0.8.3 Patch Notes
Sands of Majasa, Patch 0.8.3 is coming 2021-09-03T16:00:00Z ! While you wait, check out all the changes:
Sands of Majasa Patch 0.8.3 Overview by Game Director, Judd Cobler.
Table of Contents |
1. Campaign |
2. Monolith of Fate |
3. Endgame Balance |
4. Arena |
5. New Skills |
6. Acolyte Skill Changes |
7. Mage Skill Changes |
8. Primalist Skill Changes |
9. Rogue Skill Changes |
10. Sentinel Skill Changes |
11. Mechanics |
12. Passives |
13. User Interface |
14. Items |
15. Uniques |
16. Enemies |
17. Visuals |
18. Sound & Music |
19. Controller Support |
20. Optimization |
21. Bug Fixes |
Chapter 9: Sands of Majasa
To stop the Void from ensuring the dark fate of the world, you must destroy the Immortal Emperor, who is believed to be the one who unleashed it. This quest takes you to the Divine Era to search for The Lance of Heorot, an ancient weapon Heorot once wielded against his son Morditas.
To renew the power once held by the lance you must obtain the Blessing of the Gods. You have agreed to help your new allies Yulia and Greal defeat the sun god, Rahyeh. In exchange, you will receive the Lance of Heorot for your use against the Immortal Emperor afterward. Your journey so far has earned you the blessings of Heorot and Lagon, leaving Majasa’s as the final blessing.
This update includes Chapter 9 of Last Epoch’s story, where you will venture through the desert to the city of Maj’elka on your quest to meet with the serpent Goddess, Majasa. You’ll need to gain her blessing to empower the Lance of Heorot to have even a chance to stop Rahyeh from continuing his divine conquest.
- 15 new zones across multiple environments
- New voice acting, music and cutscenes
- New boss encounters
- 30+ new enemies
Returning players: At the End of Time you will receive a quest to return to Thetima and speak with Yulia to proceed onwards.
Monolith of Fate
Monolith of Fate changes
- Changed the levels of early timelines to account for the addition of Chapter 9:
- Fall of the Outcasts is now level 58 (from 55).
- The Stolen Lance is now level 62 (from 60).
- The Black Sun is now level 66 (from 65).
- Killing a Timeline boss with 50+ corruption now offers 4 blessing choices, or 5 blessing choices at 200+ corruption.
- Shade of Orobyss echoes that increase corruption in empowered timelines that are not your highest corruption timeline now grant bonus corruption.
- The bonus scales with the difference in corruption between the current timeline and your highest corruption timeline.
- The bonus also scales with the distance of the shade echo from the origin.
- The Shade of Orobyss now gains 5% increased health per 10 corruption (from 4%). This is additive with health increases it gains from monolith mods and how far the Shade echo is from the center of the web.
- Fixed a bug where increased rarity from monolith modifiers did not affect normal, magic, or rare item drops.
- Monolith objective item drop quantity scales 20% more slowly with distance from the center of the web and 25% more slowly with corruption (to offset effect of increased item rarity now working).
- All spires have a 50% longer delay between attacks.
- Bone spire projectiles are now aimed at where the target is when the ability starts, not at where the target is when the small projectiles are created (which is about 1.3 second later). The indicator now also shows the direction of the projectiles.
- Vessels of memory can now spawn slightly closer to the center of the web.
- The current wave number is now shown in Arena echoes.
- Crit avoidance monolith mod
- Grants enemies 20% avoidance and 20% increased health at base (from 25%).
- Caps at 35% avoidance and 35% increased health (from 45%).
- Grants 10% increased rarity at base (from 12%).
Timeline Exclusive Rewards
- Timelines now have exclusive echo reward types that grant unique or set items of specific types
- Fall of the Outcasts can have unique or set Bows or Quivers.
- The Stolen Lance can have unique or set Caster Weapons.
- The Black Sun can have unique or set Helmets or Shields.
- Blood, Frost, and Death can have unique or set Body Armour.
- Ending the Storm can have unique or set Gloves.
- Fall of the Empire can have unique or set Belts.
- Reign of Dragons can have unique or set Melee Weapons.
- The Last Ruin can have unique or set Relics.
- The Reign of Winter can have unique or set Rings or Amulets.
- Spirits of Fire can have unique or set Boots.
- Boss specific unique/set drops
- All timeline bosses now have 4 specific drops (from 3), this means there are 10 new uniques to farm from them.
- The two existing non-empowered specific drops are still mutually exclusive, but now have equal drop rates, rather than one being much more common than the other.
- The drop chance of the empowered specific drop now scales with the timeline’s increased item rarity
- There is a new unique drop for each timeline boss that is not empowered specific, but which has a drop chance that similarly scales with the timeline’s increased item rarity.
- In most cases the new unique added is this new type of drop, but for the Spirits of Fire and The Last Ruin timelines the new uniques are empowered specific, while the old empowered specific uniques are no longer empowered specific.
The empowered versions of all non-shard drop rate blessings have had their max roll buffed by around 20%.
- Grand Pride of Rebellion can roll up to 100% increased drop rate (from 80%)
- Grand Sight of the Outcasts can roll up to 100% increased drop rate (from 80%)
- Grand Grand Curse of Flesh can roll up to 100% increased drop rate (from 80%)
- Grand Favor of Souls can roll up to 100% increased drop rate (from 80%)
- Grand Mark of Agony can roll up to 100% increased drop rate (from 80%)
- Grand Arrogance of Argentus can roll up to 50% increased drop rate (from 40%)
- Grand Embrace of Ice can roll up to 50% increased drop rate (from 40%)
- Grand Grip of the Lance can roll up to 75% increased drop rate (from 60%)
- Grand Right of Conquest can roll up to 75% increased drop rate (from 60%)
- Grand Reach of Flame can roll up to 75% increased drop rate (from 60%)
- Grand Binds of Sanctuary can roll up to 75% increased drop rate (from 60%)
- Grand Slumber of Morditas can roll up to 60% increased drop rate (from 50%)
- Grand Talon of Granduer can roll up to 75% increased drop rate (from 60%)
- Grand Vision of the Aurora can roll up to 75% increased drop rate (from 60%)
- Grand Might of the Siege can roll up to 75% increased drop rate (from 60%)
- Grand Cruelty of Formosus can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
- Grand Savior of the North can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
- Grand Chill of Death can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
- Grand Enmity of the Clans can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
- Grand Ambition of the Empire can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
- Grand Scars of Blood can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
- Grand Favor of the Wengari can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
- Grand Resolve of Frost can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
- Grand Shards of Unity can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
- Grand Remorse of Heorot can roll up to 90% increased drop rate (from 75%)
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Endgame Balance
- Mitigate the feeling that early Monolith is significantly easier than Chapter 8/9.
- Fix enemies from Chapter 7 and beyond being notably more dangerous in endgame than other enemies.
- Shift power away from echo mods and towards base monster power and core corruption scaling.
- Fix Fall of the Outcasts and other early timelines being easier to farm when empowered than other timelines due to slower mod scaling and lower mod duration.
- Monsters receive a greater bonus to health and damage from level 40 onwards:
- At level 60 monsters have 3.2% more health and 6.2% more damage.
- At level 80 monsters have 3.8% more health and 5.1% more damage.
- At level 100 monsters have 3.7% more health and 6.0% more damage.
- Chapter 7, 8, and 9 monsters have had their base health and damage reduced so that the above change has a net zero effect on them during the campaign.
- In endgame they will be slightly stronger than before, but not to nearly the same extent as enemies from earlier chapters.
- Echoes now roll mods with durations of 3 to 6 at maximum (from 5 to 8).
- Echo mod power now scales much more slowly with corruption.
- Echo mod power now scales slightly more slowly with distance from the origin.
- Echo mod duration and power scaling is now the same across all timelines at mid to high corruption.
- The bonuses corruption grants to monster damage, monster health, experience gain, and increased rarity now scale more linearly with corruption:
- At corruption 100 and below there is no change.
- At corruption 200 these bonuses are now 100% (from 95%).
- At corruption 400 these bonuses are now 190% (from 166%).
- At corruption 800 these bonuses are now 333% (from 270%).
- Damage scaling in the arena has been slightly reduced to compensate for the higher damage bonus from monster level (this does not completely offset it).
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- Replaced Golden Arena Keys with Arena Keys of Memory, which start an arena run with 100 waves already completed, or half the waves you completed in your previous arena run rounded to the nearest 10, whichever is higher.
- For example, if your previous run ended at wave 120 if you start your next run with an Arena Key of Memory it’ll start at wave 100, but if your previous run ended at wave 300 your next run will start at wave 150.
- Slightly reduced XP gain in the Arena.
New Skills
- Multistrike joins the ranks of 0 mana cost Sentinel melee skills. Its damage ramps up over time as you use it by creating more and more extra hits to other nearby enemies. Multistrike has synergies with skills in all three masteries and could be an appealing option to any melee build. It’s unlocked at 15 points into Sentinel passives.
- Javelin is a throwing attack with a fast piercing projectile helping to round out the Sentinel’s arsenal. Its specialization tree is packed with several unique nodes that significantly change its functionality. It’s unlocked at character level 18.
Void Cleave
- Void Cleave is a powerful melee attack with a short cooldown and moderate mana cost that hits all enemies in front of you while also granting additional forward momentum. This skill requires a 2-handed sword or axe to be equipped, does not rely upon weapon reach, and added damage applies at 400% effectiveness! It’s unlocked at character level 19.
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Acolyte Skills
Going into 0.8.3, the Necromancer had several issues mostly centering around its class specific skills, Dread Shade, Summon Wraith, and Assemble Abomination. All of these skills have received changes to their base functionality and moderate changes to their trees. These are intended to curtail overpowered or problematic abilities, provide more opportunities for permanent minion playstyles, and add more synergy with the newest Acolyte minion, Volatile Zombie.
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Unlock Order
- Harvest is now unlocked at character level 5 (from level 6).
- Bone Curse is now unlocked at character level 7 (from level 8).
- Transplant is now unlocked at character level 9 (from level 13).
- Volatile Zombie is now unlocked at character level 13 (from level 16).
- Reap and Transplant now share a cooldown. This brings maximum mobility more in line with other classes and Reaper Form is powerful enough without having two movement skills that can be used back to back.
Wraith Changes
- You are now limited to 6 wraiths in total (including Flame Wraiths and Putrid Wraiths).
- Basic Summoned wraiths deal 80% more damage.
- Putrid Wraiths and Flame Wraiths deal 80% more damage.
- Blood Wraiths deal 21% more damage.
- Blood Wraiths, Putrid Wraiths and Flame Wraiths no longer decay more slowly than regular Wraiths.
- Blood Wraiths no longer count as a type of Wraith and have been renamed to Blood Spectres. They are no longer available on the Summon Wraith tree, but remain summonable via other trees.
- Nodes on the Necromancer and Lich Tree that previously summoned Putrid Wraiths now summon Skeleton Vanguards instead.
- The node on the Lich Tree that previously summoned Putrid Wraiths can have 2 points allocated (from 3).
assemble Abomination
- Base Skill Changes
- Necromancers with Assemble Abomination specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.
- Absorbs minions 150% faster.
- 7% larger absorption radius.
- Deals 6% more damage.
- Skill Tree Changes
- Necromancers with Assemble Abomination specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.
- Removed the nodes that made the abomination faster to summon or absorb minions from a larger radius, Voracity, Gluttony, and Covetous Consumption. Players felt these were significant QoL improvements but couldn’t justify giving up combat stats, so we rolled these into the base skill.
- Added a new node that restricts the abomination to only consuming skeletons and skeletal mages, but prevents it from decaying while you control fewer than six skeletons or skeletal mages.
- Added a new node that gives the Abomination an explosive tail slam if you consume a volatile zombie to summon it.
- Fixed an oversight where Soul Reave dealt substantially less damage than the Abomination’s default melee attack.
- Stomp deals 60% more damage.
- Shattered Limbs grants 100% increased critical strike chance (from 50%), but can have 1 point allocated (from 2).
- Repugnant Presence grants 12% reflect and 12% increased threat generated (from 10% and 20%).
- Hulking Mass grants 15% more health per point (from 10%).
- Domination grants 8% more damage (from 10%), but can have 4 points allocated (from 3).
- Dead Eye causes arrow novas every 4 seconds (from 3 in tooltip, 5 in reality)
- Horrific Volley grants 40% more arrow nova damage (from 30%) and 15% increased arrow nova frequency (from 20% increased frequency in tooltip, but 20% reduced interval in reality - i.e. 50% increased frequency per point if you had 3 points allocated).
- Horrific Volley can have 4 points allocated (from 3).
- The Devouring Souls skill granted by Corrupt Palate has a 6 second cooldown (from 8 seconds).
- Corrupt Palate requires 3 points in The Quick and the Dead (from 4).
- Consume requires 1 point in The Quick and the Dead or Stitched Flesh and vice versa.
- The Quick and the Dead requires 1 point in Consume (from 2 points) or 2 points in Fractured End (from 2 points in Domination).
- Stitched Flesh requires 1 point in Consume (from 2 points).
- Fractured End is attached to the root node (from requiring 2 points in Domination or Veracity).
- Engorgement requires 2 points in Domination (from 2 points in Hulking Mass).
- Dead Eye requires 3 points in Hulking Mass (from 4).
Aura of Decay
- Each time Aura of Decay poisons enemies it now applies your Chance to Poison on Hit at 15% effectiveness.
- Absence of Life now heals 2% per point (from 3%).
Bone Golem
- World Pyre grants +40% fire aura area and 15% more damage over time (from 30% and 10%), but can have 5 points allocated (from 7).
- Hunger grants 13 health gained (from 7).
- Amalgam of Primalists grants 80 armour (from 60).
- Twinned Golems reduces size and health by 35% (from 40%).
- The Tower of Bones node now increases threat generated by 15% (from 25%).
Death Seal
- Insatiable Soul grants 32% increased hungering soul frequency (from 40%).
- Entreat The Damned now increases the duration for which spirits are revealed (from increasing the duration of individual spirits).
- Flesh Pact grants 35 health per second (from 25).
- Frenzied Accord grants the minion 70% more damage and crit chance (from 60).
Drain Life
- Eternal Servitude now prevents Wandering Spirits from expiring if it is active when you start channelling, but individual spirits still expire as normal (from preventing a number of individual spirits from expiring) and can now have 1 point allocated (from 3).
Dread Shade
- Base Skill Changes
- Dread Shade no longer grants 25% more damage (multiplicative with other modifiers).
- Dread Shade now grants +10 necrotic damage to spells and attacks and 50% increased necrotic damage.
- Skill Tree Changes
- Acolytes with Dread Shade specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.
- Added a new node that limits you to one dread shade, but prevents it from draining the minion’s health (increases to minion health drain from the tree instead increase the damage it takes) and increases its duration to 30 seconds.
- Added a new node that gives you a chance to summon a volatile zombie when a minion targeted with dread shade dies.
- Added a new node that converts Dread Shade’s base buff from added and increased necrotic damage to poison chance and increased poison damage.
- The Taunt from the Deadlock nodes now only lasts 4 seconds (from unlimited duration).
- The Egoism node adds an 18 second cooldown (from 6 seconds).
- All For One grants 60% more damage (from 100%).
- Dying Coven grants 8% increased attack and cast speed (from 15%), but requires 1 point in Spectral Presence (from 2).
- Martyrdom now grants 25 armour per Vitality (from 25 armour per intelligence) and requires 1 point in Wisdom of the Dead (from 2).
- Doom Brand’s proc now deals 100% more damage and Doom brand requires 2 points in Flesh Harvest (from 1 point in Spectral Presence).
- Lingering Doom only reduces health drain by 8% (from 10%), but now also adds 4 necrotic damage to spells and attacks and can have 4 points allocated (from 3).
- Blind Fury only increases attack and cast speed by 40% (from 50%).
- Doomed Wrath only grants 15% more damage (from 20%).
- Congregation of Shades requires 2 points in Wisdom of the Dead (from 3) and now correctly states that it’s +1 maximum shade effect applies to the global shade limit, rather than specifically to Dread Shade.
- Scorching Brand requires 3 points in Frenzied Phantom (from 4) and now correctly states that it gives Haste for as long as it remains on the target, rather than only for one second.
- Pernicious Pact now requires 1 point in the new poison conversion node (from 3 points in Lingering Doom).
- Grim Fate now requires 2 points in Dying Coven (from 2 points in Spectral Presence or 2 points in Dying Light).
- Frenzied Phantom now requires 1 point in Congregation of Shades (from 2 in Wisdom of the Dead).
- Dying Light now requires 1 point in Duskheart (from 2).
- Bane of Death now requires 3 points in Grim Fate (from 4).
Infernal Shade
- Infernal Shade deals 20% more damage.
- Demonic Tether now grants 40% ignite chance per second (from 20%).
Soul Feast
- Deals 7% more damage.
- Hits up to 13 targets by default (from 10).
- States its added damage effectiveness on its alt tooltip.
Spirit Plague
- Aims: Reduce power while levelling, add a significant source of late game power. Reign in the crazy stacking on affliction effects from nodes like Pestilence, while providing some compensation buffs.
- Spirit Plague deals 10% less damage
- Added a new node that grants necrotic spell damage per intelligence.
- Pestilence grants 5% increased damage over time per point and stacks up to 13 times (from 15% increased damage over time and unlimited stacks) and can have 3 points allocated (from 5). Stacks of Pestilence are now shown on the UI.
- Endless Decay grants 7% increased poison damage and stacks up to 13 times (from 20% increased poison damage and unlimited stacks).
- Removed Horrific Fascination.
- Contagion adds 20 to mana cost (from 25).
- Scourge grants 75% more damage (from 60%).
- Exsanguination grants 50% increased bleed effect (from 40%).
- Putrid Recovery can have 3 points allocated (from 2).
- Toxic Transmission can have 3 points allocated (from 2).
- Gift of Death requires 2 points in Toxic Transmission (from 1).
- Plague Bearer requires 2 points in Pestilence (from 3).
Summon Skeleton
- Individual Operator
- Fixed a bug where it increased other sources of increased cooldown recovery speed, rather than increasing cooldown recovery speed itself.
- Fixed a bug where it accumulated each time a rogue was summoned (e.g. after summoning 4 rogues the next rogue would receive the stat at 5x effect).
- These two bugs resulted in Rogues receiving up to a very high amount of cooldown recovery speed if you had minion cooldown recovery speed idols, and none otherwise.
- The node now also grants skeleton rogues 50% more damage per point, also divided by your maximum number of rogues.
Summon Wraith
- Necromancers with Summon Wraith specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.
- Echoes Inside grants 2 additional wraiths summoned with each cast (from 3).
- Removed the nodes which made summon wraith consume a corpse or were dependent on corpse consumption.
- Added a new node which increases your maximum number of wraiths (allowing the limit to reach 8).
- Added a new node that causes your wraiths to no longer decay, but limits you to 2 wraiths.
- Added a subsequent new node that increases wraith size, damage, and melee aoe.
- Serrated Scythes grants 20% bleed chance per point (from 5%) and can have 5 points allocated (from 4).
- Added a new node which grants wraiths increased bleed effect and bleed duration.
- Spirit Link grants wraiths +3% crit chance (from 20% more crit chance on tooltip, but no actual effect on wraiths unless a corpse was consumed with the old corpse consumption nodes).
- Dawn of the Fall grants wraiths +2% crit chance and 2% of crit damage leeched as health (from 30% more crit chance on tooltip, but no actual effect unless a corpse was consumed with the old corpse consumption nodes).
- Dusk of the Living grants wraiths +30% crit multi (from 40% crit multi on tooltip, but no actual effect unless a corpse was consumed with the old corpse consumption nodes).
- Delay the End reduces wraith health decay by 13% (from 8%).
- Wraith Feast grants 20 health on crit (from 10).
Wandering Spirits
- Base Skill Changes
- Aims: Increase the effectiveness of the skill’s base functionality and offer more build options, while reducing visual noise, reducing the power of Spectral Putrescence and making autocast less appealing. Also reduce the number of nodes with downsides, as these can often feel bad to take, even if they’re your best option.
- Wandering Sprits no longer instant cast. It has a 13 second cooldown (from 8 seconds) and costs 31 mana (from 15).
- Wandering Spirits creates spirits 19% more frequently.
- Wandering Spirits creates spirits for 5.6 seconds (from 5.2 seconds).
- All remaining spirits now fade 0.4 seconds after the end of the reveal duration.
- Spirits now last 4 seconds (from 7 seconds).
- Spirits deal 50% more damage and deal damage in a 7% larger area around the spirit.
- Skill Tree Changes
- Acolytes with Wandering Spirits specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.
- Added a new node that makes Wandering Spirits deal more damage to cursed enemies and more damage to damned enemies.
- Added a new node that changes Wandering Spirits into a channelled skill and greatly increases reveal rate.
- Fixed a bug where Familiar Souls and Drifting Spirits had no effect on reveal radius.
- Spectral Putrescence grants 30% chance to spit per second (from 40%) and requires 1 point in Poisoned Minds (from 2 points in Souls of Rage).
- Medium now grants 5% increased cast speed and +8% mana efficiency (from 10% increased cooldown duration and +20% mana efficiency) and requires 3 points in Souls of Rage (from being attached to the base node).
- Daunting Presence no longer reduces damage dealt.
- Sheltering Spirits no longer reduces reveal rate and now requires 1 point in Medium (from 2).
- Infusing Souls no longer reduces reveal rate, but now grants a 15% chance to gain 6 mana per point on spirit expiration (from granting 1 mana on spirit expiration).
- Fixed a bug where Endless Decay reduced delay between spirits by 7% rather than increasing spirit generation rate by 7% (this meant that with 5 points invested it gave 54% increased spirit generation rate rather than 35%).
- Eternal Haunt adds 1 second to the cooldown (from increasing cooldown duration by 5%), but requires 1 points in Medium (from 3).
- Haunting no longer reduces fear range.
- Lingering Souls increases duration by 10% per point (from 1 second, i.e. 14.2% increased duration) but no longer adds additional mana cost.
- Drifting Spirits grants 15% increased radius per (from 10%), but requires 3 points in Thin Veil (from 2).
- Spirit Swarm grants 10% increased cooldown recovery speed and mana cost (from 15%), but can have 4 points allocated (from 3).
- Poisoned Minds grants 12% more damage to poison enemies (from 10%).
- Tethered Existence grants 10% more damage (from 8%).
- False Courage grants 12% more damage (from 10%).
- Prey On Fear grants 16% more damage to feared enemies (from 10%).
- Soul Of Filth can have 2 points allocated (from 3).
- Souls of Rage can have 5 points allocated (from 4).
- Spirit Swarm can have 2 points allocated (from 4).
Volatile Zombie
- Giant Zombie now grants 80% more area but only 100% more health (from 60% and 300%).
- Necromantic Fervor can now only have 2 points allocated (from 3).
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Mage Skills
Unlock Order
Mana Strike is now unlocked at character level 5 (from level 6).
Teleport is now unlocked at character level 9 (from 10 points in Mage passives).
Disintegrate is now unlocked at 10 points in Mage passives (from character level 10).
black Hole
- Deals 25% more damage.
- Weakened Reality now makes Black Hole deal 30% more damage to enemies near the center, rather than apply another damage instance with its own base damage to enemies near the center.
- Added a new node that gives Disintegrate ignite chance per second equal to your chance to ignite on hit.
- Fixed Magnify saying that it gave 15% ignite chance per second when it actually gives 20%.
- Fixed Feedback saying that it gave 15% shock chance per second when it actually gives 20%.
- Fixed Temporal Entrapment saying that it gave 30% slow chance per second when it actually gives 40%.
- Now has a 25% chance to ignite on hit.
- Increased projectile speed by 20%.
- Now hits enemies more consistently and effectively has a wider hitbox against enemies than walls.
- Arcane Divergence now adds 3 mana cost (from 4).
Lightning Blast
- Reduced base damage to 21 (from 23).
- Arcing Power only adds additional chains when you directly cast lightning blast (from also adding chains when you procced lightning blast).
- Frontloaded grants a maximum of 20% more damage (from 25%).
- Clarified Frontloaded’s tooltip to show that the reduced damage per chain also scales with points allocated.
- Shattershock grants 12% more damage per point against chilled or shocked enemies (from 20%).
- Fixed a bug where damage modifiers from Meteors tree would apply twice (multiplicatively) if you had the Twinned Meteors node.
- Meteor deals 27% more damage.
- Cycle of Fire now grants 6 ward and 2 mana when you cast Fireball with Crateborn (from 0 ward and 3 mana).
- Jagged Fragments grants 60% more shrapnel damage per point (from 50%).
- Stardust grants 20% more non-fire damage per point (from 30%).
- Increased the damage of Discharging by 30%.
Static Orb
- Base Skill Changes
- Now detonates at the target location by default.
- Base damage of the projectile is 11% higher (added damage scaling has not changed).
- Base damage of the explosion is 122% higher.
- Added damage scaling of the explosion is now 200% (from 100%).
- The explosion area increases with distance travelled.
- The explosion strikes up to 5 additional targets outside the main area of effect.
- The pull is more powerful.
- Costs 38 mana (from 18).
- Adjusted projectile movement.
- Added a new skill icon.
- Characters with Static Orb specialized will receive a free respec for its tree.
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Primalist Skills
- Increased Thorn Totem, Storm Totem, and Frenzy Totem health by 20%.
- Increased Claw Totem health by 100%.
- Fixed a bug that caused Claw Totem to deal negligible damage.
- The Seismic Tide node on the Earthquake Tree (that causes it to have three expanding initial hits) now causes each initial hit to consume 16 mana (from adding 50 to mana cost).
Eterra’s Blessing
- The Eterra’s Furor node now adds a 12 second cooldown.
Fury Leap
- Changed Fury Leap’s base cooldown to 6 seconds (from 7).
- Fury Leap’s travel time scales up less drastically with distance (its travel time is 10% lower at max range).
Summon Scorpion
- Miasma now increases poison effect rather than multiplicatively increasing poison chance.
- Adjusted timing to better match its animation.
Werebear Form
The Werebear Form rework and Druid transform system overhaul were originally scheduled for 0.8.3, but are now coming in 0.8.4. These changes for 0.8.3 are minor changes mostly intended to reign in the power of Bhuladar’s Wrath Werebear and the speed of Werebear builds in general as they were much too powerful in 0.8.2 to leave untouched until the rework.
- Clarified description of the Skullcrush node to match its functionality. This node only affects swipe, charge and ravage.
- Hightail now grants 20% charge increased cooldown recovery speed per point (down from 50%). The node now also grants charge +4% added critical strike chance per point.
- Fixed a bug with Hightail that caused the increased cooldown recovery speed to be multiplicative with other sources of increased cooldown recovery speed.
Tempest Strike
- Attack speed is now converted to physical, cold, and lightning penetration at 100% of its value (from being converted to increased crit chance at twice its value).
- If your total attack speed modifier is negative, it no longer has a negative effect on Tempest Strike (it used to reduce crit chance).
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Rogue Skills
bow Attacks
- The arrows of Flurry, Multishot, Puncture, Basic Bow Attack, Ballista, Detonating Arrow, Cinder Strike’s second and third attacks, and Ballista’s Harpoon now effectively have wider hitboxes for hitting enemies compared to hitting walls. Their effective hitboxes for hitting walls are all much narrower.
- Flurry’s effective hitbox against enemies is 50% wider than before.
- Puncture’s effective hitbox against enemies is 20% wider than before.
- Basic Bow Attack’s effective hitbox against enemies is 33% wider than before.
- Detonating Arrow’s effective hitbox against enemies is 13% wider than before.
- Ballista’s Primary Bolt’s effective hitbox against enemies is 13% wider than before.
- Ballista’s Harpoon’s effective hitbox against enemies is 17% wider than before.
Acid Flask
- Fixed a bug where Acid Flask did not have a physical tag despite dealing physical damage.
- The base explosion now has a base of 12 physical damage (from 8) with 60%added damage effectiveness (from 50%).
- Firebomb c*cktail now adds 6 fire damage per point (from 3 per point).
- Ballista’s minion tags now update when taking nodes that add fire damage or convert to cold.
- Clarified that Ballista’s Frigid Barrage also converts the Flaming Shots node to cold.
Cinder Strike
- Now unlocked at character level 7 (from level 10).
- Base Skill Changes
- Decoy is currently too powerful as a crowd control skill, so its cooldown has been increased and duration has been reduced. Some compensatory buffs have been made to the tree, mostly to avoid these changes being quite so detrimental to more damage focused uses of the skill.
- Has a cooldown of 14 seconds (from 10).
- Has a duration of 2.5 seconds (from 3).
- Somewhat less effective at drawing aggro.
- Skill Tree Changes
- Explosive Charges grants 15% chance for a small explosion per point (from 10%).
- Stuffed grants +2 maximum small explosions per point (from +1).
- Excessive Explosives grants 20% more explosion damage (from 15%).
- Rewired Detonator reduces mana cost by 25% per point (from 20%) and can have 4 points allocated (from 5).
- Freezing Blast grants 50% freeze rate multiplier (from 20%).
- Kelthan Oil increases ignite frequency by 50% (from 25%).
- Boom grants 10% more final explosion damage (from 5%).
- Embedded Spikes grants 10% damage reflected (from 6%).
Detonating Arrow
- Added a new node that removes the mana cost and restores 6 mana when you hit at least one enemy, but reduces the chance to explode to 15% (from the base 100%). This is to provide more options for a low cost/generator bow attack, especially for builds that have taken nodes to turn one of the normal generator bow attacks into a high cost skill.*
- There is a 6% shorter delay between uses for the non-channelled version. The delay between individual arrows/strikes within a use has not changed.
- The bow version of the skill now has a very slight delay before the first arrow is released so that it better lines up with the animation. This delay is still a lot lower than it is for most abilities.
Hail of Arrows
- Nowhere to Hide grants a maximum damage bonus of 16% (from 20%).
- The Hunt grants 40% more duration (from 50%).
- Volley can now only have 4 points max (from 5).
- Quick Draw grants 15% less mana cost (from 12%).
- Pristine Fletcher grants 18% more damage (from 15%).
- Arsonist grants 15% more damage to ignited enemies (from 10%).
- Headshot grants 20% more damage to stunned enemies (from 15%).
- Venom Arrows grants 50% poison chance per second (from 40%).
- Death’s Imprint grants 50% shadow daggers chance per point (from 25%), but requires 2 points in Shatter (from 1)
- Added a new node that grants mana on first hit and physical penetration per maximum mana
- Scalebane now also grants 20% increased poison duration
- Timing reduces attack speed by 3% (from 4%) and can have 4 points allocated (from 3)
- Stay of Execution requires 2 points in Timing (from 1)
- Penumbral Ambush requires 2 points in Timing (from 1)
- Rogues with Puncture specialised will receive a free respec for its tree
Shadow Dagger
- Deals 10% less damage on proc
- Reduced the value of Increased Shadow Daggers Effect affixes on equipment and idols by around 10%
Shadow Cascade
- Shadow Elegance now grants 20% shadow dagger chance when Dagger Dance is used by a shadow (from 100%, no change to non-shadow uses).
- Porcupine’s Wrath grants 90% more damage (from 75%)
- Hurricane of Blades costs 50 mana per second (from 60)
- Daggers from Dagger Dance have 24 base damage (from 16) and 120% added damage effectiveness (from 100%)
Smoke Bomb
- Knives in the Dark grants 35% shadow daggers chance on slow (from 100%), but can have 2 points allocated (from 1)
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