Our next content update, Patch 0.7.10, includes a new Sentinel skill!
Default Functionality
Shield Bash tooltip309×553 166 KB
Shield Bash’s unspecialized tooltip
The Specialization Tree
Here’s some examples of nodes from Shield Bash’s tree!
Double Bash (0/1)
You gain an additional charge of Shield Bash, but it has a longer cooldown.
Fusillade (0/1)
Using Shield Bash consumes all charges and deals significantly more damage per charge consume (multiplicative with other modifiers).
Hindrance (0/3)
Shield Bash now also slows enemies on hit.
Staggering Punch (0/3)
Shield Bash now also knocks enemies back, if Shield Bash has a cooldown.
Rebounding (0/1)
Your next Shield Throw can ricochet 5 additional times after using Shield Bash.
Conjurer (0/1)
Shield Bash has a chance to cause one enemy to drop a potion if Shield Bash has a cooldown.
Dazed (0/5)
Stuns caused by Shield Bash last longer.
Wall of Shields (0/1)
If Shield Bash is used while Ring of Shields is active, the shields form a wall which increases the width of Shield Bash, based on the number of active shields.
ShieldBash800×450 3.3 MB
Shield Bash’s default visual effect
WallOfShields800×450 2.34 MB

Shield Bash specialized with the Wall of Shields node