5 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

Thank you very much for putting together these great clips! Pathing issues like these need to be addressed on a case by case basis, so having videos of where exactly it’s happening is perfect. I’ve passed this along to the team for these areas to be addressed.

5 months ago - KissingAiur - Direct link

Hi user38,

We addressed a bunch of these internally recently, but I did take a look at a couple that I missed during my pass of pathing problems. I was able to reproduce all but the one in the The Frozen Fortress internally. I did notice we made some adjustments to this zone so I’m hoping that is why I am not seeing the same results as you are. If this is not the case and you are experiencing the same problems after we pushed out our resolution to these problems, please let us know.

Thank for bringing this up to us and take care!