almost 3 years ago - /u/DannyArt_HLL - Direct link

Wow... its been a while since ive seen a poll so balanced and yet so divided... 475/467 at time of writing...

almost 3 years ago - /u/DannyArt_HLL - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsNotNow

Yeah the lines are super polarized on this.

Unrelated, but would you field a quick question? The number of roles (I understand from a dev brief q&a which I can't easily find again) are maxed out at 14. Is that a technical limitation or a design choice? Or a bit of both?

Aaaah, that I dont know... certainly not technical tho, but probably making sure not alot of overlap is there and a role has its own uniqueness to bring onto the battlefield.

almost 3 years ago - /u/DannyArt_HLL - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsNotNow

Roger that. Thank you for your timely response. Beautiful looking Ludendorff Bridge map, looking forward to seeing how it plays!

Sweeeeet! The map had mostly been made by Theel and Fran.