almost 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

One of the defining features of Last Epoch is its skill system.

As part of our work to raise the standard of the game across the board, we have been reworking existing specialization trees in cases where we felt they were not as interesting, as fleshed-out, or offering as many options as some of our newer specialization trees. One of the most recent examples of this is Patch 0.7.7’s redesign of Lightning Blast’s tree.

We have identified five skills with specialization trees we would like to replace. Today we’re posting a poll so you can choose which of these you would like to help us design! The winner of the poll will be opened up to community suggestions like we’ve done in the past, including the likes of Aura of Decay, Shatter Strike, and Summon Scorpion.

  • Lunge
  • Rebuke
  • Summon Bear
  • Summon Storm Totem
  • Tornado

0 voters

We’ll post an update one week prior to the poll being closed.

almost 5 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

I’m excited to go back to Tornado. It was our 7th skill tree that we added to the game and while it’s had some revamping over the years, it’s never really had a full on rework I don’t think.

almost 5 years ago - Mike_Weicker - Direct link

It’s more about which one will happen first. The others might get slower changes over a longer period of time. We are trying to select one to hit hard with community involvement now.

almost 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link


One week left of voting left. After the poll has been brought to an end, we’ll post a new thread where suggestions for nodes can be posted. Then we’ll begin redesigning the tree internally and QAing the additions & changes. The tree redesign will likely come in Patch 0.7.10.