about 1 year ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

Server Status

We’re still working on server stability and will continue to update our server status thread here: 1.0 Server Status Thread

Server issues continue to be our highest priority and we have assigned all possible resources to resolve the server issues.These fixes come from our other teams who’s skill sets do not apply to server issues such as the art and design teams, working in tandem

Bug Fixes

  • Added failsafe when skipping speaking to Keeper Balthas, the quest does not work in the next area
  • Added failsafe for if you leave after the Drake event but before speaking with the Keeper Guard.
  • Fixed a bug where Gathering Storm’s Rending Vortex did not affect Storm Bolt
  • Fixed a bug where Healing Hands Skyfall was not working in online
  • Fixed extra idols and set pieces from CoF rank rewards not being tagged as CoF items
  • Fixed bug where no matter what the player has equipped in their weapon slot, the text in the “my stall” section of the bazaar always reads as “equipped two-handed sword” regardless of what the player actually has equipped.
  • Fixed a bug where Flurry was aiming upwards if you were standing extremely close to the enemy
  • Fixed a bug where abilities cast indirectly by Surge’s skill tree did not require positive mana to trigger
  • Fixed bug when returning to character select, the echo loading UI would break and stay broken for the remainder of the session
  • Fixed bug where the monolith transition VFX/SFX was played when entering the game offline.
  • Fixed a bug where Avian Arsenal did not work when Falconer’s Mark was consumed by a spell, bow, or throwing ability
  • Removed gate that was preventing movement from The Fractured Drain to The Barren Aqueduct
  • Fixed bug where Glacial Path Portal was missing
  • Fixed timing of Drake sequence where voice lines were playing over top of each other
  • Fixed an issue where the player could see the Drake model appear in an inactive state just before the sequence starts
  • Fixed bug where “sure you have questions” line from Balthus would not play just before the bridge on the players’ first play through the scene
  • Texture Fixes:
    • Black Wolf
    • Scalebane Leader
    • Soul Warden Sarcophagus closing
    • Haruspex Orian Model
    • Temple Guardian
    • Temple Guardian Mace
    • Bug Textures
    • Soul Bastion Icon
    • Torment Wheel Layer Correction
    • Uma NPC
    • Enemy Texture adjustments
    • Sentinel T15 armor set
  • Fixed bug were Bow item Prophecies were resulting in no items dropping
  • Fixed an issue where there were no prophecies when first interacting with telescope
  • Fixed a bug where Artem can fail some part of the quest return interaction process and drop his item while not completing the quest.
  • Fixed a bug where keys could be removed during dungeon run starting.
  • Fixed a bug where a random wall was being shown in The Lotus Halls


  • Increased Online Character Slots to 25
  • Advent of the Erased’s ward gained when you gain or refresh Haste now has a 1 second cooldown (previously none), but now gives 30-60 ward (from 15-35)
  • Optimized shadows in Last Refuge Outskirts, The Ruins of Welryn, and The Summit
  • Disabled refer a friend in social panel (for more information - See An Update to the Refer A Friend Program)
  • Made adjustments to the Emperor of Corpses’s collision to make it easier for melee to get near it and to hit it with melee attacks
  • Updated logs to show death logs on client

This does require a game update which you will see available on Steam. If you don’t please restart Steam.

about 1 year ago - Cocomajobo - Direct link

The texture changes are not typically something we would target for a pre-weekend hotfix and would normally be targeted for a planned larger bugfix patch (like the one we are working on for next week). We only included them in this hotfix because one of the changes in with those texture changes was required for the Balthas quest failsafe which we really wanted to get out before the weekend.

My point is: The texture changes were in no way part of the decision making as to whether the disruption of a hotfix deployment was necessary.

about 1 year ago - Cocomajobo - Direct link

There was an issue found with the other left click options close to launch. Essentially, players could get in a state where they couldn’t click on to interact with anything in the world. Because of how core the system is, a potential fix that we have in the works was deemed to risky to try and rush out for launch so we needed to temporarily disable the feature.

Point is: It’s being worked on and intended to be reenabled when we feel confident in it.