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As I started using Transplant, the skill has gradually been driving me nuts. Play sessions become gradually more and more unplayable unless I log out and back in again every 10 to 20 minutes. It drove me to such madness that I ended up spending hours testing the skill out to try to narrow down what was the primary factor driving this behavior and then to spend a couple hours testing various scenarios.

It turns out, it's simply playing the game online.

In addition, this madness even led me to going down the path of editing my very first video (at least beyond cutting a single clip and audio track).

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11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by CypherdiazGaming

Fellow warlock here using a non-specialized transplant.

I have no such rubberbanding issues with it that I've ever noticed.

I run a ROG 3080 Strix. Ryzen 9 3900X.

Not sure if it could be a part, but my gaming pc has a dedicated 150/15 connection and my ping to the server is always 35-45ms.

I could see rubber banding on a bad connection to a server. Funny enough, I used to be on us east but have a better connection to us central despite being in the land of bath salt zombies. Try swapping to a different game server or check the ping?

I think you've identified the most likely issue. The client and the server likely disagree on where the character should be because of the time difference caused by higher ping and the server is snapping the player back.

11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by CypherdiazGaming

Most common cause of rubber banding, yep. My guess, since his ping is decent is high jitter. Or a modem kicking t3s constantly.

I wish that LE had a test server with an IP we could ping to test these things at 1ms intervals instead of the ~15-30ms of the ingame monitor, but that's a super luxury.

I think if you use something like Wireshark to find out which server you're connected to, you might be able to manually ping it. The delay in game is just the polling interval of the UI. I haven't actually tried this but I did set up the UI in game.

11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Groovy_Decoy

So, let me ask you 1 questions... If this were due to ping, wouldn't it be unusual that the amount that I rubber band is exactly based on how long I've been playing without deaths? And that it starts off just being small, like a fraction of a second, but later can become more than 1 or 2 entire seconds (even though other abilities aren't affected?) That it grows exactly in a linear fashion? All of this while latency always shows as good?

If there is some kind of network issue, it's a lot more subtle and esoteric than just normal lag. Though, I think it's a code issue.

No, it wouldn't be unusual. There could be a second issue that's causing it to get worse but I think the reason it's happening at all is because server and client disagree on player location at a specific time index and the server is snapping the player back intentionally.

I could be wildly wrong about this and without having the server logs, it would be almost impossible to tell.

11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Groovy_Decoy

I've done my fair share of troubleshooting issues in my time and I feel pretty confident that this isn't a simple lag issue. I can reproduce it every single play session. It happens at exactly the same rate of progressively getting worse. It happens when my latency is showing a solid line of 22 to 24 MS 100% of the time I check it.

My theory is that there is some kind of event firing off in code that tells the server to update the position in some tiny fraction of a second after the teleport happens to the target position. I believe this delay is intended to be almost instant. I believe that this trigger is supposed to say "the teleport is finished now and the character can move now!" Until the trigger, movement isn't really valid from the client. Other players see me just standing there too.

But there is something wrong in this calculation and that delay isn't constant. It's some kind of time delta that is growing over time (somehow related to the character session on the server). The client keeps moving along until that delay trigger time comes up and the server says "oh, they are in this position" (the teleport target). Then when the client says, "I'm here at this location now!" the server says, "no, you are at the teleport target and now you are allowed to move again!"

This causes the problem to get worse and worse over time to the point you might get yanked back an entire screen.

That's not how movement works. I still think it's 2 issues.

11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Groovy_Decoy

Maybe, but all I can do is speculate based on the fact that the delay between when the teleport moves the player on client and when it is yanked back to that exact same location grows at a completely predictable linear rate.

I am having trouble imagining any other explanation than something is accumulating. Either time value is accumulating over time, or there is a delta between 2 times that is supposed to constant, but one is advancing a hair differently than the other and they grow more and more out of sync over time.

Another observation is that at larger degrees of rubber banding, I can teleport to a location and begin to walk away and stop before the rubber banding happens. I can just sit there as long as I want and I won't rubber band until I actually try to move again, and only then am I yanked back. Even after a long wait.

Another test I tried was to intentionally create a higher lag scenario. I logged into the server location on the far side of the world and with the highest ping, over 250 ms. With known lag what I observed was the lag caused problems with the beginning of the teleport, not the end. I would teleport after a small delay but I would not rubber band with the higher latency. Only after playing 10 or 15 minutes again did I see the rubber banding happen again at the end of the teleport, just like would happen with the 23 MS connection.

Yup, that's all consistent with what I was saying above given how movement works.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Groovy_Decoy

Following up on this... Hey u/ekimarcher , would you mind checking out another post I made on this as well? I think I have cracked what is happening.


Did you also submit it to the bug reports?

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Groovy_Decoy

Not yet. Which way is best to do it? In game? On the Discord? Or On the official forums?

I'm posting it here first hoping to get some confirmation from someone else having the issue to see if theirs can also be attributed to drift.

In game is best