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So first of all i finished it in not even 30 minutes dont know if thats supposed to be that short but okay. And now to the Feedback in Positive to Negative:

Positive: -Its quite a fun game. I enjoyed it. -I like the design. -The performance is great!

Neutral: -Its made in Unity (its not like its a bad thing. But i just never saw a good game which was made in Unity but hey prove me wrong) -The UI is well there is a lot room for improvement.

Negative: -The balance is a joke. At least on Normal Difficulty. I never had a single problem. The Abilitys are kinda OP and you Regenerate your Health and Mana way too fast. And you simply can run past everything without a problem. -There is no Character Customization at the moment. Like gender, face options and so on. -No camera options like zoom and so. (Or atleast i didnt found them) -The dialog boxes are well...not great. -Even though i liked the Design and everything the Levels are really boring right now. There is also a lot room for improvement.

Sadly i cant support you guys on Kickstarter because i dont have the options to do it. But hey maybe there is a chance to bring it on Steam like Early Access if you feel like it. Then i could support you unless then you have my Spiritual Support. Also thanks for the Linux Support it means a lot. (Running Arch Linux right now)

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almost 7 years ago - /u/TDGdev - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback!

As other people have said, the balance is in its early stages but we are actively working on it and we are balancing around Veteran.

We most likely will not have character customization for a couple of reasons. We are focusing very heavily on class identity and each character class having a distinct look is a big part of that. Cost is also a serious concern, even just having male and female versions of the characters would double the modeling time for our artists, both for the character models and all the associated armor sets. We're open to discussing it, but for now our team is not planning to have customization of that variety.

We do have camera zoom, it's the mouse scroll wheel.

All the UI is work in progress. The style/color-scheme is reflective of how we want it, but it will absolutely be getting an overhaul.

Levels are also placeholder, we are not planning to use these levels in the final game.

A lot of good games are made in Unity and a lot of bad ones are, that's mainly because Unity is a really good versatile engine that is also free. Hollow Knight, Hearthstone, and Cuphead are all made in Unity. (more examples)

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