over 5 years
ago -
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- Disintegrate
- Increased base damage by 43%.
- Maelstrom
- Freeze Rate now scales with attunement.
- Power of the Storm now strikes enemies around the most recent target you cast Maelstrom on, rather than always targeting enemies around you.
- Storm Totem
- Increased base health and health scaling by 33%.
- Now costs 20 mana (up from 16).
- Thorn Totem
- Increased base health and health scaling by 33%.
- Now costs 18 mana (up from 16).
- Primalists will receive a free passive respec due to Shaman changes.
- Sentinels will receive a free passive respec to resolve missing passive points due to Aura of Divinity being removed in 0.7.4, as well as new Paladin changes.
- Lich
- Added a node that converts all sources of health leech to increased damage at 10 times their value (e.g. 1% of damage leeched as health becomes 10% increased damage).
- Paladin
- Added a new node that grants health, armour, and critical strike avoidance.
- Changed Defiance to give attunement and increased elemental protection rather than health and armour.
- Reworked the Holy Symbol node; it now heals 15 per point and has a 100% chance to proc on block, but has a 3 second cooldown.
- Adjusted some connections and requirements.
- Shaman
- Added a node that makes it so that when you kill a frozen enemy, you heal a random totem to full, refresh its duration and give it a permanent damage buff.
- Added a node that grants health, mana, and a chance to cast Maelstrom when hit.
- Added a node that gives totems health, armour, and stun immunity.
- Hail Bringer now gives 10 cold protection (up from 6), and 10% chill chance (up from 6%), and also grants 10% freeze rate multiplier.
- Heorot’s Path now also applies to your minions.
- Removed the node that increased armour and elemental protection on spell cast.
- Removed the node that gave increased health, mana, and cooldown recovery speed.
- Sorcerer
- Replaced the mana armour node with a new node that grants +% base spell damage (doubled if you have over 200 maximum mana).
- The Insight buff from Arcane Insight now gives 20% increased elemental damage and 20% ward retention per point (from 15% increased spell damage and 15% ward retention).
- Wand Base Types
- Added Infernal Wands, which requires level 60 and grants similar base spell damage to old Prophecy Wands, but also grants increased cast speed.
- Prophecy Wands now require level 73 (up from 64) and grant substantially more base spell damage.
- Existing Prophecy Wands will be converted to Infernal Wands to avoid players from level 64 to 72 being unable to equip their current weapon.
- Imperial Wands now require level 47 (from 50).
- All other wands (except Burning Branches) grant slightly more base spell damage.
- Sceptre Base Types
- Added Divine Sceptres, which requires level 75 and are substantially more powerful than Moonstone Sceptres.
- All Sceptres (except Acolyte starting sceptres) now grant more base spell damage.
- The list on the Character Select screen now displays which Mastery Class a character is, rather than always displaying the base class.
- Moved Nests of the Fallen on the world map to better reflect the layout of zone exits in Yulia’s Haven.
- Improved the appearance of Summon Skeleton’s Fire Arrow and Ice Arrow abilities.
- Improved the appearance of Thorn Totem projectiles.
- Improved Maelstrom’s visual effect.
- Rip Blood’s Blood Catalyst node now causes a slight delay between each recast.
- Improved lighting effects in the Temple of Eterra and Sanctum Bastille.
- Increased the Idol of Loathing’s base damage by 14%.
- Added new sound effects for the Idol of Loathing.
- Added a new teleport sound effect for Devoured Husks.
- Updated some more enemy void abilities to use new sounds.
- Increased the volume of Primeval Dragon roars.
- Improved Maelstrom’s sound effect for when there are multiple stacks.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Shades for all base classes would appear in Realm of the Forgotten, rather than just Shades for your base class. This resulted in there being 5 times as many enemies as intended.
- Fixed a bug where characters who had entered the Ancient Cavern could not respec from the Chronomancer in The Council Chambers.
- Fixed the entrance Time Rift from Ancient Cavern loading to an endless load screen rather than the Precipice.Added a failsafe so that completing Ancient Hunt automatically completes Ancient Path if it was skipped (due to using an old character).
- Fixed a bug where the “cannot respec” popup for passives would fail to show the class’s name correctly in cases where you had a node with a requirement of at least 20 in the same class that would become inaccessible.
- Fixed a bug where characters created before 0.7.4 were shown on the ladder. The ladder has been cleared to fix this, however any character that was created in 0.7.4 will be re-added as soon as they complete an Arena wave or level up.
- Fixed Enchant Weapon’s Conduit node not working.
- Fixed Enchant Weapon’s Overloaded node causing all elemental attacks over Enchant Weapon’s duration to be free rather than just the first one.
- Fixed the Primal Wolf’s Leap ability not having a cooldown.
- Fixed Summon Raptor’s Broken Tooth node causing the Raptor to stop moving if you had Fury Leap’s Pack Leader node.
- Fixed Reaper Form’s Vile Shroud node not working.
- Fixed Reaper Form’s Soul Shroud node giving a larger amount of intelligence for each time you entered Reaper Form.
- Fixed several skill node tooltips having overlapping text.
- Fixed the Beastmaster’s Writhe node only granting 8 dodge rating per point, rather than 10.
- Fixed a bug where the Paladin’s Holy Nova node healed for 33% less than Holy Symbol and did not have attunement scaling for its healing.
- Fixed a bug where the Shaman’s Shattered Heavens node granted 200% increased spell cold damage per point rather than 2 added cold spell damage per point.
- Fixed Close Call’s increased dodge rating for each hit you have blocked recently not working.
- Fixed a bug where the increased minion damage over time affix did not function correctly.
- Fixed being able to leap out of bounds in Ancient Cavern.
- Fixed a rock blocking the camera in Ancient Cavern.
- Fixed a camera blocking issue in the Armory near the entrance from Upper District.
- Fixed the wave fight in the Armory getting stuck in some situations.
- Fixed being able to leap out of bounds in Corrupted Lake.
- Fixed projectiles being blocked in some parts of the Precipice.
- Fixed the notification for Mastering showing the incorrect class name in some situations.
- Fixed the hybrid Freeze Rate Multiplier and Cold Protection affix using the old “increased freeze chance” terminology.
- Fixed Gaspar having a white square icon in some situations.
- Fixed Increased Chance to Find Potions not displaying in the character sheet (was always 0).
- Fixed the Necromancer and Lich’s icons being swapped in the Mastery selection window.
- Fixed a bug where enabling just one type of overhead health bar could actually enable all types of health bars.