almost 4 years
ago -
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- Reduced the damage of Ice Whirlwinds used by Wengari Spires by 37.5%.
- Reef Time Gates spawn more Stranded Sailors.
- Yulia’s Husk deals 500% more damage with her Ice Mortar and 40% less damage with her Ice Vortex.
- Enemy healthbars now disappear more quickly when they die.
- Added additional details to the outskirts of the world map.
- The “total affix tiers of” loot filter condition now looks at the affixes you’ve selected in that rule instead of all affixes on the item.
- To achieve the old functionality, make a rule that has all affixes selected.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused leaderboard entries to be removed. Old leaderboard entries can’t be recovered, but this won’t happen anymore.
- Fixed a bug where the Shade of Orobyss could not use cold abilities on targets within melee range.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible for the world map for End of Time to get stuck, preventing you from panning.
- The notice for viewing additional quests now shows the map keybind instead of the old quest journal keybind.
- Fixed some outdated information in the Game Guide and loading screen tips.
- Fixed the “clear search” button for loot filters not working.
- Fixed Voidwing Nests not having an outline on hover.
We have also found a performance issue caused by the UI updates in 0.8.2 and will have a fix out as soon as we can.