Im releasing a beta update shortly to allow modders to overwrite these core ones
Originally posted by JeanDeaux: What I'd really like to see brought in from Icarus is the multiplayer hosting. It's MUCH better than Stationeers host.Stationeers and ICARUS use the same steam API method for Steam connections, so I am not sure what you are referring to.
Originally posted by JTHM: I asked this same question back in 2019. Is the end in sight?On the steam page there are tags regarding the early access state of games. If you click on the store page there is a blue box that appears for early access games. This is only displayed while the game is in early access, once it goes "1.0", then this box will disappear.
We're committed to delivering these consistent and substantial updates to the game until both we and our community consider the game ready for a v1.0 release.