

10 Feb

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Im releasing a beta update shortly to allow modders to overwrite these core ones

09 Feb

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Мы переделываем систему генерации ландшафта. После завершения работы мы займёмся Роверами.

08 Feb

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A good question!

I would not say KSA is our "flagship" title. As it standards, ICARUS is the bulk of the revenue the studio gets. In fact, we make less revenue on Stationeers that we spend on development. This is made up for ICARUS revenue, which pays more money that it costs to develop which we use for other games, such as Stationeers, KSA, and other projects.

When the studio was founded we made an effort to ensure it is a "multi-product" studio right from the start. This was quite difficult and caused a lot of problems in the early days, but now we are thankful for that. This means that we have been really good at not pulling resources off projects to jump at the next shiny thing the studio is doing.

When it comes to Stationeers team, some of the team will rotate off Stationeers onto KSA. They are going to be replaced with fresh new team members. This serves several good purposes, Stationeers is a good stable code base that offers a good 'windo... Read more

10 Jan

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Just to note: from a legal perspective calling someone unethical is could be considered a statement of fact, compared to something like calling someone lazy, which would be considered an opinion

If you cannot prove that a statement of fact are true, you could have defamation exposure.

I would like to say, categorically - that referring to our company or our staff as unethical is totally inappropriate if you can't back that up.

I've given this thread a bit of leeway, to give you the benefit of the doubt. But regardless of you how you "feel" - making a statement of fact about conduct with no proof beyond you "feel" that way, is not acceptable in our forum. This is because that doesn't represent a genuine communication.

Think of the forums here as "front of house" in a restaurant. if you walked into a restaurant and shouted that you think the place is unethical, you would be asked to leave.

So if you want to continue ... Read more
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is really cool. Is there anything missing from the IC system you can think of as you went through this? I'm always on the lookout for features or instructions to add.

09 Jan

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A discord bot posts every review to a channel in the discord.
This is so people coming into the discord and asking "I am thinking of buying the game, what do you think?" can instead see a live thread that is all the latest reviews of the game.

We do this for all our games, so that customers can easily see what other customers think. This also provides a way for us to aggregate reviews from other potential stores in one place, which is not possible on steam.

19 Nov

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JeanDeaux: What I'd really like to see brought in from Icarus is the multiplayer hosting. It's MUCH better than Stationeers host.
Stationeers and ICARUS use the same steam API method for Steam connections, so I am not sure what you are referring to.

Using Steam's API is not recommended, where avoidable, for either game - as SteamP2P has many issues and has been deprecated by valve themselves, in favor of Steam Relay or Sockets. These new API elements, though, are still not as efficient as native RakNet support as Stationeers has.

What is the aspect of ICARUS you think is missing? It may be a bug or other issue?
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Steam changes a lot of their systems, so the best way to guarantee you have the version you want (and for steam to not try update it) is to make a copy of the game. We ship the game with zero copy protection or DRM, so you can copy the game anywhere on your computer and it will never update.

We have reached out to steam previously regarding download issues and other issues such as corruption with steam cloud. However we have not had a response. As such, we recommend copying the game somewhere.
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by JTHM: I asked this same question back in 2019. Is the end in sight?
On the steam page there are tags regarding the early access state of games. If you click on the store page there is a blue box that appears for early access games. This is only displayed while the game is in early access, once it goes "1.0", then this box will disappear.

In this box is the following:
We're committed to delivering these consistent and substantial updates to the game until both we and our community consider the game ready for a v1.0 release.

We still have substantial updates we would like to make to the game before we think it is 1.0. The game has been updated regularly through the period, including a patch today.

There is some concern in our studio that going "1.0" will indicate to many we consider the game "finished", so therefore we wa... Read more

12 Oct

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Agreed! Thats the idea really behind the terrain rework. We need to make it actually practical, and have good reason, to have multiple bases. Then you also have a reason for a rover!
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The maps arent going to be "small". The current rough plan is for 8x8km2, which is as big (for example) as the ICARUS map. That is the largest sized map you generally make in engines like Unreal under default settings.

Currently, it is not actually possible for your games to be limitless, as the terrain system is so non-performant and memory heavy - that you can't really effectively go that far from the origin anyway.

This will also allow us to give reasons for exploration, such as making deep miners work better in certain locations etc...

20 Sep

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Good news is that the terrain system is being completely replaced. this will allow us to do a lot of cool things with terrain we could not before, clear out a bunch of these bugs, make the game substantially more appealing, and more.

09 Aug

    Rocket on Steam - Thread - Direct
Many of you will be familiar with Sol, one of the key characters in the ICARUS universe our players experience. When we made the "No Rescue" Trailer, the game was in constant flux and we could not put together a trailer with just game footage in the time we had to meet the PC Gamer show. I proposed we do a "talking heads" style trailer, using real world actors, inspired by a like of "Ken Burns" style documentaties and how well it worked in a fictional setting like Interstellar. One of the people on the first casting option sheets was Stig, who absolutely fitted what we wanted in the prospector. I actually got to meet Stig during the filming, and he was fantastic. He had come into the studio several times and worked with our audio team. He really "got" the project, and his enthusiasm and work really left a mark on the game as a whole.

You can read more about the amazing life of "Stig, The Piano Man" in the following article:
... Read more

19 Jul

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
As noted above, it is currently intention. We may tie it to difficulties (allowing modders to make difficulties that turn it of), or maybe introduce devices or something that the player has to do to enable it to happen.

This originally occurred way back when Stationeers was only in space. So it made sense once the player had made a "room" there would be gravity, as it got very annoying floating everywhere inside.

02 Jun

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
How are you hosting it? Is it at home or on a server provider?

If it is at home, ISPs will often make changes to how internet is provisioned that make it complex to run dedicated servers. This can include detecting ports being forwarded and used that look like torrents, and blocking them.

RocketNet (the multiplayer synchronization method we developed) is binary data packed using L4Z compression and sent regularly at 20MS. This could fall afoul of some ISPs torrent detection.

If it was working and now is not, it might be worth checking with your ISP that they haven’t made any changes that would require you to alter your port forwarding setup.

19 May

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Our multiplayer system is working fine? If you have issues, let us know what they are.

We currently play the game on a dedicated server ourselves very regularly and fix the bugs we find with it. However most of the time this is working just fine.

Note that is you play using Steam Peer2Peer, we have found their relay system (it is not true peer to peer) does not work very well with larger bases.

So Multiplayer currently works very well, though we do not recommend using Steam P2P, as their relay servers are not as reliable for larger bases.

18 May

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We used to review the currencies for different regions but with how often things change, it costs us more money to adjust the currencies that we will make in revenue. So we accept steams preset currencies.

As an example, in the last month we have made 724 USD (gross) from poland, which is about USD 400 cash to us. That is the total revenue for Poland for the entire month.

08 May

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Will only show if the recipe is preceeded by a "wait for recipe" instruction. In other words, the MissingReagentRecipe instructions will only be populated if the machine is waiting to complete a recipe.

By default, the machine will not wait - and will skip a recipe and try the next - if it does not have the reagents.

30 Apr

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There are several ways that Ices can melt in the game:
1. They are in an atmosphere and they are above their freezing temperature
2. They are in direct sunlight

We doing a multi-threaded custom simulation and voxel raycast for sunlight, for performance reasons. This means that there is a chance* that if Ice is on the terrain, the voxel may be filled enough that if the ice is in the right place it might not be considered accessible to the sun.

28 Apr

    Rocket on Steam - Thread - Direct
Contains the following fixes and new features
  • RELOCATED: Tagged mission item so it will show in relevant crafting filter
  • Added active modifier list above mount's health bar when riding
  • Fixed bug where mounts/tames wouldn't attack targets if they failed to path
  • Fixed bug where Moa mount wouldn't attack after unlocking required talent and setting to Defensive/Aggressive
  • Fixed pets having mount talent growth, granting additional talents over
  • Adding Subclasses of Apply To Target so all medicines have their correct 'in-use' modifier
  • Adding viewable creature modifiers when viewing a mount or tames tooltip in world
  • Adding Initial Missions to Styx and Olympus Open worlds to build a mission device similar to Prometheus
Missing from this hotfix The following was supposed to be in this update but failed in test. They will be fixed in the next update.
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