Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm Dev Tracker

12 May


There are a few heroes that walk the line between Tank and Bruiser and can act as one or the other in a pinch, and I think Imperius can walk this line when necessary.

However, I don’t think he’s classified incorrectly. Tanks have to check a number of boxes in order to be effective in their role, and Imperius doesn’t check some that are fairly important. Some of those are:

  1. Reliability and consistency of CC
  2. Ability to survive being focused by the enemy team

Back in the day we also originally intended for Dehaka to be a main tank, and he had a similar issue in that he could reliably take a lot of damage, but his ability to CC was primarily tied to his Drag ability which wasn’t consistent enough to have him be a main tank due to its range, wind-up, and ability to only CC 1 target. I think Imperius falls into a similar category due to the nature of how Celestial Charge works. It’s not quite reliable enough to deter enemies from diving his te...

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11 May


Hey everyone!

Thanks so much for clarifying the specific Skin you are seeing problems with. We are tracking an issue that only affects the “Thunder Goddess Cassia” variant of this new skin.

Thank you all for your patience while we work this out!

08 May

    BlizzKGu on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, thanks for the comment.

Good question, I can provide some insight into how an agent would approach each situation.

The way AI travels to a Goal (like a map objective) is the same as a move command. It’s the same as if you right clicked a tribute and just let the game take you there. This is our pathfinding at work and it’s what our agents use for traveling to Goals. While it will get you where you clicked by taking the shortest route, it does not consider other possibilities like flanks or shortcuts. Those types of dec...

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Thanks for the feedback!

What I like about the design of Protector of Aiur vs. Seasoned Marksman is that Protector of Aiur motivates Artanis to do more of what his kit tells him to do, which is to brawl with enemy Heroes. His main source of mitigation is from fighting things, which is what this talent is telling him to do as much as possible. Seasoned Marksman was a bit more blurred in this motivation because it told Artnias to go push lanes in order to gain power, which conflicted a bit with the rest of his kit. Also, we felt that the Attack Speed portion of the Seasoned Marksman talent was a bit redundant since he has a couple other ways to get that bonus in other talents. Removing it allows us to focus his Level 1 talent better and to let the other talents shine more that allow him to gain that buff.

Also as a side note, it’s fairly unlikely we’ll add Healing to Artanis. In general, consistently generated shields or Armor mitigation + healing is an incredibly s...

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Hey there CardiffGiant,

Can you confirm if that skin you purchased and unable to use in Ranked is the Thunder Goddess Cassia skin variant?

If it is a different one, can you please let me know the full name of the Skin that you are seeing locked in Ranked so I can investigate.


07 May


Are you disrespecting the changes to Anduin? :stuck_out_tongue:

06 May


Nope! It was an unintended byproduct of fixing another bug. It should be resolved in the balance patch coming today.

01 May

    BlizzKGu on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi Teo!

Thanks for your notes! I can give you some insight into some of your points.

The reason why AI ignore Deathwing fire breath is because we made a conscious decision for them to ignore it. Otherwise, AI agents would be constantly running away from Deathwing. This is due to our pathing system. It isn’t sophisticated enough to navigate around dangerous areas like how a human player would. Unfortunately, “fixing” pathfinding is not a t...

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28 Apr


Hey there gekko513,

You might want to try our Mac Support forums instead of Bug Report. Support over there would be better equipped to look into an OS level crash and work with you to identify what is happening.


22 Apr


Hey there Murkynamic,

Both of those issues could have so many different things happening that I would need to see a replay of this happening. If you still have some Replays where you see this occur send them along following the Bug Attachment Guidelines. If you don’t have any, just keep an eye out and if you see it happen again, please pass the replay along.

There is not enough information here to help me investigate what you are seeing.

Thanks for the help!


Hey OrangeJuice!

My preliminary poking into this ability is not seeing Tassadar being revealed by dealing or taking damage which is consistent with how Unrevealable works.

If I had to guess, the ability is accidentally being cancelled due to missing protection for that. I’ll continue to investigate!

Thanks for the report!

16 Apr


Hey there Lulliduf,

I’ll need to actually see the replay so I can dig into why this might have happened. If you can, would you be able to email that replay along using the Bug Attachment Guidelines


Hey Kolcrabe,

Let’s try something first. In the upper right-hand corner of the profile page, make sure you have everything selected in the Game Types drop-down and that you are set to Lifetime.


Hey Mangoreaper!

Of those 63 games played, did you win 50? Season Rewards require the completion of the Seasonal Quest Line of winning 50 games.

15 Apr


Hey NovaBot,

We are aware of this issue and looking into it now, thank you for the report!


Hey there HTown,

You are correct that new behavior will have disconnected players have the AI move the Hero back to base.

In regards to the Deathwing issue, I’ll look into this, thanks for the report!


I think that can be very good feedback, however, since this forum is for Bug reports, and there are no bugs here, I’m going to close this thread.

However, I’d encourage you to take this feedback over to the General Discussion forum where we keep an eye out for feedback!



Hey MurkyOrFeed!

I’ll take a look into this now! Thanks :smiley:


Just for clarity!

I will still be looking into this, never hurts to investigate haha.

That said, it could be a great help to send along a replay if possible just to make debugging any issues much easier. You can follow the steps in the pinned topic Bug Attachment Guidelines


This is correct!

Disconnected players replaced with AI will sit in the base unless otherwise pinged to follow. This is new as of the recent patch.