Dread Shade
30 Mana
Target minion takes 3% max health per second for each second the shade has been active, but it and minions around it deal 40% more damage.
Dread Shade is a Spell coming to Necromancers in Patch 0.7.9.
The base functionality of the skill causes a massive damage buff to apply in an area around a minion. That minion will be subjected to increasingly large amounts of damage each second, and the buff will end when the minion dies or after 20 seconds - whichever happens first.
DreadShadeSS11810×1080 3.11 MB

Specialization Tree Nodes
- Dread Shade is cast on enemy targets instead of minions. Minions within the area of effect are buffed as normal. The enemy is neither buffed nor subject to health degeneration. Duration reduced to 10 seconds.
- Dread Shade drains the health of all affected minions. Doom Brands are applied to affected minions, causing them to explode on death dealing Necrotic Damage to nearby foes.
- Dread Shade now affects you and other non-minion allies in addition to minions.
- Dread Shade applies Damned to affected enemies and minions each second.
- 1 stack per point; maximum of 3.
- Damned deals Necrotic Damage Over Time, and scales with generic increases to damage, and increases to Necrotic Damage, Damage Over Time, and Spell Damage.
- Area of effect increased by 100%. Dread Shade now buffs minions outside the area of effect. Dread Shade no longer buffs minions within the area of effect.
As an aside, our current intention is to remove the Acolyte skill Mark for Death in Patch 0.7.9. Acolytes will receive a replacement skill, and the base effect of Mark for Death will continue to be available through alternative means - including Dread Shade’s specialization tree!