger for focus Reclaiming the Empire, which could make it impossible to either complete or bypass the focus in certain conditions.
- Iceland: Fixed wrong tooltip indentation in focus Keflavik Airbase.
- Sweden: The king can no longer conscript most of the population of the earth
- Iceland: Fixed political advisor Ólafur Thors having no trait icon on his sheet.
- Iceland: focus Keflavik Airbase now requires the first Anti-Air technology.
- Iceland: Improved tooltip in focus Break with the Crown focus to properly communicate potential effects coming from other focuses, as well as the removal of the National Spirit Christian X (in any of its versions).
- Iceland: The focus effects of Rally the Workers of Reykjavik and Prepare for the Revolution will now be properly applied even if they are completed after the focus Break with the Crown.
- Norway: Fixed issue where country name, color and flag wouldn't change for the Alternative Democratic path
- Norway: When changing ideologies after content-scripted instances, the name, color and flag of the coutnry will change accordingly.
- Norway: Trotsky now has the correct General portrait.
- Norway: Focuses 'Secure Swedish Ore' and 'Secure Denmark' now have the correct bypasses.
- Norway: Decision 'Modernize Armed Forces' now unlocks with 'Reform the Army' as intended.
- Nordic Shared Tree: Fixed missing Filter Tag for focus 'Nordic Development Fund'
- Norway: Focuses 'Ask for Foreign Support' and 'The Secret Army' will no longer be available if fascist.
- Norway: Focuses 'Ask for Foreign Support' and Nasjonal Samling' will now show the correct target if Germany is at Civil War or doesn't exist.
- Tweaked the probability of Danish overlord accepting Denmark's declaration of independence
- Removed the Danish overlord plenipotentiary if Denmark declares independence and the overlord accepts
- Achievement Two Arms Against Tyranny now actually requires Finland to be in faction with only one Nordic country when capitulating the Soviets
- Norway: Use XU now gives a National Spirit if you don't have La Resistance.
- Norway: Decisions 'Foment Resistance in Norway' and 'Support Rebellion in Norway' now unlock through focuses 'Use XU' and 'Preparing a Return to Norway' repectively.
- Norway: Peder Anker Wedel-Jarlsberg now has a more appropriate Generic Portrait when AAT is not active.
- Fix of bug where strategic redeploment by player sometimes could cause out of sync in multiplayer.
- Switzerland: Fixed issue where 1939 start wouldn't have Marcel Pilet-Golaz as councillor.
- Fixed the decisions to form the HRE and the European Union, the French focus Disunite Germany and the achievement It has my name on it to properly include the new state of Schleswig.
- Achievements:Fixed Brexit achievement tooltip missing "Northern Ireland" as a required target in which to start an uprising in order to get the achievement.
- Mexico: Fixed issue with focus One World Government being available when Soviet Union was led by Stalin.
- MIO: Fixed typo in trait name Low Drag Wings
- Can't create designed equipment variants with negative stats.
- Fixed a divide by zero in AI market equipment evaluation
- Fixed scrollbar for navy loss view
- Medium bomb bay now gives bonus to naval attack, rather than ground attack
- Soviet Union: Fix conscription bonus for The People's Revolution idea
- Fixed give and add state control where declining would re-apply the request
- Fixed pathing for exfiltration of marine commandos
- Fixed issue where air wings were assigned incorrect regions due to them being banana shaped (the regions, not the air wings)
- Finland: If Finland is a puppet, the decision to Demand Peace to the Soviet Union will now also make the Finnish overlord to sign peace with the Soviets, as well as any overlord's allies or subjects.
- Tank Designer: Medium and heavy turrets can now be converted into fixed superstructures.
- Finland: Fixed requirements of the focus Soviet Threat targeting the UK instead of the USSR.
- Fixed potential issues with achievement Not Much Fun in Stalingrad.
- Finland: Focus Preserve Sápmi now requires at least one Sami core to not be cored by Finland and to not be controlled by a Finnish enemy. This should fix instances in which completing the focus grants no reward.
- Soviet Union: Soviets will no longer send an ultimatum to Finland demanding Karjala if they are already at war with them. The focus will only provide a Soviet claim in the state in that case.
- Norway: Quisling's Regime path will only require not being in a civil war if there aren't any other Norways around.
- Norway: Fixed small typo in focus Lurk in the Shadows.
- Norway: Fixed missing admiral portraits.
- Norway: Initial production now has MIOs assigned.
- Norway: Fixed General Trotsky's portrait.
- Norway: Fixed missing icon for trait in the Akers MIO.
- Norway: Focus 'Ask for Foreign Support' can now lower the Political Power cost on top of the time reduction.
- Switzerland: Fixed issue where completing 'The Alpine Protectorate' wouldn't disable the Absolute Neutrality System.
- Switzerland: Adjusted some National Spirits' Consumer Goods modifiers so they conform to the new scale of value for it.
- Switzerland: Focus 'The Alpine Protectorate' now cancels if it's not valid.
- Switzerland: Event 'David Frankfurter's Trial' now applies the correct Opinion Modifiers
- Denmark: Fixed the issue of broken text in the Occupation Branch if Denmark becomes a puppet of Sweden through the Swedish focus "Danish Alignment"
- Germany: Focuses that give air technologies now give bonuses to the correct category when By Blood Alone is active.
- Fixed bug where sometimes Bulgaria could declare war even if it was puppet of other country.
- Updated the Consumer Goods bonus from Italian National Spirits International Day and Peace Keepers of Europe to be in line with the latest Consumer Goods changes.
- Fixed a broken tooltip for Screen Efficiency in the Danish focus "Baltic Sea Domination"
- Norway: Rikstanken now appears in the right Tech when No Step Back is disabled.
- Fixed Greater Denmark flags not showing up.
- Fixed an issue with a number of flags from formable nations and cosmetic tags that were not showing up in Linux.
- Norway: Elias Corneliussen and Henry Diesen now have their correct portraits.
- Switzerland: Added missing tooltip for focus 'Switzerland on the Offense'
- Switzerland: Achievement 'You Shall Not Pass' will no longer be obtained with a non-defensive war.
- Fixed MIO effect preview in Equipment Designer causing the current MIO bonus to upgrade
- Switzerland: Adjusted the Air Volunteer Cap value for the National Spirit 'Volunteer Forces'.
- Soviet Union: Fixed issue preventing the Left Opposition to get some of the weapons that provided by countries via the focus Funds for the Cause.
- Soviet Union: Fixed an issue where the national spirit Anti-Soviet Military Thinking Banned would persists after a peaceful right opposition coup. Now it can be removed with the decision while Beriya is in charge, and will be removed automatically upon completion of the focus Coup d'Etat which establishes a Right Opposition government.
- Division designer can now be moved in front of equipment designers.
- Fixed one issue with overhaul mods crashing
- Republican Spain: Enrique Líster will now properly receive the trait Stalinist, preventing him to join the Anarchist side in the Civil War.
- Special Forces: Fixed unintuitive tooltip in Special Forces doctrine bonuses in Finland, Denmark and Sweden so that they use a more intuitive category that specifies "Doctrine" instead of "Tech".
- Finland: Finnish focus Marine Jaeger Divisions has been fixed so that the SF doctrine bonus only shows up if AAT is enabled. A tech bonus for marine and transport tech has been added regardless of DLC.
- Italy: The focuses Cruiser Submarines and Midget Submarines now have a different small bonus each to the Regia Marina national spirit when Man the Guns is not active.
- MIO: Fixed an issue preventing Italian Ship MIO CRDA to be assigned properly to the starting production lines of Caio Duilio battleships when Man the Guns was not active.
- Soviet Union: Mine Warfare focus now grant mines-related content only when MtG is active. Without MtG, the focus provides a Research bonus and a Doctrine Cost Reduction.
- Denmark can no longer get the achievement "Everything is Awesome" if they get puppeted by Sweden through the focus "Danish Alignment"
- Italy: Focus Intensify Torpedo Manufacturing will grant Research Speed for Torpedoes only when the DLC Man the Guns is active. When it is not active, the focus will grant a doctrine cost reduction bonus instead.
- Changed num_of_factories trigger to not include factories gained from trade or lend-lease.
- Re-open division and equipment design view on peace conference ended
- Ethiopia: Fixed multiple issues with Ethiopian character portraits, which in turn fixes previous issues with missing portraits for promoted generals with BBA, and missing portraits for generated generic characters and alt-hist country leaders without BBA.
- Italia: The description of the focus Moschettieri del Duce will now change based on the government, just like the focus name does.
- Finland: The text of the event "The White Death Embraces Us!" will now talk about "weeks" of combat instead of "months", since it is unlikely that the event will trigger more than a month after the previous event in the chain.
- Latvia: Focus Expand the Women's Aizsargi will no longer attempt to activate the decision Women in the Workforce since most of the time the decision will not be available or even visible, causing errors and resulting in the effect being invalid.
- The Swedish AI on historical mode should no longer guarantee other nations, and be less likely to join other nations
- Prince Frederik will now be called Frederik IX if he becomes king
- Influencing other countries as Denmark is now repeatable
- Tweaked ai weights for certain decisions
- Tweaked ai weights making countries more likely to accept Danish Influence actions
- Certain Focuses won't automatically cancel if you lose a puppet or World Tensions dips below a certain limit
- Remove country flag to make "Sway the Public" decision repeatable
- Fixed a number of scripted ship variants that were invalid or triggered errors: Italian DD Alessandro Poerio Class. Italian Coastal Defense Ship Eritrea Class.
- Fixed scripted Italian Super Heavy Tank variant The Hand of God that became invalid.
- Diplomatic actions: Fixed typo causing missing loc in a diplomatic game rule.
- Fixed typo in the Italian spelling of Repubblica Sociale Italiana.
- If co-op is disabled, random country will not select a country already selected by another player
- Fixed issue with adding more convoys to a sell contract
- Removed negative stat as a positive from design check