9 months
ago -
Direct link
Contains the following fixes and new features
- RELOCATED: Tagged mission item so it will show in relevant crafting filter
- Added active modifier list above mount's health bar when riding
- Fixed bug where mounts/tames wouldn't attack targets if they failed to path
- Fixed bug where Moa mount wouldn't attack after unlocking required talent and setting to Defensive/Aggressive
- Fixed pets having mount talent growth, granting additional talents over
- Adding Subclasses of Apply To Target so all medicines have their correct 'in-use' modifier
- Adding viewable creature modifiers when viewing a mount or tames tooltip in world
- Adding Initial Missions to Styx and Olympus Open worlds to build a mission device similar to Prometheus
- Paints cannot be made without interior decorations DLC, to make the red chicken coup. This was not intended, and has been partially fixed in this update but not completely. This will be fixed in the next update.