over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s take two good afternoon everybody
3s welcome back to the last Epoch Dev
5s stream as always I am now your host Mike
7s how's it going everybody
10s how we doing how we feeling
15s something's going on
17s and I'm trying to get into my empowered
19s monos
21s and I think I may have created a bug
23s with this character
26s and uh
29s uh we might we may switch a different
30s one we might do that just just in case
33s and thank you very much welcome oh
36s dahariel 17 months in a row
39s holy thank you very much glad to have
41s you here
43s starting the stream off strong and yeah
45s I just hadn't turned on the empowered it
47s looks like
49s [Music]
56s we should be able to come back down here
58s now
59s because we want to finish up some of
60s these ones that we've done anything on
62s yet at all
63s it's good enough
65s let's just jump
67s right back to here
72s yeah I I changed shirts
78s where's where's my empowered what's
80s going on what did I do wrong
85s I thought I enabled it
87s I did muck about with this character
88s this is a good chance
90s that I caused problems
96s hmm
98s well we need empowered on this character
100s because it's too good
102s so we have a couple options I can switch
103s to another character that does have a
105s power I can go do other fun stuff
110s uh let's let's hop in here and see what
112s we've got
117s welcome everybody a bit of a scramble
119s start today but we're gonna we're gonna
120s do just fine for anyone who is here it's
122s your first time as always be shooting
124s for charity and our charity this month
126s we've got one more day of this one after
128s this one today it's good sports they
130s help kids play sports
132s which is important
135s um
138s kill and um
141s yeah
143s if you have any questions please feel
145s free to ask them but in that last Epoch
147s game in front of them I'll get to it as
148s soon as possible
149s start off here
152s that cognito
154s are there going to be more combat visual
156s improvements AKA combat feel than what
158s we've so
161s uh well I think what we've seen in
163s multiplayer last stream
166s um
169s yeah we're gonna try the full one I
170s don't think we're gonna be able to do a
171s point and try it
173s uh how are cold attacks and death
175s animation is gonna look can you show or
177s at least try to describe uh because now
180s they really look don't look good no
182s offense I really love this game and
184s we're planning a weak update model next
185s patch
188s um there's a lot of stuff happening
189s there's a lot of stuff in that question
190s too
191s um most of the so the version that we
194s saw on streams were is basically what it
199s is
200s what the like close to most up-to-date
203s version is like it's a little bit behind
205s but not much
208s um
208s so there's always updates and changes
211s happening
212s and uh so it's like
215s unless it's the instant even even every
218s single time build gets made it's out of
219s date because there's always stuff that's
220s in the pipe still
222s um
224s so there's a little bit more but that's
225s it's pretty up to date
227s it's pretty up-to-date
229s um
235s I don't have
237s just take knowledge of exactly how cold
240s skills are being handled specifically so
241s I can't really tell you anything there
244s um
245s as for was the other part of that
247s question monolith
250s well okay death animations look great
254s they're
255s I don't know how to just it's so broad
257s on how to describe it sorry they're
259s awesome they're they look realistic
261s there's a mix of fixed animations and
263s ragdoll depending on the situation it's
266s in
268s um
271s yeah
273s there's no major updates to the monolith
276s plan next patch no uh
280s still very much a work in progress but
282s um yeah nothing major is playing for I
284s don't think
286s on the topic on that empowered let's go
288s to the next question on the Empower
289s topic any chance to make it a bit more
291s intuitive I definitely missed that the
293s first time
294s um model of player of the first
295s playthrough yeah like there is a quest
298s um a quest Beacon for it but yeah I've
300s definitely seen a few people miss that
302s so I mean it's possible good thing
303s they'll put a suggestion on like a
305s feedback thread
310s uh what are we doing here come on
312s let me through
313s let me through
320s oh
324s the reason there's a problem with with
326s mine on this character right now is
328s um so I set up a lot of things with
330s devtools to try and make streams more
332s varied and run smoother uh because I
334s don't have a ton of time to set these
335s characters up and um
338s Joe's ironic it's like the third time I
340s played this one
341s um but I think when I first set it up I
343s made a mistake
358s did we try and we try and use this
360s little uh
362s of those tools as possible and we're
364s actually properly testing things because
365s it's
366s it's it doesn't generate a real
369s environment
378s sometimes I've helped Rhymer yes you
380s wanna make me another build huh
385s usually Rhymer does it for me
393s how's the audio balance for you guys
395s the music theme seems a little loud to
396s me but I don't know
410s I mean I don't have fresh 70 80s for
412s each Friday QA session yeah
415s I am
418s I feel like most of you prefer that I
420s just work on the game instead of
422s building those for real
429s I actually I should I should take a poll
431s as like what people want to see next if
433s there's any characters people are
434s itching to to see how it plays get get
437s talking points on that sort of stuff
439s but haven't I played mushroom lately I
441s haven't played much I feel like I
442s haven't played much Sentinel or not
444s Sentinel um playing cell right now I
446s feel like I don't play much primeless
447s lately
450s should get on that
452s I've been playing a ton of Rogue online
455s really really enjoying that
460s blasting agent build is so much fun I
464s don't know what it is I like about it
465s but I'm just really enjoying it
469s we're coming next patch I don't know do
470s not need to be precise low I can't
472s because I don't know and one more thing
473s there is a regular effect on certain
476s enemies that they still Shake on the
478s floor near dead are you planning to
480s change that I mean it uh so I know it's
483s a kind of a
485s thing people enjoy when there's mistakes
487s like that especially ones that get left
489s in the game for a long time and then
490s they become sort of like a
492s a a good bad thing I don't know how to
495s describe it well it's we're trying to
496s get rid of that so that it is a
498s consistent experience and doesn't have
500s obvious bugs on that
503s um
504s so hopefully that'll be completely gone
507s um
508s coming up here
511s as far as number of uniques like I I
514s they get added late in the cycle uniques
517s are one of the last things to get added
519s um
520s so I can tell you the number of uniques
522s that we have now uh and we'll be
524s extremely misleading for indication on
527s how many will be added when we actually
529s get around to uh to working on uniques
533s because right now basically nothing's
535s been done to them
537s I shouldn't say nothing very little has
539s been done to them compared to how many
541s will probably want to add for the patch
543s when we're actually looking to release
544s it
547s we need to see Gregory yeah he's he's
549s we've we've got tons of job offers for
552s Gregory
554s um lots of people were very uh
556s interested in in expanding his
559s um
560s CV
562s and a resume and uh yeah I'm sure he'll
565s he'll land on his feet once he's once
568s his current job disappears
574s character in the game by the way just in
576s case that's not clear
583s hello what is happening here
585s I'm playing a game we're gonna try T4
588s jewelry see how it goes
594s is impossible
597s oh that hurts
602s try to line both these up
606s do you line all three of them up
608s we missed we missed
610s it's okay
612s oh
616s she's got some deeps
624s they'll stand on our Trail
628s she hits like a truck
636s oh my goodness me
657s she's got she's got she's got a lot of
660s damage
661s there there's no shortage of damage
663s output here
669s got greedy
672s got greedy
679s oh that's okay I don't really have
681s anything lined up to give her anyways so
684s not a big deal
690s okay I just want to see if I just want
692s to see if this activated for uh
695s empowered
697s because it should have
708s yeah because it keeps doing this there's
711s a problem
725s is there not a problem and I am I just
727s like proving the point of someone's
729s comment earlier
735s even more so
738s yep it has nothing to do with what I did
740s I'm just an idiot
744s I'll take it
747s that's good news
749s so yes whoever that was earlier let's go
752s up and find your name
758s lzfx I completely agree with you
762s all right have you guys considered any
763s end game alternate advancement Point
765s systems that are generic across all
768s classes like EQ double A and D3 Paragon
770s points yeah we definitely have
771s considered it for sure
773s um
775s I
777s there there are there's a lot of good
779s stuff in a system like that
781s um and I'd love to get something in
784s um there's no word exactly on a timeline
787s or something like that what it will look
789s like any sort of details or anything
791s but I think that something like that is
793s important and the important part about
794s it I think one of the really key things
797s is that it's not tied to the leveling
800s system
801s so it has some other
804s uh start Point start trigger
807s um and not having it be uh this starts
809s when you hit Level 100. that's
810s definitely something that we want to
812s avoid
813s um
824s come on
826s um so yeah I think we'll see we'll see
828s something like that
831s eventually
832s um what that is exactly
835s um
836s that's a really solid helmet just just a
839s really the one I'm wearing is probably
840s better I think
845s yeah because I need that cooldown
846s reduction in the helmet at this point
849s that's a nice find just like
854s really nice stats and uh
857s good tears
868s all right
870s on to the next one
874s maybe we're trying to like Farm some
875s corruption up a little bit
879s uh
881s are you the empowered bug and temporary
884s ADC versus game breaking bug I think
886s this is an okay thing for a Friday yeah
894s if you have any questions if it's your
896s first time here please put an at last
898s Epoch game in the question and I'll be
900s sure to answer it just helps me pick out
903s the stuff where people are just just
904s chatting with each other and looking to
906s get a question answered buy me on stream
909s um let's see one here uh how you can
912s play something like an assassin in this
913s game yeah we have one of our classes is
916s the Rogue
917s um and one of the master classes for the
919s Rogue is the blade dancer which which
921s gets into that assassiny type feeling
924s um we don't have a stealth mechanic
926s which is quite often I think a
929s requirement for a lot of people for an
931s assassin type character
933s um but just didn't fit great for us so
935s we we don't have a an actual stealth
937s mechanic we have a smoke ball ability
938s that uh causes things to miss you and
941s there's a lot of things that try and
942s emulate a
945s um invisibility style system uh whereby
948s you're like giving giving um aggro to
951s something else and then you know kind of
954s Disappearing a little bit but you're not
956s actually going invisible
968s I was not taking it as inflammatory
971s a lot of x
974s I am perfectly happy to uh make mistakes
978s like that
982s and I do them a lot
983s [Laughter]
997s yeah so some of those some of those
998s weird quirks about like the way that
999s moments unlock and things like that
1002s um for empowered it's it's a little bit
1004s of it was
1007s um
1007s issues we had with the tech and then
1010s tried to fix it with things that ended
1011s up being less than intuitive
1022s it's funny the the shrines in
1023s multiplayer now the shrines don't reach
1025s super super far so you kind of got to be
1028s kind of kind of close to both get the
1029s shrine if there's two you're playing and
1032s um Carver and I've been playing a bunch
1035s I'm terrible about it uh about popping
1038s shrines too early
1041s uh
1043s psycho my bad
1051s usually he's ahead of me though so you
1053s know he waits for me
1065s any ETA multiplayer nope
1069s we are still in the when it's ready
1072s category we we really like
1075s putting a number on it
1077s puts pressure on us for releasing at
1080s that time and there's always there then
1082s becomes the struggle of like okay do we
1085s do we push for that number or do we
1089s delay it and I know it's frustrating
1092s that uh that there's no details on when
1094s it's gonna happen yet
1096s um
1097s but really it's gonna happen just as
1099s soon as possible
1101s um
1102s and we won't really know that it's ready
1104s until it's ready you know
1112s stand down or die
1114s ha ha
1117s did any information concern Cycles not
1119s really uh we're still very much a
1121s discussion on how they're going to uh be
1125s presented how they're going to function
1127s all those sorts of things it's all it's
1129s all very much in development still
1131s um
1133s so I think I say in details Wise It's so
1135s unbelievably subject to change that it's
1139s okay
1142s essentially what's what's the point
1143s right
1152s uh hey Mike I'm pretty sure this was
1153s asked in the past but how do you feel
1155s about channeling abilities and have you
1157s guys talked about how they could be more
1159s viable
1160s um yeah I mean so channeling abilities
1161s are a really tricky thing to do because
1164s standing still is
1167s um a dangerous Prospect
1169s in general in an arpg like you almost
1171s you almost never want to be standing
1173s still for an extended period of time
1175s um and so like the channeling abilities
1177s that like you also move war path Cyclone
1179s Whirlwind whatever you want to call it
1180s is uh inherently
1183s has a pretty big uh leg up on the
1185s competition when it comes to channeling
1187s abilities in general
1189s um
1193s we've definitely
1196s we have buff Channel you believe this is
1197s quite a few times recently I think
1199s um
1202s but it's it's really hard to uh to put a
1205s price on the inability to move
1210s um and and then there's another problem
1212s with the with the term viability like
1214s Define viability
1217s Define a viable ability
1219s um
1225s that's a nice large Idol
1231s um so I
1232s just to make them better it's possible
1235s there's no details on if we're going to
1238s be like okay let's
1239s let's make this one specifically better
1241s or anything like that
1242s um balancing individual skills is also
1245s something that comes later on in the uh
1247s development cycle as well so we gotta be
1250s getting a little further on I think
1252s just multiplayer in general does make
1253s them a little bit better
1255s because you do have people that are able
1257s to tank the front line for you
1259s um so I think they'll probably be a bit
1261s of a gap where we'll like have
1263s multiplayer available and let let people
1265s try them out a little bit more
1268s and uh see if it helps
1271s you know they might suddenly become oh
1273s my gosh they're the best things in
1274s sliced bread
1275s um
1276s just because multiplayer is a thing you
1278s know that that could happen I don't
1280s think it will but it could
1291s oh what do we got here oh
1294s yeah that makes sense
1308s oh
1316s where are you going
1318s running away from you aren't you
1322s I had to run the wrong way but
1325s catch some stuff on the way a little
1327s sightseeing
1329s all right
1331s uh any plans on regarding Mac OS
1334s supports or your hands tied until Apple
1335s does something about it
1337s um we
1339s when we like so we we used to have OS
1342s Mac OS support
1343s um we did remove it a while ago
1346s um we don't really have any concrete
1348s plans to to to expand back out to Mac OS
1352s support at this point
1353s um
1354s it's something we might look at in the
1356s future
1357s there's
1359s there are ways to play still on a Mac
1363s computer as is
1365s um
1367s and and I know there's a lot of people
1369s in the community that do have
1370s information on how to do that
1372s so if you really want to play and you
1374s have a Mac and you're struggling to do
1375s so it is possible
1377s um
1381s I'm not sure the details and the steps
1383s to do so unfortunately because I don't
1384s have a Mac but um
1387s yeah it's not it's not impossible it's
1389s not something we're
1390s getting another platform up and running
1393s before launch is not something we're
1395s interested in doing
1396s um
1397s extra platforms are so much work and
1401s it's multiplicative work too it's not
1403s um it's it's not like oh it's just it's
1405s one more No it's it's
1407s uh all the work we have to do for all
1409s the other platforms multiplied
1412s by one more
1414s um
1415s so it's it's a it's a lot of extra work
1417s to do and um
1420s yeah we're just we're not really
1421s prepared to add an extra
1424s um
1425s an extra platform on right now
1437s come on
1438s come on
1441s yeah that this load screen right now
1443s doesn't exist in multiplayer
1447s and I mean specifically between an echo
1450s and echo of a world
1454s that on screen specifically
1463s [Music]
1465s does your stash connect to different
1467s starting characters yes
1470s if they're in the same
1472s uh if they're in the same league like uh
1475s environment so um all software character
1478s stashes are connected all hardcore
1479s character stashes are connected
1481s um
1483s the exception being solo characters the
1485s solar characters have their own stash
1486s but yeah
1490s the first place to access that stash
1491s with a new character is
1494s the third Zone
1498s second Zone
1507s I don't know what it is right now in
1509s live uh to the second or third Zone
1512s foreign
1525s do you guys have any more insight onto
1528s how you're going to handle uh game
1534s crunches
1538s like ssf versus trade uh
1542s I feel like it's a word I just don't
1544s know
1545s um how is stashing going to work per
1547s account per character
1555s hi mothers should I understand the
1556s question
1558s how are you going to handle ssf versus
1560s trade
1561s like the characters in ssf won't be able
1564s to trade in the characters in the normal
1568s environment will have access to
1571s the
1572s like there will be some way to to
1575s have items transition between characters
1577s and in ssf there won't be ways for items
1579s to transfer between characters like I I
1581s think that's it
1583s how is stashing going to work per
1584s account per character so it's like
1587s per account stash is a per account
1589s um but
1591s like
1592s an ssf character we're still uh I
1597s I don't remember the details of what it
1599s is Rhymer if you can look it up it'd be
1601s great if you have time well because we
1603s just we actually just just figured this
1606s out I think
1608s on if solo characters were going to
1610s share a stash with other solo characters
1613s um and just not have access to trade at
1615s all
1624s or if they were gonna stay as a part
1626s character like the the the Solo
1628s character is having a shared stash or
1629s not I don't know the answer to right now
1632s I can't remember
1637s uh how is scaling of the team going do
1639s you plan any more people yeah it's going
1640s great we're bringing new people on uh
1643s pretty frequently and uh
1646s I mean not every day but you know
1648s there's people coming on
1650s I see new people popping in having a
1653s great time
1659s and
1662s yeah uh we are adding more people
1664s there's still uh job postings up on our
1666s website if you're
1668s uh think you're qualified for any of
1670s those please apply and we'll review it
1672s and
1673s All That Jazz and
1677s how it works out
1679s how do you feel about the current
1680s selection of movement skills pretty
1681s great uh it feels pretty much guaranteed
1683s that most players will use one skill
1687s slot for movement ability and with some
1689s classes that restricts you to one skill
1690s a bit of the illusion of choice problem
1693s yeah I mean so there's we try and have
1695s multiple movement skills on every class
1696s there are still quite a few missing
1698s skills on Rogue which is that only has
1701s one movement skill class
1703s um I I think that there are also game
1706s modes that lend themselves to needing a
1709s movement skill less than others so like
1713s um and sometimes those are incidental
1715s movement skills too so
1717s um we try we try and build ways to make
1719s certain skills into movement skills like
1721s for example there is uh in Javelin you
1724s can
1730s you can here it is
1735s uh jump to the flag
1738s um
1739s this basically if you ever play League
1741s of Legends play Jarvan this this turns
1743s Javelin into jarvan's flag and drag
1746s um
1747s and
1750s so we try and build extra movement
1752s skills into a sec like secondary effects
1754s of other abilities where we can to help
1756s alleviate that problem because yeah we
1758s definitely see it too
1760s any other ones you have weird ones uh
1763s Smite has descends
1766s or is it descend and it was over on the
1769s left
1770s um
1771s that one teleports you a smite
1774s so we've got we got smite
1776s uh Javelin or Javelin is Jalen's right
1780s here uh lunge Shield Rush is four on
1783s Sentinel
1785s are there any other weird ones on
1787s Sentinel
1790s and really technically Warpath on the
1792s point clean removing skills I'm not
1793s gonna claim that
1800s I think that's it yeah that's four there
1803s um and yeah like Rogue being the extreme
1805s other example there with only one really
1808s there's a couple others don't really
1810s count
1811s um
1813s there's still a lot of skills missing on
1814s Rogue
1816s is the best way I can uh
1820s if you multiply that one's the same
1822s amount okay so what I meant was there's
1825s a pool of things and we have to we have
1827s another Pool of things those two things
1828s multiply together to console we have to
1830s do if we increase the number of one of
1833s those Pools by one it multiplies the
1834s amount of things we have to do by the
1835s other pool
1839s that's what it means
1845s all right next question
1850s when multiplayer drops will characters
1853s be able to be played across both Linux
1855s and windows yeah there's
1856s um
1862s I don't see why not
1865s I could be wrong with that but as far as
1868s I'm aware it's the same client it's the
1870s same
1872s um
1873s there shouldn't be anything that causes
1874s a problem with that
1877s [Music]
1880s I'm pretty sure it's fine
1882s yeah
1884s I'm gonna say uh yes Asterix I could be
1888s wrong and it could change
1894s also we'll respect to with respect to
1896s multiplayer how are you planning on
1898s handling uh stability sharing
1901s please define oh stability in the um
1904s timelines so you'll you'll kind of have
1907s your own everyone will have their own
1909s version of the timeline
1911s um
1912s and it will like finish like uh you'll
1917s only get credit for someone else's
1918s timeline this is another thing that
1919s could change it instead just to feedback
1921s on those things but right now you get
1922s credit for the timeline when it
1923s completes not when every single echo's
1926s done so it's not you're not sharing the
1928s timeline it's one person's timeline
1931s um
1932s yeah
1934s Master Sword thank you very much 17
1936s months in a row wow wow
1940s both of you Dario Master Sword 17 months
1946s looking good guys
1953s thanks for thanks for being here thanks
1955s for hanging out thanks for having fun I
1957s appreciate it
1964s all right
1965s we're going next
1970s hello
1971s try that again hello total Annihilation
1974s you have one question will there be
1979s polish oh like like uh like uh um
1983s I thought you're like asking if there's
1985s gonna be Polish people in there no will
1986s there be a language translation a
1988s localization for the Polish language
1991s um we don't have these exact languages
1993s that we're planning on localizing to
1994s just yet we'll start with the
1997s um
1997s probably a smaller selection than our
1999s final goal and expand from there
2004s I so like I I don't know what they're
2007s what they're going to be
2009s um I would be as just like
2013s someone who has very little knowledge of
2015s popularity of different languages around
2016s the world I would suggest it's probably
2019s not in the top few percentage of people
2022s that we that plays this game or wants to
2024s play this game
2025s um and needs localization for it so a
2027s chance of them being in the first batch
2029s I'd say is not extremely high but this
2032s is from a personal perspective of not
2035s knowing much about the topic
2037s um
2037s and we will look to expand that as time
2040s goes on as we get more in
2043s more and more and more and more and more
2053s will there be an offline mode as well
2055s later on like in Diablo 2 yes
2060s um it'll be
2062s yeah basically the same because yeah
2064s it's before you log in
2067s um
2068s yeah it's basically the same as d2s
2084s there might be like a
2090s steam might impose some weird rules on
2092s like
2094s I don't know if you met somewhere real
2095s like it's been um like two months since
2097s you logged into steam can you still play
2098s your games I don't know if there's some
2099s weird role that steam does like that
2101s um but I know same has like a player
2103s games offline mode
2119s uh how far away is the falconer it will
2121s not be here until 1.0
2126s uh how does work on the falconer uh it
2128s hasn't started yet
2131s are you planning to add any sort of
2133s dismemberment as death animations and
2135s shattering effects for Frozen monsters
2137s um the shattering of Frozen monsters is
2139s is so cool
2142s um and my goodness is it hard to do
2144s because it multiplies once again it
2145s multiplies the number of death
2146s animations
2148s um and you can't really do it
2150s procedurally very well
2153s um so that one at least not initially no
2156s I'd say there might be some like enemies
2160s that are made of ice that will shatter
2162s as part of their animation but freezing
2165s an enemy and then killing it having that
2167s normal like like taking the spider
2168s freezing and shattering it having it
2170s break up into pieces and things like
2171s that not on the list right now um would
2174s be cool would love to do it one day but
2175s not in the feature scope for 1.0
2181s all right
2187s I'm gonna end up being to be known as
2190s the upgrade supporter pack guy I asked
2193s about the so many times please do
2195s something about it I cannot do anything
2197s about it myself
2198s so you're asking the wrong person
2200s but
2203s we are working on it
2206s it is not a so it's not sitting in some
2208s like well we tried and failed too bad
2210s put on the back burner no it's something
2212s we're actually trying to solve we just
2213s don't have a solution for it right now
2219s all right am I supposed to be able to
2222s finish mono boss after dead because of
2224s minions no it's a known bug
2227s uh with that being said will there be a
2230s standalone client uh I don't know
2238s I have no idea what the status of that
2239s is going forward
2251s yeah there is a standalone client it's
2254s um we've had it since the beginning it's
2255s terrible I am the one who does most of
2259s the maintenance on it and really regret
2261s ever suggesting we make one
2265s was a terrible mistake on my part
2271s I thought it was a great idea
2273s oh boy was I wrong
2281s it's worse than steam in every single
2283s way
2284s uh
2286s uh and takes up a ton of our time and
2289s costs us so much money
2291s it's just bad in every way
2299s I want to come across as harsh but
2301s realistically is the Linux client an
2303s equal priority with Windows or is
2305s Windows the priority
2306s um so we do hold the Linux client as a
2309s primary game client and we expect the
2312s same quality standards out of it that we
2313s do out of Windows
2315s um we have almost no one on the team
2318s that uses the Linux client so it gets a
2320s lot less organic testing
2323s um and we've a lot the percentage of our
2325s player population that uses it is Tiny
2327s compared to our Windows population so it
2330s gets a lot less Community testing as
2331s well so I think that there's likely a
2333s lot of unknown bugs that are just kind
2335s of hiding out in our Linux clients still
2337s that we just don't know about
2339s um
2340s but we don't they don't get like when we
2343s do have bugs for either one or the other
2345s they don't get prioritized less or more
2347s based on which one they're for
2349s um if they affect everyone they get
2352s prioritized more than if they affect
2354s only windows or only Linux but if it's a
2356s bug that just affects the entire game uh
2359s population does go up above the ones
2362s that are specific to either
2365s most the time like
2367s if they're the same severity so if two
2369s bugs in the exact same severity and one
2372s of them affects everyone and one of them
2373s affects some subset of the population
2375s the one that affects everyone will
2376s likely get taken look at first
2379s severity plays a big role in that
2380s severity is much more important
2386s like a bug that stopped anyone from
2387s playing
2388s would be way more important than one
2390s that just like I don't know made it
2393s hiccup every once in a while
2399s any chance of adding sockets before 1.0
2401s yeah yes
2406s but um
2408s treating that question like a programmer
2419s uh hi big fan of Lusty [ __ ] here could
2422s you please explain Sexton blocking
2424s things
2425s am I gonna have to like go find a like
2428s detailed explanation of exactly how sex
2430s and blocking Works before uh this
2431s question goes away
2433s because I do not know all the little
2435s little tiny intricacies and details of
2437s it
2439s but uh just I think it's funny so if you
2442s you can block anything with anything
2444s really if you try hard enough so like
2446s like there's a sword coming in and if
2449s you have like a Sextant maybe it's made
2451s of like mithril uh you can like just
2454s hold in the exact right spot you have to
2456s be very precise with Section blocking uh
2458s one little slip up and and it just it'll
2461s it'll cut right through you no matter
2463s what anyways
2465s it's a lot harder to block larger blunt
2467s instruments with this accident like like
2469s a a large Hammer
2471s um or a spear like a piercing motion
2474s that that's that's very difficult to
2475s block on this extent but it is possible
2477s especially if you get a magic one
2479s foreign
2482s [Laughter]
2485s place
2489s uh I think this is the next one I'm a
2491s Diablo Immortal content creator cool and
2495s I know myself and a few others in our
2498s Aftershock United Team wanted to check
2500s out last ebook do you guys plan to
2502s release multiplayer and trade soon
2505s um so multiplayer is uh coming with our
2508s next major patch and the form of item
2512s transference between players whatever
2514s that looks like will be with that
2517s initial drop we don't have any timelines
2519s on when that will be specifics
2522s just because it's very much a when it's
2524s ready thing we're currently in closed
2527s testing for the for our multiplayer
2530s systems and we have a group of CTS
2533s Community testers which is an open open
2535s application process that
2537s um
2539s has an almost 100 acceptance rate at
2541s this point I think and
2543s um
2545s it just takes a while to get in so if
2547s you have if you have submitted to that
2548s and you're not in yet I apologize we're
2550s working on it we're working on making
2552s the process faster too because we've got
2554s way more applications than we thought
2555s we'd have
2557s um
2559s apparently there's a lot of people that
2561s are interested in it but just uh if you
2563s do get into that a a note in general it
2565s is still like a not finished product yet
2570s and there is a very long list of known
2571s bugs that I strongly recommend reading
2574s first
2575s uh
2577s before you start uh reporting bugs
2584s because I still see most of the most
2587s reports I see are still on that list
2589s uh yeah
2592s yeah
2595s so we're still still working on no
2597s details yet
2599s uh how do the devs feel about block
2601s Effectiveness currently going to point
2603s nine do you think we will see any
2605s changes to block effect on this parole
2606s and put out yeah I think block is one of
2608s those topics that gets a lot of touches
2611s um
2612s do I think it needs a major overhaul no
2615s do I think you could use with
2616s improvements oh yeah apparently
2617s everything could
2620s um
2621s we haven't made any major changes to it
2624s since the live version
2626s I'll say that
2632s I will not die immediately if I have to
2634s choose sex and that's my Shields
2638s uh I was wondering if you could achieve
2640s the effect of shattering a frozen Enemy
2641s by encasing them in a uniform just size
2644s scaled ice block and then having a
2645s single shattering animation for that ice
2647s block yeah that could work
2650s um
2655s yeah I could probably work
2659s are I think part of the problem with
2661s yeah
2672s I'd be so like the
2675s the Frozen effect being a big ice block
2678s on a large group of enemies I think
2680s would look not fantastic
2685s um would be that would be the biggest
2686s issue I'd I can see with that
2689s because it while it could look pretty
2691s good on a single enemy that you're
2692s fighting having it look really great uh
2695s on a large scale I think would be really
2697s tough
2700s always the challenge
2708s please give us more maces maybe some
2710s cool unique lightning maze for shaman
2713s uh
2714s we'll probably add in lots more stuff
2716s for every class type
2719s so sure but if you have specific
2721s suggestions or requests please head on
2722s over to our forums or Discord and leave
2724s them in the appropriate channels
2735s because I unfortunately don't take notes
2737s while I'm doing this so um we get a lot
2740s of good ideas on stream
2741s I just uh
2744s I've got so many other things that I'm
2746s focusing on that I don't end up writing
2747s any of it down
2749s and uh
2751s sometimes they get lost in the shuffle
2753s because that
2755s putting them on the forums is great
2757s because then we have a written written
2758s copy of it
2767s whoo
2777s if they release multiplayer footage do
2779s they go to prison no
2783s I I don't know what the details of of
2785s our specific NDA is but frequent
2790s um
2791s frequent I don't say like uh
2794s repercussions frequent uh
2800s consequences freaking consequences of
2802s breaking an NDA are being removed from
2804s whatever program the NDA is related to
2810s I I assume ours is pretty similar
2812s probably
2817s okay okay well characters made as part
2820s of the closed community tests still be
2822s available and playable in multiplayer
2823s multiplayer is released publicly no
2825s those characters are on the equivalent
2828s of a PTR that you'd see in most other
2830s games where
2831s um anything that's that's done on that
2833s uh on those other servers in that other
2836s environment is restricted to that other
2837s environment ah finish the map
2840s this little sliver of blue in the corner
2842s there and I had to explore at all that's
2844s all I was uh and yeah so so people that
2849s are in the community tester program will
2850s not have level 100 characters when
2853s multiplayer is released they will have
2854s to start at level one just like everyone
2855s else
2860s so there's the only Advantage people
2861s that are in the community tester program
2863s have going into 0.9 release as far as
2867s racing and everything like that is uh is
2870s specifically considered to be a
2872s knowledge Advantage so they'll have more
2874s uh experience with the game and things
2877s like that that's it
2890s sorry another last default question
2893s why is it sorry it's great
2898s uh why is your local time at 1 45 but my
2903s local time is at 10 45.
2905s uh we live in different parts of the
2907s world
2913s uh
2915s yeah
2916s where I live this is what time it is now
2918s that's why when I set the stream I say
2920s good afternoon because it's afternoon
2922s where I live
2923s level 93 ding ding ding
2928s let me putting points to do I think
2929s we're putting points in over here
2931s I really want to get up here I think
2933s this is from going up here
2940s they're different different character I
2942s was working on
2946s foreign
2952s Mike knows what build he's playing
2967s all right next question
2970s sorry if uh two in the third I don't
2973s know if that was a serious question or
2974s not if it was please ask it again and
2976s I'll try and figure out what you mean
2978s but I'll give you kind of a joke answer
2979s because I thought it was a joke question
2980s uh any plans for Thorns to be further
2983s supported by items as a primary damage I
2986s like doing that kind of build where I
2987s can I mean not specifically but not
2990s specifically not either there's
2992s um I don't I haven't seen any like okay
2994s here's a unique to make this better as a
2996s primary damage Source or anything like
2997s that it's a tricky thing to do building
2999s defense
3002s um as offense is always tricky but um
3008s it's definitely a mechanic that we're
3011s lacking at the moment still as far as a
3013s mechanics the wrong word a build
3014s archetype that doesn't quite work yet
3018s the best way to put it uh do you guys
3020s have much discussion on the topic of
3021s gameplay ethos versus endgame uh as in
3026s will the point of last Epoch be to
3028s progress of getting gear and getting to
3030s 100 or will it become more 100 best in
3033s slot focused or at least have Pinnacle
3036s content that requires 100 best and
3037s sluggish gear a lot of the talk is that
3040s multiple trade will really take away
3041s from the process of getting to the end
3044s game and that play time replayability
3046s will be drastically reduced okay so I
3048s mean those are all the concerns we have
3049s and things we're trying to avoid with
3051s the system I think
3053s um
3054s suggestions like that and make a lot of
3056s assumptions
3057s as to the nature of the systems we're
3059s implementing that haven't been
3060s implemented yet
3062s uh I think there's
3067s um
3068s like there's definitely something we're
3069s concerned about is we would like we
3071s don't we're not building a game okay
3074s there's there's the
3078s um let's use it let's use a completely
3079s different genre there's
3081s wow where the game starts at max level
3085s most people would consider to be two
3087s different games in wow there's the
3089s leveling game which lots of people
3090s really enjoy and have a ton of fun with
3092s but I would say most people probably
3093s consider wow to start for a character
3095s once you hit max level everything that
3097s happens before that's kind of pointless
3099s the worst gear you can find it's been a
3102s while since I played wow so this rule
3103s might not quite hold up
3106s but the worst gear you find below max
3108s level and wow sorry the best gear you
3111s find below max level is way way way
3114s worse than the worst gear you find at
3116s max level
3118s um it's just the fact of being a Max
3119s Level
3120s piece of gear suddenly spikes its its
3123s power crazy
3125s um
3126s and that works really well for a
3130s um
3131s for an NFL
3134s um it's not the stock it's not the it's
3135s not the style we're going for so I would
3138s say most characters will never hit level
3140s 100 the vast majority of characters will
3143s never hit level 100.
3145s um
3147s I I think
3148s most people will find themselves
3151s um doing uh or finding them to find
3154s themselves gated for super the hardest
3156s content in the game whatever that ends
3157s up being uh the gate for that I think
3159s most people find is gear not level
3163s so
3164s um
3166s and and the concept of best in slot gear
3169s as well I think is
3172s um
3173s there's a difficult Distinction on
3176s what's a different piece of gear like is
3179s is this
3181s unique
3183s uh a different like with with one LP as
3186s it is a different piece of gear than the
3188s same unique with 2lp you know is is it
3190s still best in slot is this a best in
3192s slot piece or does it have to be have a
3194s minimum number of LP to become the best
3196s in slot piece version of itself type
3198s thing so there's a weird question there
3199s that specifics our systems
3201s um I I think that there should be a lot
3203s of content
3205s that is
3207s um and it also scales with the because
3209s the the build variety I think is a lot
3211s higher in a game like this as it is to a
3213s game like wow where you see mostly see
3215s the game starting at level 100 and where
3217s best and slight gear is often required
3219s to do a lot of content
3221s or very close to best in Slug you're
3223s required to do a lot of content I I
3225s think that that
3227s um you'll start to see more
3231s uh I guess the build quality multiplied
3235s by
3236s gear quality is going to be the how have
3239s some sort of minimum threshold so
3241s there'll be certain builds that are more
3242s powerful than others and be less gear
3243s dependent than others
3245s um and I think that's just natural with
3247s the lithium build variety we have
3251s um and some builds probably won't be
3253s able to do super in-game content without
3256s the slack year just because the build's
3259s a little out there
3261s putting it nicely uh for some builds
3264s type thing so like
3266s um builds that really try and break the
3268s mold will potentially have a tougher
3271s time with this and I'm sure there'll be
3272s lots of builds to break the mold that
3274s people find that are really strong but
3275s on average I think builds to try and
3277s break the mode will have less success
3278s than builds that try and
3280s um
3281s follow a more obvious path I'm trying to
3283s say this carefully because I I don't
3285s want to say that like out their builds
3287s or something we're trying to discourage
3288s because it's not we're we'd love when
3289s people make out their builds
3291s um I just think naturally when you have
3293s a lot of for example
3295s um let's say armor support two-hand
3297s support like
3299s um fire damage support on a class and
3301s then you try and go and do a poison
3303s build with uh a throwing poison build
3306s when there's no throwing poison support
3308s on the class it's generally going to be
3310s less successful unless there's some
3312s special thing you found some special
3314s interaction and that's where unique
3315s items come into play and are very
3317s um very interesting and really good at
3320s enabling these sort of off-the-wall
3322s builds I kind of got off track here what
3324s was the original question let's go back
3325s to this
3326s um focus on being more 100
3328s like level 100 business luckier I think
3330s that's
3331s uh not the focus I don't think we're
3334s looking at primary expectations of
3337s people to have level 100 and best and
3340s sluggier and all their characters
3342s um
3343s I think there will be people that that
3346s do get there and that's great
3350s um
3351s there's a weird that's a weird mace
3354s that's a weird base
3357s yeah so I think there will be people
3359s that get there to that like level 100
3361s best and slot on cares no that will
3363s happen
3364s um but it's the exception not the rule
3369s I hope that answer your question
3373s cheers as a gamer and not as a Dev what
3377s are your top two things you want added
3379s to last Epoch just curious uh weapon
3381s swap
3384s I want weapon swap
3386s um
3396s I don't know the other thing would be
3400s I was gonna ask the top one thing inside
3402s that's why I sort of a snap answer for
3404s that
3405s um
3407s for the record it's not coming the thing
3410s I want I know it's not coming
3412s sadly
3419s uh I'm not sure what the other thing
3420s would be
3424s I love that I'd love to see
3430s I mean I'd love to see some like
3433s and and we're not doing this either
3436s like some
3439s giant red
3442s shell MTX to replace Shield throw
3447s yeah
3449s yeah 10 points the name they can figure
3451s out what that end with what that
3452s references to have to have like little
3453s tiny wings so disproportionately small
3456s tiny little white Wings inside of a
3458s giant red shell as a replacement for
3460s shield throw
3462s and if anyone can tell me what that's
3464s what that's a reference to I'll put a
3465s spoiler up on the screen
3469s even though I feel like you just Google
3470s it at this point but it's a specific
3471s game you have to give me the name of the
3473s item from the game
3480s all right can you give us a slow down
3482s something the Rune Master is going to be
3483s capable of
3485s um
3485s I I uh I'm sorry I'm not gonna say no
3489s I'd love to uh I'm gonna wait till we've
3491s got things more stabilized with that um
3494s and and remorse so it's a little more
3496s set in stone it's still roommates are
3499s still in the theoretical stage nothing's
3501s actually implemented yet
3507s uh obviously you thought your PC was
3509s broken that's the time something
3512s uh what's the strongest building game
3514s right now I have no idea
3516s sorry lizard Perry uh Epoch builds uh
3521s heavy
3523s um llama those those guys I'm sorry if I
3526s missed anyone's name anyone's name there
3527s that would probably go in that category
3529s um I I'm sure I'm sure all those guys
3531s would be able to tell you way better
3533s than I could
3538s uh VK Auto bomber is uh driving or boy
3542s Knight Auto bomber is uh very strong
3545s consistently strong
3549s all right I think it's the best
3551s any plans to expand the loot filter
3554s options like open affixes and not these
3557s affixes
3559s there is
3561s um
3562s not specifically on those specific
3564s options necessarily but um yeah there
3567s there are intentions to expand the loot
3569s filter yes
3571s uh can you show all of your uh resist
3575s that screen I just got the game on my
3576s first gift level 78 I want to see how
3577s they compare to mine yes however
3582s that's not terrible I thought it was
3583s gonna be way worse
3584s I was about to put up like a little
3588s um disclaimer of how terrible I was
3590s doing
3595s uh my son avoidance is low
3597s I should have more Stone woodens
3599s my arm is a little low I should probably
3601s have more armor too
3604s I'm pretty happy with my stats though
3606s than that
3613s nothing minion
3617s go through my build real quick if you
3618s want
3619s that's a reversal lunge I'm going quick
3622s take screenshots pause it and clip it
3625s pause it you wanna see what's going on
3628s sigils of hope I am following a build
3630s guide from someone
3633s if I post that
3635s let's find that
3638s I don't even have a bookmarked I
3639s followed a build guide to get this set
3641s up in the first place and have no idea
3642s what to do from here
3644s [Laughter]
3647s uh no I followed there's uh there's a
3649s video on Perry the pigs
3652s uh YouTube channel that uh it's it's
3656s probably about a month old now or so
3658s it's got 13 fun builds to play in last
3660s Epoch or something like that
3663s um they're not necessarily the most
3664s powerful but they are a lot of fun and
3666s um he had links in his
3668s uh in this video description to a bunch
3671s of builds build guides and uh I'm
3673s following one of those right now
3684s all right
3689s uh hi long time last Epoch player just
3692s installed last debug for the first time
3694s and it seems like there's no fishing
3696s please clarify it's an oversight from
3698s the dev team I I mean fishing is so like
3702s 2003 right come on if we're gonna be
3706s like modern animal cultivation system I
3709s feel like like we need we need to
3711s address modern problems with these
3714s um and and the current population of
3716s bees in the world is is dwindling at a
3720s rate that's not sustainable so B
3722s cultivation farming is is much more
3726s important than fishing I think uh so if
3729s we were going to do anything like that I
3731s think that would be would be a much more
3733s responsible choice
3740s and I'm really hoping someone knows what
3742s game in a second shot spoiler
3744s right now
3748s uh a serious answer though we like
3752s um secondary uh in in-game activities
3756s like like fishing and stuff like that is
3758s is something we'd love to add
3760s um and I I would be surprised if nothing
3761s gets added like it down the road but for
3764s now it's just um out of scope for base
3766s lunch
3767s unfortunately
3768s this is a cool item it's a cool item
3770s I'll talk to that in a second
3771s [Music]
3772s um
3773s Master Sword asks I'm curious how does
3776s the devs view the fourth grade Master
3778s going forward do you feel the fortune
3780s identifies primarily as melee throwing
3782s or minion class Mastery great yeah
3784s thanks very best thanks for having
3786s patience with me and my Forge guard
3788s increase I think it's a really
3790s interesting class so um
3792s I I think there's what am I doing here
3794s I'm gonna sort this we're gonna come in
3795s here
3798s foreign
3800s it's an interesting thing because
3802s there's throwing minion minion melee
3806s melee
3808s like
3809s there's only one throwing skill here but
3811s like
3813s um there's another there's another
3814s throwing seal right here like that that
3816s has a lot of synergies with Forge guard
3818s and yeah so it's a little bit of uh
3821s where does it belong Mastery I think
3823s that's a fair question
3827s um and then clicked on the wrong one I'm
3829s like that doesn't look right I think
3831s primarily the focus is melee
3835s um and I think a lot of the we the
3838s things we try and build into the
3840s throwing and Minion Play styles that go
3842s along with it it incorporate some melee
3845s elements to it so like a lot of the like
3848s four four strike I think encapsulates is
3850s perfectly actually because it is
3851s primarily a melee attack but it
3853s generates minions as well as a secondary
3855s effect and then manifest armor yes it's
3858s a minion class but you can have it scale
3860s directly off of your ability to do melee
3862s damage
3864s um and so there's there's these things
3866s we try and incorporate from when we're
3868s dealing with other
3870s things to help you fight throwing
3873s attacks minion attacks we're trying to
3875s incorporate that back into your gear and
3878s that's actually the true theme of Forge
3880s guard is gear it's it's it's supposed to
3883s try and focus around your equipment and
3886s that's that's sort of the the core
3888s theming of Fortune
3893s and then back to this which is a cool
3895s item um someone actually asked us in the
3897s Discord recently and it's it's been
3898s around for a long time
3900s um but this item was actually added as a
3902s result of us adding unique
3907s uh geared to like um class specific gear
3911s so exsanguinous
3913s I have one
3916s probably somewhere
3921s here
3929s sangliness was added as a
3932s uh backer unique
3934s one of the first ones actually got
3935s everyone put in the game
3937s um which is why it has specialty effects
3939s that goes with it because we thought
3940s that would be sustainable initially
3942s um
3943s so excited as a support unique and then
3946s we added in class specific
3949s um Helm chest Relic slots uh and they
3952s did not want it to become a class
3953s specific unique but we still wanted to
3955s give acolyte a quick and easy route into
3959s the low life
3961s um
3962s that low life build archetype so shred
3965s obscurity is the the the the the little
3968s brother little sibling of extanguinous
3971s specifically designed to be
3973s um a little bit a little bit weaker a
3975s little bit harder to get a little easier
3976s to get sorry and
3978s um
3979s specific to accolade
3983s fun facts
3985s because we don't need them
3987s same with the same with this it's always
3989s going on the ground because I'm terrible
3992s just the worst
3994s like how could you
3996s All Right Moving On
4007s cell collector please
4011s please be nice about other games in chat
4015s uh or just don't see anything about them
4018s if you don't want to be nice as someone
4020s who hasn't caught up on Ellie for about
4022s a year and an active Poe player since
4025s beta what would you recommend class
4027s build archetype to get a feel for What
4029s Les ebook is wanting to be sorry it
4031s doesn't make sense no I understand that
4032s fully
4033s um it's a really tough question to
4035s answer because people play Poe so
4037s differently in some cases so it's hard
4038s to tell what you like and what you find
4040s fun
4041s um my advice on this is is kind of going
4044s to be a lack of advice which I think is
4045s actually
4046s very intentional so um
4049s what I would suggest is go to the
4052s character select screen and pick the
4054s character you think
4056s looks the most fun just like this the
4059s style that you think hey that that looks
4061s cool
4063s um and then
4065s uh as you're playing just try out as
4067s many skills as you can don't be afraid
4069s to respect your skills as you're
4070s leveling they'll catch up don't worry I
4072s know it seems like it's really punishing
4074s it's really not believe me on this one
4077s um
4078s just just like experiment try stuff out
4081s see what see what you like see what's
4082s fun go for that build
4085s um
4086s chances of it of you getting stuck is
4088s extremely low
4091s um and I guess this ties back into what
4093s I was saying a little earlier about
4095s um generally appropriate seeming things
4097s working out better than off-the-wall
4099s builds and for the most part so like try
4103s to
4104s um
4105s if you pick a sentinel
4107s try to pick something like that fits in
4110s with General Sentinel themes
4112s like
4113s physical damage throwing damage
4116s um going up pure minion build right out
4119s of the gate on a void night is probably
4120s not gonna work because there's no minion
4122s skills in void night you know like it's
4124s just just don't go too crazy
4127s um try and pick something that seems
4129s thematically appropriate to the class
4130s you're playing and you'll be fine
4133s and you'll probably have more fun than
4134s trying to follow a specific build
4137s um
4138s because you're
4139s able to experiment and and just just
4142s learn what's available by by
4144s experiencing it
4147s it's pretty forgiving that's what I'm
4148s getting at
4152s and you can't always transition the
4154s build into a
4156s um another build later on there's
4157s competitive builds for every single
4159s Mastery class so it's you won't be stuck
4161s no matter what you choose
4164s oh there's a bug it's the trail going up
4166s into the sky
4168s nailed it
4170s it's funny funny hammer
4173s oh that could be
4176s that could be interesting right there
4179s looky what we found
4182s we've been looking for a weapon to go
4184s into our uh
4186s to tack on to our
4189s um 1lp spear
4195s the shock's not great
4202s it's not bad
4207s I might do that I might do that one
4211s are there any plans on incentivizing the
4214s arena more at the moment I feel XP is uh
4217s a bragging right so the only reason to
4218s push everything yeah it's
4220s it's also just something that people
4221s like to do
4223s um it's not a game mode that we want to
4228s um
4229s I think if if between the two of
4232s monolith and Arena if one of them had to
4234s be more efficient and
4238s um like to play if you're just going to
4239s like
4240s uh ignore how fun anything is to play
4243s and just be like what's the most
4243s efficient way to play for uh for gearing
4247s um having that be monolith over arena is
4251s is where we'd like that to if we're if
4253s one of them has to be better model is
4255s going to be better
4256s um ideally we make everything as evenly
4259s as possible to to get gear from but the
4262s only way to really do that is to make
4264s gear drip fit on a time-based system
4266s instead of an actual gameplay based
4267s system and that's just terrible
4273s and I swear that wasn't a shot at a
4275s specific game
4277s uh are all end game systems going to be
4279s uncapped no I don't like the the best
4283s content you can be doing
4285s um should be so hard it get a hardest
4287s gun that you can do
4288s no
4291s uh as an avid arpg fan but someone who
4295s hasn't caught up on Le for over a year
4297s what would you recommend to class build
4299s architect to get a feel for Ellie I
4300s think it's maybe the same
4303s it was same if I haven't answered your
4305s question yet uh I apologize I am a
4307s little behind I think
4309s uh so the three unfinished Masters which
4311s one is the farthest longest development
4312s Falconer warlocker remaster Rune Master
4314s is the furthest along and I know uh I
4317s just said that there's literally nothing
4318s implemented with it yeah nothing is
4320s implemented for any of the three missing
4322s Masters yet at all
4341s master's like
4343s five percent done and the other two are
4347s point one percent done
4355s real early
4357s real early
4363s all right uh have your team had any
4366s thoughts on any DLC classes you would
4368s like to add in the future uh or any you
4370s think would be cool yeah absolutely
4372s um so we we don't call it DLC really
4375s because it's just gonna be the game
4376s updating it'll just a new version of the
4377s game
4379s um but yes we have several uh new
4382s Mastery classes that we plan to add to
4385s the game several new base classes that
4388s we've we've ideated a little bit on that
4389s we've said hey that would be cool
4391s um I can't tell you what those would be
4394s possibly because I mean it's a long ways
4396s off it'll be post 1.0 big time uh and I
4400s I would say if you if you've got an idea
4403s of something that you might like to see
4404s in that category chances are we've
4406s thought about it and it's been on the
4408s list
4409s for a few years
4411s um the list of of class of potential
4415s Mastery classes and potential uh base
4418s classes that we've thought about adding
4420s is pretty exhaustive to what I've seen
4423s in
4425s Fantasy games in general uh not just
4428s video games
4431s everywhere so yeah there's there's a lot
4433s of things we've talked about and
4434s considered
4435s um
4436s laughs
4440s woohoo
4445s and I think you can look at the uh clear
4449s gaps in some of the uh the archetypes
4452s that just aren't there at all to see oh
4454s yeah this item's so cool this is this is
4456s the one that I've been using I actually
4458s found a 2lp version of this on my online
4461s character that I was playing uh Center
4463s strike build that wasn't using this and
4465s I found a TLP version and I switched to
4467s using this and uh We've almost got
4470s almost got the uh
4472s um temporal sanctum dungeon implemented
4474s in multiplayer and as soon as it's in oh
4476s I'm making it legendary
4478s prepped I've got I've got a relic I uh
4481s exalted Relic ready and everything
4484s all right yeah the class you can see
4487s like there's there's clear gaps look
4489s look to the gaps that you're like why
4490s isn't this in the game oh maybe we were
4493s uh waiting to add it down the road you
4495s know you know
4500s are there any plans for uh future MTX
4503s for different Druid forms or it's not
4506s possible it is possible we definitely
4508s got ideas it's a big one that's that's a
4510s very
4512s um
4513s labor-intensive MTX bundle
4517s um
4518s it would like it's it's something we'd
4520s love to do we don't have any that are
4522s set up for our initial drop of ntx I can
4525s tell you that for sure there won't be
4526s any of those showing up in the first
4527s batch
4529s um
4530s things like recolors are easier to do
4532s but like a whole new like uh whole new
4536s form holy model animations all that
4539s stuff that's a huge ask
4541s um and and probably won't uh I don't
4544s want to say I don't give timelines on it
4545s but that would be a a long ways down the
4548s road type thing to show up probably like
4551s it would in order to be
4554s um cost effective to make something like
4556s that compared to uh like a a weapon
4560s that's on fire
4561s um
4563s it would have to be pretty expensive by
4565s comparison to make up for that the time
4567s sink for it
4568s um so until we have more things in there
4571s I think
4573s um
4574s it'll it'll be a little bit of a delay a
4576s delayed feature
4584s all right
4586s hi long-term alcohol user here
4589s cool
4591s um if a train from Boston Massachusetts
4593s departs at 1400 hours with the speed of
4596s 100 kilometers an hour and a train from
4597s Phoenix Arizona to parts of 1430 what
4600s speed
4601s uh with a speed of two 120 kilometers
4603s per hour
4605s uh will you add more Mana recovery means
4607s probably not
4610s um
4611s but I mean what are the chances that
4613s those two trains would depart at the
4614s exact same time
4615s at those exact speeds because they
4617s probably start at a slower speed and
4620s then build up to it
4631s um
4634s and and and so like will you add more
4636s Mana recovery means it's a question uh
4639s it's probably not the question you want
4640s to ask the question you probably want to
4642s ask is will you add more Mana recovery
4644s means that I can stack with current
4645s amount of recovery means to increase my
4647s overall Mana recovery potential maximum
4651s um and the answer to that question is
4653s probably not
4654s or not in a meaningful way
4656s um but the answer to the question you
4658s asked was yeah
4661s but I don't think the question you asked
4662s was what you were trying to ask
4666s and I'm only giving you a hard time
4667s about it because it's so convoluted
4674s and I don't want to stop this to read
4676s the next question
4681s uh are you going to add any new modes
4684s and will mask us be changed in any way
4687s um
4688s adding new game modes like software
4691s hardcore masks that sort of stuff uh
4693s would be nice to do will he still hurt
4695s you
4699s we'll never know uh this one
4703s thank you give me give me give me we
4705s have a unique drop rate increase
4708s experience that's pretty sweet
4712s um so one thing to note here is it says
4714s wins a fortune because this is a
4715s standard blessing
4717s um when you complete an empowered model
4718s if you get Grand blessings so the uh the
4721s lowest that they can roll on the grand
4724s blessings so the the basic version of
4726s this one
4727s um would roll up to 15 and then someone
4730s starts at 16 going up so they're always
4731s better for the grand ones even a poorly
4733s rolled one compared to a perfectly
4734s rolled one
4737s but I think we're just gonna go for
4738s experience because I want to get that
4740s experience up
4745s uh
4748s let me add more new game modes we'll
4750s mask this mode changing anyway
4752s um I I'm not 100 sure on what's gonna
4754s happen with masochist it's still a
4756s little up in the air I think the goal is
4758s to keep it as is but who knows it's
4761s um
4763s new game modes that could potentially
4765s add new ladder splits is a tricky thing
4768s to incorporate well and we're still
4770s working the best way to do that if we do
4771s it at all
4773s because a lot of the time when you add a
4775s new game mode it's not actually that
4776s hard to do
4778s um but adding support for it in
4780s secondary systems like ladders it
4782s creates a bit of a bit of a problem
4785s um
4786s once again it's that multiplicative
4787s effects
4796s really multiplayer yes
4801s anyway to one hand a two-handed shield
4804s if not any plans to have it in the game
4808s um
4812s one hand a two-handed and a shield sorry
4815s um no we don't have any plans for that
4817s at the moment
4818s um that doesn't mean it will never
4819s happen but currently that's not
4821s something we're planning I think if it
4822s did happen
4824s um
4827s there's a lot of things that uh are
4830s built into the game right now that
4832s assume that can never happen
4835s um and it would require a surprising
4837s amount of uh
4839s uh revamping and stuff to actually make
4842s that work
4846s um both from a mechanical point and a
4848s design perspective as well
4850s um
4851s so there's there's no plans right now
4853s it's possible
4855s who knows
4860s charts yes please
4865s don't forget to put Atlas default game
4867s in your question or else I probably
4868s won't answer it
4873s uh Lassie Puck ever coming to console uh
4875s hopefully that's our goal
4877s um
4878s we we definitely won't be we haven't
4880s done any work on it we don't have a dev
4882s kit we don't have a relationship with
4884s Microsoft Sony Nintendo and any any
4887s console
4888s um creators we don't have a relationship
4889s that we're fostering yet with any of
4890s them where it's it's on our radar
4893s something we'd like to do but we know
4894s it's not something that we are planning
4895s to do for one point at launch and
4898s um we're focused on that right now so
4900s once once we're launched it's something
4901s we'll look at doing but
4903s um
4905s we we haven't started on it
4908s so someday hopefully
4914s uh I know you guys have a wish list of
4917s good things to put in game are there
4918s major things in other games you
4919s specifically do not ever want to put in
4921s uh yes
4926s um
4931s I don't really want to go into that too
4934s much it's it's not
4941s no
4943s I don't know how to explain that there's
4946s there's things yes there are things that
4947s we explicitly don't want to ever put in
4948s and they're and they sometimes they'll
4950s show up in other games yes
4952s um
4953s okay here's here's an example of
4954s something
4955s um on the Fly multiple Loadout switching
4958s so being able to completely switch all
4962s of your like equipment passives active
4965s skills all those things being able to
4967s bounce between loadouts loaded to
4968s Loadout on the Fly it's in Diablo 3 we
4970s don't plan on in Lassie bug
4974s will there be multiplayer yes
4978s uh will the impending flat melee damage
4982s update include updates to explicit
4984s affixes on uniques uh eye of green for
4987s example has added Melee fire damage
4989s explicit
4991s um it can I don't think it affects that
4993s one specifically uh I could be wrong on
4996s that
4997s um it's it's one of those things where
4999s every single unique we're looking at
5000s individual bases whether or not we think
5001s it's worthwhile if the
5003s um damage type is there specific to
5007s synergize with part of the
5010s um another part of the of the unique but
5012s doesn't specifically synergize with
5014s another piece of but it's not uh
5016s specifically relating to a certain skill
5017s that already has a damage type
5018s associated with it uh
5022s then it'll probably stay
5024s I think is what it is it's it's a unique
5026s by unique basis
5031s uh do you happen to play Destiny 2 I
5033s don't I've never played Destiny 2 at all
5036s so I'm sorry I can't uh I can't answer
5039s that one I know uh there are lots of
5041s people on our team that do and uh
5044s I'm sure lots would have interesting
5047s stuff on it but sorry I don't have
5048s anything
5051s um
5053s rhymer's like typing in Discord to me
5055s over here and I'm like
5056s he's gonna finish diving one of these
5057s days but I don't know what it is I'm
5058s really concerned like I said something
5060s wrong
5062s oh never mind he's just confirming what
5064s I'm saying about ivory
5066s Irene still has fire damage
5069s um but the implicit on Irene will change
5073s yeah
5075s yeah cool
5078s um no mistakes hi short time interim in
5083s writing Departments of the new house the
5085s dragon show here
5087s oh you were you were right you're a
5089s writer on House of dragon that's cool
5092s my wife and I have been watching it very
5094s intently uh we are currently running out
5096s of idea wait
5098s I can't tell if it's a joke or not uh
5100s we're currently running out of ideas the
5101s next season and our current ones are
5104s less than kind so you're hoping to
5107s borrow some more from this game would
5109s you be admittable to that also lending
5111s your writers thanks much appreciated I
5113s think that was a joke
5115s um
5117s but I mean you can contact support and
5119s they'll get you in touch with the right
5120s person
5121s uh any plans for dual living Shields I'd
5123s love to uh there's a few things that
5126s assume you can't do that right now oh my
5128s God I'd love to
5129s that that's that's one of those things
5131s maybe all these like weird like uh dig
5133s two-handed with the shields dueling
5135s Shields
5136s um a two-handed shield all those things
5139s yeah they're cool stuff we'd love to do
5141s it I I you know one day maybe
5145s um
5147s yeah I I don't don't count any of those
5150s things out but uh don't expect them for
5152s 1.0
5155s uh most Echoes have a lot of dead ends
5158s and are long-winded corridors learning
5160s plans to address this
5161s um so most of them are actually static
5165s Maps they're not they're not generated
5167s so there's no uh like generation
5169s algorithm to change for that
5171s um
5174s uh the dungeons
5177s is usually what what this comment is in
5179s reference to so I'm surprised there
5182s um
5183s so with regards to the models I mean
5185s we're always like updating monolith maps
5187s and adding more and trying to improve
5190s them so yes
5192s um but not specifically I'm not sure how
5194s to answer it sorry
5196s uh do you have any principles in place
5199s to either stem feature creep or improve
5202s tutorialization as more and more Cycles
5204s passes yeah I think that
5207s um
5213s the type of content that goes into
5215s Cycles will probably change as time goes
5219s on with those Cycles
5221s um to be more
5222s uh friendly to that type of issue
5233s like as we're
5236s at at launch and we start Cycles there's
5239s there's going to be this pretty big
5242s um I'd say there's gonna be this time
5243s period where we're still trying to get
5245s more content into the game because
5247s there's
5248s um yes there's a concern about content
5250s bloat in 10 years from now
5252s um but no one has that concern right now
5255s at all if anything the exact opposite
5257s everyone wants more content because
5258s there's still not enough stuff to do
5259s which which we totally understand
5262s um so the strategy for Cycles at least
5264s initially is
5266s um get stuff in making stuff that we can
5268s keep in the game long term uh
5272s uh and and and and like expands the
5275s activities that are possible
5278s um and then also designing those systems
5280s to have really
5283s good ways to um
5286s to implement Cycles relating to them in
5288s the future that don't cause a large
5291s feature creep expansion on um like uh so
5295s they don't add a lot of depth sorry they
5297s don't add a lot of complexity without
5298s adding depth
5302s that's pretty nice
5309s uh if I buy a supporter pack that allows
5311s unique creation can I hold on to it or
5314s does it have to be used in a certain
5315s amount of time
5317s um
5318s right now that's closed I think so uh
5321s unfortunately I don't think you can buy
5322s one at the moment sadly
5325s um because we're still catching up on
5327s the large large backlog uh it was much
5329s more popular than we expected
5331s and uh we gotta do a little catch up
5334s there but um
5336s we
5338s are so right now we're trying to get as
5341s many of them done as we can we do have
5343s some people who have requested not to do
5345s it until launch that's totally fine and
5347s we're respecting that and they're we're
5348s holding on to them until launch that's
5349s no problem
5351s um
5353s and I mean if you wanted to wait even
5355s longer after that I I don't see a
5357s problem with it there'd probably be some
5358s point where we'd go okay like
5362s time's running out you kind of gotta get
5364s on this
5366s um
5367s but no it's not some like
5369s uh buy it next day you get a phone call
5371s can you have 10 seconds to get your idea
5372s in or your bus no no no no no no no no
5379s what did we drop down over here oh it's
5381s a cool item
5391s makes you stronger when you're high
5392s health and helps you get back up to High
5394s Health when you're low health
5396s I like it
5399s oh if Ellie did come out on Console what
5402s would you guys make players oh that's
5406s loud
5408s uh if Ellie did come out on Console
5411s would you guys make players
5414s PC MTX shared to console
5418s uh oh I see what you're saying I I can't
5422s answer that question right now
5424s um
5425s because I just have no idea there might
5427s be some technical limitations there I
5429s think if I was gonna say a likely goal
5433s in that scenario would be to make
5436s everything
5437s cross-platform compatible that we could
5441s um whether that goal will be possible or
5444s not I don't know but
5446s um I think the goal the goal would be to
5449s be able to share that MTX if possible
5452s I just want to stressed that I have no
5454s idea if that's possible or not
5457s uh all right uh thank you son for the
5459s sub much appreciated glad to have you
5461s here hope you're having fun maybe learn
5463s something new
5465s because there's not much else to do
5472s all right
5473s next question
5476s did anyone did anyone figure out the
5478s reference I was asking about the Shell
5480s with the tiny wings Big Red Shell Tiny
5482s Wings
5483s it's a weapon from a beloved's RPG
5490s jrpg
5497s was the first collaboration ooh it was
5500s one of the first collaborations that I
5501s know of between two
5504s juggernauts of the gaming industry
5509s spawned an entire franchise of games
5513s with the most popular or even character
5516s ever
5522s was the possibly first time you could
5524s play as that the main character's
5526s traditional
5528s Prime villain
5533s Anton eight
5535s thank you very much what's up welcome
5536s welcome
5539s glad you're here glad you're having fun
5542s hanging out relaxing
5545s we don't have a pool so you can't hang
5546s out outside it
5548s all right uh would you guys please make
5552s the Biden's damage conversion apply to
5554s serpent strike and Javelin so I can get
5556s Electrify Prime list to work okay real
5559s question will you have dual class
5560s uniques where you can think still cost
5562s you so like uh uniques that are only be
5566s a little by two classes simultaneously
5567s we do have the capability for that
5570s um I think so far we've intentionally
5572s steered away from it
5574s um
5576s but we do have the functionality for
5578s that so maybe
5586s ow
5588s those are nice boots
5593s not my favorite base for blue but boot
5595s bases means less and less than most of
5597s their slots
5602s are developers happy with how easy
5605s difficult it is to reach max level in
5606s last Epoch no well
5609s um
5611s content happy overall yes I'm gonna
5614s change it also yes
5616s um
5617s I think it'll be
5619s the stretching the 95 to 100 range
5623s is likely going to happen
5627s um and not hugely so but it's a little
5630s too easy to get a level 100 character at
5632s the moment the amount of power you get
5634s in those last five levels is almost
5635s completely insignificant you're usually
5637s getting filler passives you're you're
5641s usually
5643s um you're not there's not much you're
5644s getting out of it there's no new items
5646s that have become able to be used due to
5648s level requirements
5650s um you know there's not a lot happening
5652s there it's mostly uh a bragging rights
5654s thing to get in that hitting that level
5655s 100 mark
5660s foreign
5666s we're not looking for a Diablo 2 level
5670s leveling curve
5671s um that's a little too extreme
5674s but um
5677s definitely harder than it is now
5680s and specifically looking at stretching
5681s the the the tail of that not
5685s um
5686s the whole thing
5690s I don't know if I just like missed if
5691s I'm like that far behind on the
5694s questions or if oh someone oh so close
5696s you got the name wrong
5700s oh for so close
5702s you've got the right game but it's the
5704s wrong item
5706s uh hi first year math students short
5709s time last Epoch enjoyer here
5712s glad to have you here
5718s fun fact uh computer science degrees are
5720s math degrees in Disguise so
5725s probably know uh all the classes you're
5728s taking I've probably taken let's have
5730s fun with those
5731s uh another last debug question for you
5734s I'm trying to prove that the whole one
5736s oh okay yeah
5738s uh I do not know the answer to this
5741s question off the top of my head yeah I
5743s shouldn't have bragged about taking the
5744s same classes until I read the whole
5745s question uh the problem statement
5748s suggests using binomial theorem but I've
5750s had a loss on how to apply it anyways
5752s will there be another gold sinks that
5754s the camp been gambling thanks yes there
5756s is and there already is another gold
5757s sink other than gambling which is the
5759s vaults of Uncertain fate which is um
5762s I I think we'd like more than that as
5764s well so adding more on top of that one
5767s is is the is the plan is the goal but um
5770s yeah we already have more than just
5771s gambling
5773s gamblings I wouldn't really even
5774s consider one because it's more of a
5776s leveling tool than an in-game gear
5778s acquisition tool
5780s because the gear you get out of gambling
5782s um gold gambling is not very good
5786s because it has um
5790s uh it has lower chances for for things
5793s to be good on it like it has less less
5795s forging potential it comes with
5797s um
5798s something else too
5800s maybe it's just Fortune potential
5805s but I just like go the wrong way
5806s completely
5810s let's just check let's make sure
5815s I should know this
5822s we're we're gonna we're gonna go the
5824s other way
5827s any boxes to jump to
5830s foreign
5835s [Music]
5839s it's not a Koopa shell
5842s it is Super Mario RPG legend of the
5844s Seven Stars it's not heavy Trooper shell
5846s no
5853s uh I I don't know what grpg the jrpg is
5856s Super Mario RPG Legend Seven Stars was
5858s released for the Super Nintendo actually
5859s after the N64 had already come out
5864s um and spawned the game franchise Paper
5867s Mario where you could play Bowser Peach
5869s as part of your uh Team it's part of
5872s your party introduced new characters the
5874s franchise such as mallow and Geno or
5876s Jenna depending on how you pronounce it
5880s was a sheer masterpiece
5886s the item in front of you is
5889s not heavy Chupa shell
5892s uh is it intentional that the character
5893s sometimes goes left after completing an
5895s echo
5897s um no but it is known why it happens
5901s um
5902s that's basically the entry point to the
5907s portal is listed as the last known
5910s movement position
5912s uh when you go through the portal and so
5915s you're always and it's always to the
5918s left of where the echo World spawns
5922s um so your character tries to just move
5924s to the nearest Point
5926s uh that on on the island that intersects
5928s with that with that movement point where
5930s the Zone was so it always goes left
5933s I'm sure it'll be fixed it's it's a bug
5939s uh will you add a search bar for Echoes
5941s especially when re-rolling uh rewards
5944s it's quite the task to look over all of
5945s them we actually intentionally don't
5947s have that at the moment but uh it is
5949s possible that we could add something
5950s like that best to put uh requests like
5953s that on the forums
5957s well since it's not a new request
5960s that that is a frequently Asked thing
5962s Physics degree are also masteries yes
5965s it's true about the semester in a
5967s nuclear lab yeah
5970s I actually started going for a Physics
5972s degree and then was like wait a minute I
5974s love these programming classes
5982s lazy shell
5984s there we are
5988s way to go here we are
5995s here is a little teaser of some some
5999s content that's being added in next match
6008s foreign
6009s [Music]
6015s don't know what happened there
6028s cool
6031s all right hi shift Barber
6035s uh at Rogue razor Barbershop here no
6038s questions regarding Ellie just letting
6040s you know that we have our 95 discount if
6041s you ever visit one of our shops and
6043s complete shave off thanks
6045s [Laughter]
6048s uh do you guys ever uh add a profile
6051s viewer on your website lets you view
6053s people's characters that's that's an
6056s um an interesting feature request that
6057s we we have got a fair few times and
6058s considered uh we'd love to have
6061s something like that in place
6063s um it's not a 1.0
6066s goal for us at the moment
6073s spiky bees yeah spiky bees
6076s oh my gosh I caught up
6078s just
6095s that's right I cut up
6099s don't forget about last default game
6101s with a question if you want me to answer
6102s I see this one when is multiplayer
6103s supposed to come for us to play with I
6105s know suspend asked but I only joined now
6107s we don't have a set date for it I've
6109s seen your follow-up question that you
6110s thought it was supposed to be early
6111s September that was never announced and
6114s was unfortunately propagated as
6116s misinformation by many people
6119s um but it was never said that
6122s multiplayer would be coming early
6123s September
6126s um I actually really explicitly said
6127s that was not the case so many dozen
6130s times
6132s um
6133s but I didn't find all the times it was
6135s said I was like lurking social media
6138s and like forums and everything trying to
6140s correct everything I could find of that
6141s for quite a while there
6148s um yeah it's it's work in progress we've
6150s got our community tested program up and
6152s running that's going fantastic
6155s um there's still a lot to implement
6156s though there's still a lot of stuff
6157s that's like if if we opened it up now
6160s every the response would overwhelmingly
6162s be oh my God what are you doing why'd
6164s you turn it on right now this is not
6166s even anywhere near complete
6169s um
6170s so there's still stuff like like you
6171s can't create legendary items yet
6174s um you can't none of the dungeons are
6177s playable fully
6179s um
6180s I don't think the arena the arena
6182s probably works that's one of the first
6183s things we put in actually
6187s empowered monoliths work
6192s um
6203s foreign
6205s and if you do get into the community
6207s tested program to do that please don't
6208s expect a
6210s polished finished product
6212s there's a lot there's a lot still uh
6214s still needs polishing
6218s but the important stuff is is really the
6220s important stuff that we've been working
6222s on and focusing on things like
6223s transition times and should stability
6228s um you see the term matchmaking a lot in
6230s our in our updates
6231s um and what they're actually referring
6233s to is the the game server's abilities to
6235s place you in the correct Zone
6238s um the correct instance of the Zone with
6240s the right people on the Fly quickly
6244s so being able to say like okay you've
6246s gone to this new zone go find the server
6249s out there that has the rest of your
6250s party in it and put you in that same
6253s server
6254s properly
6256s um and that's that's a huge portion of
6258s getting multiple to work smoothly
6260s um and it's actually going really well
6261s which is great
6267s you found me for anything specific no
6269s I'm just trying to complete uh all the
6272s monoliths I don't have because I'm a
6273s terrible terrible cheater I don't have
6276s um oh that's what I get I don't have any
6279s blessings for two of them still so I'm
6281s I'm just trying to get finish up
6282s blessings
6284s um
6287s basically
6292s glad I could catch one of your dead
6294s streams glad to have you here slam sauce
6296s uh loving your game quick question are
6300s you planning on changing hitboxes hammer
6302s throw often goes through spiders and
6303s such certain enemies not being able to
6305s take damage but certain well certain
6308s animations like the rat's mid-jump yes
6310s this has been addressed and is fixed for
6312s next match
6314s um we've implemented a new system for
6316s throwing abilities where they
6318s um
6319s have two colliders one for
6323s um
6324s terrain Collision detection and one for
6327s enemy Collision detection and so they
6330s they do better in small in tighter
6332s tighter areas
6334s um so they they exist a little bit nicer
6337s it still will like it throws directly
6339s into a wall it'll still explode but it's
6342s a little friendlier that way
6344s um
6347s and it's got a little bigger hitbox so
6349s it hits things like smaller smaller
6351s animals it hits easier
6354s um and then on top of that with regards
6355s to the
6357s mid-jump
6359s question we've uh we we had a problem
6362s that required us to make things immune
6365s while jumping
6368s um and we fixed that problem for the
6370s most part well we didn't fix that
6372s problem but we
6374s um found a workaround to it by
6376s um making it so things can take damage
6378s while jumping and their health can go to
6381s zero well jumping but they can't die
6382s until they land so they'll
6385s um they'll like die in midair but
6388s they'll still finish the jump and then
6390s they'll drop gear once they land
6392s um
6395s so you can kill stuff in mid-air now
6397s well you will be able to next match
6401s uh
6403s um should have been asked before but I
6404s have not seen it answered personally
6406s when could we expect trading to come
6408s sometime after 1.0 there will be a
6410s method by which items can be transferred
6413s between two players
6414s in 0.9 when that comes out
6424s thank you
6427s if I de-specialize a skill we look at
6430s the same XP bonus that removing a point
6432s does uh yep
6437s so the way it works is the amount of XP
6439s bone like there's there's basically a
6441s big a big table that says okay when a
6444s skill is at this level and your
6446s character level is this level
6449s um what's the experience gain rate of
6451s that of that uh ability and
6455s um
6455s so like as your character level goes up
6459s So like
6460s um a level 10 character with a level
6462s five ability
6464s will level up will that ability will
6467s level up slower than a level 50
6469s character with a level five ability at
6471s level 50 that ability levels up faster
6473s because you're a higher level so it
6474s catches up to your expected ability
6476s level faster
6479s I don't have that table on me I'm sorry
6488s okay okay let's put this way
6492s hmm
6496s I hope I didn't miss anything but I
6499s probably did
6500s uh hi a philosophy minor and
6504s coincidentally Amazon warehouse employee
6506s I feel like you don't uh have all of
6509s these
6510s um
6511s jobs and or uh School enrollment titles
6515s that that you might be saying might be a
6517s little bit misleading just I'm sorry if
6519s that's offensive but you know I'm
6521s speculating oh I love I love exalteds
6523s that only have a single epics oh I love
6525s it when that happens the good ethics too
6529s that's cool that's a cool item
6533s um
6534s get to the question here uh what is the
6536s point of RPG games they're a lot of fun
6541s to enjoy yourself you just aimlessly run
6543s over and over tell us it's killing the
6545s same monsters in order to get the same
6546s loot to make your characters run the
6549s same tiles that's faster and get more
6550s loot to kill faster uh this is reminding
6552s me of a real life job except I am a
6554s monster to be slain and it's not a
6556s player
6559s yeah I think the uh
6563s I I don't know who's to say if you're
6565s actually asking serious questions or
6566s joking here at this point but I'll
6568s answer like it's a real question
6570s um I I think it's different for everyone
6572s I think that's something that's really
6573s cool about games in general is that they
6575s don't necessarily have to have a
6577s specific point
6579s um to be fun to be enjoyable and
6583s um I think what we try and do is create
6585s an environment for people to have to
6587s create their own fun experiences in
6590s um and less about
6593s uh let's start trying to create the
6596s experiences ourselves but yeah creating
6598s the tools to get people to make their
6600s own experiences that are fun and
6602s um
6603s a lot of times that that simply just
6605s comes from like
6607s tension and resolution so having having
6611s a goal and seeing if you're able to
6613s complete it or not and then whether or
6615s not you're successful
6623s a lot of that's self-created
6625s but um
6627s yeah it's a lot of fun I think
6630s that's what I'm here for
6634s I love those moments when you're like
6637s I can't really play hardcore in these
6638s games very much anymore just because of
6640s the time but like
6642s you just
6644s like when you just barely don't die you
6646s survive and you finish the boss fight
6648s you've been trying to do for a while
6649s this one looks really cool it's a lot of
6650s fun
6652s the accomplish from the achievements
6654s overcoming a challenge
6657s all right I'm new to the game wondering
6660s if a full Thorns builds Bible end game
6662s yeah I Define viable and probably not
6666s very great uh if so what classes should
6669s it be for I think I think the best one
6671s right now is druid
6673s I think
6675s um
6677s but it's probably doable
6680s in Sentinel as well
6682s somewhere but it's singing
6685s if you'd best go ask one of the
6688s um big streamers or go asking our
6690s Discord some of you'll help you out a
6691s little bit better
6692s is it a known issue probably uh that the
6696s alignment node and the Paladin tree goes
6697s up uh gets used up instantly when you
6700s have holy Aura equipped even though it
6702s does not heal
6704s uh probably I don't have a full list of
6706s the of the nodes it's probably uh just
6709s as like on using a healing ability and
6712s it has some healing tag on it that's
6714s causing the trigger
6716s uh what's the captain's ring for been
6719s holding on to it just in case
6721s um it was a bit of a it's a bit of a
6723s tutorialization moment
6725s um because that one has
6727s I think stun avoidance on it
6731s I think
6735s that's what it is yeah exactly but it's
6737s it's designed as like a hey this stat
6740s exists and it's something you might want
6741s to pay attention to type tutorialization
6743s moment is because kind of kind of what
6745s that's
6746s uh trying to imply
6749s but yes if you don't know it's an item
6751s that can only be found at a very
6752s specific point early on in the campaign
6759s I hang potatoes from people's garages
6762s and my wife aligns the chakras of number
6765s two pencils we're in the market for a
6768s two million dollar home what's your
6769s favorite RPG experience
6773s this is just great
6776s is this some Trend that I'm just like
6777s oblivious to because I love it oh
6783s uh
6785s what's my favorite
6788s other games I I like like coming from
6791s the I think if you're talking about
6792s their games specifically it's Diablo 2
6794s is my
6796s it's my Once and Future Love
6800s um
6801s and I
6802s yeah it's just it's wonderful
6815s specific experience the first time I
6818s killed Ubers in Diablo 2. I remember it
6821s very clearly
6824s um
6825s because I had
6827s failed to prepare properly the first
6829s time
6830s and ended up having to ditch the run so
6833s I'd spent all this time getting the keys
6834s and Lilith is a pain and I'd like it's
6837s been so long trying to get Lilith farmed
6840s and I was I was young enough that I
6842s wasn't really I don't know why I didn't
6843s consider it at the time but like I would
6845s open
6846s like multiples I would open like one
6849s portal in in each game trying to get the
6851s right portal next like so I'd get three
6853s keys open a portal and try to get three
6855s keys open up what I'm trying to do so I
6856s wasted so many keys
6859s um I ended up with like three horns and
6860s you know like it was bad anyways
6864s um
6865s remember finally Downing it and it was
6867s right after I got Akira's Kira's
6869s Guardianship and like
6871s that was enough to put me over the edge
6873s to actually finish it because I didn't
6874s understand at the time that conviction
6876s was ruining my resistances as much as it
6880s was and I needed to that that cures was
6882s enough to bump it up High Enough
6894s a long time ago
6899s all right
6901s D2 as I want some future love your wife
6904s nose and is happy with that I I can love
6909s more than one thing at a time I could
6911s love Diablo 2 and my wife right
6914s right
6927s I saw a post on Reddit the other day it
6929s was like
6930s ah
6934s it was it was about knowing the
6937s difference between like different
6938s different cities in the world and only
6941s uh people who play Forex games a lot
6943s know about this and like the spouse of
6945s anyone who plays or knows this
6947s difference knows they have to share you
6948s with it with every
6949s sieve and sieve clone there is
6955s that's the only type of game that gets
6956s me Forex games
6962s oh Tyrion you got Auto modded
6965s that's a long one too
6968s it's fine
6976s okay
6987s here I'm tired of Friday bullying me as
6991s well as people of the of the uh genders
6994s fantasizing my limbs in addition a
6998s countless number of Travelers have come
7000s to my Hideout receive some sort of
7001s blessing I tickle them a little if they
7004s survive I tell them to oh my total my
7007s local dialect could you please add more
7009s substance to my experience thank you
7010s yeah like God's a tricky one and uh
7013s there's lots more to come there
7018s oh that's it's not it's not terrible I'm
7021s just saying yeah
7024s well
7026s I don't know why I took so long to show
7028s any of these but here we go here's
7029s another little little
7031s another B teaser
7040s what's your favorite 4X and why is it
7043s not
7044s I don't know what smac or call to power
7046s one
7049s oh Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri that's
7051s what it is
7052s um
7053s Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
7056s like
7058s there's so many great and terrible
7060s things about that game Civ 2 was my
7063s entry into
7065s uh
7066s into 4X games
7069s um and so yeah I'll centari is
7072s interesting but uh I I I didn't have it
7075s when I was a kid
7078s my favorite like Civ six is my favorite
7081s so
7082s um it's
7085s there's a lot of really great things
7087s that a lot of other games do in the
7088s genre and like old world is
7092s old world is so phenomenal
7096s um I wish there was a little bit more to
7098s it like uh probably like more Empires to
7102s play as
7103s um
7104s more scenario types to get into that
7106s sort of stuff but like uh old world
7109s so six just has got everything and
7114s um
7115s like like oh you just get into so many
7119s mods playing for so long but like
7128s you can get a it's a comfort game for me
7130s at this point I don't play very much
7132s anymore
7134s Seven's probably in in the works
7144s it was already in the game I have no
7146s idea but have you guys thought of making
7147s it unique that turns all of your bees
7149s into queen bees buffing them well I mean
7152s like I don't think a hive can have
7154s multiple Queens right it's like I think
7156s that would cause problems
7158s um
7160s and I've always pictured the like
7162s the B
7164s mechanics being something that you could
7167s that you turn into like some sort of way
7169s to generate I don't know pheromones or
7171s however they communicate to
7173s uh become acting like the queen yourself
7191s there we go despair
7194s I'll take it
7197s a good way to end up I've got I've
7199s actually got one more little teaser too
7201s I was I was looking for places to slip
7203s these in and I just like
7205s didn't do a good job of it why is it
7207s tiny is it oh goodness
7209s yeah so yeah there it is uh a little
7212s little VFX update for serpent strike
7214s that is coming in
7218s um
7220s is there audio playing with that why is
7221s there's no audio playing
7227s well that's frustrating I'm sorry
7229s it's got a great new sound effect too
7232s and the animation scales to the taxi
7234s yeah that's a big thing thanks again
7246s all right oh that's right we're done
7249s done with time here I'm just gonna round
7251s out with a couple last minute questions
7252s as we finish up what do we got here
7257s uh someone else asked this but got lost
7259s in chat I want to know two how many
7261s chapters do you plan to have for the
7263s campaign I think there's three more
7264s chapters see the two or three more
7266s chapters more than what's there now
7270s um and that's some of that's coming post
7272s 1.0
7273s how much for an MCX that turns my druid
7276s playing bees into a girl from The Blind
7278s Melon music video I don't know what that
7281s is I'm sorry uh and we want to keep
7283s things in in world so in
7286s um
7288s things that
7291s like
7293s could exist in the world already like we
7295s don't want to go too out of Universe for
7297s things
7299s llama three more chapters yeah I think
7301s that's right
7301s all right I think that'll just do it for
7304s us today
7305s I hope you had fun I know I did
7309s um
7310s thanks for sticking around
7312s asking me questions talking and stuff
7317s we'll be back same time same place next
7319s week uh if you if you really want to ask
7322s more questions between now and then I'm
7324s very happy to answer them I do my best
7325s to keep up on Discord or ask the dev's
7327s channel as much as possible we also are
7329s pretty active on our forums Reddit lots
7331s of other great community members
7333s um it's a little square to the
7334s communities too I've seen some other
7335s discords and some there's lots of
7337s streamers lots of great places around
7338s not just official stuff that uh have
7341s people hanging out talking discussing
7343s about last Epoch stuff and I encourage
7345s you to check out them all because
7346s they're wonderful people